You may remember that Nintendo recently announced an upcoming animated movie starring Super Mario in partnership with Illumination - the film studio behind Despicable Me (and Minions), 2016's Sing, The Secret Life of Pets, and many more.
This partnership has triggered an awful lot of debate; while some fans are completely behind the idea of the project, many have voiced concerns over how Mario will be handled and how his existence will successfully translate to the big screen. We recently discussed this very topic over on YouTube, hoping to make sense of it all and contemplate how a new animated Mario film might play out.
For anyone on the fence about the decision, or indeed anyone who is completely against it for one reason or another, you may be interested to hear why Miyamoto-san decided to partner up with the studio. The following was taken from a recent investor Q&A:
"I’ve been considering an animated film for many years now. There has long been talk that Nintendo could make a movie because “making a game is like making a movie.” But they are completely different to me. Interactive experiences are completely different from non-interactive media, and to make a movie I want a film expert to do the work. Thinking that way, I have talked with all sorts of different movie directors and producers, and eventually I was introduced to Illumination via Universal Parks & Resorts, with whom we are developing theme park attractions.
As a producer, Chris Meledandri (Illumination’s CEO) is noted here for movies like Minions and Sing, but he is a veteran with a ton of experience, including the movie Ice Age and stints at companies like 20th Century Fox Animation. When I talked with Chris, he said he had read a lot of interviews with me and felt we had a similar approach to creation. Talking about our similarities, we clicked and decided maybe we should do some kind of collaboration. We started our conversation over two years ago, and finally reached the stage where we could make an announcement. Chris is extremely cost-conscious and time-conscious in his quest to make successful movies. We decided to try making a movie together, and distributing the completed movie globally through Universal Pictures."
It certainly feels like Miyamoto and the team have complete faith in the partnership, and the similar mindset shared between him and Chris Meledandri could be vital if we hope to see a faithful and interesting take on Mario's world. Should things not go to plan, however, the duo have already agreed to nip it in the bud.
"We’ve talked together and share the feeling that if we can’t make something interesting we’ll just call it quits. But we’ve already met a number of times to hash out the screenplay, our talks together are progressing, and I hope to make an announcement once we’ve ironed out some things like the schedule."
Has this helped to reassure you that the movie could end up being the stuff of dreams, or were you already optimistic to begin with? As ever, let us know your thoughts below.
Comments 72
Iwata knew.
I was already optimistic from the beginning. Can't wait for this!!
I'm not sure having Miyamoto on the movie is such a good idea, considering his response to Mario RPG stories.
Miyamoto want to "TAME" the Craziness of Minions.
Soon, Minions will not say "Banana" all the time.
Instead, they will say "Nintendo" or "3DS" or "Switch" or.... "Mamma Mia"
I will know how good this movie will be as soon as I get the soundtrack list. If it's classic Mario themes made cinematic, we're good. The second generic, boppy pop is included "for the kids," I will know that it will likely suck.
Was already optimistic. This just cements that choice. Looking forward to seeing what two creative minds come up with!
Well it can't be worse than their first attempt
This highlights all my issues with the production.
"Chris is extremely cost-conscious and time-conscious in his quest to make successful movies."
That's because he wants them quick and cheap. It's why all their movies basically look the same and are of a sub-standard quality. How could he possible think this was a good thing?
love Nintendo and Miyamoto but I'd be glad if they just come clean and said 'look, Universal offered us A LOOOOT of money for a theme park… it's not like after that we could just give this to Pixar, as much as we'd love to…'
'btw, say goodbye to any Nintendo characters appearing in Wreck-It-Ralph 2' (god, this hurts a bit :/)
I’m excited for it.
Most of the movies I've watched from them I've enjoyed. A lot of people don't seem to like them, but I'm fine with it. Good luck to the people making this thing. It' likely not a simple task.
If all else fails, turn it into a Bowser and Jr. film.
I guess the partnership makes a lot of sense in that they can tie the movie to a Super Mario attraction at Universal Studios.
I wonder if Wario and Waluigi will be in it, tho.
"When I talked with Chris, he said he had read a lot of interviews with me and felt we had a similar approach to creation."
Actually disgusting.
Yeah, still not convinced. Miyamoto has never been one to write anything with a compelling narrative, and since this movie won’t be interactive and is being done by the people who crapped out the atrocity that is Minions, I don’t have high hopes.
“Chris is extremely cost-conscious and time-conscious.”
We’re doomed.
If this article had been a speech and I was hearing it for the first time, I would had asked, "Who is Miyamoto-san?" (I am sure certain persons who had ever known persons by that name would also want to ask, "Who is Miyomoto-san?" if each of them were to be in the same position).
@AlexOlney My thoughts exactly.
Hopefully it is set in the Mushroom Kingdom setting. No crossing over with the "real world" or anything like that!
While having Miyamoto on board could keep things as straight as possible I highly doubt his capabilities as a good storyteller. This is a movie, not a game, and considering how he was part of botching the plot on Paper Mario I’m a bit worried here.
Of course this movie not being a Pixar movie is the biggest worry of all, let’s see how it pans out.
Yeah, that is an 'interesting' compliment for a creator/artist.
I would have rather they did a Pikmin movie to test their relationship. That series has always felt like it would adapt well imo and would make more sense for this studio...
Alas, this film could forgo Mario’s iconic Characteristics from each game, such as with his iconic phrases, not talking with Full Extensive Dialogue, and being voiced by Charles Martinet, the only man to’ve ever voiced the 4 Italian Plumbers and their Baby Counterparts since 1996, I can’t imagine Mario & Luigi being voiced by separate people.
Do we know if Charles Martinet is involved yet?
@AJWolfTill Celebrated Talents will likely be the choice, they don’t use the Seattle Boice Actors for Movies that much. As stated above, I can’t imagine Mario & Luigi being voiced by separate people, plus they wouldn’t be the same without Charles Martinet.
Speaking of it’s release, no way would this film release in 2020:
Illumination already have Minions 2 and Sing 2 set for then:
@ImagineerNik Might wanna look at his credentials beyond the Minions and Despicable Me series...
They should just turn SMO into a movie, simple as that. They would leave out a lot of the simpler worlds, maybe even leave out the hat, and have Luigi travel with him, but a good buddy movie, Bowser captures Peach, takes her to his castle, Mario and Luigi hop in the Odyssey ship and follow him around the globe, getting into fun adventures in each city. Then after they rescue her have a big party in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Think Muppet Movie.
This movie is going to be cool. No , Pixar wouldn't do it. And also this doesn't mean that Nintendo characters won't appear in Wreck it Ralph 2.
Gotta' love Miyamoto. The rest of the game industry: Makes video games, wishing they were producing blockbuster movies.
Miyamoto: Makes actual blockbuster movies as a side hobby.....
I’d just like to point out that Miyamoto durected the wonderful Pikmin shorts. He has a good idea on how to make something with his characters.
"'btw, say goodbye to any Nintendo characters appearing in Wreck-It-Ralph 2' (god, this hurts a bit :/)"
In case you were referring to a certain movie named "Wreck-It Ralph 2", there is still a chance of it having what you might call "Nintendo characters" (note: the chance of Illumination having a new movie based on characters in the Mario games produced by Nintendo completed and ready for members of the public in general to see and/or hear to see this year is not very good in my view).
@ZurapiiYohane This is my biggest fear too. I like movies from both Dreamworks and Illumination but they both have that habit of including pop culture references in order to achieve a quick laugh...but like you said, 10 years later it comes across stale. Most of the time those references are unnecessary. It's like Sony and Smurfs. I would have never guessed that a studio could screw up the Smurfs but Sony managed to do it not once, but twice! The third one wasn't too bad, it kept to the "world" of the Smurfs instead of making the setting New York or Paris for the sole purpose of permitting them to add current pop culture references into the movies. If Nintendo keeps a close eye towards this movie the way they have with most of their games, we should be okay. Illumination's animation is really good in my opinion.
@dumedum Not having Nintendo characters in Wreck-it Ralph may have already been in jeopardy due to the fact that Nintendo had already partnered with Universal for the parks.
Although there are always exceptions. Look at Minecraft!
I could imagine news of Illumination having the person credited for having provided the voice of Mario in the TV programs based on the games named Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World provide his voice for a new movie based on him (note: the person was credited by the name "Walker Boone").
"Chris is extremely cost-conscious and time-conscious in his quest to make successful movies."
I'm expecting to see hundreds of identical Toads. At least it's faithful to the original work then.
I mean this kinda makes me feel better
..... But like many said before me, they have a bad habit of putting in pop culture references that are already dated by the time the movie comes out.
But I won't trash the movie yet.... But I do wish they can take their animation quality and bring it higher as well as their story telling.
I know kids will be the main demographic but PLEASE don't make it mind numbing dumb like how many of the illumination movies are, give credit to kids that they are smarter than they look and not just put loads of colorful characters that do fart jokes all the time..
"Chris is extremely cost-conscious and time-conscious in his quest to make successful movies."
If this is there first priority with the movie I don't expect too much... no word about creativity or making a good story.
It seems just a money maker for them.
I think it’ll turn out fine. Most of the studios movies are fun and kid friendly at least. No Pixar or Disney, but still. I don’t get the minion hate either.
Helped? Yes. Am I completely reassured? Almost.
@MegaVel91 I know his credentials. Despicable Me is the high point of his career
@dkxcalibur exactly. As long as Disney thinks it will make the movies better, I'm sure nothing prevents it. Everything is possible with money and incentives. For example, right now because of the old contracts you have Incredible Hulk and Spiderman rides in Universal Studios. Which is pretty insane considering they are so good too. Their whole island of adventures is dedicated to Marvel characters.. also going back, you had BUGS BUNNY appear in Roger Rabbit Disney movie (Touchstone) together with Mickey Mouse.
Knowing Miyamoto is involved has given me some faith but I hope this doesn't end up like their other films.
The last thing we want are Toads acting like minions.
@thesilverbrick Check out the Pikmin shorts Miyamoto directed - I really liked them and maybe kind of love them. The light and arty short films don't prove Miyamoto can write a compelling narrative, but do at least show he can make ya feel something thru direction. STILL, Illumination is obviously a bad choice and maybe there's some sort of honorable obligation for Nintendo to hear this studio out first, due to the Universal stuff and they won't end up doing anything together.
I think it will release 2020 to coincide with the release of the Japanese Universal Super Nintendo World. It would be a great marketing tactic.
@Iam16bit For all the subpar and "adequate" qualities that I'm horrified Illumination will/would infuse into a Mario film - the one thing I guess I would love to actually see, is a billion Toads running around the screen screeching. I'd rather pay to see "Just Toads".
At least Miyamoto is providing creative input. This has to be better than the last one.
@Dang69 I definitely liked the Pikmin shorts, but the substance of those isn’t exactly enough to make a compelling, feature-length film. One of my biggest concerns is that the cast of Mario games isn’t exactly the most vocal bunch and trying to cobble together a movie around them is going to be an uphill battle.
This is a load of crap. Chris doesn’t care about interesting, he cares about money. He says it in every interview. Illumination just made th best offer. Don’t lie.
@dkxcalibur Disney does have Pokémon and Yokai Watch though so they still have a relationship.
@NIN10DOXD That's true, I forgot that their TV channel carries those shows.
@thesilverbrick Ok - how about this: Do the whole movie like a Chaplin, via Modern Times, with the Super Mario World "Athletic Theme" looped as the only sound, save for Toad screeches?
I was never part of the pessimistic 'this movie is doomed' camp.
But Miyamoto's statement - especially the part where they'll can the whole thing if it isn't good enough - just reassured me that it will be good.
Exactly what I was gonna say. There's a reason that Minions cost $74 million and Inside Out cost $175 million. Despite them coming out the same year, one clearly showed that it was made out of effort and heart, while the other was just another cash grab.
The amount of negative Nancys with opinions on this site never ceases to amaze me...
It’s the mushroom kingdom, I pretty much think they can’t go wrong with anything in that setting lol
@Dang69 I know you’re joking, but that actually wouldn’t be a bad idea for a series of shorts.
should have went for the folk behind the lego movies, a perfect fit! haha, geddit?
al get me coat...
Illumination is like Lightmotive,the production company behind the first theatrical Mario movie,in that both of their are related to light.I hope it isn't a possible foreshadow of how this new film will turn out.
In all seriousness,Illumination's films tend to rely on crude humor and I feel that doesn't fit with Nintendo's games in general.Come to think of it,a lot of American animated films recently have been watered down adult comedies.
It's okay to be cost-conscious and time-conscious. But when you're extremely cost-conscious and time-conscious, there's trouble.
Go figure.
Well, they had already partnered with universal for the theme parks, so they had to go with universals animation studio. That’s the way these things work
I’m not too concerned to be honest. If it’s a good movie, great! If it isn’t... whatever. A Mario movie isn’t mean to be a prize winning film anyway.
About Illumination, they’re just like any other studio out there, the make good films and bad films both. I thought Despicable Me was amazing, but I really disliked Sing. I haven’t watch Minions so I can’t comment on that one.
@thesilverbrick Chaplin Athletic themed 3 minute shorts as bumpers in between shows on some network (ala Genndy Clone Wars) would be lower risk and guaranteed awesome. Everybody #SilentAthleticMarioShorts @ Nintendo
Comments sure seem a lot more optimistic now then on the original article announcing this partnership. Glad most have stepped away from the ledge. I for one, cannot wait to go see this in theaters with my kids.
@thesilverbrick Look at something like the Mario Kun comics or Mario RPGs. The characters of Mushroom Kingdom are full of personality and there is plenty to fill a movie.
Found a leak of the first page of the script.
was an interpreter present at each of their conversations, though?
Im excited about it, and with miyamoto involved, i hope we see mushroom kingdom magic.
we just have to wait and see how it will turn out. I know that i will be first in line to watch the movie.
Spielberg directs or I ain't seeing it.
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