The tease was indeed true; the million-selling Football Manager series is coming to Switch - in fact, it launches today on the eShop.
Publisher Sega has confirmed the news, as well as revealing that Football Manager Touch 2018 has been jointly developed by Sports Interactive and Hardlight. The game has a unique interface which uses the touchscreen or the Joy-Con, and even includes the 3D engine for match action.
Here's the PR:
Sports Interactive and SEGA® Europe are delighted to announce a major landmark in the history of the Football Manager series, the immediate release of Football Manager Touch 2018 on the Nintendo Switch™ as a digital download from the Nintendo eShop.
Football Manager is the most realistic, in-depth and immersive football management simulation in the world. Putting you in the hot seat of any club in more than 50 countries across the world, Football Manager allows you to take on the role of a real-life gaffer: you decide who plays and who sits on the bench, and you’re in total control of tactics, team talks, substitutions and pitch-side instructions.
FM Touch has been fully optimised for the Switch with a bespoke user interface and a customised control system that takes full advantage of the system’s various controller input options, including support for both the touchscreen and Joy-Con™ controllers. This gives fans a unique Football Manager experience that can be played on the move or docked at home and enjoyed on the big screen.
In addition, FM Touch on Switch will offer a fully-fledged single-player experience including the series’ acclaimed 3D Match Engine – the first time that the 3D engine has been playable on a home console.
“This is a milestone release for Football Manager,” says Sports Interactive’s Studio Director, Miles Jacobson. “This is our first console release in a number of years but it is also our most innovative release of Football Manager Touch to date thanks to the various control methods we’ve included that gives everyone a way of playing Football Manager that suits them.”
Football Manager Touch 2018 for Switch has been co-developed by Sports Interactive and sister game development studio Hardlight (the team behind Sonic Dash and Sonic Jump).
“It’s been a huge technical achievement to bring Football Manager to the Switch but, as a studio, we’ve embraced the unique design opportunities that the console offers,” adds Jacobson. “Thanks to the support we’ve had from Hardlight throughout the development process we’ve been able to create a Football Manager experience that is just as immersive and enjoyable whether you’re managing on the move during your commute or playing it on your TV.”
Are you ready to lose your life to Football Manager all over again?
Comments 122
Well that was both unexpected! Who'd guess it would be released today? I wonder if it is good?
Goodbye sweet life...
Can some remind me of that ubiquitous footy game which had a bloke on the cover with a mustache (not Mario ).
Spectrum and commodore days fo he Brit readers here....
Wow, now that's a great surprise. Any idea on the price? Going to buy it when I get home
I'll wait for the reviews to see if it's a proper footie sim.
@OorWullie - 35 euro apparently
@OorWullie Just checked the eShop (UK) and it's listed at £29.99
EDIT: Dammit - Ninja'd by 5 seconds! Haha!
@KIRO That'll be the original Football Manager
Man, soccer is so meh
Farewell sun, farewell life. Bucket and camping stove set up. Away we go
@NaviAndMii how much???????
@OorWullie loved playing that on my spectrum 48k
@NaviAndMii @elhozzo Cheers, not too bad I suppose. From what I've read the Touch version is practically the full experience minus the boring stuff. Perfect game for the Switch.
I've just pulled the trigger on this, had 5 quid in points. Please don't let it stuck. I can remember losing days to this as a teenager
@OorWullie good work sir!
@bezerker99 ....yet it's a non-stop dynamic sport compared to almost every other sport.
@javman05 I'm not sure if we'll ever see this in NA or not, but can you please report back after you get a good game session in.
I can't see this being worth 30 dollars. It's 8.99 on the App store, and while it may have in-app purchases, I still see it being a better investment on mobile. I'm personally not going to pick it up, but if that's your cup of tea, go ahead.
Also, for all I know I could be wrong about it not being worth 30 dollars. Just let me know if there is an error with this post!
@Mashy_ "I'm personally not going to pick it up, but if that's your cup of tea, go ahead."
Thanks for your permission.
That's awesome! But why not the full version?
Anyway, I got FM18 on Steam already, but I'll definitely buy this one as well. It's just a shame that I can't use the free FM Touch key that came with it on my Switch.
@YummyHappyPills It's actually more than that. It's a trimmed down version, sure, but it's still a fully-fledged game that is also available on Windows.
However, there is also FM18 mobile and that is a real mobile game. If they had ported that to the Switch, I certainly wouldn't buy it. ^^
Any word if it is U.S. bound?
@Mr_Pepperami Yeah, compares to £21.99 on Steam - so a bit on the pricey side...but my heart is telling me that having Football Manager on Switch will, in some way, 'complete my life' - so I'm all in!
@OorWullie Yeah, it's essentially the same as the 'full fat' game, just with some of the 'fluff' taken out (ie. no press conferences, limited player interactions etc) - so a heavier focus on the matchday experience and a bit lighter on some of the OTT micro-managing elements.
I've only ever played the 'full' PC versions of the game (and I tend to only buy every other release - eg. FM13, FM15, FM17) ..but I've often wondered whether a slightly stripped-back version could be a bit more 'fun' - press conferences seem to get a little bit repetitive after a while and some of the most-micro-of-micro-management elements can feel like a bit of a chore sometimes - which means that, usually, it'd probably take me a full couple of months just to get a season done, making the 'full' game feel like a bit of a grind sometimes (..still love it! - but I sometimes wonder whether I loved some of the older, lighter games more)
FM Touch, from what I've seen, seems like it takes out just enough to make the whole game feel a bit more 'snappy' - whilst retaining all of the 'key' elements that give the game its depth...and, all-in-all, it seems to strike a really nice balance
@Damo If one of you is doing a review for this game - make sure someone keeps an eye on them...there's a very real risk that they'll get sucked in to a 'Football Manager rabbit hole' which, without outside intervention, could be near impossible to escape from!
@pjzelda It doesn't appear to be on the US eShop (yet?) unfortunately
I'm not buying this only to be fired next season!
@NaviAndMii Don't forget life is a game of 2 halves. Work & FM.
@YummyHappyPills please do some research. This is not a modified mobile game. It's a slightly modified version of the full fat game.
@javman05 if you fancy giving a brief review after a few hours that would be awesome. The quick and sudden release worries me.... for this price I wanna know it’s good.... I don’t need another wwe 2k18 situation
@Mashy_ the game on the app store is the mobile version
@YummyHappyPills my god! Is that really your argument. FM hasn't been released on consoles because the developers have always said it's not a game suited for long periods in front of a TV.
They choose not to release on consoles. Also why don't you actually go and read a review of football Manager, FM touch and FM mobile.
Lastly you actually said the developers of FM touch are Sega Mobile lol
Well at least that confirms that you have no idea what you are talking about
@dkxcalibur will do sir
@YummyHappyPills FM Touch also releases on Steam every year too. It's less a mobile game, more a streamlined version of the main game. I think there's a mobile version but it plays more like the old Championship manager games from the early 00s. This has the match engine and is meatier than the mobile game.
Here is a video of FM touch guys. Nothing like the mobile version
@Stocksy @Mashy_ think the app store Bryson I'll let you know sir
@YummyHappyPills The game is made by Sports Interactive...
SEGA publish it (and lend a hand with some technical support here and there) - but FM Touch is essentially the 'full' Football Manager experience, just with some of the (kind of tiresome) in-game chores stripped out.
FM Mobile (a separate version, not coming to Switch) is quite 'bare bones' - but FM Touch is a 'proper' Football Manager game.
Alright bollocks to this crap.
Whatever happened to polite corrections, or seeing someone already corrected me lets not ram it home?
@Mashy_ This is not the mobile game. If you've played FM Touch and FM mobile you'd know how different they are. Can anyone confirm whether the game has microtransactions like the steam version?
hmm. i must have been watching it wrong. 'dynamic' isn't a word i'd use.
@KIRO Do you mean Sensible Soccer? That game was the business back in the day
@KIRO it was indeed called football manager. Kevin Tom's football manager!
@YummyHappyPills apologies if response came across bit harsh dude
The Touch version is much much better nowadays
the full version is filled with unnecesary stuff, this is great, will get it
@YummyHappyPills Harsh...
As a lifelong fan of the series, I was just letting you know - Sports Interactive develop the games, SEGA publish the games...SI develop all 3 versions of the game in-house (Full, Touch, Mobile) - SEGA don't interfere with development, but provide support as and when needed.
'Full' is the full game
'Touch' is slightly stripped back
'Mobile' is bare-bones
SI are extremely protective of their game - and even turned down more lucrative publishing offers in order to work with SEGA, who promised a more 'hands off' approach.
FM Mobile has always been a bit of a 'bare bones' experience - but Touch (Switch version) is pretty much 95% of the 'full' game, with only the most mundane elements taken out (to make it a bit snappier to play)
(EDIT: Sorry anyway, I wasn't meaning to sound like I was 'ramming home the point' earlier - I'm obviously quite a slow typer, so people keep Ninja'ing me! ..the above is more just to reassure anyone who doesn't know - them having effectively 3 different versions of the same game floating about is more than a little confusing!)
@Monkeyofthefunk Haha! A game of two halves - now with added 'Extra Time' (bus, couch, loo, bed, waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-just-to-tweak-a-tactic - hybrid baby! )
If this doesn't hit the US shop soon, I'm using my EU account.
It's ridiculously expensive for a download-only game. AU$55?! Forget it. I would happily pay that much for a physical release, but for a download-only release that is likely to have new instalments on an annual basis? Even at half price I feel it's too expensive for a digital-only console-locked game.
Release this (or perhap the 2019 edition) at retail and then we'll talk.
@chriscare I was thinking the same. Really odd time to release this. Maybe should have just waited for the summer transfers and released a 2019 version. Full price at this stage of the season is strange. Unless they plan on an update but let’s face it they usually would just release another one
Anybody confused about how it performs etc. watch the FM Show which explains a few details. It's essential! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev8gIy_AalA&t=29s`
I think this is a big deal to people that care.
@sword_9mm it’s the most popular sport in the world.
Man oh man. I really didn't need another incredibly addictive time sink right now, but them's the breaks.
from what i understand it's because it's dirt cheap to play. 1 ball and some guys in a field.
and 'popularity' doesn't mean something is good. the wii was a thing remember.
@sword_9mm Oh maybe it's because, you know, people enjoy it. But hey, whatever you want to keep telling yourself. ☺️
I wish the US would get baseball or American football manager. I think I would sink 100's of hours into those, however I just don't know enough about football (soccer) to make this a viable purchase. I hope it is great for you all who get it though!
@sword_9mm haha I think it being ‘accessible’ is the polite way to put it!
Bearing in mind I've only played psp or pc twenty years ago it plays well to me, runs fine. There's a lot to take in and could maybe do with a tutorial to work round the menus but I'll spend the night working it out
What? It's out now?
Ok, well, have a nice summer everyone, I'll see you in a few months.
Championship Manager was like gaming crack to me as a kid back on the Amiga. Once the brand changed to Football Manager I had become a man and had to choose - life or Football Manager? Life won that day and here now, many years later, with wife and kids in-tow. I must choose again... This time, the Switch factor may swing it 😉
@javman05 I had the 128k but I never actually played Football Manager for some reason even though I loved management games. World Soccer League and Tracksuit Manager were the 2 I obsessed over as a kid. I'd come home from primary school and stare at stat screens all evening and absolutely love it. Footballer do the Year was another, although that was a bit lite on the management side and you got to play part of the match. Rockstar Ate my Hamster was another management game I loved although nothing to do with football haha
@Dayton311 SEGA also publish a PC game with quite a similar premise called 'Motorsport Manager' where, instead of managing a football (soccer) team, it's an F1 team instead.
It's not officially licensed - so, unlike Football Manager, doesn't involve real world people or teams - and unfortunately it doesn't feature any motorsport disciplines aside from F1 (ie. NASCAR, rally, touring etc) ..but the game itself still looks like quite a lot of fun - and a similarly addictive experience!
If you have a half-decent PC, it might be worth a look?
(..or, if FM proves to be successful, perhaps SEGA might drop MM on Switch as well? **fingers crossed!**)
@Lroy I'm buying it in the next few hours. Absolutely loving this announcement. For gamers like us, the Switch really is just the ultimate isn't it. All we need is SEGA and Capcom Arcade classics to start coming and we're jamming.
@OorWullie I'll probably pick it up tomorrow - but I'd love to hear your initial impressions later on this evening if you have the time
@Mr_Pepperami Yep, I'd have felt more confident about them updating squads if it had just been called Football Manger Touch - Switch Edition. If it sells really well, it's inevitable 19 will be come out for the start of the new season. From what I've read though, other than squad updates the game has had very few changes over the last few years. So I'll happily skip 19 and just manually update squads, if that's actually possible.
@OorWullie oh man loved footballer of the year, the hours I put into that was incredible. Highly recommend FM on switch, I'm two hours so far and loving it
This is great news, I love the series (on PC)
I want to buy it, but can't find any info on how it will work on Switch. It says it uses Joy Con, but how? Pointing to the tablet?
It'd be nice to not depend on the touch controls, is there a compatible pen for Switch?
@NaviAndMii I've been round at my mates since last night and not had much sleep so it'll likely be far too much for me to take in tonight. If I manage to sign my contract I'll be doing well. I'll be digging right into it when I get up tomorrow though. I'll let you know my early impressions.
I may as well divorce my wife now then.
@javman05 Cheers good to know. Can't wait to get stuck into it.
Is it just me or does releasing a game the same day you announce it not seem like good business sense?
Yes! This sounds awesome!
@Lroy That is precisely my position. Job, wife, children, sleep, food, sanity - all those go by the wayside in the midst of a Championship Manager/Football Manager binge. I haven't picked one up since the Mobile version about five years ago, and even that diet version was a time sink. I don't trust myself with FM... Also, the fact that the season is almost over as well makes this release not for me. When FM 2019 comes out, there will be an internal struggle...
@Animaker9 It does indeed have the Mexican League, the First Division and Promotion League .You can find the full list of leagues here.
@OorWullie Haha! I feel you! ..look forward to hearing your thoughts once you've been able to have a proper sit-down with it
"From what I've read though, other than squad updates the game has had very few changes over the last few years. So I'll happily skip 19 and just manually update squads, if that's actually possible."
Yeah, that's essentially why I only tend to buy it every other year - when you start a new save, you usually begin right in the middle of a transfer window, so the squads get messed up pretty quickly anyway!
I don't think that FM Touch comes with an Editor like the full version (on iOS/Steam/Android at least) so manually altering the squads won't be possible, unfortunately...which is a shame - I usually like to edit a couple of my favourite 'wonderkids' to play for my beloved Ipswich Town before I get started - to save me from getting the dreaded 'my client isn't interested in signing for your low-quality football team' message when I attempt to sign them in-game! ..and having the option to start afresh in the autumn having manually edited some of the major 'real world' transfers in to the game would've been a nice option
...it's a bit of a shame - I do like the Editor - but not the end of the world I guess!
It’s now available in the US eShop!
@sword_9mm Maybe look up the definition of dynamic.....too late, I did it for you. Dynamic = characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
Soccer demands each player to know everyone else's positions/jobs and be able to adapt in-game to the many changes that take place during the game. Soccer players on average run almost 8 miles per game and rarely does the game stop, and each team is only permitted 3 subs!
@OorWullie Yep, the seamless and flexible gaming experience that the Switch offers - the same game, no compromises available both on the TV or as a game on handheld on the go has fully interwoven its way into my lifestyle. I'll never go back to a 'static' system anchored to a monitor or TV. Likewise, I will now expect a full experience of any handheld game. Then you have the library of brilliant modern Nintendo games, the Nindies, increasing 3rd Party support and best of all... Our arcade glory days reborn anew and arcade perfect on a home system which you can take anywhere. Now just imagine if we can get Capcom, Konami, SEGA et. al onboard and retro games from 8-bit / 16-bit eras and beyond too. The Switch is destined to become my favourite gaming device of all-time.
I'd advise everyone to hold off on this unless money is no issue. Releasing this this close to the end of season, with no editor, is just opportunism from the devs. Will be out of date in 6 weeks time, if it isn't already, with no likely updates.
This should have been released at least 33% cheaper, if not 50%, as an advert for the 2019 version which they should be announcing at the same time.
While not for me potential system seller for some of my mates. My constant jabs about awesome retro games wasn't floating their boat, but THIS playable during work lunch hour? Well, conversations were good while they lasted.
@StormtheFrontier It's a marketing tactic. Just one of many. In this case, Sega is relying on word of mouth marketing to sell the product.
The news around 10/11 April would have provided Sega with additional data regarding reach and level of interest based on number of publications who covered Miles Jacobson's tweet.
I'd wager this word of mouth marketing would form the first wave of marketing, and there might be another push from social media marketing once the Champions League final rolls around.
Maybe just press ads will start appearing then to supplement digital marketing efforts. And then a 3rd push at the end of the season (rather than before as that would possibly distract from FM 2019).
If the sales are good until just before the start of next season then hopefully it'll be enough to get an early confirmation of FM Touch 2019 for the Switch
Just downloading now - going to be great on my switch gaming on the go and one of the best strategy games on any system
Just downloaded it, now I'm really curious about the controls, especially on the TV!
I still can't quite believe it, this was the one game I wanted on the Switch the most but I was always certain that it would never happen!
@gcunit i get your point but do people who bought FM on other devices stop playing once the real life season ends?
Do people stop playing FIFA or PES once the real life season ends?
FM 2019 won't get released till October so there is still value from 2018.
Also Football Manager Touch is the still the same price as switch on Steam.
hey; it's whatever floats yer boat.
i find it dreadful.
@KIRO Matchday 2 or 3, I think...
@shani Give me your impressions after you've played for a couple of hours, pleease. I never played the touch version, so I'm curious if it's worth it.
Have it on my iPad. Makes more sense there than on the Switch.
Also the "3D engine" is not really something to point out - it is pretty sad looking 😂
I was just thinking today, that i could not think off another switch game i wish to buy. An 2018 was look pretty thin for games.
Then i read this. I dont need another game for 2018. Running home to download.
I love the ps vita version. But i am sure the switch version will be much much better.
@MattFox I could also stream it for a bit.
I briefly tried it (setting up a savegame, going through the menus) with the Pro Controller.
The controls and the UI seem generally well-thought-out - of course moving the cursor with the left stick still takes longer than with the mouse, they didn't reinvent the wheel here - but there might be a few small things to improve upon.
Haven't played it on the touchscreen yet though, I bet controlling it that way will feel more effortless.
The game also supports the Switch's video sharing feature right out of the box, which is nice.
Oh, and one limitation of the Touch version seems to be that you can only select leagues from up to three countries. I don't know if it's the same for the Windows version, I'd have to install that one first (came for free with FM18).
@Agramonte haters gonna hate
@shani I seen a video on YouTube and the guys said same thing regarding controls. Said it's great with split joycons
@MattFox I just posted a few short videos from my Switch to Twitter, you can find the link in my profile.
@kobashi100 I don't see how it could be any different with split Joycons, the controls are exactly the same and it doesn't utilize motion controls in any way.
I still believe it'll work better on the touchscreen.
@shani Yeah, I had heard about the '3 nation limit' - do the players from the unselected nations still load in to the game?
(eg. if I chose England, Spain and the Netherlands as my 3 nations - can I still see and transfer players from Italy, Belgium, Brazil etc? ..you just can't see how those leagues are progressing?)
I've been thinking about this quite a bit. Can someone sell me on it? American that prefers association football to gridiron football over here (lucky for me it is picking up quite a bit where I live). (gridiron is like watching ants get into a fight to me).
No trolling please - Octane
>>Anyone know if it includes MLS?
Answered this myself, it does, but sadly doesn't include reserve teams for MLS, so you can't keep your players fit properly.
>>If it does, wonder how that will work with 3 nation limit.
Sadly, you basically need to select USA and MEXICO and one other country, severely limiting your database.
>>Also, pricing is insane. Goes from 20 bucks canadian for it on android/ios, to $50 for switch. For a game that effective is cut off from any roster updates soon.
Yeah, not worth it at all, especially given the list of the bugs with the touch version going by SI Games own forum is quite large.
Also, 30 year season limit and in-game real money store.
@NaviAndMii No you can't, players from the other leagues won't be really in the savegame's database IIRC.
@shani Ah right - thanks for letting me know...I'll make sure I choose carefully
@Ryu_Niiyama Best fun with spreadsheets you'll ever have. Primary joy from the game usually comes as moments.
Moments of rage when your top player gets himself sent of for a dumb reason. Moments of joy at your underdog team snatches a last minute victory
Moments of pride at seeing a carefully nurtured youth team player make the national squad
@jump just go search for a review of the game on pc
@bezerker99 hahahahaha yep
A football manager game, for sale in a country where football manager is massive(ENGLAND) but yet doesn’t have the licences for the FA? So no UK teams or players?
You have lost me. UK teams and players are all in the game
@kobashi100 Licences werent there, Just the places names. No badges or anything. Assumed as they didn’t have the premier league licence they didn’t have the players either
They have all the players. Just they only have the license for certain top flight teams so they have pictures etc.
EA own the rights to the premier league
Can anyone confirm there is a 30 season limit on the Switch? I know reviews for the tablets have it. Is this what everyone's going on or is it concrete evidence?
@TheMONADO36 😂
@KingSandyRavage I really have no clue what game breaking content is missing? All players in the UK leagues are included
@Aven yes, https://community.sigames.com/topic/411874-fm-touch-2018-official-feedback-thread/?page=6&tab=comments#comment-11303336
@bezerker99 *Football.
If trolling, 2/10. Must try harder.
If serious, 0/10. Must make more sense.
I hate football, yet this keeps appealing to me when I see this series...
@TheMONADO36 Of course, if you don`t play it, nobody else does, right? American football is only popular in the US. In the vast majority of other countries the real football(soccer for you), is way more popular. The US is not the only country in the world.
Wow!! One of my dreams is coming true... just wow. Buying! ❤️
Yeah.. no, trolling isn't allowed - Octane
Bought it yesterday and played for about an hour. Never played the touch version and havent played the pc version for a few years. I've played on my mobile recently though.
For those like me who didnt know FM touch, he game is a lot closer to the PC version. The game seems to have evolved a bit in the last few years - which is not necessarily a given with this type of game.
What I don't like so much at this point is the interface. Only a few things can be really done with the touch screen given it's smaller than the typical tablets the game was originally designed for. Moving the pointer with the left stick is slow and a bit frustrating for me at this point. Hope I'll get the hang of it quickly.
I personally wish the game was a bit simplified and quicker. I like the mobile version for this. I'm not interested in setting specific training and I don't want to be tweaking my tactic all the time. But some people will definitely see this depth as a strength.
To finish on a high note, the match engine is great and it's the closest thing to watching a real game of football its ever been (in FM standards). I don't mean graphically but the way the teams play.
Hope this helps people who're on the fence with this game...
@jsty3105 but there’s no UK premier league or UK licenced teams
@KingSandyRavage That's a bold claim. Evidence?
And I (possibly others here too) am really struggling to understand to understand what you mean by there's no English Premier League in the game. And no UK premier league teams.
FM is not Pro Evo.
@jsty3105 I downloaded it yesterday and they aren’t there. Just random looking badges
Not sure why everyone is panicking about the Premier League not having full licenses, Football Manager has never had the license to the Premier League... They have the Football League 1 & 2.
@KingSandyRavage And what names are under those random looking badges?
It's #1 on the UK eshop already.
@jsty3105 the place name of the team. Can’t licence the word Chelsea so it still says Chelsea. But the badge and premier licensing is all missing. What’s your point?
@KingSandyRavage That all the UK premier league teams are there. So there is a premier league and there are UK teams. I'm struggling to understand your concern
I don't remember the fm series having rights to premier league branding in recent years. But ppl still play in the premier league with premier league clubs and not teams with made up names.
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