It's hard to believe the time is already here, but we're now into the Holiday season once again. Whether it's the Holidays, Christmas or neither to you, it's a chance to unwind, think about the year that has passed and get excited about what's still to come.
From a Nintendo perspective this year has been rather wonderful. The Switch defied some fears and concerns to take off, with demand remaining high as the year draws to a close. It's been a major success for the company, giving Nintendo breathing room as the 3DS continues to slowly wind down and the 'Nintendo Mobile' strategy evolves.
Both Switch and 3DS have been defined, of course, by their games. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (also a fitting Wii U farewell) and Super Mario Odyssey have been the obvious big-hitters on Switch, while titles like Metroid: Samus Returns have stood out on 3DS; there are many more besides. The Switch, in particular, has had an incredible line-up in its first year, not just in retail but also in the ever-growing and improving eShop catalogue. The little hybrid console / portable has flourished, while those of us with a soft spot for the 3DS have had occasions to boot them up.
Exciting times for Nintendo have boosted all of us at Nintendo Life. It's been a hoot this year, with the new luxury of struggling to keep up with reviews and all of the buzz around the big N. Taking part and sharing in that is always a privilege.
As this is my final Christmas post on these pages I want to give a special thanks to the writing team that have gone above and beyond this year and in the past with news, reviews, interviews and editorials. Also a special thanks to the Triforce of directors for their support and humour, and Alex for his endeavours on YouTube. Our team grew a lot this year to cater to the Switch craze and everyone has worked their socks off. Over the past month I've also seen incoming editor Dom Reseigh-Lincoln in action, and I'm excited to say that the site is going to be in great hands in 2018 and beyond.
The biggest thanks, of course, goes to all of you in the Nintendo Life community. Whether you read quietly and then depart, or if you're active in the comments and live blog chats, your contribution is very much appreciated. We love sharing passion for Nintendo, and challenging it on occasions, and our purpose is always to serve you and provide an online Ninty home. Whether it's engaging in debates or sharing goofy jokes during a Nintendo Direct, it's all only possible because you take time out of your day to come and visit us - thank you.
I hope you all have a wonderful break over the next couple of weeks. Sometimes the demands and societal expectations during this time of year take the joy out of it - we spend too much money, or it can be difficult for those spending the time alone or without a particular loved one. We don't all have the Hallmark Christmas, but I truly hope you all have a wonderful break no matter how it's spent. Whether it's a traditional week with family, fun time with friends or quiet time alone at home, find something you love to do and treat yourself. Read a favourite book, watch a great film or two, play a treasured game, go on day trips, whatever works for you. It's an opportunity for a deep breath and a smile, to look on the bright side of life and plan for a better 2018.
Hopefully we can all do that. 2017 has been a turbulent and extremely difficult year for some, as is the case every year. What matters the most, going into 2018, is that we all focus on how each day can be better than the last. To repeat what I've said on past occasions, empathy, positivity and kindness - whether in forums talking about games, social media or out there in the bigger world - remain the most important qualities that we can all share.
With that in mind I'll sign off. On behalf of Nintendo Life I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Comments 129
Merry Christmas, Thomas! You will be missed, but I wish you the best moving forward!
Happy holidays everyone.
Happy holidays!
Happy Christmas from the Cfgk24 Secret Base!
Merry Christmas! Also big thankyou to Tom for your input into NL, you will be missed; best of luck with your new adventure! Bring on 2018 for more Switch goodness
Merry Christmas, and thanks to the staff for their good work on Nintendo news this year!
Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy New Year (and in Tom's case, new life) in 2018!
Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone who writes or reads on this site. The articles are always brilliant and the community matches that. Have a wonderful time everyone!
A nice final message there. All the best for the future. Many more interesting articles to come in 2018. Merry Christmas everyone. Happy New Year.
Thank you Thom for all your wonderful articles of the years. You will be missed here, but of course we all wish you the very best for the future!
Merry christmas everyone
Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!! I’m thankful to have Nintendolife to go to and escape from the issues and challenges of everyday life! Man i probably click on this site at least 5x a day!! Keep up the great work! 👍
Merry Squidmas!
And a late Merry EB no Matsuri!
Merry Christmas Everyone. Have a safe and wonderful holiday.
Merry Christmas everyone! Much love from the team at Nintendo Life!
Thank you so much. This is the very best Nintendo site by FAR. You guys do a brilliant job. Best wishes to you all
Merry Christmas everybody and a big Thank You to the entire NintendoLife staff for all the work they put into this site year round!
Merry Christmas all. I currently have one hell of a hangover after celebrating my mums 60th birthday yesterday 😵
Merry Christmas everyone !
And Happy Boxing Day tomorrow !
Guess i will do Boxing for tomorrow.
Eh, just kidding.
Merry Christmas , NintendoLife.
You all are still my favorite Nintendo place with my favorite Nintendo people, even after 7 years.
@ThomasBW84 you will be truly missed.
Great year for games around roll on 2018
Thank you Tom, for another really sincere and heartfelt editorial. I will really miss your human and emotional touch. It's rare for feelings to come into play on a gaming site, and I have always enjoyed the more personal approach that you took. Wishing you the very best of luck for 2018 and beyond. You really will be missed.
And to everyone else reading this, I am wishing you love, warmth, joy, and hope, not just for Christmas, but for all of 2018.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone! I will miss your editorials Tom, you humble scribe, but I hope Dom will follow in your footsteps.
Merry Christmas everyone! I liked everyone here!
Merry Chrysler everyone!
Even though I just started to be active in the comments, I've always used this site for any Nintendo related news. Thank you and have an awesome Christmas! I hope that 2018 will be just as interesting with all the news that we see.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone
Have a good one and enjoy your new Christmas games whatever hardware they are on
Don't eat to much turkey, you'll end up podgy like a certain plumber
Thanx guys, merry xmas
Happy Christmas my friends. My son started tossing presents aside this morning, repeating 'where is that Switch, where is it!' He actually screamed when he found ARMS. He's sitting now wearing his Cappy hat playing Super Mario Odyssey and he literally couldn't be happier. Thank you Nintendo. Have a lovely day everyone.
Merry Sithmas!...
Merry Christmas
T.W., thanks for all the articles; hope your 2018 lets you find something you enjoy.
Wonderful sentiment Thomas, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my fellow NLifers. You guys have been one of the few constants in my life since I started coming here over the past 3 years or so, and I can't think of another community where I have been so welcomed and accepted, even by the few that had issue with my statements and opinions.
From the brilliant excitement building up in the beginning for me for the Wii U Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4 to the collective bonds that gave me strength when we lost Iwata and even personal woes I was dealing with at the time like getting divorced, I have come here every day for the past 3 years or so and it has become a nice comfort. I don't even check my social media or e-mail that often!
Sorry if this seems sappy, but I really do love this community, and wish every single one of you an extremely jubilant 2018.
Merry Christmas all, thanks for providing this wonderful site.
Merry Christmas to the NL staff and community, I hope whatever ya'll get upto you have a wonderful holiday.
Not a plumber anymore.
Again, Merry Squidmas!
Merry Xmas everyone!
On shecond bottle of wine already ✨
Merry Christmas folks! Let's all have a happy and safe holiday.
Wow... if you're in the UK, it's 11:34 here right now... which means that you really are getting into the Christmas Spirit!!! 😆 Enjoy!
Ha, no, 7.53pm here 🙃
Merry xmas to all and to the staff and there familys past abd present. Anf special tgabks to Nintendo
Aha! I think that your Avatar threw me! Well, in that case, I hope that the rest of your evening is Fandabidozi!!! 😆
A very Merry Christmas, one and all!
May all of you have a great time with family and friends.
Cheers... hiccup! ... ahem... right, time to raise the glasses, oh wait, that's not until the 31st...
Merry Xmas to all the staff at NL and the readers too! I git Mario for Switch, so I’m well happy:)
Merry Christmas Everyone x
MERRY CHRISTMAS Nintendo Life community!
Thanks for all your amazing work TBW. Your presence at NL will be greatly missed!
Very well spoken editorial, it hit me in the heart, really did.
Merry Christmas to all, and I sincerely hope the community stays well and healthy from here and for years to come.
Merry Xmas to one and all. Have a lovely day you lot and enjoy your new games.... if you got any
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Merry Christmas! 🎄🎈🎍
If you celebrate, Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to you all.
Mr. Whitehead, thank you for everything and best of luck to you!
Merry Christmas to you all at Nintendolife and to this awesome community as well ^^
Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day as well.
Lol plumber by trade and tbh i have no clue what he is now
That was well written Thomas, thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas my gaming friends.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Best of wishes to everyone! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! Game on!
It has been a wonderful year to be a Nintendo fan. The roaring success of the Switch, strong games still hitting the 3DS (though like others I expect it to start winding down over the next few months), and Nintendo's strengthening mobile presence are all things to be proud of. Those things have certainly added some positives this year!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful festive time and stays safe in their travels. Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone! Good luck for the new job Thomas, you'll be missed.
Merry Christmas everybody, I hope you're feeling wonderful and enjoying yourselves.
Fahoo fores, dahoo dores, welcome Christmas, Christmas Day. Thank you NL and its community for providing a great site to visit every day. You will be missed Thomas, fare thee well and tempt not the fates. Now, back to my brand new SNES classic. Cheers!
Merry Xmas all! Hope there are some fantastic gaming presents being unwrapped right now...
Merry Christmas everyone!
I wish you guys and the author a merry christmas!
Hurry up mom and let me open up my switch already!
Have a great break everyone.
All the best
Merry Christmas everyone!
And wow, what a year it’s been for gaming. This has been a pretty rough year for me but the constant stream of amazing games releasing across all gaming platforms has been insane. Here’s to a fantastic 2018, the year where I plan to finally get a PS4 and make the leap to 4K/HDR!
In the meantime, I’ll be starting my playthrough of Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle!
Merry Christmas! I got a 200 GB card for my Switch, No Man's Sky on PS4 (been wanting to try it since the updates), and Amazon and Taco Bell gift cards ($55 dollars worth of Taco Bell somewhat worryingly...)!
Happy holidays, and here's to an awesome 2018!
Merry Christmas everyone ☺
Happy Holidays to all my Koopalings and I wish you all lots of smiles for 2018. 2017 wasn't easy for me personally but this website, the community and Nintendo kept me smiling during the many difficult moments. See you all in 2018 xoxo.
Happy Festivus my friends. Hope you all are enjoying the company of family and loading up on the turkey 🎄🎄
Happy Holidays ya'll
I miss you already, Tom.
Merry Christmas guys...
Merry Switchmas everyone. What an incredible year for Nintendo fans. Thanks to the NL site, staff and community. Roll on 2018! 🍻
'...empathy, positivity and kindness - whether in forums talking about games, social media or out there in the bigger world - remain the most important qualities that we can all share.'
beautifully put. have a great holiday everyone =D
Merry Christmas and happy holidays fellow gaming nerds XD I myself can't wait for the next Nintendo direct and things to come for Nintendo switch like My Nintendo rewards for switch hopefully that comes out by the end if this year or January and Virtual Console! Soon.
Merry Christmas! Great year for Nintendo. Here's to an even better 2018 🍺
Merry Christmas all!
Stick around in the community Thomas. And of course, it's going to be a fun year:)
Thanks all that put up with my trolling and teasing too. All of you guys are awesome!
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.
And a happy new year.
Merry Christmas, guys! Glad to be a part of this community.
I feel so ill, i ain't eating for a week
@ThomasBW84 Merry Christmas to all! And Thomas, I’ll miss reading your stuff. It’s all top-notch. But I hope you’ll make cameos in the comments, from time to time!
@AshFoxX @ThomasBW84 What an excellent editorial and a great heartfelt comment. Being kind an courteous to each other is even more important at the moment than it ever has been. This editorial really proves to me why I'm a Nintendo fan and what this community can mean to so many people. The kindness and sense of family that comes hand in hand with Nintendo is reflected 100% in this site which I also visit every day. It's a fantastic time to be a Nintendo fan which I have been since I got my first NES. The Switch is a wonderful machine and I've just taken a time out from the mayhem of Christmas Day to play my first 30 minutes of Super Mario Odyssey and it is just as incredible as I'd hoped. Here's to 2018, good luck to you Tom and Merry Christmas everyone!
A very good year for Nintendo indeed! Goes off to play my new Switch ^_^
Merry Christmas, team.
Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas all!
Merry Christmas everyone! (Boxing Day for us aussies) hope you all have a wonderful day ⛄️
I'm happy to inform all of you that my lovably crazy girlfriend got me a Nintendo Switch as a Christmas present!
I'm sharing the news because I was ridiculously late to the party given how well the console is doing, and so far the machine has given me nothing but joy, and because, well, I'm "back into" the family from a Nintendo standpoint, I guess. I have Odyssey, Sonic Mania and Rocket League so far, and yet the console seems on a collision course with nothing but sheer success.
I'm pretty darned lucky this time around, and I wish nothing but the best for all of you fine folks here, too. So Merry Christmas, lov'ly peeeople!
God bless Nintendo and Nintendo Switch!!! Cant wait for other gems to arrive! i hope for new info on Metroid Prime 4, Octopath Traveler (this name is really still a thing? cmon Square, make up something memorable and not stupid) and the new Zelda game in 2018!!!
Merry Christmass
@10-zx the best scene Cliff
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to All, from me here in Denmark. Im a happy new NL follower after buying the Switch a couple of months ago. I find lots of good fun om this site, and in all of the nice community here. Its actually quite hard to find such a loving group of followers Almost No trashtalk
Thank you everybody
Merry xmas all, and all the best Tom.
I recommend Desperado's
Merry Christmas everyone.
All the best Tom and thanks for everything!
This year has been amazing in terms of gaming , personally not so much from me losing my new phone, Moving etc. It's also a shame I didn't really play the big hitters of 2017.
Nevertheless Merry Christmas to all and I hope you enjoy whatever you got.
@AlexSora89 Nice that your gf got you a Switch. How is it?
Merry Christmas everybody.
What Switch games did you get?
Me, I got socks which I’m really happy about as I already have too many games to play.
Currently enjoying Rocket League, Pinball FX3 and Slime-San.
Merry Christmas every one
I don't know, I'm a bit partial to the pizza guy.
Hopefully, they won't choose something as stupid as "Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and Nintendo 3DS".
Hopefully, the Zelda dev team were visited by three ghosts of past, present, and future to show them the error of their ways and thus, guarantee at least a small chance for a better game next time.
i know I'm late but merry christmas everybody
Merry Christmas to everybody and especially all the Nintendo switch haters.
Were can I buy the Wii u car adapter 2day
Was wondering if summone would help me am trying to get the Wii u car adapter but need it for 2 morrow does anyone no were I can get it without ordering online thanks
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! We love you Thomas and you will be missed!
Happy Holidays NintendoLife! Thank you Tom for all your hard work! You Will be missed Wishing you All the best moving forward!
Merry xmas everyone. Got Xenoblade 2 for xmas game is awesome so far.
Well said my friend blessings to everyone @Nintendolife for the new year. 🎉🎊
Ok, who started to cut onions next to me?
That was unexpectedly moving
Merry Christmas! Over at Nintendotoday.com they didn't wish their visitors a Merry Christmas. I was like "Wow"....real nice.
Something about that clip always makes me think of salami 🤔
Seasons greetings to everybody as well, hope you are enjoying your new console like me, or just the extra time for a bit of casual portable gaming
Merry Christmas guys! It's been fun!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!
It's amazing. This is one console that, outside of my 29/12-to-19/01 vacation in Southern Italy at her folks' place (I'll bring my sturdier SNES Mini there, courtesy of my Xbox-loving doppleganger friend - of all people who could give me one!... but then again, I introduced him to Nintendo awesomeness so I guess it's fair - because the Switch is too fragile and I don't have an appropriate bag yet), I won't be able to do without easily anytime soon.
I double-dipped (sort of, given I have both via account-sharing, again thanks to my friend) on both Sonic Mania and Rocket League, and having them on the go is... actually, I think they're more than "even better" now: I, 100% legit, think that's the way they're supposed to be experienced. And then there's the game the console came with: Super Mario Odyssey, with a foul adverb beginning in F somewhere in the title.
Everyone, get yourselves a Switch if you don't have one yet. If you're unemployed like yours truly, start saving money (or ask for your friends and family to pitch in, either one works) now.
I was willing to have my girlfriend living with us as my only Christmas present, but boy howdy, this console is destined to be the worthy successor to the 3DS in the "console that keeps on giving" sense.
And that just made me appreciate my loved ones even more. My girlfriend Denise, my best bud Vick, my parents Daisy and Ricky. I love them all.
Happy Holidays again, folks!
@AlexSora89 Sorry for late reply.
That's great man, Glad you enjoyed yourself...
Also Happy New Year 🎉
Happy new year to you, Nabby!
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