We've all known the Switch is having a great launch year, simply due to the fact that demand has remained high and prompted Nintendo to significantly increase supply into the Holiday season. Now there's a nice round figure to show how quickly the system has caught on with the public.
The company has confirmed that there have been around 10 million sales to consumers around the world in just nine months, which is an excellent result. A nice graphic and some remarks from Reggie Fils-Aime are below.
As you can see in people’s living rooms, on a plane or riding the subway, fans all over the world can enjoy playing Nintendo Switch wherever they go. The response from fans has been great, and we’re doing our very best to satisfy demand during the holiday shopping season.
So there you have it, a notable landmark for the Nintendo Switch. Let us know what you think of its first year to date in the comments below.
Comments 237
More Nintendo Switch supply !!
Ha, take that PiiU! Fingers crossed SamusKiller7 is taking offense to that again!
Wow that's fantastic! Good for them
Even my expectations have been exceeded.
Now to keep this up they need to ensure the continuous flow of games. I think the Bayonetta 1 & 2 re-releases are their first big releases of 2018 but what comes next?
Fantastic news. I really hope that it can beat the Wii U's lifetime sales in its first year on the market. That'd be a big win in my eyes.
I just saw Nintendo of Canada post this. Simply incredible! They really are going to surpass the Wii U's lifetime sales in 1 years. That is really impressive.
I can't wait for the Nintendo Direct in January outlining what's coming up in 2018 so they can hit 20 million soon! GOOO NINTY!
well without me it would Me 9,999,998..... might have to buy #3 soon lol whole house will need on haha
Wow ..
its on par with the ps4 first nine months, which is impressive
Ten million, Nintendo? TEN? That's insane.

@Moon Yeah, me too. I mean... if it doesn't quite beat it, it means almost nothing, but it's a nice number and impressive stat to talk about, anyway. So, let's see it happen. You and I both should buy an extra Switch just to push it over.
They are more than on pace to sell through that 14 million by March 31st. They will most definitely hit over 16 million by then.
I have not seen Sleigh_Eire in any of the comments lately...
I knew the switch was doing well, but I never realized it was doing that well XD Congrats Nintendo!
Impressive! Haters can hate all day, but numbers don't lie.
@superguy123 Actually outpacing PS4 first nine months when you consider the fact that the Switch's first nine months does not include a holiday season. If you compared the same calendar months during the first year of launch the Switch is quite a ways ahead of the PS4. This will become much more clear after the holiday numbers are accounted for.
@superguy123 https://www.geekwire.com/2014/sony-sold-10-million-playstation-4-consoles-8-months/
Yes, it did. Interesting. I remember, at the time, the media worrying a bit that console gaming was taking a dive (partly due to the slow sales of Wii U) and, then, Sony selling so strong that it put the notion to bed.
Great job Nintendo. Excellent first year with some of the best games.
I haven't seen the trolls lately. What happened to them?
Switch Train keeps on chugging. Pour one out for the Wiiu though...still my favorite system (game library and idea with the game pad...Switch is best overall hardware).
@liljmoore Positive vibes burn like the sun. Plus between the ignore list and the fact that there was a bit of a backlash against the obvious intentional trolls ,they have no fire to feed. So the ones that get up in the morning to do this go elsewhere, and those that don't calm down or risk having nobody to talk to.
We need more Mark Corigan love in here.
I'm so glad Nintendo was able to bump up stock during this busy time. If not for that sales would be held back a bit.
Here's hoping for great momentum into 2018!
Yeah, around the 10 million mark is what I think most new consoles need to sell in their first year these days to really get off to a great start.
Hopefully the Switch continues on this positive path.
Only 3.56 million units to go in order to outsell the Wii U! CAN WE REACH THAT NUMBER BY MARCH?!
Nice to see Nintendo sell well. I don’t see many TV commercials though, even on the stations that have usually have PS4/Xbox ones.
@Savlep99 @dew12333
He's still contributing story tips last I knew, and what's the big deal? I'd rather include a wide range of viewpoints rather than shun people we disagree with. I don't remember him making any predictions about Switch failing, but just expressing his dissatisfaction with what it offered him personally.
@aaronsullivan PS4 was released on holidays.
"I have not seen Sleigh_Eire in any of the comments lately..."
I think he got banned due to his Trolls about Port games for Nintendo Switch.
Last time i saw his post it was about sligeach eire vs some users here about Port games.
I wasn't going to say anything but then I read some of the comments here.
Stick that in your pipe!
9,999,999 →→→→→→→→→ 10,000,000
Edit: And I've Yooka-Laylee from way back when I transferred my backing to Switch.
Yes 👍, but still no Waverace 🙁
@aaronsullivan The guy was toxic and complained all the time about everything for the sake of complaining, the community is a lot better without him.
@rennandovale @Savlep99
Not releasing during the holidays might give Switch an edge, but also highlights how comparing the sales directly doesn't quite work. We'll see what happens with the holiday sales included and compare again. Maybe the slow burn up to holiday sales lessens their effect. Maybe PS4 holiday at the beginning was big splash and then people waited for next holiday to buy (price difference in the products, you know).
Also, Nintendo Switch sales compared to PS4 sales doesn't tell the story of the number of gamers using them clearly. Some families may already be buying multiple Switch consoles.
Still, it's all awesome.
@rennandovale disagree. Also... should get interesting soon (scroll up)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE have fun you've some really good games there.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Thank God and welcome aboard.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE welcome back. You were much missed here.
Congratulations, Nintendo! Keep the momentum going in 2018 and beyond!
And the celebration graphic is cute.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nice start! Look for chips on the glass screen cover. They don't let it completely seal. I have a tiny crack and big bubble on the side but am living with it for now.
@aaronsullivan He went on endlessly about how there was only one true way to play BOTW, and that was on Wii U.
I expected the Switch to sell 7 mil this year, 8 tops. The fact that they have almost matched the lifetime sales of the Wii U in under a year is truly amazing.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE omg, it happened haha
@SLIGEACH_EIRE haha finally 😃 hope you enjoy it
Very nice. So if that's "9 months," as they claim, that would be through the end of November/very early December. I don't think it's unrealistic to see 11 or 12 million sold by after the holiday shopping season is all said and done.
13-15 million by March is not out of the realm of possibility. That would be incredible.
@EVIL-C Personal attacks get you banned, btw. He isn't the only one who believes that about BOTW on Wii U. It really was designed for the GamePad originally and then changed to better match Switch. It damaged the Wii U version in some ways as a result. I'm fine with the Switch version, but I understand why some were upset about that. And also, this wasn't a rumor, it was clearly shown in the progress leading up to release over the years.
@Mr_Zurkon I see a lot on Youtube. Mainly the Skyrim one at the moment - which is very good.
@aaronsullivan gamepad support would've been great and massively improve gameplay
I hope it keeps it up!
Hey, guys.
Sligeach eire was here !
But probably all of you can't see him.
I has "Ignored" him, but i still can find out his last post.
Well, just now he has posted his Neon Bundle Switch with his games Mario + Rabbids , Xenoblade 2 & Mario Odyssey.
Has anyone press "Ignore" button on Sligeach eire yet ?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nice to see you here. I rarely agree with your viewpoints, but this community wouldn't be the same without you!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Welcome back! Glad you finally picked up a Wii U 2, I mean uh... Switch!
Looking forward to the Switch surpassing the Wii U. As much as I personally loved that console, and am still using it almost daily, it would be an incredible milestone to see the Switch surpass it in it's first year.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Finally came to your senses
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Congrats on getting one! I'm very interested in hearing what you think of those games you selected!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Enjoy those games! They will certainly eat up a good chunk of your free time over the next few months! I have over 130 hours split between Mario + Rabbids and Mario Odyssey... haven't yet started Xenoblade 2.. will get to that after I get through my backlog which includes Doom, Skyrim, L.A. Noire, Nights of Azure 2...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Try Splatoon 2 if multiplayer games are ya thing (has a decent singleplayer too).
@SLIGEACH_EIRE welcome back! I've missed your commentary on everything! Happy gaming!
@1UP_MARIO Always hard to know what it would have been exactly, but the timing was a shame. It makes sense from the need to have a successful console launch to keep the Wii U version from upstaging it with features the Switch couldn't provide, but there will always be that what if.
For one, I loved having the ability to play Wind Waker HD on a Wii U Pro controller and my young son at the time use the GamePad for map and looking things up. It was really fun co-op. That maybe wouldn't have been possible on Wii U version (because motion controls were necessary) but totally impossible on Switch.
Who knows, though. If it had released on Wii U earlier, there may have been less polish. The longer period of time used for porting probably opened up some areas for further refinement and more content to be created simultaneously. The what if scenario may have had a better playing game on the Wii U with less to do, overall. So hard to gauge.
We still love our Wii U and keep it around all hooked up. Nintendo Land alone was perfect for our family for years. Mario Maker was amazing, and my son loved that console so much, he's always going back to it.
It's hilarious/sad that an article with great news for Nintendo is being dragged down by comments about someone who is considered a troll and most don't like. He's not even on here yet is dominating the conversation. That's some next level trolling there lol!
@yeayeanaynay If you want to play Nintendo games in the future, it probably does. Just saying.
I fell out of my chair after seeing that.
Haha, I tease. You've got a solid game selection there, hope you enjoy it, especially with the holidays coming up.
@Anti-Matter well, as you asked, I’ve never pressed the ‘ignore’ button, it seems absurd to me that anyone would find such a thing to be necessary. Are you frightened of other people’s opinions?
"doesnt change my life.."
Btw, have you got Switch yet ?
@redd214 He is on here, and posted a picture of his recent haul: Nintendo Switch (neon), Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Mario + Rabbids.
Maybe you ignored him earlier so you aren't seeing it.
It is pretty impressive if you ask me
I will say this is an incredible turnaround. Wii U sold ~13 million in it's entire lifetime, and the Switch should easily overtake it before it's first year is complete. While the launch lineup was relatively weak (except for Zelda of course), I gotta hand it to Nintendo, they kept the games coming — and strong games at that. With the third parties finally on-board (even Capcom!) I have wayyy too many games to play and cannot keep up with it all. Happy days indeed.
An impressive number.
The long term future of the console is still unknown but it definitely looks like a very solid basis for Nintendo to do more than just survive for the next decade.
Now gimme a better online ecosystem Nintendo! And maybe...cozy up with Blizzard...nudge nudge wink wink
cough*Diablo 3*cough
Currently in the comment section. A lot of people here are brown nosing Slig.
Really good news! I hope this continues and Nintendo manages to build a very large userbase, to keep attracting developers.
Inviting indie developers to come on board early in the console's life really helped set a nice foundation alongside some big studios.
Being pessimistic is fine, but being negative and deliberately dismissive and abrasive isn't good manners. You wouldn't act like that at a party and expect people to stick around you.
Hey Koopalings, so what games are coming out in the first half of 2018 or before E3? I can't wait for the January Direct. What's scheduled for March through June?
I would not have mentioned blue shells and smiles. That is like blue shells and middle fingers right?
Seriously third parties get to work asap.
Wii U in 4 years - 13.5M. Switch in 9 months - 10M. They are on point to destroying the Wii U. Nintendo may go down but they are never out for the count. 2018 is going to be great.
@MsJubilee Well..well... Stop red nosing Lola Pop!
@Ryu_Niiyama Blue shells and death stares
@Trikeboy Hahaha touche!
I've been saying "let's way and see" to most of these articles as nothing is proven until it passes Gamecube sales - we all know what a failure Wii U was from a sales perspective so just passing that is nothing to celebrate, just a big sigh of relief - but a nice round number is a nice round number, and 10m in 9 months is just that. So congrats to Switch for selling well and even bigger congrats to Ntinedo for actually making 10m in 9 months to sell, was a little touch and go there for awhile.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nice one lad. Funny, I had a feeling that you now had one .The other day I jokingly replied to someone who had mentioned you, saying that you're probably playing on your new Switch and have no time to comment.
If you download Pinball FX 3,as well as the standard free table, there's another 2 tables available for free this week. Playing it in vertical mode with HD Rumble is superb.
It's an awesome start. Hopefully it does even better throughout 2018. It already has a library I like better than Xbox One's and it destroys what the PS4 lineup was after 9 months on the market.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Finally u join us!! Welcome aboard.
Now is a good time to confirm that January Direct and keep the hype rolling.
Finally getting XC2 next week, I can't wait to binge that game, got like 10 days free from life... I mean work. Meanwhile I'm so happy with Odyssey!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE post your thoughts on Yooka Laylee. I'd never played Banjo Kazooie, but I kinda wished I had.
@superguy123 how many did the PS4 sell in it's first 9 months?
@Fred13 sony announced ps4 hit 9 million 270 days after launch, Switch at 284 days according to this article. So nearly identical.
That's actually not true.PS4 achieved that in 270 days vs the Switch in 284 days. Also remember although during the holiday release PS4 did not release worldwide.
With that said go Switch wishing it unlimited success, i love it, including all my systems! Although due to still excellent software such as DKC Tropical Freeze, W101, Twilight Princess HD, WW HD, Captain Toad I can't put my Wii U out to pasture yet.. Also Nintendo can we get physical Bayo 1 copies for all territories sheesh..
@aaronsullivan "He's still contributing story tips last I knew, and what's the big deal? I'd rather include a wide range of viewpoints rather than shun people we disagree with. I don't remember him making any predictions about Switch failing, but just expressing his dissatisfaction with what it offered him personally."
Thanks. My blood pressure was starting to spike reading all of the previous comments, I was having flashbacks to that other place.
Amazing! This will only continue to bolster 3rd party support and keep great games coming to the Switch. My household did our part. Bought 2 Switches for Christmas for the kids and will likely buy a 3rd for myself. I know Nintendo said they expected multiple Switch units in each household. I wonder how many have done like myself and bought more than one?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I have that same glass screen protector box. The box is sitting on top of my PS4 Slim and it's external HDD is sitting on top of the box. I wanted something between the PS4 and HDD, I worry about magnetic fields, over heating and the like. Enjoy.
I was hoping they'd pull it off, so congrats to them, and more importantly to us gamers. That is a true testament to Nintendo's advertising this year and flow of games. Slowly but surely it looks like Nintendo is trying to strike twice in 2018 as game announcements are slowly coming. I believe this coming year we have a core Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Metroid 4, Bayonetta 3, etc just to name a few big name games, and that's not even slightly covering all of the stuff to come. It's a good time to be a Nintendo gamer. Now to locate Super Mario Cereal and await more info on the Mario movie...
I'm actually curious if the Switch is going to win the Christmas sales against the PS4.
Aside from that, nice numbers. Hopefully Nintendo will do great in 2nd year with a lot of games.
@redd214 Thanks for the info!
@Anti-Matter Are you asking other people to ignore a certain user? Please don't do that, witch-hunts belong in the fifteenth century, not on NintendoLife.
@Anti-Matter you don't need to keep bringing that up, consider this a warning.
total sales by end of year 1 prediction
low 11 million
average 12.5 million
high 13 million
may beat wii u sales by year 1 to 13 months
I'm new here, but it seems some of you forgot how to say nice things about the subject at hand.
10 million! Congratulations Nintendo!
Your turn, for those who haven't already.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Finally... You will love Mario Odyssey. You just need the Pro-controller next.
Considering the shortages that lasted 6 months and the fact it's still selling out regularly on Amazon, I'd say it's doing pretty dang well.
I remember all the predictions too, that it would "flop worse than Wii U".
You've been blessed by the Switch after the Wii U curse. Welcome aboard my friend.
That's phenomenal. With 2 months plus half of December itself to go before it turns 1 year old, there's a very fair chance it could surpass WiiU sales in 1 year!
@superguy123 It's twice as impressive considering PS4 was coming off the very successful user base of late era PS3, and the disgruntled user base of XBox users fleeing (Sony had cited at the time that the majority of new sales were coming from former XBox customers more than former PS3 customers during that initial period), and at the time they had almost zero competition as WiiU was failing hard by then, X1 was still dealing with backlash from the botched launch and a fleeing consumer base, and 3DS hadn't really picked up full steam yet.
In contrast Switch is matching similar numbers coming off a disastrous failure of a prior console, (though a similarly successful 3DS), against a monolithic competitor in PS4, and a not-quite-as-weak-as-4-years-ago X1. It has a much steeper uphill battle than PS4 did and is performing almost identically well in the beginning without the gifted situation from its competitors that PS4 had.
The execs of all these companies are being honest when they say this is good for everyone. Going into Gen 8 the analysts said that consoles were dying. Since then PS4 has posted record sales and Switch is poised to, maybe not beat the phenomenon that was Wii+DS, but be one of the highest selling platforms. Consoles are officially here to stay for a good while. Switch's success, challenging to Sony though it may be, also must reassure them about the supporting market for a PS5.
I just hope Nintendo learns from their past and keeps the content coming instead of abandoning it in its later life to queue up a strong release for the follow-up system.
@Kayfios We? Are you inferring that Nintendo's success is our success? It's not.
Welcome @HatosBlack !
Note that the holday sales hasn't started yet. Tons of games that I can't keep count that some people are counting too many games is a problem.
Kudo's Nintendo.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Is it true, did you finally get yourself a Switch? 'Bout darned time! Much as you didn't want to, you're going to love it! It's just such an awesome little juggernaut. Glad you're finally on board!
Definitely loving the HIYAAs of course. So this proved that Nintendo embraced the meme XD
@SLIGEACH_EIRE just wanted to say I'm glad to see you got a Switch. I like my Wii U a lot, too, and still use it. I honestly never felt like that hardware had a fair chance to shine. But I do think you'll like the Switch and those games. I would encourage you to look into I am Setsuna on eshop based on your selections. MK8, ARMS and Splatoon 2 are still very good for online multiplayer if you want that. Hope to keep seeing you post, it's always been fun to read.
great to hear! let's hope this continues in 2018!
@FX102A Kirby in March probably, Maybe April
Welcome aboard, we hope you enjoy it as much as most of us have. Cheers!
Congrats on assimilating lol.
Jokes aside, I didn’t understand why everyone was fussed about your comments. I think there is a section of the gaming community that has the same concerns/complaints that you do. I read your post as like a weathervane to gauge how they regarded the Switch.
Happy Holidays, and good gaming.
That's one sold basically every 2 seconds!
DOA. Nintendoomed. Switch won't pass 10 million sales in its lifetime. R.I.P Nintendo. Next generation we'll all be seeing Mario and Zelda on PlayStation and Xbox.
You should've use that photo for the article pic
Absolutely phenomenal.
Even though I was a day one adopter I like most people had my reservations after the failure of the Wii U and the relatively high price tag but very happy to see what a success it's been so far.
I haven’t posted much in the last month, actually have been too busy playing the Switch( as well as Christmas shopping, I spent way too long in a makeup shop begging for help while shopping for my girlfriend) but these are great numbers.
I’m interested in seeing how the holidays bumped sales, and more excited to see how momentum carries into 2018. If Ninty can release games at a decent clip, I think sales will flow. Also I have seen a few comments stating Pokemon, had that actually been confirmed as a 2018 release?
@Savlep99 @SLIGEACH_EIRE is one of those ten million, he bought one on Cyber Monday and I'd imagine he's playing, and loving it, right now.
@aaronsullivan We should! I've already got two lying about but a third one won't hurt
@Kayfios Allow me to fix that for you CAN WII REACH THAT NUMBER BY MARCH!?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE welcome to the dark side! Lol. Enjoy
@SLIGEACH_EIRE welcome to the club.
Picked up this console in June. Best 6 months of gaming I've ever had. Love this machine.
That really makes me happy. Hope it outsells the Wii U by March and soon surpass the Gamecube's sales in the future
Impressive numbers. Congratulations to Nintendo.
@KirbyTheVampire You moved to Florida?
Gone the wii u Irish logo,
For a New NS joy-con Irish logo????
Just need they pesky guys it Nintendo to make an orange right-handed joy-con,
Am waiting (fffffffftl) on a right green joy-con to match my left one,
Hibernian FC the first to wear the green
Well I guess they had to say something after SONY announced they hit the 70milliom mark before the holidays
Either way - I have both Stock so all around good. I remember when every publication was saying $2 iphone games would kill the industry. Dedicated Consoles not going anywhere as long as Zero Dawn, Persona 5, ZBOTW, Nier keep coming out.
Eh ? Oopsie ...
Sorry, if that was restricted...
Lol at the people who thought the Switch would fail
@Savlep99 "Actually outpacing PS4 first nine months when you consider the fact that the Switch's first nine months does not include a holiday season."
2 things.
1. If you want to start getting all technical about global sales, PS4 launched in Japan in February 2014, after the western release fall 2013. So if you want to really evenly compare global sales for the first 9 months you would need to drop the first 4 or 5 months out of Japan's Switch sales. And that's only the country I know about, I doubt every other country was the same at launch. So if you want to get nit-picky about the holiday season, you 'd probably want to get nit-picky about what countries each system released in for that holiday season.
2. Nintneod just announced the Switch sales on December 11th. Id' say that contains a large portion of this years "holiday season" sales as most of those probably occur in November, mid-November to Cyber Monday, about a 10 day period. Sure, more will be sold over the next 10 days, but a LOT of this seasons holiday Switch sales are probably already included in that 10 million. To say PS4 sales don't compare b/c they were during the holiday but Switch hasn't had a holiday yet isn't really accurate, Switch now has I'd say at least 2/3 of it's first holiday sales under it's belt.
Not looking to start an argument, just showing how difficult comparing sales are, and trying to say 1 beat another in a given time frame. Oh and that Switch has really had it's first holiday season. 9 months from release on March 3rd would be Dec 3rd, that includes a lot of "holiday" sales.
Now if you wanted to look at the first 6 months of PS4 - Nov to April - to Switch - March to August, well then I'd say you are looking at 2 very different things, they are practically opposite halves and that comparison would be pretty much meaningless. Though the argument could also be made that the fist 6 months of any launch are early adopters, and it doesn't matter when a console launches, Feb, June, Sept, Nov, b/c those early adopters are going to be there and almost any system is going to sell out for probably 3 months. Even Wii U had a really good launch 3 months, it was the next 3 that killed it and it never recovered.
The real test for Switch will be Feb and March, just like it was for Wii U. Zelda lead the launch, ARMS and Splatoon 2 were the summer blockbusters, and Mario led the holiday charge. So now what? I think a January ND will have enough to keep Switch going for the long haul. And I think that Zelda BotW Explorers Ed shows Nintendo has learned how to sell stuff for the long haul. In the past Nintendo has never repackaged a game like that to resell it, and only a few months after release. They're learning.
@dew12333 Let's keep this comment section civil, shall we? No reason to call out other users like that.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Good to see you finally moving on!
Glad to hear that the Switch is healthy. Nintendo really did a great job at recapturing the fun that is local multiplayer. Playing Splatoon or Mario Kart with 8 people in the same room is a certain kind of awesome chaos.
Really your calling me out for that!!
I'm sorry but maybe you should tell ppl to stop trolling then there wouldn't be any angst.
I have bought Splatoon, 1-2 Switch, BoTW, and Mario, and 90% of my gaming time has gone into three of those Switch games.
Phenomenal console. Without it I couldn't bring Splatoon to my library to play online.
Here's to 10 million more.
@rjejr Well removing Japanese PS4 sales would be like removing UK Switch sales. The numbers don't move much after you do it Japan is Playstation's worst market which they know, and is the reason they flipped off Japan with a late launch (which did hurt them there slightly.)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE btw, it looks like you removed your post about getting a Switch which makes all the replies congratulating you look a little odd
@Kayfios With the holidays and bayonetta, I think we can!
We need more JoyCon Milking in here.
@dew12333 He hasn't posted on NintendoLife for over a month...
At least not until he made a single post in this comment section about him getting a Switch and a couple of games.
Well I guess you can say nintendo's fortunes have SWITCHed.
Only 90 Million to go. Give it a couple of years. x3
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Finally! Welcome to the fun side bro!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Thought you'd never get here!
Have three in my household. Got one on day one played said no way I'm not sharing so I got wife and child one. Welcome back Nintendo!!
Decent, but sales will plummet next year.....
This year was such a fun ride. It’s nice to not have to be ashamed to own a Nintendo home console and to have a steady stream of games to play. I’m endlessly curious to see how Nintendo plans to continue this momentum into next year and beyond.
I can already see the cliff which Switch sales will fall off of...
@NEStalgia I'm looking at slig's pic post right now, #33, or maybe 30, the numbers are very small and my eyes are very old, but it's there w/ the pics.
"flipped off Japan"
If I lived in Japan I would have NEVER purchased a PS4, you know how I get. But unless the Swtich didn't release in the UK in March you're argument doesn't hold. Japan may be a small market for Sony but 5m PS4 is more than the 2m Switch has sold there, and they eat, sleep and breath Splatoon 2 there. Heck they'd probably give up all 3 for Spaltoon 2 play time. Plus, some people there may be nearly as spiteful as I am, so that may have hurt PS4 sales at launch in Feb.
@MsgBoardGamer Slig has said from the beginning he intended to get a Switch probably once Odyssey was out, so it's not a surprise, just welcome news. We just needed to hear less often how much he disliked the idea he had to buy a hybrid when he just wanted a TV box. Despite how often he's told us that he would still be unhappy with its form factor and the abandonment of WiiU, I'm certain he'll enjoy it quite a bit more than he thought he would.
@MsgBoardGamer @rjejr Also of note, Sony's November/December sales were boosted by very heavy discounts ($100 on PS4S, $50 on PS4Pro, $100 on PSVR, and heavy game discounts digitally and physically.) Nintendo's sales are at full margin, so unit sales aside, the Switch is the more profitable of the two ventures this Holiday by a wide margin.
And poor XBox doesn't even factor into the conversation...
@rjejr Slig's #33 post only says that he wasn't going to say anything and contains a gif of Leslie Neilsen followed by an edit saying he has Yooka Laylee as a KS backer for Switch.
And yeah, the late launch hurt PS there, but only slightly. Home consoles were already forsaken there. PS4 was selling roughly par with WiiU. WiiU didn't sell well, PS4 sold poorly. OTOH by end of life, Nintendo expects multiple Switches per home, like 3DS (which is still ahead of PS4, ending only because Switch is replacing it.) while Sony doesn't expect multiple Playstations or PSVRs (which hurts PSVR greatly IMO.) That 10M+ in one year will have a bolt-on effect.
" Switch has sold there, and they eat, sleep and breath Splatoon 2 there. Heck they'd probably give up all 3 for Spaltoon 2 play time. "
Japan....riiiight....the Japanese would do that sort of thing....that....wouldn't....I mean, I never......JUDD YOU LIAR!!!! What were we talking about?
At least it's not Korean internet cafe levels of compulsion anywhere yet.
@NEStalgia I just took a screenshot of this thread using "Snipping Tool" in Win X. The pic of his Switch is still there along w/ the other gif an Yooka-Laylee edit. I was going to post it but dont' know how from my PC w/o a web address. But trust me, I've closed and opened this webpage many times - see all my posts above - and it's still there. Maybe it's your web browser not liking 2 embeded gifs 1 above the other? Post #33 (I squinted) 5 hours ago.
@aaronsullivan I'll only say it once, though it seems many shared my feelings, based on how many upvotes my comment got.
I agree that the game was initially designed for Wii U, and no doubt I'm sure it plays wonderfully on the game pad. If theres one thing I lament about Switch, it's the death of the second screen. I loved having my map and inventory on the other display, something no switch can emulate.
If I was blessed with more time and funds, I'd love to get BOTW for Wii U and play it again for comparison.
@yuwarite @GrailUK @rjejr Where are all the comments from the usual suspects who said this system would fail?
10 millions before Christmas?!?!
@thesilverbrick: Love that comment . . . a fun ride indeed.
Nintendo did a great job of marketing the Switch, and an even better job with its year 1 lineup . . . made even more astounding when you think about how its launch was before its intended time.
Next tricks: Online service, video apps, user interface upgrades, Joy Cons v. 2.0, and many, many more games.
@bluedogrulez Wasn't its launch meant to be last Christmas and then they delayed it for Zelda?
@EVIL-C It doesn't actually use the GamePad on WiiU. ORIGINALLY it was supposed to, but then when they decided to port it to Switch they stripped out the Gamepad features entirely so the game was identical on both platforms.
@rjejr Huh, who'd have guessed. It must somehow be my browser. Odd.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Congratulations! May you finally enjoy your Switch...odyssey, LOL. Sorry, I couldn't help it.
@rjejr I can't wait to see those year end numbers on the games. We know BotW has a ridiculous attach rate in the U.S., but I really want to know how well Splatoon 2 did in Japan by the end of the fiscal year.
Also, I use tinypic for posting pics. It automatically gives you the BB code so you can copy/paste it here. They have an app, too, if you want to post on the go. The app doesn't post to your account, however, so I'm not sure how long they retain it for.
@MsgBoardGamer "at this point in the year"
Can we say the early adopters were replaced by the blood in the shark infested waters buy at any price holiday shoppers?
I may have screwed up that part about early adopters, it was supposed to be the first 6 months, which for Switch would be March 3rd to August 3rd, so nto inclusive of any recent sales #s. Anything the last 2 months I'd contribute to holiday shopping.
Is that 40% December sales real? I know people shop during the holiday but that seems a little high. I mean it's called "black Friday" for a reason. If Dec is 40% what's November, if you happen to know?
"want to claim that most of those 10 million Switch owners are the 13 million Wii U owners from the previous generation, "
I'd claim most of those 10mil are 3DS owners if anything. Though now that Slig has bought a Switch maybe they are all Wii U owners too? (That last part was a joke by the way) Honestly I don't like making ANY Wii U-Switch comparisons b/c for all we know people think the Switch is a 3DS replacement, not a Wii U replacement. Or a Vita replacement. Or an Xbox portable companion. You seem well read, better than I in fact, Sony always had articles about PS4 owners being Xbox 360 owners switching sides, what consoles PS4 owners had adn had not owned. Switch is now at 10m and I'm not sure I've seen a single article about Switch ownership. We really dont' know how many Wii U owners felt betrayed and moved on - I felt betrayed but bought a Switch anyway - and how many bought a Switch. Nintnedo has a "fan base" of at least 10 mil give or take for home consoles, but probably 50 mil easy for portables looking at Gameboy, DS and 3DS. So we really dont' know WHAT to compare Switch sales to. Or who they are being sold to. Well the Japanese are buying it, we know that, but we dont' know which ones. With 5m PS4 owners and 2mil Switch owners in Japan it's possible EVERY Switch owner in Japan also owns a PS4. Or none of them do as there are more than 7mil people in Japan. They probably all own a smartphone though, just saying.
Sorry, writing too much today, I've lost the plot.
@rjejr So I noticed the word "untitled" appeared above the Leslie gif...I right clicked it and it gave me a "view image, copy image location" option.....view image takes me to it. Super weird.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE In that case, great choice on the neon joycons and great game selection!
And it's not even Christmas yet. I'd love to see it eventually do the 20 million a year or so that the PS4 is managing.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That's several months of high quality gaming you have there! Hope you enjoy the system.
@rjejr Black Friday is the kick-off to holiday shopping, not the end of it. The 4 weeks before Christmas starting with that Friday make up the holiday shopping season (yesterday was "Green Monday"....(huh?) ) Black Friday is mostly about the early bird/loss leader deals, getting quick shopping in and getting the biggest discount to get you into the store. But the bulk of hoiday shopping remains the month of December (the parcel companies are already warning of package delays in the last week to the extreme volume, and last year Amazon had to refund orders that arrived after Christmas due to delivery delays from volume.)
@NEStalgia: I do not think so. What I was referring to is that Big N has always had 5+ years between consoles. Switch came less than 4.5 years after the Wii U release.
@YummyHappyPills They aren't important right now. What IS important right now is Switch is getting SFIII Third Strike!!!
@GrailUK Third Strike?
Yippi-yo ke wy
@YummyHappyPills You mean gatorboi don't you? My guess is they got sick of all the hostility and being ganged up on and just decided not to bother anymore. This website went from being a place of discussion to a fanboi gathering were opposing views are not allowed. Which I foresaw years ago when that Reply email mechanism went into affect. I've made a lot of friends with that thing, but boy does it bring out the boneheads, especially when there are a bunch of them and the mob mentality kicks in, it's kind of gross, really. And it affects both sides, no one is spared.
When the Wii U was failing miserably all of the naysayers were ganging up on the true believers telling them what morons they were for having faith in a system named Wii U. I myself predicted 50m lifetime sales for Wii U, never expecting Ntinedo to not promote a new device at all for 4 years, nor ever drop the lowest price below $299. 4 years of zero support. Who could have seen that coming? So anyway now the tide has turned and it's time for all the pro-Nintneod people to have their revenge against the nay-sayers of the horrific Wii U years.
Can't say that I blame them either. I myself have given up going to my 2nd favorite website b/c of grief from unruly fanbios. It's like the site hung up a big "Straight white males only" sign, and even though I am one of those, and so are a lot of my friends, well I'm still not going to a place w/ that sign on the door. This site is a lot better than that place by a mile, but if I were getting dozens of replies in my in-box, every single time I posted, I'd stop posting too, only a glutton for punishment or a masochist would keep posting. So I don't blame anyone one bit for not posting on a site that has THIS GARBAGE as a post.
Name and shame:
Post your own name and shames in the comments! 😀
I mean that's so bad I have to report it, and I hate being a narc. A little bit of me is going to die inside, but so be it.
@masterLEON "but I really want to know how well Splatoon 2 did in Japan by the end of the fiscal year"
What's the population of Japan?
Thanks for the tinypic info. I usually just post to my twitter feed or FB - Instagram hates me for some reason, I don't get "Stories" at all - but a screenshot of this comment section was a bit much. I think half of it is me, it's like the old days.
@rjejr "This site is a lot better than that place by a mile, but if I were getting dozens of replies in my in-box, every single time I posted, I'd stop posting too"
Why not ignore users whom you don't want to receive replies from?
@WiltonRoots Third Strike.
@rjejr Yeah it's a shame.
Unfortunately, and I said this on PS too. Sure, you can say "We get to mean to you because you were mean to us when the PS3 wasn't doing hot" but...what will happen when you aren't doing hot again? The cycle continues.
I was not surprised. I knew Nintendo have a winner.
@WiltonRoots No. What makes you think that?
That would be great, though. Not a fan of snow.
@Octane "Let's keep this comment section civil, shall we? No reason to call out other users like that."
Civil's flown the coop man, it's getting all PS in here. And do people even realize you work here? I only know b/c of our discussion in the forums, though I've known you on here for years.
Anyway, funny thing - did you read post #154 RIGHT AFTER you posted #153 telling someone to cool it? It's the most egregious thing I've ever seen anyone write anywhere. If you ban the guy for life I'm ok w/ that.
@NinNin "Why not ignore users whom you don't want to receive replies from?"
We can do that? I thought "Ignore" just meant you wouldn't' see other peoples posts in the thread but they can still reply to yours. I do like your way better though. Slig would still probably need to spend 7 hours a day ignoring people though, it's been bad on here for months.
@YummyHappyPills Wow you read all that, I thought you'd just seen how long it was and delete it. I need a break, a long break.
@rjejr I read fast. Honestly I had to ignore only one user here, because they kept trying to present an argument to me that I never made and were picking whichever side made them right, so they flipflopped. XD
But yeah its nice to be (relatively) doomsayer free for a change. Its not as depressing. Now if only people weren't dicks back.
@yuwarite Is naming and shaming really necessary? It's fine to disagree, but let's not start doing a witch hunt on people who don't really care for Nintendo or don't like the Switch. Let's all behave like the adults many of us are and not preschool bullies on the playground.
@GrailUK is a great game still to this day. If you had a PS3 you could've enjoyed this since 2011 and online ranks
@rjejr I'm not sure, but in theory if you ignore a user, you shouldn't receive notifications when he replies to your posts.
The PS4 sold 5.3m from November to Feb during launch (which could be as little as 2 months), and then 4.7m in the next 6-7 months.
Switch has the opposite pattern, probably due to stock.
You can bank on at least 1m sales just in Japan in the next 4-6 weeks (sold 250k last 2 weeks alone).
Now all 3 console makers have healthy sales, and everyone should be happy. No signs of discounts for the Switch either, which means the dollars will flow for Nintendo.
My kids will open theirs on Xmas day, and we still have our WiiU and a solid backlog.
I can see us buying up to 3 over time - one for me, 2 for the kids.
Great time for gaming.
@bluedogrulez Thanks, and I totally agree with you; now that they've got the marketing and games lined up, it's time to pour a bit more effort into enhancing the Switch's overall user experience in terms of apps, the OS, online compatibility, etc. The possibilities are exciting.
@rjejr Nope Gator is still around this was from 5 days ago:
"Glad Nintendo's brand is relevant again, even if it's in a capacity that doesn't necessarily resonate with me. Have been in (temporary) possession of a Switch the last month or so and it's pretty cool I guess. Odyssey is nice, even if it's made me want to revisit 3D World and Galaxy 2 instead. Still have no desire to go out and buy one for myself though.
"Speaking of PS4, Sony's console has hit the 5.5 million unit marker in Japan. The system has been available since February 2014, while the Switch doesn't even have a full year under its belt yet. At this rate, Switch's Japanese install base could overtake PS4's in 2018."
I find this kind of stuff just silly. You can't compare Switch to PS4/XB1 when things are in favor for Switch, yet turn around and say "well, Switch is just a portable" when things are not in favor of Switch. It's either a direct competitor to those consoles or it's not."
@yuwarite @MsgBoardGamer Guys, last warning, let's quit the witch hunts and stay on topic.
@Octane Totally agree. People were not wrong to be sceptical in the early days.
Great to see Switch doing this business for Nintendo. Hope it continues.
@rjejr Thanks for letting me know! I rarely fare these comment sections on my own anymore. Only when I get notified or when something pops up on the alert page.
And technically I don't ''work'' for NintendoLife, I don't get paid!
@rjejr But you DO get dozens of replies from every post
As for "name and shame" I don't think I can hate on that one....it's using peoples own words against them. Heck I might participate in the list if I weren't lazy and not interested in going back through a few thousand notification emails The most outlandish comments didn't come from slig, or gator though. They wouldn't even rate on the list.
@bluedogrulez Ahh, true.
Winter 2015 they had said that "NX" would be release for holiday 2016, and we all presumed an E3 reveal. Then they said that they delayed the NX until "early 2017" so that the software was ready for the system (it's in the AGM transcript for '16) and that's why we got the awkward Zelda-only E3 for '16, because it was intended to have a hardware reveal around then and instead they had to postpone it all to January. So it technically released late from it's intended release.
But your'e right it was certainly early compared to the usual 5 year time if you go by WiiU. BUT it was right on time, in fact a little late, if you go by 3DS. So it's either early as a console or late as a handheld.....or right at the right time if it's a hybrid of both, I suppose
@Incarta It's not even about being wrong or not, it's just completely uncalled for to go digging for old comments and calling users out by name, even when some haven't been on NintendoLife for a while. That's something you expect to see in kindergarten, not in a comment section under an article.
@1UP_MARIO Heheh, I owned a Dreamcast. O.< However, I am all over that collection.
@Savlep99 Not really. They are in a pace to sell 12 MM in 1 year. That is about 1MM per month.
Still, I hope that supply is met for X-mas and that even a 14MM goal can be reached comfortably.
@NEStalgia "it's using peoples own words against them"
But not out of context though right? Or people who are baited? And why the F do we need a "Wall of SHAME" anyway, people should be ashamed of what, having an opinion? Some people get lucky b/c they pull an idea out of their butt and they deserve praise, where somebody who may be right 99% of the time makes 1 wrong comment and they should be SHAMED for it.
Sorry, the world is in bad enough shape as it is, we don't need to be shaming any one. Not under the current climate anyway, have you been reading these comments?!?! You, me, Thanos, couple of other guys want to have a "Stupid things I've said on NL" forum, fine, I've said my share of stupid stuff, Wii U 50m prediction for 1, but I'm not ashamed of it, it was a guess. People I don't know don't need to be shaming me. Let he who is w/o sin first the cast stone.
Ok, let's say Nintnedo has an ND in January and it is totally barren of games for Switch in 2018 and sales slow to crawl, Gamecube like numbers for several months. You you really want to start a war between 2 groups of people? Why? Why do we need insulting, name calling, shaming?
Look there are dozens of people on here I know, they want to call me on some of my BS, fine, I'll call them on their's too, but I don't need a bunch of people I don't know who are just here to cause trouble shaming people. I just don't, and you aren't going to ever change my mind on that one. World is hateful enough as it is. Let's just end this now, once and for all. Or at least try to head in that direction, not feed the hate. Anonymous hate, just what the world needs more of. ugh
To echo what Octane said. It's perfectly fine to disagree (Lord knows I do quite often!) but don't grief folk. Everybody has their own opinion.
@rjejr I'm curious, what's the other website you're talking about?
As for the rest of your comment (#183): I can't really see that as a "both sides" kind of argument. I've said previously that I have been a lurker here for a long time but have only been commenting the past year or so. There are of course fanboys in here, but it's a Nintendo focused website, why would someone expect otherwise? I don't expect to not find Playstation fanboys on Push Square and it's the same here. Are all fanboys rational and prone to civil discussion? No, of course not, but that's with everything that attracts followers, I've seen the same thing with Apple devotees. But at the same time I kind of get it, you're enthusiastic about a product and sometimes that prevents you from seeing its faults or how it can be better. The ones I don't get are the negative trolls. Like what do the doomsayers have to gain if the Switch (or the PS4 or the XBONE) fails? Will that make their lives better? Is it because they want to play Mario on Playstation? If so, why not just say that instead? I don't see it as part of some sort of revenge plan, I think that it's just people having had enough of all the doom and gloom. I personally think that this site would be so much better without people like Slig or the Gator, and this has nothing to do with opposing viewpoints. I consider them to be trolls of the worst kind and for this past month I've actually enjoyed the website without their garbage comments under each and every article.
I do agree with you, there's no need to shame anyone, but certain people have abused their commenting rights so many times, which understandably riles people up. But at the end of the day I'm here to discuss my hobby, and I feel I can do that with people like you. Others, not so much.
Good job,Nintendo!
@GrailUK good to here. It is a great collection. I really hope the online network code is good.
@Cathousemaster My brother is waiting for Animal Crossing before getting his own Switch. We'll probably buy one for our Mom too. (She's logged 500 hours alone on AC: New Leaf.)
So that's 2 more in addition to my 1.
Boy, do the naysayers have eggs on their faces right now.
@gortsi I don't think some enthusiastic people are irrational because of their enthusiasm. Some people are irrational, and it has nothing to do with their interests. For example, a Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Google/Facebook/Amazon fan who is irrational doesn't become rational when he stops being a Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Google/Facebook/Amazon fan. In my opinion, it's a misconception to associate fans and irrationalness.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the biggest troll I’ve seen on here, pulls the wool over ALL our eyes!!
What a legend.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Welcome back man, and welcome to the club. This place isn't the same without you.
I'm so happy the Switch is doing well. Considering how badly the Wii U bombed, I can only hope to actually get the system sooner than later.
@NinNin oh I absolutely agree with you, I was just saying that they fanboyism sometimes fuels the irrationality. Anyway, obsessing over trivial things like that is useless in my opinion, there's much more important problems in the worlds than which console sells and which doesn't.
@rjejr "Switch is a tablet" -rjejr
The Switch (most likely) sold around 2.7 million units in Japan by December 10th, which means the it sold around 7.3 million units in the west.
My regional sales estimates, as of December 10th:
Japan: 2.7 million
North America: 4.2 million
Europe + ROTW: 3.1 million
Note that all of these numbers are sell-through figures to consumers. Nintendo will report higher shipment figures to investors come late January when their FY2017 Q3 shareholder meeting take place.
My guess is that Switch shipments will top 14.5 million by the end of this calendar year, and will reach the projected 16.7 million unit shipment by March 2018.
Well, this comment section's gone off the rails.
Disregarding that, I am really shocked that the Switch is reaching these sales so early! I expected it to do well, but not to nearly match the Wii U's sales in less than a year. At this rate I can see it passing the N64 in sales and maybe even hitting those wild sales numbers analysts say it will reach. Good job Nintendo, and I swear, if you drop the ball after this kind of momentum, I will lose my marbles.
@NEStalgia I think the wall was shame, not pride. 😆
Is this the thread about Steamworld Heist being playable using only touchscreen controls on Switch?
"The entire game can be played using only the touch screen in handheld and tabletop mode. It’s really intuitive!"
Still love the Wii U, but very happy for the Switch!
The numbers should not be too surprising. New Zelda and Mario have helped along with the portability factor. Many households have already bought multiple Switches. Most didn't buy a Wii U at all (let alone multiple Wii U consoles).
At this pace the Switch will catch up and pass the Wii U's lifetime sales by spring 2018! So it'll sell more in 1 year than the Wii U did in over 5! Most impressive Nintendo!
Right now so many 3rd parties are re-evaluating their stances on Switch $$$
Upon the unveiling, I predicted as much.
Most of you laughed. Oh well, happy gaming
I would like to see a Nintendolife poll like the following:
Have you bought a Switch for your houshold?
-Yes - 1
-Yes - More than one
Have you bought a Switch for someone outside of your household?
-Yes - 1
-Yes - More than one
@Strix At this rate, it's possible that the Switch will outsell the Nintendo 64 (and maybe the Xbox One) by the end of next year, provided that there are no serious stock shortage issues.
So parents buy a switch for your kids for Christmas lol.
Nintendo is doing a great job here, onky thing left for them now is to bring the best games.
Great news for Nintendo! That is well over a million units a month! It will probably start to slow down into late winter as the games slow down a bit, but all things considered it seems to be on track for matching of even exceeding Wii U life time sales in it's first year alone.
I hope Nintendo can keep this momentum up. All these sales encourages more games and more companies to jump on the bandwagon, which is good for us gamers!
If Nintendo lowers the price at 1 year old that might actually increase sales even more!
One thing that I think industry presictors failed to foresee when saying console gaming was going by the wayside is...
...smartphone and tablet fatigue. Many, many people I talk to simply don’t want to continuously upgrade, have turned their iPads/tablets into coffee table music players, and generally don’t find the next model to be necessary and exciting and are becoming more apathetic about playing games or whatever on those devices.
Console gaming, on the other hand...
I hope I'm finally able to buy one online ;_;
Switch off to a great start. Let's hope they continue momentum into 2018.
Congrats to Nintendo, they turned it around completely after the Wii U. And 2018 is already off to a good start with the Bayo collection!
And to think some though it was dead on arrival...
@NEStalgia Awww that's lame.
@aaronsullivan he did say it would fail lol
@SLIGEACH_EIRE glad to see u get one.still was a day 1 launch for me.i did say day 1 Nintendo was back.sales proved that.welcome back
Wow, this is probably the most positive feedback Slig's ever been given on this site, With of course the exception of a few commenters who love shaming others to somehow fuel their pitiable Ego, but that's just a given.
Well at least now he can make comments about the Switch with hands on experience, rather then his "Sources". With that being said, It's good to see him back, it's been quite uneventful lately.
Wow, ten million in under a year, not bad for a doomed company. Probably the best nine months of gaming I've had on any console. Now all we need is a big Nintendo Direct for the year ahead.
When will someone whose spoken with Game Developers in the past ask these stuff about the Switch that everyone's been wondering about the Switch? Not releasing at the end of the year like every other gaming system had done, using Cartridges which I thought like VHS Tapes are obsolete (they are a counterpart to the DVD's predecessor after all), ditching Miiverse which really changed our lives on the Wii U, and releasing ports of Wii U Games. As long as there's new games eventually, notably with Mario Kart which has 1 new game per each and every system, the most popular of all Mario Spinoffs that continues to impress us as the Franchise goes on. Right now I haven't a Switch myself, and won't have one till the Next Official Mario Kart game with 16 NEW Nitro and Retro Tracks are announced, never forget that everyone. Thank Goodness ports of Yoshi's Woolly World and Bayonetta 2 aren't discouraging eventual new games for the Switch.
@Strix Well, this comment section's gone off the rails.
But don't you know it's time to raise our sails?
@rjejr the biggest shopping day of the year is not "Black Friday" in the US--it's the Saturday before Xmas. This myth is reinforced by the media, endlessly, but it hasn't been true in a long time, if it ever was.
@Anti-Matter neither have I - oh wait it’s because I got bored and blocked him. It’s a much nicer place on here since I did that.
@GrailUK "To echo what Octane said. It's perfectly fine to disagree (Lord knows I do quite often!) but don't grief folk. Everybody has their own opinion."
Never mind all that. Third Strike.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE welcome to the club kid!! You won’t regret it! Just park it right next to your Wii U and you’ll be fine! 👍😃
@Heavyarms55 "seems to be on track for matching of even exceeding Wii U life time sales in it's first year alone."
The minimal difference between matching and exceeding is only one extra unit sold.
I'm new to these forums but have been lurking in the background since the Switch was announced. I've yet to jump on board due to my lack of funds (all my money has gone towards my new house boat i purchased in Jan of this year) but first chance i get i will be getting one and adding to this, i already own 3 games for it in prep for getting one anyway.
This is really good news overall, I've been a huge fan of Nintendo since the Nes days and have owned every home console and portable except the Wii U & GBA.
@BensonUii @Slim1999 Okay, but even if he did claim it would fail, it wasn’t enough for me to remember or think it was his primary motive for posting. He’s a Nintendo fan and many followers of Nintendo were very skeptical for most of this year. Though I worded it more definitively than intended, I was just suggesting that he didn’t keep saying “will fail” to the point that success would make embarrassed to post.
People speculate all the time. It’s part of discussing things we’re passionate about.
@Razer Welcome to NLife
@WiltonRoots I'm trying to move on, but there is always something that gets me excited for the collection. Anyways, referring to what you were talking about. Griefing is serious. There are some people that seem to repeat offend. Maybe they should get a caution for doing it. A strike each time they cross a line. After the third strike...hmmmm...third strike? Third Strike. THIRD STRIKE!!!
Still can't help but feel sorry for the poor Wii U but glad Nintendo is back on form and this means we'll have a lot more choice of games to play in future besides the ones there already are.
@LemonSlice True, but we rarely have such exact numbers.
@GrailUK Thanks
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