The Pokémon brand is on a all-time high following the release of Pokémon GO, Sun and Moon and - more recently - Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Now that it's almost Christmas, hopefully you can still manage to dress up warm and get out and about collecting the little critters while getting some fresh, bracing air at the time.
Whatever kind of Pokémon trainer you are, you'll need to look at the part and have the best gear. Say hello to our handy Pokémon Merchandise guide, updated in time for the holidays!
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You need to make sure you look the part when you're out and about hunting Pokémon, so be sure to check out in rather fetching clothes. You'll be the envy of all the other Pokémon trainers out there!
Pokémon Themed Consoles & Hardware
Who doesn't love limited edition Pokémon-themed hardware, right?
Pokémon Video Games
Of course with all the Pokémon mania it's easy to forget that there are actually Pokémon video games for the Switch, Wii U and 3DS.
Pokémon amiibo
These Pokémon amiibo are lovely to look at and also useful in Super Smash Bros, as well as a range of other games too. Try them out in Kirby: Planet Robobot to see what happens!
Pokémon Trading Cards
If collecting amiibo wasn't expensive enough, try your hand with these Pokémon cards. The Pokémon Trading Card game has been going for years but it shows no signs of flagging.
Pokémon Toys
Whether you want an Ash figure for your desk at work or an authentic Pokéball to throw around the house, we've got something for you here.
Pokémon Plushies
Everyone loves something soft and cuddly to snuggle up to at night, so why not pick one of these adorable Pokémon plushes?
We're sure you'll agree these are lovely Pokémon related items, have we missed anything? Drop a link below.
Comments 51
I mean... the toys are so CUTE !
Another advertisement disguised as a article
I've been thinking of getting into the trading card game, but those prices are a bit trubbish.
Ah, so glad to see that Pokemon Sun costs more than Pokemon Moon. Showing that Pokemon Sun is by far the better version. Such as Red is better than Blue, Gold is better than silver, Ruby is better than Sapphire, X is better than Y, and yes Sun is far more superior than Moon.
This is getting ridiculous.
I just want an official Rowlet plush at msrp
@Switch81tch Throws master ball
@2CUTE4YOU You've been reported for that. I left this story perfectly alone as I don't like Pokemon. And someone still references me to tell me to "shut up" when I never even said anything. Unbelievable!
Pokemon Sun and Moon are £24.95 each at TheGameCollection.
Where are the 'deals'?
@2CUTE4YOU Apology accepted.
@NintySnesMan Unfortunately these guys have to make a living from their work. This is probably the fairest option for both producer and consumer. The alternatives are you either have to pay subscription for the news or these guys have to go and get new jobs and we lose all the content that they want to make and we want to read.
@PiplupJ agreed as we're not forced to do anything
The squirtle thong is obviously the best one.
I'd like either a Blaziken or Torchic plushie. Too bad I'm out of money. 😑
Still no Machamp mankini..? I'm out.
Fair point Bro but NL news is always a day old,but yeah I do like coming on here though,so fair play to them. It was just my sense of humour when I posted it
I actually like posts like these because they occasionally draw my attention to something that I didn't know existed or was available.
For all those that love amiibo. Smyths uk sell them for 5 pounds each.
I need Stardust.
Some of these aren't bad. I don't get paid until Thursday though...
The underwear is quite disturbing.
@TrubbishForMayor Get into the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online then. You're able to do well in it for completely free.
Whoops my hand slipped (they're Pokemonfigure links btw, this is where I find most of this stuff)
Why does the Vermillion gym shirt look like an illustration for a bad creepypasta?
And why do we need Pokemon thongs?
The other stuff is pretty cute though.
Dem pokemon undies.
Also shame the pokemon amiibo don't have much use.
I like Pokemon and I like undies, but those pokemon undies gives me the creeps. Those plushies are cute, especially Rowlet.
I got a question and I don't want to start a fight I'm just curious. It's not the first time I see those website selling (really cool looking) t-shirt with copyrighted characters, just wondering how they do it? Is that legal? Nintendo and the big companies are okay with that?
I really don't know much about the subject so I tought maybe someone here did...
Also eww those Pokémon figurines what happen to them seems like they melted. Hard to believe those are official merchandise.
Should I buy some pokethongs to support nintendolife?
Some of these are bootleg
What's going on with the pokemon go plus for three dollars / free shipping? Scam?
The Bulbasaur tong is just too... frisky?
@Tempestryke Hye, the Pokemon tongs are very sexy. Imagine your GF using the Charmander one and u approaching from behind...
And don't get me started on the Bulbasaur one!!
I'm the girlfriend and i wouldn't be caught dead in them.
Those thongs fit my style, a must buy for me.
Team Rocket long-sleeve t-shirt:
Couple with a cabbie cap to make fast friends playing pokemon go, or use as a normal shirt with a jacket to cover up the R when not cos-playing.
Those Pokémon knickers look like the sort of thing that should never be seen being worn... nor taken off for that matter.
Also https://forbiddenplanet.com/?tag=&q=Pokemon>in=&size=120&sort=addition-date-desc has a ton of Pokemon stuff, I bought some of the mangas for cheap and they're really good fun & looks like it's a bit cheaper too
@0upshroom7 gosh they are stunning! Just wish I had the money
@PsylockeRules Yep I've loved most of what Bandai Japan has put out in their Sh-figuarts line this and last year, I'm glad we're getting a American release so you may find them cheaper at a Barnes and Noble later this year (like the Mario Bros ones) If we weren't getting an American release Ash by himself would have been 80 dollars, aside from importing
you must buy every. single. piece. of. merchandise.
i felt pressured so personally i ordered 56 of the pokemon dresses...and im a male!
That dress is awesome!
"Official UK Pokemon GO T-Shirt"... really?
From a company that doesn't appear to exist outside of Amazon, using stock photos that don't even match... does anyone really think this is official in any way?
I don't why I opened this article, as I'm not a fan of Pokemon. Gotta click 'em all I s'pose...
Errrrrm so yeah where are those 'deals'?
Pokemon thongs. Are those official merchandise? XD
You guys are endorsing bootleg merchandise now?
Glad I picked up a Charizard amiibo at the original retail price. Also glad I didn't get Jigglypuff at the +$20.00 high.
Maybe you should hire a Dutch person to look though Dutch retail sites to help you guys out. Cause all of these deals are pretty much useless for those of us who don't live in the US or UK.
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