Owlboy is a game that we've been eagerly awaiting on the Switch; confirmed back in May, there'd been little said about it since. Now D-Pad Studio has confirmed that the title will come to Switch and other consoles on 13th February, so we're in the home stretch.
The announcement was made as part of a video to celebrate the one year anniversary of the game's PC release. Check it out below.
As you can see there are also plans for a retail version, but as yet no platforms have been confirmed.

It'll be intriguing to see how this critically acclaimed game performs on the Switch - let us know if it's going on your wishlist.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 30
Day one! The discipline required not to pick it up before coming to the Switch has been the hard part.
I just hope that they announce whether or not it will have a physical release prior to launching in the eShop. I don't mind digital, but I do mind going digital because I was unaware physical would eventually be an option.
@crackafreeze It's alright. Not fast paced at all but an interesting story and gameplay is solid.
Looks like a very Nice game. February will give my Wallet a break. The waiting will not bother me. Too much great games for 2017.
Probably day one for me, I've always wanted to play it but don't have nor want a gaming PC.
Hope the physical edition comes out near the digital release
I like the art style but not sure how I like all the talking. Seems kind of boring. Still planning to buy it to see what all the hype’s about though.
Been on my wishlist since Day 1, but these delayed, ambiguous physical teases are not what I'm looking for.
I’ve been wanting to try this game out for a very long time so I’m sure I’ll pick up this game when it arrives on Switch
Will Gladly double dip. Haven't beaten it yet, but I enjoyed what I played.
It received some brilliant reviews, IGN gave it 93% and its sitting at 88% on Metacritic. Hopefully no retail version will be confirmed until after it's on the Eshop or at least until its digital price is set and announced.That way us digital buyers won't be asked to pay a premium for the sake of parity with the physical version,like every other time there's been a physical release.
I probably sound like a broken record on this issue but not many others are complaining about it and until something changes, I'll keep bringing it up.
Physical releases for indies are good. Digital buyers being asked to pay double for sake of parity with the physical release is not good, it's bad. Drop this stupid price parity thing for smaller indie releases and I'll shut up and even buy your game
@WaveBoy "...and not enough shooting and Michael Bay-like explosions"
No game can please everyone.
It looks so very, very nice. I’ll have to spend a small fortune in the eShop to catch up when I get my Switch, but I’ll be getting this for sure.
@PanurgeJr That's 2 conflicting comments from us there haha
One of the most overrated games in recent memory.
Absolutely gorgeous game. The amount of care and detail the artists put into every single map is just incredible. Also, it's a pretty fun game.
I'm really tempted to get it again on Switch, but I'll try and hold out for the physical release.
Physical version whenever possible here.
@OorWullie Agreed! Just pay more for physical, since more resources are being used.
Played it on Steam. It's a really good game with an original story and characters. It's less of platformer than you'd thing though. More of a sidescrolling shooter with platformer elements.
Looks good, may check it out if it ever goes on sale.
I can't wait for this one. It looks so charming. Had my eye on it for a while now.
And... what about Hollow Knight?
Surprise release hopefully, since they still seem to say '2017'
Absolutely fantastic game. Looks stunning, screenshots don’t do it justice, the amount of effort in the animation really made the game for me.
Those complaining there is too much talking: the plot and characters are what elevated this to near perfect for me, it’s actually really touching and quite emotional at times. It’s more of a metroidvania than a side scroller, although it’s more clearly broken into stages at times. Semi-open world would best describe it.
Want, but predict a physical release so waiting for that before jumping on this.
This looks brilliant. I'll wait for the Switch version though. Another one I want portable.
Blame Nintendo for the price parity issue. Though Sony and MS do the same as well.
Will definitely buy
As much as I loved the graphics and the overall presentation, the gameplay is a bit shallow.
This is my most anticipated eShop release after Monster Boy. I have resisted buying it on Steam many times to save it for Switch. Good to get a release date.
@Shiryu same - I really wanted to play this game when released but crossed my fingers would come to switch as preferable to playing on my laptop. Win!
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