High score record-keeping site Twin Galaxies has removed all of Billy Mitchell's rankings from its database and banned him from competition following accusations of wrong-doing relating to the classic Nintendo title Donkey Kong.
Earlier this year, Mitchell's scores were called into doubt by Donkey Kong Forum moderator and scoreboard maintainer Jeremy "Xelnia" Young, who claimed video evidence suggests that three 1,000,000+ point scores submitted by Mitchell were achieved under emulation rather than original arcade hardware.
Mitchell quickly refuted these claims, claiming that the tape he submitted had somehow been swapped. Young responded by stating that Mitchell's claim "does not make sense".
It would seem that Twin Galaxies - which launched its own investigation following these accusations - agrees with Young. It has issued a statement on the matter, broadcasting its belief that Mitchell did not use original arcade hardware to achieve his scores:
With this ruling Twin Galaxies can no longer recognize Billy Mitchell as the first million point "Donkey Kong" record holder. According to our findings, Steve Wiebe would be the official 1st million point record holder.
Mitchell and Wiebe's epic battle was made world famous by the movie King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (a movie the former claims not to have seen, even to this day), but Mitchell had achieved fame as a high score-chaser in the '80s, during gaming's first golden era. His other scores were achieved on games like Pac-Man, BurgerTime and Centipede. He also claims to be the first person to discover Donkey Kong's infamous "kill screen".
Here's the complete (and wordy) statement in full:
Based on the complete body of evidence presented in this official dispute thread, Twin Galaxies administrative staff has unanimously decided to remove all of Billy Mitchell’s’ scores as well as ban him from participating in our competitive leaderboards.
We have notified Guinness World Records of our decision.
On 02-02-2018 Twin Galaxies member Jeremey Young ( @xelnia ) filed a dispute claim assertion against the validity of Billy Mitchell’s historical and current original arcade”Donkey Kong” score performances of 1,047,200 (the King of Kong “tape”), 1,050,200 (the Mortgage Brokers score), and 1,062,800 (the Boomers score) on the technical basis of a demonstrated impossibility of original unmodified “Donkey Kong” arcade hardware to produce specific board transition images shown in the videotaped recordings of those adjudicated performances.
Jeremy’s assertion concluded that not only can original “Donkey Kong” arcade hardware not produce the board transition images shown in the recordings, but that these transitions were actually generated through the use of MAME (emulation software.)
The rules for submitting scores for the original arcade “Donkey Kong” competitive leaderboards requires the use of original arcade hardware only. The use of MAME or any other emulation software for submission to these leaderboards is strictly forbidden.
Jeremy Young provided his dispute case evidence to the dispute thread for both public and Twin Galaxies scrutiny and review.
Twin Galaxies has meticulously tested and investigated the dispute case assertions as well as a number of relevant contingent factors, such as the veracity of the actual video performances that the dispute claim assertions rely upon.
In addition to Twin Galaxies’ own investigation into the dispute case assertions, at least two different 3rd parties conducted their own explorations and came to identical conclusions.
Most notable was the 3rd party (Carlos Pinerio) that Billy Mitchell engaged to help examine the dispute case claims on his behalf, utilizing whatever original equipment Billy could provide, whose final finding was consistent with Twin Galaxies investigation and others.
Additionally, during the evidence gathering period of this dispute, numerous experts, hobbyists, and casual observers participated and contributed to this investigation.
Here are our specific findings:
– The taped “Donkey Kong” score performances of 1,047,200 (the King of Kong “tape”), 1,050,200 (the Mortgage Brokers score) that were historically used by Twin Galaxies to substantiate those scores and place them in the database were not produced by the direct feed output of an original unmodified Donkey Kong Arcade PCB.
– The 1,062,800 (the Boomers score) “Donkey Kong” performance does not have enough of a body of direct evidence for Twin Galaxies to feel comfortable to make a definitive determination on at this time.
– The 1047 and 1050 score performance videos we have in our possession (and are basing our determinations on) are in fact the performances that were used by previous Twin Galaxies administration as justification for those scores to be entered into the database and for Twin Galaxies to attribute those specific accomplishments to Billy Mitchell. We have several different and unique sources of these performances and access to private historical Twin Galaxies referee e-mail distribution records showing where these sources acquired their copies and what the purpose was.
– Of significant note is that it is very straightforward for anyone to check the authenticity of the 1047 performance source tape by just cross-referencing the digital capture video of the performance that has been posted in this dispute thread with the very public “King of Kong” movie gameplay footage along with its DVD extras.
– While we know for certain that an unmodified original DK arcade PCB did not output the display seen in the videotaped score performances, we cannot definitively conclude that what is on the tapes is MAME.
– To definitively conclude that MAME was used, Twin Galaxies would need to comprehensively rule out the possibility of all other methods that could produce what is seen on the tapes. This would mean testing all other emulators other than MAME across all other platforms to eliminate the possibility that a different emu was used. It would also mean testing visual effects software and anything else we can think of to be definitively certain. This kind of testing is beyond the scope of the dispute case needs.From a Twin Galaxies viewpoint, the only important thing to know is whether or not the score performances are from an unmodified original DK arcade PCB as per the competitive rules. We now believe that they are not from an original unmodified DK arcade PCB, and so our investigation of the tape content ends with that conclusion and assertion.
Twin Galaxies has endeavored to provide a fair opportunity and reasonable amount of time for all sides and interests to present their thoughts and evidence as it has evaluated this dispute claim.
Twin Galaxies has also investigated this matter as comprehensively as reasonably possible to make sure that its findings are as informed as possible.
Throughout every step of this investigation, Billy Mitchell had the opportunity to answer questions and contribute to the public dispute thread. However, he was under no obligation to participate in this dispute thread and as such he chose not to do so.
Twin Galaxies is only looking at the dispute claim assertions about score performances and either validating or refuting those claims specifically – it is not evaluating people.
Twin Galaxies would like to give a huge thank you to all involved in this dispute from all sides. Our community, the DKF community, @xelnia and @YesAffinity specifically and many many others have contributed tremendously and deserve proper and full recognition.
Hopefully it is becoming more and more obvious that we care very much about our scoreboard integrity and will continue to improve it step-by-step, no matter how painful or public it might occasionally be.
This has been said before, but it is important to repeat that Twin Galaxies is dedicated to absolutely rooting out invalid scores from our historic database wherever we find them.
Twin Galaxies’ recent efforts to build a dispute system for the purpose of allowing scores to be questioned in a centralized and documented manner have enabled all of the available evidence regarding Billy Mitchell’s score performances to finally, after many years, be concentrated, examined and discussed by non-anonymous members of the gaming community and Twin Galaxies administration. This system has created a permanent body of evidence for examination.
Anyone looking into their own past with honesty and a desire to improve will likely find things potentially messy and uncomfortable. Twin Galaxies has experienced a nice big dose of that again with this dispute. However, Twin Galaxies understands that this is required for it to continue its commitment to accuracy. As we all have learned, this cannot occur overnight and must be a step-by-step process.
Just as in other disputes, we definitely know that many in the gaming community operate with a general urgency and would have preferred to see this matter resolved more swiftly.
However, Twin Galaxies, as part of a comprehensive process and in its position of authority, must ensure due diligence. Our public documentation of our processes and conclusions are intended to satisfy scrutiny for the long term, so in instances where warranted our comprehensiveness must go above and beyond what would normally satisfy.
Our methodic approach has allowed many things to surface, not only related to this specific score, but other scores as well as some previously never-before-discussed video game related history.
We must repeat, the truth is the priority. That is the concern. Whatever it takes.
Twin Galaxies continues to strive to earn and maintain trust over time by making supportable decisions and taking sensible actions.
With this ruling Twin Galaxies can no longer recognize Billy Mitchell as the 1st million point “Donkey Kong” record holder. According to our findings, Steve Wiebe would be the official 1st million point record holder.
Thanks again to all who contributed time, effort and expertise to this case.
What do you make of this whole, sorry episode? Let us know with a comment.
[source variety.com]
Comments 56
Guess it's official then? Part of me wants to say 'whatever' but I know how much it sucks to work hard to get a score in a game and have some cheater steal your glory.
This is pretty dang hilarious. All Hail Steve.
Imagine going all this time as number two and suddenly being able to say you’re number one.
.. my whole life has been a lie.
@Nintendoforlife Luigi says hi.
What if I told you Billy Mitchell has never played Donkey Kong in his life
Butthurt: The Movie (feat. Billy Mitchell)
@Nintendoforlife first to a million and former number one. Neither him nor Billy’s scores are currently even in the top 10 so Steve’s not the current number 1 by a wide margin. This fixes up the history but doesn’t have a big impact on the current ladder.
I cannot wait till three years from now Steve will be outed by someone else in IT of the game or something.
I dunno, I just suspect it after the least 10 or so years "truth" breaks out and we all hop on another, just more believable lie.
@Paraka Steve has done a lot of scores in public-- his skill in the game is pretty well documented. He got the highest score ever achieved in public (987000 I think?) back during King of Kong at Funspot. That has probably been supplanted but it stands to reason that he's not fudging the scores.
awe this is awesome! i bet this news tastes even better with some HOT SAUCE!
I smell another documentary...
I'm always glad to see liars and cheaters annihilated, and doubly so when they're as obnoxious as Mitchell, but I also have to laugh at the absurd amount of time and resources and overall litigatory seriousness of all these investigations and pronouncements over what is ultimately some guys score in a video game from years ago.
@sauce - Be that as it may, we've seen that used for politicians, entertainers, and even chefs. Eventually all get debunked.
Not saying Steve is one, but after debacle and debacle of seemingly believable stuff, it just simply wouldn't surprise me.
Congrats Steve!!! ... Billy is a [removed]
Nomatter how crooked, Mitchell was an institution. Sad that he him disappear from the picture.
I don’t know, Billy seems like such an honest, genuine guy, this seems totally out of character.
I'm honestly just happy Steve Weibe is getting the recognition he deserves. He was obviously the better player than Billy
@Kalmaro All life experiences can be found in Mario games clearly.
@Smigit Well I assumed someone has gotten a higher score since then, but I was referring to the first to break a million record specifically. Which he was second to do, but now is first.
What a bizarre story... I didn't know any of the history of this but the stand out thing... There is a movie about his story and he claims to never have watched it????
( & He didn't dispute this claim in fact...)
yet clearly has dedicated huge chunks of his life to this...
something is fishy...
No wonder Peggy wont let him in her pub...
Reading through this, I still don't like to see a ruling based on 'belief', rather than fact (yes there are tapes, but I don't see a 100% factual thing). Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. In the end, does it really matter?
@AcridSkull I always knew he had a dark secret... he is a mug... The Vic was better when he was barred.. place has gone right down hill.
King of Kong 2 anyone?
@jimbobolowskie Awesome sauce?
Haaaaaaaaaaa unlucky
Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys says, "gree-ee-easy"
Wow. I read this article this morning and was honestly confounded how anyone could care so much about this. And that LENGTHY statement made by Twin Galaxies... I was laughing because I couldn’t believe anyone would make such a big deal of this.
Then I watched that King of Kong doc... HOW MY VIEWS HAVE CHANGED. It feels like a true vindication for Wiebe. Even back in 2006 when that doc was made, it seemed like everyone knew Billy was a cheat... not sure why it took so long for this to come to an official head with Twin Galaxies.
By the end of that doc you could tell Walter Day was pulling for Wiebe. Day seemed like an upstanding guy. Hope Mitchell’s legacy goes down in the trash. I mean, I feel for the guy because it’s tough to lose your spot on top and lose the spotlight, but you gotta accept it when it happens for real and the way he conducted himself was so freaking sleazy. Must not have a lot of happiness going on in his life if he feels the need to act in such a despicable way just to stay on top (I mean back then, he probably hasn’t been on top for a while). So there needs to be some understanding there, but.... GO WIEBE.
Well as long as site like this one glorified hacking, emulation etc. using emulators for stuff like this and piracy will be looked upon as ok. Yet another reason that maybe the staff here should follow their own rules.
Once again Twin Galaxies pooped a load. I am not defending Billy here, nor do I know him personally but this was just to save face. Billy was entrenched in the Twin Galaxies business and that has been documented. The source of his score is truly debatable. Is it MAME? Who knows but they are wrong about the characteristics of DKB's They do have issues and they can have this problem. Billy certainly may have cheated but the evidence was slim and Twin Galaxies is just trying to head off drama coming their way. They were incompetent back in the early 80's and seem to still be today.
Mind is getting blown here. There are some allegations that the whole King of Kong was setup.... maybe this breaking news is just more fake drama?
If Mitchell and Wiebe were in on it together, then they likely planned that whole tape score thing and thus were in on the emulation aspect of it, as well. Seems kind of insincere if they were in cahootze for only Micthell to go down without the whole truth being told. Who knows what the heck is real anymore, I guess.
Jeez this has been running for years. There'll be a public enquiry next.
t est
Can anyone explain to me how playing on MAME makes playing Donkey Kong easier? Is there really a substantial difference to the skill level it takes to get a million points on MAME compared to a real board? Does it make a decent player excellent?
@VinylCreep Playing on MAME in an of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing nor does it automatically make the game easier. However, the problem is Billy was submitting scores for the original arcade version of the game. When you play on an arcade machine there are no pauses, no breaks, and no way to cheat on your score. You must stand there and grind away
When you play via MAME you can pause the game to regroup, use save states in case you lose a life or have a bad round, and input cheat codes that could make the game easier. In the case of Billy it looks an awful like he was not playing a continuous game and was instead using save states on each map in an effort to max his score out.
You could easily play a legit straight up game via MAME but it stands to reason that any person playing an emulated version of the game who claims to be playing on an actual arcade board and doesn't have video to back up that he played a continuous game w/o ever pausing or using save states is very likely cheating.
@kentatm Thanks! All scenarios I didn't consider.
@VinylCreep I think part of the problem is that if your claim to a score is found to be done on an emulated machine, there's no way to know if you somehow altered the emulation software to your advantage.
If there is to be legitimate competition, there has to be some way to ensure everyone can compete fairly (otherwise, what's the point?). As long as there is a reason to win a competition, there is a reason for someone to lie/cheat in order to make that win feasible for themselves, even if they might be otherwise trustworthy. The logical consequence of ensuring fair competition is that we can trust no one.
The only valid scores, in my mind, should be ones performed on hardware inspected by a neutral party and in the presence of tons of people... even then, there are ways to cheat, though. I suppose nothing can be completely fool(cheater)-proof.
IIRC Twin Galaxies has separate boards for emulated or otherwise ported versions of games. Billy could've been truthful from the beginning, and maybe placed at the tops of those boards, but instead he lied and tried to keep that lie up for decades.
Guy needs to get disbarred imo. Kick him and his cronies of the TG board, rebuild, and start fresh.
I agree. It's a witchhunt to try and make TG look important again. If Billy cheated and all those records were validated then it gives me 0 confidence that anything in their database were correct. Also not sure why they'd ban his confirmed live performances. But I guess they make their own rules now and aren't really concerned with truth after all.
And in the end, Steve is victorious.
I don't hate on Billy as much as many others do, but i can't say that this come-uppance isn't somewhat delicious.
Steve Wiebe is my AP Calculus BC teacher. Great guy, good teacher. Glad that Billy Mitchel that lying, cheating, scum of a guy finally got what he deserved.
True justice.
What I got out of this was this:
Do they know Billy Mitchell used MAME for his scores as has been reported? No.
Do they know that Billy used something/anything OTHER than an actual arcade cabinet to get his scores? Yes.
Does this violate the rules for Twin Galaxies score submissions/records? Again...YES.
So therefore...whether it was MAME games or doodling on his grandmother's table top...Billy Mitchell did NOT follow the rules for gaining his high scores in Donkey Kong...which therefore revokes his record holder status. As Twin Galaxies says above...its not that they know HOW he was doing it...but just that they DO know for a fact that he wasn't doing it the way he was SUPPOSED to do so. So therefore I'd have to stand being Twin Galaxies in removing Mitchell from record sheets.
Billy Mitchell is a cheat but he makes the story an epic one and is the perfect villain, glad Wiebe gets the recognition he deserved though, for me a happy ending to a great story.
@Deanster101 The only thing Billy was missing was a catchy villain song.
What are you talking about? It makes a huge difference. It makes him the first to officially reach the 1.000.000+ mark.
You might as well say "What's the point of Diego Maradona? He's no longer the best footballer".
@NaviAndMii It's true if i believe it!
@FinalFrog Twin Galaxies has new ownership as of 2014. I think they've been trying to clean house of all the previous regime's sins for awhile.
@Nintendoforlife Mario is a way of life
Props to Wiebe.
The virgins at Twin Galaxies need to get laid.
The movie.
It’s entertainment.
Underdog Tale Vs. Top dog.
Billy is a successful, down to earth guy with mad classic arcade skills, who gives sound advice to boot.
I met him once at Target on Deerfield Beach and he’s not a villain.
Steve and Billy are probably buddies off screen by now and this is a PR stunt for an upcoming event.
Watching Borg VS. McEnroe this weekend 🏆
@Nintendoforlife it be interesting to get Wiebes thoughts in the matter. Billy Mitchell’s original 1 million+ score was before MAME existed. It’s been invalidated due to the issues with later scores, but they didn’t prove the one set much much earlier was also faked. That and Wiebe was never out to be the first to a million given there was decades between the scores.
Would love to hear his take, whether he considers himself the first or still considers himself number 2 regardless of what the record book may say.
Y'know, the biggest cheater in my neighborhood beat me at Goldeneye by screen-looking 12 times. The biggest cheater in the state won a friendly smash tournament by giving his buddies broken controllers, but you don't know his name, do you? But it's Chad Leonard. Billy Mitchell though, everybody knows his name. He cheated in Donkey Kong to get the first high-score over a million points. So there's a level of difference between people, and that translates to some games.
@sauce ahahahah I had quite a good laugh. Thank you. Using his own words...
Seems a pretty measured response, as expected.
King of Kong 2, the Pauline chronicles. Put away your protractors!
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