Panic Button is the studio behind the excellent Switch versions of DOOM and Rocket League - two amazing ports which prove that the company is becoming something of an expert when it comes to getting the most out of Nintendo's hybrid system.
There's more good news to report, as it has been confirmed that Panic Button is handling the Switch version of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
Speaking at the Fun & Serious Game Festival in Bilbao, Machine Games' narrative designer Tommy Tordsson Bjork and senior game designer Andreas Öjerfors confirmed the news. "That's a collaboration with a different studio that we're working together with," said Öjerfors. "It's the same as the Doom studio," added Bjork.
Öjerfors then said: "They're experts at the Switch and now they're experts with the [id Tech 6] engine so we work with them, and the Doom version turned out to be really kick-ass on the Switch so I think Wolfenstein will be the same." Bjork then stated that "it's going to be as good".
It would seem that Wolfenstein II's creators are more than happy with Panic Button being involved, which bodes well for Switch players.
[source gamereactor.eu]
Comments 72
I can't wait. I haven't bought the PS4 version yet because I'm holding out for Switch.
Day one buy!
Waiting for the switch version to play this, super excited.
...Like I said, give these guys Monster Hunter World.
I don't think @JaxonH is going to be overly joyed by this news.
Still no exact release date for this game, eh?
Good to hear, the doom port is great on switch, nice to hear panic button will be handling this port as well.
Been holding off on this game for the switch version also, i just hope they can fit the full game on cart. Day one pick up for me if so.
I'm not. Especially given the sound bug still hasn't been patched out in DOOM.
But the recent Rocket League patch gives me hope. It looks super crisp now. Incredible, really. Question is, did that come from Panic Button or Psyonix
That's all I needed to hear! I'm in! I've also held off from buying it on PS4 because I would prefer to play it on Switch.
It should be a pretty great port then.
Shame it couldn't have launched simultaneously, I had to pick this up for my PC and I probably won't be double-dipping as I'm not so much a fan of this one unfortunately but I'd like to have supported any efforts made to bring AAAs to Switch.
@Tsurii ...I want World on Switch. >.>
They've done an amazing job with Rocket League and a nearly amazing job with Doom . They've gone down a bit in my estimation though for not addressing the sound bugs in Doom. It's a pretty huge issue and all they keep saying is we will look into it. I've a feeling because it didn't sell so great, it's a low priority for them, if it even gets fixed at all.For me that's not good enough. Those of us who did buy the game have had part of the experience ruined by this.
Excellent. I still can't believe DOOM runs so well on the Switch.
Considering Doom is offensively bad on the Switch, this is expected, but not welcome news.
Waiting for the haters to show up. Oh look speak of the devil @Menchi187
The Doom port was a very smart and competent one. They stripped it down for what it needed to make it feel like Doom. Sure, it's muddy on a big screen, but damn it does feel like Doom when you actually play it. That's what everyone should strive for when porting, does it capture the spirit of the game. And despite being muddy and 30fps, it still feels very much like Doom.
Can’t say I’m interested in this game (or Doom) but excited to see what might come next from them.
@Tsurii You're not missing much in MHXX, you're better off just importing at this point.
I got the PC version for $30 - Amazing game.
I'm glad I didn't wait - W2 should be played at Max settings and full big screen glory if you can.
They need to address the sound bug. Both versions of it (goes super quiet after a "crack" or goes totally silent). Happening at the wrong time will get you killed.
I don't think Wolfenstein is as demanding as Doom gets in battles (right?!) so I'm hoping the graphics are a little crisper. Wasn't a big deal with Doom until I got back from hell - the soft graphics combined with all the red dust in the destroyed facility really made parts of that an eye strain.
Overall good news though.
I just want a release date! I actually just bought The Old Blood, The New Order, and the New Colossus for PS4, and I plan to get Colossus again for Switch!
Awesome news, day one purchase!
I wish they would have done the WWE 2K18 port, bc that game is nothing but bug filled.
I'm also waiting for this port. Decided not to buy on my PS4.
I hope they are having more time to port it and polish the game to make it even better than what Doom is.
I personally held off buying the game on other platforms so I can get it on Switch. I didn't know about the Switch version when I got Doom originally but I came to regret getting it on PS4, it's a great Switch game.
@JaxonH If anything atleast we have a comparable game in DOOM to atleast have some sort of expectations. Rather than just going in blindly with new Devs.
I want better, I want gyro aiming.
I mean, DOOM on Switch is easily the best handheld FPS ever created. But I think it could have had higher res, and the sound bug was never patched which shows negligence.
They did patch Rocket League though which now looks incredible in handheld. Let's hope Wolfenstein 2 is higher res. Even if it's not it'll still be excellent, I just know they can do better.
Again holding off buying this on PS4, if it's good then it'll be another game for the Switch and I will be a game nearer to being broke!
This game was off my radar because I never tried a Bethesda game before! After I’ve tried Doom and now Skyrim, I can only say It’s gonna be day one for me that Wolfenstein business
@Menchi187 The only thing that's offensively bad here is your garbage opinion
I am looking forward to this game and will be a day one buy for me. I know it is coming out next year but when exactly? From my understanding this is a hardware pusher for sure. Probably more so than Doom. We will see, I'm guessing the same resolution requirements like Doom.
Oh great. Sound bugs, frame pacing issues, sub 720p everywhere. If PB are such "experts" with the Switch and Id Tech 6, then why can't they bangout a patch to fix Doom's terrible sound issues. I really enjoy and appreciate the third party support on Switch. I just hope it's first year woes and that's all.
@JaxonH No sound bug on my DOOM. Excellent port.
I still need to buy doom....sigh.
I held off on buying the game on ps4 too...but then was given to me for my birthday a few weeks ago lol.
It's such an amazing and fun game,absolutely loving it!
This is a day 1 purchase.
@JaxonH Does the performance improvement noticeable with the latest Rocket League patch?
@Cosats The audio issues are known issues.
I can’t freaking wait!
As @NinNin has stated, the audio bug is a known issue. As is the 600p average res with drops to 480p and even 368p, as is the framerate issues on harder difficulties.
It's a playable version of 2016 DOOM on the go, and I love it. Certainly the best handheld FPS to date, though that's not saying much given the shoddy quality of Vita FPS. I'm hoping Panic Button steps it up for Wolfenstein. 720p with drops no lower than 600p, no sound bugs or framerate issues... then I will confidently call it an excellent port.
Im expecting better things this time around, if their 1st port was Doom, then I have high hopes for this based on what they will have learnt from that.
Looking forward to this one - alot
They'll basically downgrade everything and run it at 720P... unlike Psyonix which actually worked on the game and gave us a nice crisp resolution... these guys go for the easy route... doom looks awful, I'm sorry you guys think 720P docked is acceptable.
Considering Wolf 2 is way more graphically intensive then doom I am very intrigued to see how they get this game running on switch.
I am a realist though and accept that the switch is not anywhere near the level of a PS4 or Xbox one.
Not expecting 720p docked or undocked.
I love Doom on the Switch, but honestly it leaves a lot to be desired. The (still unresolved) sound bugs and small blurry text should be unacceptable for a retail priced game, not to mention lack of motion aiming and requirement to download all of the multiplayer in order to get patches, it should have been an optional DLC.
Whereas before Wolfenstein was a day one purchase for me, after my experience with Doom I'll wait to read reviews first to see if any of these issues are addressed.
Awesome, I bought it already for my laptop but am holding off playing it now that the Switch is getting it.
And by the way, Doom is fantastic..a few sound bugs for sure but to take that level of a FPS on the road with me or into the can, it's just unbelievable.
Sigh... yeah, I'll buy it😒 Friggin' Switch getting all my monies😣
I hope that it gets a fair bit better than the DOOM-port. Anyways, Wolf2 seems to be the best shooter so far this generation, its a day one-buy on Switch for me.
Wow forgot about this one (bad me) 🤣
I totally want this game for the Switch!
If they could somehow manage to get it to run at 60fps 720p on handheld mode better than Doom, then I'll be wow. Even better if they kept the 60fps on dock mode as well. I really don't care if its 1080p or not but if it could manage, that's a plus.
Yeah 'm still "stalking" them on twitter to add it in Doom but nothing... such a shame i would give'em my 60 (+ 60 for Wolfenstein) bucks but for now: wallet close man!
@Rika_Yoshitake From a device thats a handheld also considering the 3DS is what... not even 480. Yeah I'd say its more than acceptable considering the dock is just doing video out and not plugging into an expensive external video card.
Also btw... Panic button handled the port of Rocket League which you are praising and that would be the same company thats handling these ports as well.
I'd be much more excited if they patched the current sound issues in Doom. I LOVE the game but stepped away thinking I'd come back after the patch. Still hasn't happened which is a huge bummer. If they use the same engine for Wolfenstein 2, hopefully they can bring whatever fixes they put in place over to Doom.
I won't consider a Wolfenstein 2 purchase until Doom is fixed.
Cannot wait for this!!! I hope it's as good (or better!) than DOOM was
Nice. Cannot wait for this game next year.
I hope everyone goes through these guys, the make lots of money and expand so they can do many more quality ports!
Burning away at it on X and I'm loving the story. Can't wait to double dip. It's that good!
I love Doom on the Switch and I am looking forward for Wolfenstein 2, but if they don’t patch Doom’s sound glitches soon I will lose any trust I have in Panic Button and that means no sale from me.
@Rika_Yoshitake You're expecting too much from the Switch. It can barely handle a downgraded Doom,what can you expect from a port of Doom that has a nice crisp resolution?
Same here.
@Rika_Yoshitake If you think porting Doom is the same as porting Rocket League, you need to read more and game less. Sorry if that comes off harsh, but it's true.
SWITCH version anyday!
Man, I just hope they'll value resolution over detail. I'd much much rather have a few less grass blades or shiny walls than having those things but seeing everything at sub-HD. The blur effect this brings in Doom (most notorious in its MP) gets to the point where you can barely read on screen text in menus. Either res > detail or just keep optimizing until you can have both, because I really believe it'd be possible.
Will pick this up on Switch just like Doom anyway, though, because portability and sexy device.
"Doom is fantastic..a few sound bugs for sure but to take that level of a FPS on the road with me or into the can, it's just unbelievable."
It is and I think people are forgetting that. I'm hanging on for Wolf 2 on Switch as I need that portability to play it plenty. Too old and too little time to obsess about graphics.
Well said
@JaxonH i've only had one graphical slow down with Doom... but loads of Sound issues. have you found any work arounds? techniques to help with the sound?
Will be buying Wolf day one in any case
Hopefully sales will be acceptable, prompting more timely Switch releases of big multiplatform titles.
I've seen Doom on Switch before, it's incredible. I have Wolfenstein 2 on PS4 PRO and I don't know how they can manage that on Switch. Perhaps 360p/480p portable and 720p docked?
Just reload a checkpoint... I've only encountered the issue twice
Sorry guys but have to agree on @Menchi187 on this one. 540p 20....For $60 isn't great news especially coupled that Wolf is more demanding than Doom...Expect 240p 15.
Well, as one who owns DOOM for PC, XB1, and Switch, and has played all the way through it on all but the XB, I can say that I had just as much fun playing and beating the game on Switch in 720p Low (or less) at 30fps over standard Joycons as I had playing and beating it on a PC that handled it in 4K Ultra / Nightmare, at close to 60fps over KBM.
Beyond the game just feeling and playing great, I even managed to still think it looked great despite the gulf between its performance and the PCs being so admittedly chasmic.
And contrary to popular feedback which said the visuals are actually more appealing in undocked mode than in docked (as they supposedly better hide the seams in the presentation), thanks to the excellent upscaling, much stronger colors, and advanced motion technology of my Sony XBR43X800D UHD TV, which very convincingly simulates higher fps, as well as the extra power of docked mode keeping the dynamic resolution drops more at bay, I actually quite preferred the docked experience over the undocked, and spent probably 60-70% of my total campaign time playing in that mode instead - despite the fact that the obvious draw of the Switch version in the first place is being able to play it on the go.
Anyway, all that to say that I felt the Switch version of DOOM was FANTASTIC from the perspective of "all things considered", and even with that perspective turned off, it was still not a bad port at all. Panic Button has made a winner here, and if they can do it again, they'll have made another.
I've not played the new Wolfenstein yet. I think I'll wait for the Switch version. And if it's even close to as a good a port of even close to as good a game as DOOM, then I'm guaranteed to love it! And unlike with DOOM, where I had the disadvantage of being intimately familiar with a much better graphical presentation prior (though I was not disappointed with the Switch at all), I will have the benefit in Wolfenstein of having the Switch's visuals be my first exposure, meaning they won't feel scaled down compared to past experiences. Moreover, if I like Wolfenstein enough on Switch, maybe I'll buy it on PC later, and then those far superior graphics can be experienced in light of my then past experiences on Switch, and feel truly spectacular!
I'm very much looking forward to it!
@NinjaWaddleDee unless you value portability over literally every other metric on the scale of "should I buy this game for X system?" you're going to severely regret that move.
30fps vs. 60? No thanks.
Also, by the time this version comes out, at $60, the PS4 one will undoubtably cost half.
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