Like a Christmas Doctor Who regeneration, exiting editor Tom Whitehead will vanish on New Year's Eve in a blinding flash of golden light, only to be replaced by a brand new face. Well, another bearded face with glasses, that is.
Hey everyone, my name’s Dom and I’m the new guy in the editor’s chair at Nintendo Life. I’ve been writing professionally in the industry for over six years now, and I’ve loved Nintendo for so long I feel woefully ancient every time I acknowledge I’ve been playing its consoles for a quarter of a century.
Like many of you, Nintendo and its games have always been there in the biggest milestones of my life. Playing a SNES for the first time when I was six and realising I was absolutely going to lose my life to this thing (and get really fat while I was at it). Making friends for life at secondary school with glorious late night Goldeneye sessions full of slaps and proximity mines. Playing Mario Kart: Double Dash at uni and having the best time.
Basically, Nintendo is as much a part of me as it is of you. It’s why I got into games journalism in the first place so it only seems fitting that I should earn my first tenure as editor of the most exciting Nintendo website in the industry. Of course, stepping into Tom’s shoes is going to be quite the daunting task. He’s an immense talent and he’s helped lead the site and its community into the fine form you see today. I’ve got my work cut out for me, that’s for sure, but I still couldn’t be more excited to start.
So what kind of experience am I bringing with me? I spent over two years working on Official PlayStation Magazine (yes, I know, boo Sony) before heading out into the wilds and wastelands of the freelance world. During my time as a 'lancer I've written extensively for almost every outlet there, ranging from Official Xbox Magazine and GamesTM to GamesRadar and Eurogamer. So I'm bringing a wealth of experience with me to a site that's already overflowing with personality and energy.
Thing is, there’s never been a better time to be part of this community. Switch is going from strength to strength, 3DS continues to hold its own and the mobile market is slowly being assimilated into the Nintendo collective. Switch itself is only going to get bigger, so I can’t wait to lead Nintendo Life into its next chapter. You might have seen my name pop up here and there on the site already (yes, I’m the guy that gave WWE 2K18 a 3/10), but I’m already energised by the talent and enthusiasm of the team I’m joining and by the sheer open-minded passion of our audience.
Here at Nintendo Life we know our strongest asset is you; the readers who return to our humble site everyday to enjoy our articles, watch our videos and join in the discussion in our comment sections. In an industry constantly plagued by toxicity, our community continues to be one of inclusion rather than tribalism. So that’s why I want to hear from you on how we can improve Nintendo Life in 2018.
Are there things we do that you love and want to see more of? Are there articles we run that just don’t do it for you? Are there new things and ways of enjoying the site you’d like to see in the year to come? There are so many potential ways to bring our community closer together. Live streams; let’s plays; podcasts; a Discord channel; your feedback matters. There really has never been a more exciting time to be working at Nintendo Life, and as your new editor I can’t wait to join you, and the rest of the crew, as we follow Nintendo Switch into 2018 and beyond.
Now go have an awesome holiday season and I'll see you all on the good ship Nintendo Life in a few short weeks.
You can find Dom on Twitter @furianreseigh and on Instagram @furianresigh.
Comments 137
Hajimemashite !
Nice to meet you.
A Playstation and Xbox guy is now the Editor of Nintendo Life... how appropriate. (and he likes Sega as a kid.)
You look like his younger brother. Are you
Ah - I see that Tom has already handed over the glasses and ginger beard of editorship.
Like Dr Who has his Tardis those are clearly the the symbols that we all associated with NL.
Best of luck - hopefully you enjoy your new role!
Welcome to the community. Please make yourself at home. You started off your piece with a Doctor Who reference so you are all good in my books.
A Playstation and Xbox guy who plays Mega Drive
Welcome sir!
Hopefully we'll now see less "this writer" "this scribe" nonsense in the articles
Playstation, Xbox, and then a MD in the photo.
All while being also a Nintendo fan.
Quite the pedigree! I'm the Italian guy of the bunch (well, far from being the only one), usually an obnoxious fellow who loves to post long-winded speeches as comment replies while also derailing threads in the process, the latter of which being an unintended side effect.
Welcome to the madhouse, Dom!
Hello !
Welcome aboard.
Maybe more features on great games after they release? People were so quick to forget all about Resident Evil Revelations Collection and Xenoblade 2 after they dropped.
During the recruitment process we made sure that all candidates had glasses and a beard, they also only had to be one letter different from the name Tom.
Welcome, Dom!
This site is awesome quickly becoming for favourite video game website.
Hey Dom, welcome! Great to see a new face on the websits and a all around gamer as well. Hope you settle in nicely!
As for changes I think we should hold off until the new year, like a resolution. It would be really cool to get an AMA from you though to get us aquanted. Thats up to you of course, but I hope youll think about it!
Well you started with a Dr. Who joke so that's off to a good start.
And did you end w/ Riddick? He's the only Furian I know.
I for one am happy for your well rounded background.
Drum rolls everywhere forever more.
Welcome home. You're one of us now.
@JaxonH Xenoblade 2 has plenty of DLC over the coming year, we'll read more about it. Plenty more. Then I'll buy it.
Dec. 1, 2017: Helpful items Pack
Starting Jan. 2018: New Quests Pack
Spring 2018: New Rare Blade Pack
Summer 2018: New Challenge Mode Pack
Fall 2018: Brand-new Story Content Pack
@AlexSora89 You're THE multi talented Italian guy of the bunch.
@antdickens must of been tough with lots of applicants. Should've given Tod a chance
Welcome !
And by the way, someone has news from Philip J Reed ?
Hopefully you will be more of a Matt Smith replacing Tennant and not a Capaldi replacing Smith.
Welcome to the family.
If theres one thing I'd like to see change it would be the option to dislike a comment in the comments section as well as being able to "like it"
Guess beard quality is part of the hiring criteria at Nintendolife? Regardless, welcome aboard!
EDIT: I also can't help but notice you say you grew up on the SNES, but posted a picture of you with a Mega Drive. I smell a poser in our mix! Because... we all know you can be a fan of two video game companies.
Looks like you got accepted into The Beard Clan. I mean, Nintendo Life.
Welcome! May we envy your beard for years to come.
He looks like my long lost twin, we look so similar. Same beard, eyes, the only difference is the hair style. Welcome brother 😉
OMG, what happened?
Salutations sir!
"another bearded face with glasses, that is."
This is so reassuring...
Welcome aboard Dom - exciting times ahead!
Welcome! Damn it, I knew I should have worn a fake beard and glasses to the interview.
You've big boots to fill Dom.
When looking at switch reviews the eshop and the physical copy reviews shouldn't be separated if I had to make a suggestion
Welcome Dom and good luck maintaining your sanity
I did not hit her! I did not. Oh hi Dom.
Were there no bearded lady applicants? Even fake ones?
Welcome to the fold!
Welcome Dom, looking forward to your perspective going forward. I would love to see more "talking points" articles. They always got me thinking. Tom always did a great job writing those, and I'm sure yours would be just as great, especially having experience covering Playstation and Xbox to create a well-rounded opinion.
Welcome! I don't post too often, but I love this site as well and the community is fantastic. It will be fascinating to see the different opinions you bring to the site. Good Luck! Also to everyone else I hope to be more active in the comments. I have been an active reader for 7 years now so maybe now would be a good time to start posting. lol
Welcome Dom hope we have a discord party.
Good luck brother.
Cautiously optimistic. Welcome, but again, cautious 🤔
Welcome! We are going to miss the wonderful Thomas but onwards and upwards, right? Good luck and bring on 2018!
why does everyone at NL look the same?!
When did NintendoLife become Nintendo Life, or was that just me?
Welcome Don, and good luck Tom!
I'd like to see more personal writing - I always enjoy these articles: Opinions, talking points, thoughtful speculation, wilful disregard of reason - anything as long as it's got some personality and a point to make.
Good luck to the whole team for 2018!
cool, Welcome
Congrats and welcome, hope we all will enjoy a good time in 2018 and beyond.
Welcome to the wonderful community of Nintendo Life
Welcome. A bit of a fearless, honest introduction — I like it!
"In an industry constantly plagued by toxicity, our community continues to be one of inclusion rather than tribalism." Love that quote, and welcome aboard. Do I want to see 3/10s for horrid ports selling for full retail? Definitely. Do I want NL to continue to celebrate worthy releases? Absolutely.
You had me at 3/10 for WWE 2K18
@manu0 Because every Nintendo gamer is required to have a beard and wear glasses, duh!
Anyway, welcome aboard, Dom!
What is it that all NL staff are required to be bearded gingers? It's like Stepford: Nintendo edition.
Still your savage ripping of WWE, 2K's official consumer abuse product was excellent, so hoping to see more honest reviews, and maybe more up to date news.....I want NL to be my only source for Nintendo news, but often I have to check elsewhere as well.
@setezerocinco You mean what happened to @ThomasBW84 ? We don't talk about that. This is a family friendly site. I blame the hookers and blow.
(Seriously, he posted yesterday he's moving on to be product manager at CIRCLE Entertainment, the indie publisher/importer that did Voez and Kamiko.)
I see some Star Trek references in there so he can't be all bad. Welcome to the site!
That haircut in 2017. LUL NotLikeThis.
Welcome aboard!
@GoldenGamer88 you forgot the red-ish hair
via Imgflip Meme Generator
@Nincompoop Everybody "liked" Sega as a kid. Then as adults, we came to appreciate Nintendo's commitment to (and passion for) quality and fun games.
Welcome good sir. Please keep the reviews coming, and I've always enjoyed the editorials.
Mega drive heretic!!!
@NEStalgia ah, then it is ok. I have missed that...
Hearty handshake of congratulations
Welcome, Dom! Congrats!
I'm always open to changes so it'll be a good time having your personality added into the stew.
Merry Christmas and happy gaming.
Hey Dom. Welcome aboard. Just don't burn the place down.
Welcome to NL, Dom! Nice to meet you!
Beard? Check. Glasses? Check. Name? Dom. Error - inccorect Tom. Override command psxboxmegacd - one letter out...welcome editor.
If you want to know how Nintendo Life can improve, it can actually start reporting on news while it's still new. It often takes days after something happens for it to appear on this website (for example, the announcement of Picross e8).
Hi!!!... GL!!!!
Hello Dom, nice to have you!
Welcome aboard the hype train, Dom. Glad to see you've finally chosen to leave the Dark Side...
But all joking aside, I'm curious to see you roll out your first talking point, and all the experience you have with the other systems and their games should be a good enough foundation for you to offer us a well-rounded, unbiased opinion of what's what concerning Nintendo's games and platforms for years to come.
So, once again: welcome aboard, and have yourself a great holiday so you can get those inspirational juices flowing, to give us some great articles in the coming year and beyond.
@gcunit umm... since day 1?
Can we call you Dom(ino)?
Hi, Tom 2
When i was a kid a beat (m) up kids that "liked" sega, am a Nintendo Man
Loyalty is a Virtue, I respect my Vows for better (nes) for worse (GC) for richer (snes) for poorer, (wii u) in sickness (wii) and in health (n64)
To love and to cherish
I stand by Nintendo no matter how good or bad,
Slag my Nintendo (wife), then you better run,
Seems nobody cares about loyalty,
Jumping from one bed to another and Even back, just to see if the grass is greener, Well am just fine in the ONLY VIDEO GAME COMPANY field,
the other fields may look greener but there laced with untold amounts
of manure,
I spend my cash on my Incredible and Beautiful wife.
P.s. Now am an adult,
a just beat (m) up adults that like sony and microsoft
@antdickens Technically the logo really is "nintendolife"..... It reads like it's said at the height of the WiiU at an EA shareholders meeting. "Oh we're withnintendoife."
@NEStalgia different colours, so two words
You had me at inclusion versus tribalism.
Welcome aboard!
I’d love to see re-reviews of old NES & SNES classics, to see how they fare by today’s standards. Not Mario or Zelda, but other less known games.
Welcome, mate and congrats on the new opportunity! This will be fantastic!
@SouthpawGrammar DUDE...that was my exact first thought "This scribe" has moved on...
Welcome aboard mister Reseigh-Lincoln. May you now and forever play with power! Nintendo Power that is!
@antdickens Two words, and yet: no space in between, so @gcunit and @NEStalgia might actually have a point...
I would like the new editor of NL to know the difference between "everyday" and "every day", and know when to use them. Just sayin'. ^^
Congrats on your new post, Dom! I'm sure you'll do a great job, all the best
Welcome! With such similarities I might not have even noticed Tom left. I've been visiting this site for 7-9 years (can't remember exactly how many), and I look forward to seeing what new things you bring.
Good to know that NL has clones of their staff in case anyone of them leaves the site.
@antdickens I'm not a branding expert, but.....the name really does look like "nintendolife" from the logo the same way "NintendoLife" or just "Nintendolife" would be. The separate colors could indicate "NintendoLife" but there's no language to show they're not amalgamated, like skewing the words slightly or separating them. I honestly thought it was "NintendoLife" until I thought about it today! I bet >50% of readers do!
Hi Mr. Lincoln
Nice to meet ya!
No need to boo sony, they make some great games
Anyway, welcome to the site
Good luck Dom! This website is fantastic, I truly read it every day.
-From a "started with Gameboy" man.
Yeah, hi.
Darn it, the Tom/Dom naming similarity has already been noted. XD
Welcome aboard Dom! It looks like you have some well-rounded gaming/writing experience under your belt already!
As for articles....If NL continues the WGAYPTW articles along with almost everything else that has been churned out lately, I'll be satisfied.
Dear Nintendo Life,
For Christmas, please, PLEASE make us a live action video of Tom regenerating into Dom à la Doctor Who.
Thank you.
Hmm. I question your Nintendo ‘street cred’ after reading this introduction. Are you really one of us?
Welcome! Like yourself I too am a 30 something avid gamer and it was Nintendo that made me this way. Yes I had just about every other console but it's only the big N where I see true consistent fan-service. The other heavy hitters seem to think fans are waiting to empty wallets for the next big hit. Nintendo has a rich heritage of story telling and quality to best that. So if you stick to your roots of what made you a gamer, chuck in some NL slapstick, and a few more posts at weekends! You're good to go!
I second eshop reviews being done slightly differently. Perhaps a grading system? An eshop title costing a few pounds should not be able to get same scores as publishers putting effort in and creating unique experiences.
I think a new podcast could be really enjoyable.
I feel woefully ancient every time I acknowledge I’ve been playing its consoles for a quarter of a century.
@antdickens Me = Bert; You = Ernie:
Welcome to the team! Knowing you are the guy to give the brutally honest review of WWE 2K18 eases my concerns that this site wont call out bad games when they happen. Best of luck to you sir!
@Dom Oh it's Thomas with another hair!
Welcome back Dom(as)!
Is that a mega drive in your picture? Bad choice! Also 3/10 for WWE was a very fair score!
Nice to meet you!
Yeah, what an awful thing to game on more than one brand...
It would be good to see the NL site implement community reviews section, where a review could be given in 100 words or less, short and to the point. This could help with the 20 or so games that are released each week, helping to gauge if the game is good for purchase or not.
Welcome to the site Dom! I look forward to see your opinions on the articles here on Nintendo Life, and to have you with us during the life blogs!
Wait, I have talents?
Most of what I ramble about look like farts distilled in coherent wordplay to me. But I do appreciate your compliment, though!
@AlexSora89 Well compared to the rest of the Italians on the site, none of which come to mind.
@Dom Just want to say congratulations on becoming our new editor and welcome on board. I'm one of the dinosaurs of the site. I've been coming here since the VC Review/ Wii Ware World days and have been gaming for 3 years shy of 40 years. I wish you a lot of festive cheer and I'll see you in the New Year. Cheers!
Welcome and congratulations.
@Dom So you and Tom are like Mario and Wario right??
Funny, I was just rounding 'em up in this article.
Worryingly bad taste in films tho.
Goodness me, I thought you were Alex but with a beard. Welcome Ed, good to have some new blood, hope you'll do lots of new and exciting things with NL.
@AlexSora89 How did an article about a lack of Japanese dialogue get over 100 comments?
Didn't know about Benson, I always thought he was in the US, which is funny b/c we follow each other on twitter and I still didn't know. I didn't know anybody else you were talking with but your still the most talented of the bunch.
I literally have zero memory about whatever you're talking about.
@AlexSora89 That's good, I vote we keep it that way.
Welcome, welcome, and all the rest of it I'm looking forward to more scathing reviews of horrible games
@NinChocolate Possibly, and if one was named Mom she might have had an in.
Welcome to the site Dom, obviously you have big shoes to fill on this site but your background and experience will aid you well. Personally I'm a Switch, 3DS, PS4 Pro and Xbox One X owner (not to mention nearly every other older console out there), so like yourself I have found my way beyond just Nintendo but I would say Nintendo in general puts out some of my all time favorite gaming experiences. You have an awesome staff of writers and the best community you could ask for (quirky and passionate). As for changes I can't see any sweeping changes that I would recommend for the site. Personally I'm in the US and so events aren't as big for me, though if I were in the UK I would make a point to attend. Alex's videos are great. I also make a point to read game reviews before buying, though with some titles I will still buy even with a low score. I've enjoyed reading Tom's editorials on the status of Nintendo, the Switch, 3DS or other factors of the gaming world or industry surrounding Nintendo. Tom had a way of conveying optimism in Nintendo even when it was difficult to do so (end of the Wii into Wii U era). While it seemed the rest of the media world had nothing but doom and gloom to read into Nintendo's forecast this site remained upbeat and refreshing to read. I would like to see that continue on this site. Nintendo has a rich history and a bright future ahead. Change has been great for Nintendo and a change in editor will be good for this site. Again, welcome Dom!
Why? No no no, I'm curious now!
@AlexSora89 You've either lost it or you''ve lost me as your humour is flying over my head. Just go back and reread our comments in this thread, it's all here. (I think it's all here anyway.)
Your childhood picture looks uncannily like me. Maybe we were both blond with the same haircut, but its like looking at an alternate timeline of myself where I actually owned an N64.
Consequently I also had a sega saturn as my first next gen console after Nintendo, skipping Super Nes
No no, my humour is still there, right up the... er, close to the tailbone, you know. I'm genuinely curious as to whatever I've given birth to, but I can't recall because, you know, I just comment on the site that much.
@AlexSora89 That's one of the reasons I stopped commenting so much, can't keep track of my own conversations. I commented on just 2 articles today and I've had at least a dozen email replies. That's not counting this conversation with you which seems to be goin' round in circles.
Well, this thread is another thing entirely, because...
As already pointed out, beard and glasses, I see no change. This is good.
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