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We've had a double dose of Bayonetta this week thanks to the release of the first and second games on the Nintendo Switch, and the forthcoming third entry must rank as one of the console's most eagerly anticipated titles.

You'd think with the third game in active development PlatinumGames' Hideki Kamiya would have enough on his plate already, but he has revealed on Twitter that he's already mulling over concepts for the fourth Bayonetta outing.

We probably shouldn't be too amazed as this revelation; we imagine that Kamiya's head is packed with ideas for future sequels. However, it's interesting to consider exactly what he could have planned for the character in a fourth game - especially as we don't really know what shape Bayonetta 3 is going to take yet.

Feel free to let us know your hopes for Bayonetta 4 by posting a comment below.
