It was only a few hours ago we reported on Square Enix expressing renewed interest in opening up its digital back catalogue to Switch thanks to a very strong first nine months for the console, and now it looks like it's not the only Japanese publishing powerhouse potentially planning exciting things for Nintendo's premier hardware.
According to a tweet by Dr Serkan Toto - the Tokyo-based CEO for games consultancy firm Kantan Games - Japanese financial newspaper The Nikkei conducted in an interview with Capcom CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto in which the big cheese revealed Nintendo Switch's handheld/tabletop premise has turned out better than expected. More importantly, he added that Capcom is now considering bringing even more titles to the platform - more specifically, those that have yet to make an appearance on a Nintendo console.
With Capcom already digging deep into its portfolio with the very successful ports of Resident Evil Revelations Collection and the 12-game-strong 30th Anniversary Street Fighter Collection (due out next year), it's clear Capcom is all in when it comes to Switch.
So what franchises could Capcom be potentially considering? We're quietly hoping for the first two Dino Crisis because dinosaurs, but what do you want to see it bring in 2018 and beyond? Sound off, below!
Comments 149
Of course they are! It's crazy, they suddenly are doing stuff that makes sense.
Now if we could just get that monster hunter game...
Monster Hunter XX (or announce a new one for Switch). That's all I want from Capcom.
It what about my portable resident evil 4?!
Ace Attorney collections are rumored, I know. Okami would be awesome. As a shot in the dark, I want to be able to play God Hand all the time if I so choose.
I bet Dragon's Dogma will be the first one.
Oh and Devil May Cry 3, duh.
Oh and Okami not coming to Switch is offensive. Oh Crapcom...
You know what would be cool? Resident evil 7 because you made Nintendo add that delicious 4gb of ram for the game... Might as well finally port it amirite?
Tip of the cap(com).
@tsdenizen Actually Ace Attorney is confirmed for the Switch, albeit I'm not sure if it's a new one or some collection
Oh my god if Dino Crisis is ever announced (either port of the old or something new) for switch i might need a change of pants.
Seeing that giant dinosaur foot in the picture better be a clear indication that Dino Crisis is also coming for Switch, it better be. What other Capcom games had dinosaurs but Dino Crisis? I mean it's not like Capcom to make a game where you hunt dinosaurs right cause if that's the case we would had gotten that like ages ago.
I guess RE V, VI (such a bad game), and VII are the safest bets.
But Dino Crisis would be awesome as well!
After my copy of Okami HD already shipped. I am gonna send it back tomorrow as I am expecting Capcom to announce this for switch soon
Would love to see Dino Crisis 1 & 2 ported to the switch. Shouldn't be that much trouble since they're already digitally sold on PS3/PSV.
@retro_player_22 in case you didn't know, capcom didn't use that image, NL just added it for the article.
Disney Afternoon Collection.
The Devil May Cry Collection announced a few days ago is the prime candidate. Seeing how Bayonetta 2 sold over 1 million on a low selling console and how well the reveal of Bayonetta 3 went down with Nintendo fans,it would be madness for them not to bring it.
@MagnaRoader Resident Evil 7 would look just as good, if not better then Doom... And Doom looks amazing in handheld and pretty decent in docked mode. I am loving my Switch right now and I can't even ask for any more games. Still playing Breath of The Wild, Mario Odyssey, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chonicles 2 and of course Doom.
Well, bring them on!
Sooo Dark Void?
It's not like they have a collection of older games that never released on Nintendo platforms that they're re-releasing soon for everything but the Switch.
Capcom are back 😃😃😃
Second article today that is talking ports. I want exclusives.
I think mario rabbids is a great exclusive and we need more of it - not necessarily nintendo franchises but something that is catered to the nintendo audience.
....Square said the same thing....what, everyone is gonna say this now?
"Nintendo considering bringing even more ports to the Nintendo Switch." lol
@brickofthewild Capcom is a third party, most of their products will be mulitiplatform.
Breath of Fire 3 and Onimusha 1-3. Do it Capcom and I love you.
It's obvious they are talking about Devil May Cry HD Collection. January Direct maybe?
(and I would bloody love it!)
@SuperCharlie78 Both, apparently.
@GrailUK It would be great on the Switch.
@SlimeKnight Why not Monster Hunter XXX with Segura Kagura crossover?
I would crap myself if Dino Crises was ported. Or Darksiders...
Edit: I mean Darkstalkers
Power Stone 1 and 2 remastered
Power Stone Collection!
Switch needs them all!! Dino Crisis
@hcfwesker It has to happen no matter what though. Right now Capcom is in no position to denied request. They are winning back respect and to keep those respect coming they must bring the goods back including old franchise like Dino Crisis there. If I want I would make a long list of franchise I want them to bring back but right now they need to focus on the current titles first, Mega Man 11, the Mega Man Collections and the recently announced Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection are what I want them to finish up first then we can talk Dino Crisis, Viewtiful Joe, Killer7, Zack and Wiki, Darkstalkers, Power Stone, Clock Tower, Project Justice/Rival Schools, Onimusha, Breath of Fire, Gotcha Force, Demon's Crest, etc., afterwards.
Street Fighter 2010 remastered!
Oh, there's plenty in their catalogue that haven't made it to Nintendo systems yet AFAIK. DMC and Dino Crisis, Clock Tower and Breath of Fire sequels, Dragon's Dogma, God Hand, Marvel vs Capcom, original Okami, many RE games out there... I may be still missing a lot, but this list alone would be grand if even HALF of it made it over here.
Resident Evil Remake and RE 0 Collection
Good God.... there are so many I want. With all the Megaman, Street Fighter and Resident Evil games coming (or having just been released) Capcom has just taken a lot of my free time. I would LOVE the Saturday Morning Collection as well.
I would love Resi 7 to be released on the Switch.
I could see them releasing Dragon's Dogma on it too. It was just recently ported to the other platforms.
Okami + Disney Collection please. A complete Ace Attorney collection would be pretty sweet as well.
Dragons Dogma? Pweease?
Disney Afternoon Collection, Okami, Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2, P.N.03, Mega Man & Bass, Ace Attorney, Resident Evil (all of them), Monster Hunter World, Marvel vs. Capcom, and maybe some Devil May Cry?
Dragon's Dogma and DMC would be prime picks.
Dragons Dogma to serve the MH fanbase they left on the doorstep, and it would give the series a 2nd chance at finding an audience.
DMC because clearly there is a Bayonetta fanbase on Switch that would buy it up.
I don't really care much for the Dino Crisis series, but I'll be delighted, if they brought over Power Stone or Mega Man Legends to the Switch.
All aboard the bandwagon, 3rd parties. Was that so hard? Everyone wins, and win they shall.
@DEZn00ts the market simply isn't there. Just like it wasn't for DOOM. In fact, how well are any mature rated titles selling on Switch? I'd like to see a complete figures breakdown.
Regardless, Nintendo needs day one AAA 3rd party support before we can truly assess.
Strider and final fight arcade versions
New monster Hunter.
And they should be fined for every rerelease of street fighter. Like, 40 million dollars or something.
Watch it be Lost Planet 3.
Darkstalkers please???
Sure, I can maybe dream. But PLEASE?
Power Stone 1 and 2 are two of the most fun arcade fighters I've ever played. They deserve another chance to shine and Switch is the perfect console for them.
@SuperCharlie78 I thought both ere confirmed? 2 Collections with AA1-6 and a new one?
Well, technically we never got ULTRA Street Fighter IV. Perhaps that can come after the collection? ;3
I'm glad they're releasing more games, especially ones that weren't on Nintendo before. But Mega Man 11 is still the only new game for Switch they've announced or released. I wouldn't call them "all in".
@gatorboi352 The Wii version of Resident Evil 4 sold 2.22 million copies. The 3DS version of Resident Evil: Revelations sold 0.89 million copies.
Dino Crisis! Devil May Cry! Onimusha!
So many...
Where is Okami?
I would take all resident evil 0-6 games remastered. Dino crisis 1-3 games. Onimusha 1-3
Its a shame the devil may cry HD collection didn't get announced for switch.
Lost Planet Trilogy please!
@NinjaWaddleDee Darksiders was THQ. No Capcom affiliation.
Just imagine a CPS1 and CPS2 collection bringing such beauties as Cadillac's and Dinsouar's, AVP and The Punisher to Switch. I would throw every last penny at that!
@Prof_Yoshtonics Shoot! I meant Darkstalkers lol.
DMC and Dragons Dogma for the reasons @JaxonH gave.
I'd also like to see Re7.
If they'll give me the Disney Afternoon Collection then I'll be happy!!!
Final fight HD
Resident evil trilogy: 5-7 please!
Wait, I know!
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom 2!
Great!... "all in" on the Switch now means more old games for another year.
I'll buy MegaMan11. I just spent the weekend playing Monster Hunter World - that is what I want for my $60 bucks, not more old stuff.
Why did the Switch get skipped for One Piece: World Seeker and Super Robot Wars X? that is what Nintendo should be working on.
@retro_player_22 lol its business
Marvel vs Capcom
Resident Evil
Dead Rising
The resi remasters
Street Fighter 4 or 5
Any of those will do me
Dino Crysis plz!!!
Little Nemo: the Dream Master — HD Remix! With special first person candy throwing mini-game.
Resident Evil 7 is all I really want from capcom atm.
@NinjaWaddleDee Ya know I thought that afterwards. Just a name slip. Should've known what you meant. 👍
Devil May Cry collection and Viewtiful Joe.
Monster Hunter World? Well, I guess G, because I’m already getting the PS4 version begrudgingly (not looking forward to paying for PS Plus to play that one game online)...
Aside from that, the other Capcom games I like are Ace Attorney (which I think is already coming to Switch) and Resi Evil (which we got Revelations 1 & 2 so it probably depends on how well that does).
Breath of fire
Battle network Collection
Power Stone
God Hand
Do it please
My money is here for any/all of the following, day one purchases at pretty much any price on Switch:
How about new games!?
Resident Evil 4. Make it happen. I haven't gotten to play it yet (Revelations is still the only RE game I've played). I've heard nothing but good things about 4, and the Switch is pretty much the console I want all my games to be on.
And I would absolutely play RE 7 as well.
Resident Evil 7 and the Mega Man Legends series would be a nice touch.
At the moment the only Capcom games I would like to play on Switch are the Ace Attorney games and Monster Hunter.
Dino Crisis 1&2! It would be awesome to play the Resident Evil trilogy as well! 😉
Oh, I almost forgot to add,
Thank You
i hope Vampire Chronicles (that Darkstalkers collection game). or Power Stone 1 n 2. or that Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
Hmmm well good thing I like this port-able console or else I would be mad about not getting new games.
Ghouls and Ghosts please.
@chtan69 I'll one-up you with this request: Ultimate Ghouls & Ghosts and Ghosts & Ghouls: Gold Knights!
Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 would be great so we can have an outlet to give them incentive to finish Legends 3
To those wanting new games instead of ports, those are almost always great news but you have to remember one of the things that made the Switch so appealing was having a massive backcatalog of games from every era right at your fingertips. This is part of that, and it's shaping up very, very good.
@tsdenizen I would love both of those! Okami HD or a sequel, and an Ace Attorney collection! Yes please!
Fun fact: Capcom briefly considered changing its company name to "Port-All", but they reconsidered after their brogrammers assured them that the name would cause the internet to explode.
@SlimeKnight I agree wholeheartedly!!! MHXX Switch Ver. already exists. Capcom just won't localize the thing! Other consoles can enjoy their MHW for all I care. I just want MHGG!
@maceng complete with "fondle the Khezu and collect Sticky Mucus" minigame.
@SomeWriter13 I've been playing the Monster Hunter World beta on PS4 the last couple of days. It looks good and controls nicely, but something just feels off, I can't put my finger on it. Maybe I've become so accustomed to doing portable hunts? I don't know.
@SlimeKnight Could be the timing? I still have muscle memory of the SNS combos.
Also I hear there's no flex animation after drinking items. Is that true?
All I want from Capcom is a Viewtiful HD Collection, with Viewtiful Joe (Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series), VJ2, and Red Hot Rumble. Oh, and Okami HD.
So Capcom has finally caught on that the Switch is a success. Better late than never I guess.
I've been soured on Capcom games the last few years though because of their blanking of the Wii U when it came to the old RE ports, their continual stupid decisions and general poor quality of their new games.
Bring me Okami HD (with motion/touchscreen controls), Monster Hunter World, a Marvel vs Capcom collection, Resident Evil 7 or Dragons Dogma and I might be tempted to hand them my cash.
I'll be picking up the Street Fighter collection to start with.
A collection of all there Dreamcast games would be lovely.
I would like Monster Hunter World but with Monster Hunter Stories art-style at 60fps -
Minish Cap
Actually, I could go for a Dead Rising game on Switch.
@antster1983 That was the first game that came to my mind and I can't believe others aren't saying Power Stone too. I always thought it was meant to be played on a Nintendo system.
.....but in reality, I just want Monster Hunter.
The game I want to see ported over more than any other is Resident Evil VII. Devil May Cry would also be welcome.
Must have purchases for me are RE 1, 2, and 3, Dino Crisis 1, and 2, a new Dino Crisis, and all DMC games. Other games would be Marvel v Capcom series.
I want this Capcom game:
Dino Crisis 2 had the worst camera ever. Bring on the RE2 remake thats on the works and RE VII and RE 4 Wii edition
Dino Crisis 2 had the worst camera ever. Bring on the RE2 remake thats on the works and RE VII and RE 4 Wii edition
Dino Crisis 2 had the worst camera ever. Bring on the RE2 remake thats on the works and RE VII and RE 4 Wii edition
Dino Crisis 2 had the worst camera ever. Bring on the RE2 remake thats on the works and RE VII and RE 4 Wii edition
All i want is any of the parasites eve remastered please Capcom
Final fight HD remix. A new Binonic Commando rearmed.
I want Devil May Cray and Okami.
PowerStone, Ghost n’ Goblins Collection,Final Fight Collection, An Arcade Collection, Strider Collection
How about residents evil origins - the first 3 games in the series ? Or maybe 4 if u include 0
@DEZn00ts I agree, Resident Evil would be SWEET on the Switch. After playing Doom (which was amazing on the Switch) and Resident Evil Revelations 1+2 I have no doubts Resident Evil 7 would look amazing. Sure they may have to cut down on the graphics a bit but I am sure it could run smoothly. I mean Skyrim looks friggin amazing too!
Capcom is all in with old ports, you mean? Wake me up when they put an actual Monster Hunter, RE, DMC, or Dino Crisis game on the Switch, instead of some old a$$ ports of Street Fighter!
@AG_Awesome That's an absolute given, it's their most ported game ever. I would say it or Resi 1 will be the next Resi to be announced for switch. Most likely 4 due to it's connection to motion controls and Nintendo.
Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Monster Hunter.............oh and Monster Hunter
I disagree. Now I know that games take a while to be made, but Capcom should seriously try making new games for the Switch, preferably not a FIFA-esque disaster. Capcom has great potential to do so.
@SlimeKnight I am already tired of the Generations/XX... Please bring something new!
Maybe Dino crisis, DMC or Onimusha? I’d be very happy with all 3
And Dragons Dogma! That would be insanely cool!
I’m rather interested in a Resident Evil 7 port.
There’s plenty of much larger titles I could list that I’d love to see show up on the Switch in 2018, but right now all I want is that Capcom Disney Afternoon Collection. I mean, it should have been put on the Switch on Day 1 like the other consoles. It probably would have sold more copies than all the other platforms combined. Stop being dummies, Capcom.
Start for Okami HD.
Lol, Capcom is only now realizing the Switch was a good idea. Better late than never, I guess.
Azura's Wrath
I would love a Marvel Vs Capcom game. And if possible, a remake of RE2 ala REmake would be awesome
Resident Evil Origins (0, 1)
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Disney Afternoon Collection
Dino Crisis
@JaxonH porting Dragon's Dogma would actually give it a 3rd chance. The game was already given a 2nd chance when it was released on PC in 2016. And then it was released again on PS4 and XBOX One, so this would actually be more like a 4th chance for the game to find a market. I'd still probably buy it (and not finish it) for a third time though.
@SuperCharlie78 That would be awesome! I completely missed that game and would love to give it a go. Having so much fun without skyrim right now!
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 please
all of the onimusha games so i can sell my factory sealed onimusha essentials and dawn of dreams to an insecure gamer on ebay and just download these instead. yall can keep the dmc series for all i care.
The only game I want is Monster Hunter XX in English. Yea the new one would be nice, but I can get it on PC, but that’s a totally different game as it seems to cater to western players rather than sticking to what Monster Hunter is.
@Yasaal Why was Fifa a disaster? I love the Switch version, I also have it on PC but play the Switch version more...
Dragons Dogma all we want
OMG! You mentioned Dino Crisis! I NEVER hear anybody bring up those games when discussing Capcom’s past!
@Spectra You have great taste!
Oh, the ten million announcement got the investors on their ass?
Anyway... Apart from the DMC series, personally I don’t think there is much else I want from Capcom. Ace Attorney will be there, Megaman was confirmed, and I don’t think they pass on the chance of milking MH again.
I'd just be happy with HD Resident Evil ports other consoles got last year. RE0 is featured in a new video I just posted:
@Hughesy It was a terrible port. Even though EA said they're building a 'custom version' it was bad. Gameplay was fiddly (although I might be wrong since I came back to the series after a 8 year hiatus since FIFA 2010) and the characters looked dead. I'm not saying it should be equal to the PS4 version, but heck, at least get close. Bad gameplay, bad graphics, perhaps bad reviews?, pay-to-win model in the form of those ultimate team pack cards or something, they obviously weren't there in FIFA 10. EA went from bad to worse with FIFA as well as the Battlefront fiasco.
At this rate, the best football game might still be Sensible Soccer... PES has become a joke as well. Not to mention FIFA, and did I mention I bought FIFA Switch on day 1 of release?
@Yasaal Fifa 18 on Switch and other platforms play pretty much the same. Different graphics engines, but both use the same physics engine. Ultimate team is in all versions, so again I don’t see what’s bad about the Switch version. If this is your first Fifa game since 2010 then I don’t see how you can say FIFA on Switch is a disaster. It’s missing some extra fluff, but the matches play out very similarly to each other.
I cannot believe no one said Marvel vs Capcom 2 !!
Disney is buying the rights back from Fox.
Yes it can happen!
@Grawlog so, not only do you not provide a complete figures breakdown (opting instead for pure speculation) but you resort to "troll" name calling towards someone looking to provoke a legit conversation.
I hope Marvel Vs Capcom 3 arrives on Switch!
I want to be excited, but whenever we get a developer to talk about releasing game, we get even more news about old ports. can we get some recent games already. Unless he is talking about Resident Evil 7, he can F off.
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