Nintendo has lifted the lid on some of the offers it will be making available for this year's Black Friday event.
The first bundle includes a "Link Green" 2DS system with orange buttons that comes with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D pre-installed. This will retail for $79.99.
Keeping with the Zelda theme, Nintendo is also releasing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild "Explorer's Edition", which includes the game itself, a 100-page explorer's guide and a two-sided map. This bundle will cost $59.99.
Nintendo also takes the time to highlight the other bundles currently available in stores, including the Super Mario Odyssey Switch bundle ($379.99), a New Super Mario Bros. 2 2DS bundle ($79.99), the white-and-orange New 2DS XL ($149.99), the Poké Ball Edition New Nintendo 2DS XL ($159.99, launches Nov. 3rd) and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which is being offered alongside a music CD, metal game case and 220-page art book for $99.99 from December 1st.
Here's what Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, had to say about these offerings:
Between Nintendo Switch, Super NES Classic Edition, all the systems in the Nintendo 3DS family and all of the fun games available for these systems, shoppers will have multiple options for their wish lists this year. Our Black Friday deals are a great value for people looking to pick up gifts for the Nintendo fans in their lives.
Will you be picking up any of these deals?
Comments 71
Hm.... i was expecting for White Nintendo Switch bundle.
Come on, Nintendo. Make it happen !
White color for Nintendo Switch...
Not bad
Can't believe they went with the 2DS and and not the 2DS XL!
Well given that the games cost $60 anyway, you can't go wrong with BotW in that kind of bundle, especially if it's a gift.
Sooooo....does anyone know what the guide is about? Just don’t reply “Zelda BOTW” please
That 2ds is ugly. I thought that model was also dying or dead.....
Title says BF "deals".
Article has no BF "deals".
Does Zelda include the season pass?
BotW for the 2DS confirmed!
@Spoony_Tech What, you expected Nintendo to release a New 2DS and then have a special green Link New 2DS?
That's what I thought. Had to blink a few times when I saw it was the old 2DS.
@rjejr i was thinking that too. The point of BF deals is to have good deals. This is more of a spotlight awareness.
Of course not.
The N2DSXL was intended as a cheaper to produce "middle" option. Some of the "premium" features of the N3DSXL but at lower price without 3D.
2DS is too valuable to Nintendo. That 79.99$ price tag is very attractive for parents who might cringe at the 200$ or even the 150$ price tag of the other models. Especially with a game being bundled it. Also generally makes it easier to get the more money constrained people in general to buy such a low cost system.
Last year Nintendo in the US had a black and white New 3DS Mario Ltd Edition for $99. I would have bought both of those, but they didn't offer them in Europe. I wonder what Europe won't offer us this year.
That BOTW Explorer Edition looks sweet.
I have my Collector's Edition of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 pre-ordered.
Can't wait for it to arrive.
I would love to have that 2DS to replace my aging one, but due to OOT being pre-installed rather than being a download off the e-shop, I'll lose the game when I transfer all my games and content over.
Such a shame, because I like the Green 2DS look.
@Anti-Matter Unfortunately it's probably too soon for them to be trying out different colours for the Switch. They'll want to make sure it's getting along comfortably and then introduce different colours as a unique selling get point. Probably expect a white one, or other colour, this time next year.
The Explorer's edition of Zelda should've had a flavor that had the expansion pass included. Otherwise pretty par for the course on the hardware front from them. The Green Zelda 2DS is pretty neat, but too bad it wasn't at least a 2DS XL.
First thought. Wow 79$ for a new 2ds xl and a Zelda game not bad...Then i realize its the old fugly 2ds...
Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
Seriously? Doug BOWSER??? XD
Getting Ocarina of Time into the hands of more young players? Not gonna complain about that.
Why ruin the best part of BoTW - discovering the world by yourself - by giving away a map?
Hey! A green console! Those are incredibly rare from Nintendo. Too bad it is the worst version of an ancient handheld on its last legs. No thanks.
I really want the BOTW guide!
Thought they would push the 2DS XL rather than the old 2DS but I guess it's cheap price point is the main reason.
Would have been nice to have that Explores guide and map for the day one people for $59.99.
I still prefer the 2DS over the clam shell design. Fits in the hands better. May pick this up.
the 2DS XL edition for the holiday's seems to be the Pokemon one. Nothing wrong with promoting the cheaper model for the young-uns. Remember Nintendo is targeting kids as little as 5yrs old.
The Explorers edition looks cool but id only really want the map having already go the limited edition guide book. As for the season pass I think it would be pretty poor move on Nintendo's front to screw over all the early adopters whom paid for it separately to included it free of charge here
@liljmoore "This is more of a spotlight awareness."
Yeah, I'm not sure how much to blame Ninteod and how much to blame the author of the article. If the title said "Offerings" rather than deals it reads better. Well it reads better besides "offerings" being a horrible word.
I still think there will actually be BF deals. Probably on the Switch Mario bundle since I paid full price for it Thursday night. Target having a B2G1 deal on all videogames this week, excluding Switch, doesn't bode well though for this holiday season. I'll probably just buy a lot of games w/ my Amazon Prime discount and be done with it.
Are any of these things on sale? Like an actual deal or just exclusive items only available on black friday. Also I am dissapointed to see no switch games on sale. I thought for this holiday Arms would have been the perfect title to discount to $40 for black friday, would have sold so many with new switch owners
The buttons are yellow. Not orange.
Looks lovely. Now can we PLEASE have a release date for Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 2? I am seriously losing my ever freaking cool over this. "Before the end of the year" doesn't cut it. I don't care if it's the last day of December, just give me something, PLEASE T_T
@rjejr I hate that too - super misleading, but by definition "deal" basically means getting a commercially available commodity thru a set transaction of money or credits or viable equity or whatever.
So maybe deal is just a colloquial thing in the US, "I got a deal on that new game, was available for half the price!" or "I got a good deal on that new game when traded in my old one," but it doesn't mean that in the UK. I mean one usually says "that was a bad deal or that was a good deal" to qualify what kind of deal it was, unless there's a sale on a ton of stuff, which you say "look at all those deals!". Just wish they'd change that article category though, makes them look like real actual pieces of poop.
Damn it Nintendo. Now I need to get that 2DS. I already own The Majora's Mask New 3DS XL and Link Between Worlds 3DS XL and have two copies of Ocarina of Time 3D. I'm never going to open it, let alone play it, but kind of a shambles would my collection be without it!?
@Dang69 Deals
Well it's probably a US thing, I understand that, but it just doesn't use of the word "deal" in the title, admittedly that could mean anything I suppose, but the title says "Black Friday Deals". In the US BF deals are a huge business. HUGE.
A Google search of BF ads. It's practically it's own industry.
So for us in the US, don't even talk about a "BF deal" unless you are talking about 25%, 30% off or better. People don't kill for MSRP.
Yes, BF deaths are practically it's own industry too.
I want that explorers edition, but I don't think I'll be buying because I already have the game
I want to get the explorer edition... Still have no switch, but I'm going to start buying games early.
Going to try for the Zelda 2ds to have as a throwaway system.
Pretty sweet 2DS. Can’t get sucked back into spending on new hardware though. Have a Switch & 2DS already. When I first heard about the “Explorers Edition” I thought it was going to be a BotW/Switch bundle with special joycons ala Mario Odyssey. Oh well, rather not be tempted into new joycons.
@Caryslan If you have both systems and perform a system transfer, the pre-installed title will move with the transfer.
@rjejr Totally agree with you - just saying MAYBE in jolly old england "deals" is used by it's standard definition. But with all the Amazon only links next to the entries (that's fine), labeling a section "more awesome Switch games" that includes Sonic Forces, when this site has come down very negative on the game and then having deal as a category label, all together leaves way more than a bad taste in my mouth. It's shady like that clickbait video they did about "HEEEERE's some tips on how you can use 2 or more micro SD cards in your Switch. Answer: use one card theeeeen the other!"
Expecting BotW sales to skyrocket in the holiday now. I'm sure it'll reach 6-7 mil hopefully depending on the amount of Switches sold
Nobody gonna mention how Ocarina of Time 3D is being used to market the 2DS? Nobody see the irony in that?
On one hand, I'm not against a game like Ocarina of Time being more accessible. On the other, I REALLY hope some decent bundles for the 2DS XL and/or 3DS XL show up.
I'm buying that Ocarina of Time 2DS.
-Hisses at other potential buyers- Mine e.e
@clvr Can't help mysel, but... It's "about" to get my money. Damn, that's a good deal.
@TomKnows lol, that’s one non-answering reply I dig
Edit: probably about to get mine too, as I’m yet to jump aboard the Switch bandwagon and I still have to play BOTW.
Will BotW without anything else be cheaper?
@Hikingguy maybe, but there was never a Kid Icarus Uprising bundle ever. So why not bundle older games on 2DS?
My God... I really, really need a good reason to purchase all of these special 2/3DSs...
A 2DS bundle and a Switch bundle.
The folks at Nintendo are charging their punches!
The irony of a 2DS with Ocarina Of Time 3D preinstalled is amusing to me...
@Curlynob That's okay, a Black Friday "deal" means they barely offered them in America either.
I'd purchase the Zelda 2DS for the box art alone.
Can I get that book and map alone?
The 2DS is still a great option for parents of irresponsible children, or in my case, a brother of an irresponsible sister (she's severely disabled and has mood swings, and the fact that her 2DS is still in one piece after 3 months is something of a miracle, and I promised to buy her New Style Boutique 3 if it's still in one piece by the time it's released later this month).
I for one am really grateful that the 2DS was released and is still in production. In fact, I would have preferred a 2DS XL with the form factor and durability of the original.
@rjejr just a heads up that Amazon Prime discount only applies to pre orders now. I wasn’t aware of the change until I went to order Odyssey last Saturday and the discount was gone. I contacted customer support and got them to honor the discount this time but figured I’d save anyone the headache.
I literally made an account to say that is the worst idea ever
Why did you said that ?
White Nintendo Switch is like a Dream Comes True for me.
I prefer White color for my gaming devices.
I have White Wii, White NDS Lite, White New 3DS XL, Rose Pink & White Old 3DS XL , except my Wii U is Black ( No choices).
Btw, this is White Nintendo Switch by Shell Replacement from 3rd party.
Im pretty sure those buttons are yellow.
@Spoony_Tech you mean the shape? Have you ever held one in your hands? Comfy! Also: it's for kids. Clam shells are for responsible people only
As you know from in the past, you're not alone - I'm right there with you. It's my preferred gaming system color too. I've got a white standard size New 3DS (with the white Super Mario cover plates) and white 32GB Wii U (purchased when it was briefly available on Nintendo's online store in the U.S.).
Yeah, if they released the Switch in white, I'd snatch one up right away. But I still have plenty of other stuff to play, so I'm in no rush to get one if it doesn't happen anytime soon.
I am so going to buy a 2DS now, despite not being able to transfer my games to the console.
@okeribok Nope, talking about the colors. Love my Zelda but green system with yellow buttons is just plain ugly.
Wait, the Switch is 300 USD normally right? Why is the Mario bundle 380? What else does it come with beside the game and the red joycons instead of the usual colors?
@eSocrates So they don't give the 20% off for the 2 weeks after now? I'm assuming that's what you meant. They also don't give the discount for "sets' anymore. I was going to get the XC2 $100 bundle but I'm not paying $100 for it when I can get the game for $48, that's too much money for me for a CD.
Now I'm wondering if they've caught on to people like me gaming the system. In years past I'd sign up for 1 free month, pre-order 3 or 4 games, they always came 2 day, sometimes on release day, w/ the 20%, months after my Prime ended. So far I've pre-ordered Sonic Forces, XC2, Lego Marvel and Pokemon Ultra Moon, but my Prime expires in a couple of days. Guess if they cancel Sonic Forces I'll sign up for another month and re-order the other 3.
I'll let ya know how it goes, and thanks for the heads up.
@Heavyarms55 just looked over at amazon and sounds like it just comes with red joy cons and mario odyssey, wonder if this is a different bundle that comes with the amiibos or an SD card or something.
@Hikingguy I meant, for a future bundle. A limited/Black Friday edition Kid Icarus Uprising Nintendo 2DS would be cool honestly.
@Heavyarms55 it’s the Switch with special red joycons with a code for Odyssey plus an Odyssey themed carrying case.
Not really a deal but if you’re buying Mario anyways then it’s just a matter of whether you like the all red color scheme and the case it comes with. And you get a nifty box with Mario all over it.
Personally I really enjoy the Red/Blue combo of the standard bundle. I find the clash of colors creates a rather iconic look that stands out against other devices on the market.
@Spoony_Tech It has a brown bottom...
@eSocrates Ah the case - that explains it.
"Keeping with the Zelda theme, Nintendo is also releasing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild "Explorer's Edition", which includes the game itself, a 100-page explorer's guide and a two-sided map. This bundle will cost $59.99"
That's cheap for once, but I already have the game (Wii u version)
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