Despite its incredible popularity in Japan, Koei Tecmo's Warriors (or, if you prefer, Musou) series has never really captured western hearts and minds in quite the same way. To the outside observer, the series appears to be little more than mindless button-bashing, with no tactical nuance or depth. As fans of the franchise will tell you, this couldn't be further from the truth and despite the odd bum outing (what series doesn't have those?), we've seen some addictive and compelling adventures over the years - the most obvious of which (from a Nintendo perspective) is of course Hyrule Warriors, which arrived on Wii U and was later ported to 3DS.
Despite being a solid game, Hyrule Warriors didn't seem to change the western perception of the Musou franchise all that much; when Fire Emblem Warriors was confirmed there were a few grumbles and complaints within the Nintendo ranks about "another" Musou crossover title. However, having played the game over the past week we're happy to report that such scepticism is largely unwarranted; in fact, by fusing Intelligent Systems' famous turn-based strategy universe with the combat action the Warriors series is famed for, we could finally have the game which shows the doubters just how deep and involving it can be.

True, the seemingly mindless but incredibly enjoyable hack-and-slash action is present and correct, aided immeasurably by some impressive performance on Switch, even when played in handheld mode. Everything shifts along at an urgent pace, with attacks filling the screen and enemies scattering like rag dolls. This much we expect from a Warriors game, but Omega Force and Team Ninja haven't lazily slapped the Fire Emblem name on this in the expectation that the characters and lore alone will sell the concept; they have thoughtfully taken elements from the franchise and adapted them into the core mechanics. So it's possible to issue orders to units from the grid-based map screen, switch between active characters at the push of a button and even team-up for more potent attacks, building your bond level as you go. The all-important weapon triangle appears too, and must be taken into account when attacking certain units.
Fan-service is everywhere in this title, and while it's great to see so many famous faces and observe how they interact in the bonkers dimension-skipping storyline, it does feel somewhat forced at points; this zany plot was the only reasonable way in which the developers could possibly have Chrom, Marth and Corrin all inhabiting the same battlefield at once, but it pushes the realms of plausibility at more than one point, even for a game set in a magical fantasy realm filled with dragons and monsters. Thank goodness then for the bonus History Mode, which allows you to revisit classic battles from past Fire Emblem games without having to put up with all the portal-based hokum seen in the main Story Mode.

Another big talking point with Fire Emblem Warriors is that it's the first Switch title to offer players the opportunity to select the kind of performance they want. "Quality" improves the visuals at the expense of frame rate, while "Performance" drops the detail in order to hit 60fps. Having experimented with both we found ourselves favouring the latter, as smoothness always trumps visual fidelity in our book, but it's nice to have the option all the same. Even when playing with "Quality" mode enabled, the 30fps frame rate is acceptable; however, when playing with two people in splitscreen things become noticeably choppier.
We'll save a more detailed analysis for the full review, but at the moment Fire Emblem Warriors is effortlessly soaking up the majority of our spare time, which is no mean feat when you consider the abundance of amazing Switch games on offer right now. Hopefully this entry will help the Warriors series gain some semblance of respect amongst western players, because it's certainly shaping up to be one of the best instalments we've ever played.
Comments 89
I am enjoying the heck out of it, truly a dream crossover, I am quite happy that this one is happening.
Super hyped about this game. It's been my dream collaboration for years! Never thought it'd actually happen. And now it's just a mere 10 days until it releases
Great to hear. I had tons of fun with Hyrule Warriors, so I'm definitely picking this up.
This and Super Mario Odyssey are my two most hyped games!
Senran Kagura and Dynasty Warriors are already the best!
I have so much still left to do in Hyrule Warriors and all the DLC to get through, I wouldn't need another similar game for a long time. But for FE fans and those new to the series, this should be a great introduction.
Looking forward to it (for the six days before Odyssey releases, anyway). The only negative point for me is the restriction of the roster to mostly Fates and Awakening.
This is great news
Still rather offputing all thanks to the roster of characters leaning way too much to Awakening and Fates
Hyrule Warriors had really fun gameplay coupled with Nintendo's wonderful franchise style. The fact that they've managed to add to the gameplay (which has been a criticism of the the Musou games) makes me very excited for this.
Also 60fps all the way.
I havent played any of the Fire Emblem mainline games, and the only other Musou type game I've played is Zangeki no Reginleiv... yet I'm quite enjoying this game.
I was enjoying Hyrule Warriors until lost all my save data (thanks Wii U's automatic external hard drive saving) and was going to restart but now I think I'll wait for this instead.
@Malcrash Same! Two/three (or more of course) characters per FE title would be much, much better in my opinion. I like the modern 3DS titles, but I've seen those characters interacting more than plenty
I've still never found a satisfactory explanation of where the fun is in Musou games. I've played them with friends, hammering the 'normal attack' button and occasionally venturing across to the 'slightly better attack' button, getting apparently fairly decent scores.
It's just busy work, though. Why don't you get bored?
If there wasn't 2 player co op on the same console I would have not been interested.
Is the horse backflip still in?
@dystome The only warriors game I've played is Hyrule Warriors, but in that game, which difficulty level you choose makes a huge difference. On easy difficulty levels you can get away with just spamming the same attacks, but on harder difficulties you need to be more creative with your various offensive, defensive and strategic abilities. It sounds like maybe your friends had the game set on "easy" when you were playing.
Ever since HW I thought about this crossover and it is finally goign to be in my hands. I fully admit that I have and still am more excited for this game then Mario.
Hyrule Warriors had co op, which made the game a lot more fun for me. So I am glad this game has it too.
I will wait for a GOTY edition or something like that, since there (probably) will be a lot of DLC.
Hmm, not sure about this one. Played Hyrule Warriors to death and was hooked but realised I wasn't acutally enjoying the game after a point. Not sure whether to get FE Warriors or not.
@Saego No online co-op though, which was a HUGE letdown to me. In fact, it was easily the games worst flaw imho.
I love FE and I really liked Hyrule Warriors but I'm still not convinced by this game unfortunately. I'm definitely one of those folks who felt that musou games were boring button smashers, and having tried some, this opinion has not really shifted - sad to say - but Hyrule Warriors was a bit different.
First, there was the whole Zelda aspect of course, which was a lot more compelling then half-fictional, half-historic figures from the Chinese past or whatever, I have no relation to at all, but more importantly, the way certain mechanics from Zelda were translated into the game made the combat feel so much more varied and involved.
You had these bosses and mini-bosses that all demanded certain tactics and the use of certain gadgets to defeat them (in an time-effective manner). Then you had all the layered system on top of that, like that well "guard break", the charging for your super, different weapons for the characters, with vastly different play-styles, plus characters that played really different and of course the leveling up and the skill-'tree' and the 'crafting'. It just felt like on AND off the battle field, there was constantly something interesting and engaging happening: progress was made non-stop basically, and the combat always had a great sense of urgency, because quickly the maps became filled with bosses and mini-bosses, which became like 90% of your focus.
I don't know exactly which aspect made the game feel that much different, but after trying to play e.g. Legend of Arslan after having played Hyrule Warriors, the musou experience of that game felt even more shallow and repetitive than the ones I had with other musou games previous to HW. So ... this game really has to be push the boundaries here in an interesting way, or I fear I will find myself bored rather quickly, even if it's set in my beloved FE universe.
Still, I'm totally open for it to convince me. I'd love a demo, but I doubt that'll happen, and almost certainly not in the near future, but in the mean time, I'll keep my eyes open for some reviews that hopefully closely examine how this game stack up against HW - and not just previous 'traditional' musou games like DW.
I have bought and enjoyed a few of these games - Dynasty Warriors 4 on PS2, Mystic Heroes on Gamecube and Hyrule Warriors on Wii U - but I have never played a Fire Emblem game, so all of the fan service will be lost on me. Will need to wait for reviews to read more about the mechanics of this one before committing.
Meh... Still a musou game. These games get super repetitive. I'll wait for the real FE.
A perfect fit for Switch
A shame about the downright predatory pricing model. It's a full priced game with very expensive DLC packs to get content that should have been in from the start.
@Saego In case you somehow missed it, they've already announced a lot of DLC in the form of a season pass.
My kids will want this for the splitscreen co-op, but we'll wait for all the DLC to be released and see if a "Complete" edition shows up. I know Nintendo doesn't do complete editions, heck it took them 6 years to get SM3DL as a Select, but we'll wait anyway. I still can't believe Horizon:Zero Dawn already got a cheaper Complete Ed and the DLC isn't even out yet and the game is only 9 months old. And on the other hand I'm still waiting for my FFXV Ignis DLC that I paid for a year ago. I feel like either way I lose, better to just wait from now on. Hopefully Super Mario Odyssey doesn't have a season pass as I'm getting that day 1. And XC2. I'll hold off on XC2 if it gets one.
@HeroponRiki That's such an outdated complaint for any modern video game. With people prioritizing heavy graphical detail and the like these days, video games will naturally take much longer to make. And as such, whipping out extra content in the form of DLC isn't a bad thing since, without it, we'd probably be waiting for 7-9 years between major game releases.
Granted, it could at least be in free updates and not priced.
Nah, it's really not the best Musou Game out there, Gameplay wise it's the same and Franchise wise it's pretty boring seeing as most Characters are from the Fates and Awakening Games and not from the old games from the Gamecube or from Gaidens remake.
They said Hyrule Warriors was the best Warriors game too so I tried that and didn't like it. I love Fire Emblem but I think I'll pass on this.
Someone made a good point: play these games in hard mode asap! It does make it a lot more challenging and thus more enjoyable. Easy/normal difficulty in any Warrior game is boring as hell. Just don't pursue Lu Bu..
As much as I've been looking forward to this game, I have been worrying that if won't be as good as Hyrule Warriors but this preview has got me excited again.
The game looks fun as heck but can people stop saying that there are many famous FE faces? The entire FE community is in shambles over this game right now.
For a repetitive game we could say that... Still, hype! Gonna get this game day 1 hopefully (if my mind doesn't shift over to Odyssey-themed Switch accessories...)
@HeroponRiki How on Earth does this attitude persist? A full priced game should a full price content level, no doubt, but what if the game is fully featured and the extra content is genuinely extra? The fact that it’s available on launch day is irrelevant!
Take FE Fates as an easy example. You buy Birthright or Conquest, and you get a full FE game. But then there are two expansions available on the same day! It’s not three games worth of graphics and engine work, just one. But it is three games worth of story and maps. And that’s how they price it. All in all, about twice the content for twice the price. Should they give you twice the content for normal price, just because it’s ready to go on day one?
With other games, it’s far more subtle, and some DLC is a bargain (Mario Kart 8), and some is a rip off (do I need to give examples?). But DLC on day one doesn’t inherently mean anything one way or the other. How about we all play the game when it comes out, and see?
Can confirm this is a solid game. There's a lot to learn compared to HW, but it's worth it. I haven't played a Dynasty Warriors game since the PS2-era more than a decade ago, but FE:W is a masterpiece.
Too bad you know what they're going to do with DLC, though I guess it'll be worth it.
@Saego there has been 3 announced dlc so far
I dunno. I loved Hyrule Warriors on Wii U and was surprised with Warriors All Stars on PS4, but I'm not really hyped for FE Warriors at all, despite having it preordered. The new characters (protagonists) don't look appealing to me and the Weapon Triangle system looks a little restrictive to the Musou formula than the FE formula. I mean, when I need to clear away a pack of enemies and bosses but I have a weaker weapon type to use against them, I'm basically left with a weaker strike that basically means Game Over for the character unless if he/she manages to squeeze out of that mess. I shouldn't have to switch between characters just to benefit from the weapon triangle, especially if the character you need is far enough away from your distance in that the switched-out character is already dead by the time the stronger character arrives.
Now, I'll still be able to get the game since it's been preordered and I like me some FE a fair bit, but I am hoping the game will prove me wrong upon release.
I like Fire Emblem. It's not my favorite franchise, but I enjoy it. The only Warriors game I've ever played was Hyrule Warriors, which I enjoyed enough to buy both for the Wii U and the 3DS. But for some reason I'm not interested in this. Maybe it is because of the cool upcoming lineup of the Switch. I'd rather spend my money on Doom, LA Noire, Super Mario, etc.
Unfortunately the character roster has left me cold, out of the 20 something characters here I find about 7 of them tolerable.
As a huge fire emblem fan I can't help but to be very disappointed.
I think they did a great job blending the mechanics of both games from what I've seen....can't wait until the western release.
Not happy by the lack of dual audio though. Sigh. I'll likely leave the US version in the shrinkwrap and buy the jpn version digital.
I'm really looking forward to this. I haven't played a true Fire Emblem game before, so I'm not familiar with the source material - but I love the look of the art-style and I LOVE Warriors games.
@rjejr @IceFang056
Ugh, I really don't like it when developers announce DLC before the game has even launched. Not surprised that they are working on DLC, but still.
Man this just got me really hyped.
Game looks so dope.
A fitting follow up to Hyrule Warriors. Next week Friday can't come soon enough!
@rjejr: Do you have a Switch along with your PS4? If so, how do you have time for all those games?
Can you marry people and have conversations?
There was a mechanic in another Team Ninja crossover characters Mosou gam, where characters were able to stand side by side and move and attack together, is that in this game? Because it seems like a perfect fit.
Hyrule Warriors was a crap musou game. Poor performance and butchered co-op and other other modes that were pretty staple for the series. The best thing about the game was that it had Zelda characters.
Fire Emblem Warriors could potentially be much better though.
Great, I’m really looking forward to this! Now, Omega Force, get started on Hyrule Warriors 2!
I love both musou and FE franchises. Seriously SW2 and Fire Emblem 7(GBA) are in my top 5 all time games.
So to me this is more than just a match made in heaven, it's the culmination of a dream.
Thanks Nintendo, IS, Koei and TN!
Pre-ordered this and EO V. Next week is going to be so awesome! I still can't decide which I'm going to play first! So excited!
I've been very interested in this game ever since I played Hyrule Warriors. This crossover seems to fit the Fire Emblem universe even better than Zelda, and it's incorporating many of my favorite characters!
@Ryno No Switch yet, I stupidly told my kids when Switch and Mario were announced that we would wait for the holiday and cross our fingers for a bundle. Little did I realize that Nintneod would make us buy a case and pay full price to have to download a game ourselves onto our tiny 32GB of storage. I thought they'd sell the game and console for $349, not $379, b/c I'm crazy like that and think it costs less to sell things bundled together rather them ship them in 2 separate boxes. So Nintnedo is milking us for all they can. But I already had told my kids so...
In the meantime I've been playing Xbox 1 non-stop so I can trade it in to save some money on the Switch purchase. I've also been playing 1886: The Order (vice versa?) but mostly the PS4 has been going unused by me. My kid got Horizon:ZD for his birthday so him and his brother have been taking turns playing that so it is getting used. I'll play H:ZD after the DLC releases next month while they're playing Mario in handheld mode. Then XC2 in Dec. Unless they announce a season pass, then I'll wait for the season pas, I'm so sick of season passes, waiting on Zelda, waiting on FFXV still, my kid keeps bothering me about DBXV2 pack 5. I'm not buying games anymore until there's a Complete edition, my backlog is huge.
I'm not a "warriors" fan but I do like the Fire Emblem series. I doubt I'll pick this up because there's too much other stuff that I need to play. However, this is great for everyone else!
@Saego "announce DLC before the game has even launched"
Know what's worse than that, announcing a $50 Complete version of the game + DLC when the game is still $50 and the DLC is still $20 but the DLC isn't out yet. Bought the game for $50 and DLC for $15 3 weeks ago for my kids birthday, should have waited. Game has only been out for 7 months w/ 1 DLC story, didn't really need a Complete edition at all.
...Was Hyrule Warriros any more than mindless button mashing? I'm fairly sure there was almost no strategy that went in. Hoping this one will be much better; sounds like it is already.
It will only be the best if they learn from all of the mistakes made with Hyrule Warriors.
Also to avoid being like the bad Warriors games - Warriors All Stars and Samurai Warriors 4-2.
Also to learn why the good Warriors games were good - Dynasty Warriors 8, Dragon Quest Heroes 2.
These are just some examples, there are more good and bad Warriors games out there.
Hyrule Warriors was a terrible Warriors game.
Worthless collectables
The hearts worhless in A Rank runs and armour badges worthless in the levels with no favoured element (ie all the tough levels)
Bosses and Captains with RNG openings
You have to wait for them to expose their opening to exploit it to attack them. Totally makes A Rank RNG to get because if the time requirement and makes fighting them just not fun. The better Warriors games don’t have this and the games are better for it.
Some of the characters were objectively bad
In Dynasty Warriors 8 there is a lot more characters. Assuming you only used the favoured weapon with every character, there is few, if any at all truly bad characters. Some have a higher skill cap and everyone will have their favourites but none are truly bad like in Hyrule Warriors.
No way to give a fort more health apart from letting it be captured and retaking it again.
I think fort health is a stupid idea. It should just be a hidden mechanic that resets when all of the enemy is removed from the fort. Dynasty Warriors 8 dies this well.
There is more but that will do for now.
Hyrule Warriors is a very fun though very flawed game. I just hope Fire Emblem Warriors has none of the same flaws.
Why do people not get bored of jumping over and over in Mario games?
Why do people not get bored of running and swinging a weapon over and over in Zelda games?
Why do people not get bored of mashing the shoot button in Star Fox games over and over?
Why do people not get bored of doing the same repetitive task to score points in every sports game game ever invented?
And so on and so on.
You get my point. All games are repetitive in what the player does by nature.
I find Warriors games fun because it’s sn easy way to explore the battlefields and the story of the game I am playing.
musou game got me bored in just a few days though. I'd rather have original fire emblem than this. but i really hope the game is awesome and other switch user have a different opinion about this and support the game. cause I can not T.T
I am still on the fence with this game. These games always entertain me for a couple of hours and then lose me through their extremely repetitive gameplay. After a while it all just starts to blur together.
Being a Fire Emblem game, that mean when somebody dies on your side in this one, it is a perma-death like the rest of the series? That would add an interesting (and insanely annoying) twist to the musou series.
My two experiences with the franchise (Hyrule Warriors Legends, but running on an older 3DS XL, and the demo of Dragon Quest Heroes for the Switch) haven't won me over, but I also know that both of those games are said to not run well on the hardware. I'm considering giving FEW a shot, though I still don't know if it'll finally click for me.
There's still too many things about this game that have me feeling a bit cold...
For one, the infamous roster which is not only mostly Fates and Awakening, but shoehorns in a few oldies just to pacify people (and apparently they didn't even bother to to include any music from said oldies, including Shadow Dragon). While I was ecstatic to see Lyn brought back, it felt like a backhanded way of trying to satisfy older fans. If that were the only issue, maybe I could look beyond it, but it's also chock full of swords despite the PR explaining that they omitted so many classic heroes cause they didn't want "too many swords" in the game. Well, nice job there! The game definitely has some kind of vendetta against lances, cause early word of mouth is the game doesn't even have calvary or armored knight units.
Early word of mouth has also suggested the game has less content than HW, but I'll be the first to admit HW felt a bit padded at times. However, they also had to go and announce DLC ahead of the game. While HW was full of DLC too, it felt like a natural addition to the game whereas I'm concerned FE:W will release in a barebones state and then bloat itself with DLC.
Like others, I'm considering just waiting to see if they release some kinda complete edition, or maybe see what kind of score it gets here. I can usually tell if I'll like a game or not, but I'm pretty unsure about this one.
So they still couldn't improve on the split screen framerate? It was abysmall on the WiiU, didn't expect that to be a problem on the Switch.
I agree, Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is the best musou game I've played yet and it'll be damn hard to top it IMO. Not buying FE Heroes because of front-loaded DLC/passes up the wazoo and 30fps. I can't play this genre at 30fps anymore after DQH on PC.
I will buy the next Fire Emblem game though on Switch.
I love the idea but these games get old in about five minutes.
I love the idea but these games get old in about five minutes.
I like the idea but these games get boring really quick.
@YANDMAN Well that's your problem, if you only for play five minutes then you only scratch the surface. You don't even meet Lu Bu in the first minutes of DW8.
I suspect people who said Warriors games are boring and repetitive are just that, only play (or watch) for a brief time and unwilling to learn its deeper mechanics. It's like fighting games, pro players likened fighting game match as chess match; but anyone can button mash the same game and still beat the low difficulty then get bored instantly.
It's hard to define but I suppose it's because (it at least feels like) those other types of game require thinking your way around a slightly more complex pattern in deciding how to deal with the next thing, however similarly repetitive the resulting joypad input might be.
Anyway, since making that post I've Googled it and it seems a very large number of people have similar complaints about Musou games, so I'll stop being so unoriginal.
Most of the comments I said about Hyrule Warriors I am making solely about that game and not other Musou games. Hyrule Warriors has it's own flaws that most other Musou games do not share.
The genre is not flawed. Like all genres some games in it are great and otherws not so great.
I really like the genre. I liked DQH / DQH2 / DW8 a lot. On the other hand I didn't like Hyrule Warriors. Hyrule Warriors is a flawed Musou game. Probably one of the most flawed Musou gamea around. Sure All Star Warriors is objectively worse but Hyrule Warriors flaws only reallt become apparant after a long gameplay. Then they just become frustrating, anoying and in my opinion game breaking.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is great because it's more RPG and less Musou in many ways. It's not the player vs 1000 weakling pawns with 3-4 generals in the mix. The enemies in DQH and DQH2 are less in number but stronger to make up for it.
If you think Musou games have that flaw, then almost every game ever made also has the flaw as well. The majority of games are repetative in nature.
I don't mind this style of game. I put a lot of hours into Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 a few years back.
@raisenv there is no deep mechanic to 'warriors' franchised style games, dont kid yourself.
@Ralek85 I found this review to be quite informative:
I hope it helps mate.
Going below 30 FPS with multiplayer is disappointing. Guess all those models at once is too much for the NS to handle... I'm betting the frame times are all over the place too, which are perhaps more important than frame rates. (Frame times are represented by a graph of frame rate measurements over time. For example, big jumps in action can make frame rates suddenly plummet, then abruptly go back up again when there's less action visible. Consistent frame times at 30 FPS would have been acceptable, but the NS can't even necessarily handle that much...)
@Onion Don't forget vendetta against axes, where's Hector!? At least there's Celica and Lyn...
@TotalRKO I think that is purely subjective. I like the roster a lot, and I don't feel bringing in all the old characters would make it better.
In shambles? How so? I think the roster has a lot of famous faces, and I am a FE veteran who has played all the games. I don't feel bringing in older characters would make it a better game. Heck, the less Ike & Co. I see the better. This is of course my own opinion but hey, I think the characters from the newer games are much better and interesting, bar Hector/Lyn/Louise from blazing sword whom I absolutely adore. Palla from Gaiden is also a personal favourite of mine, but having her in Warriors doesn't matter much.
@YANDMAN there's no need to kid myself because I've played many musou games to completion. They're engaging enough for me to spend times with them for dozens of hour each. Because my attention span is more than five minutes unlike you.
I would have preferred that they took this game and set followed an story of a previous FE game.
That would have been awesome.
That's your opinion and you have every right to think that. However I disagree that A. I wouldn't make the game better and B. The newer characters are better. They would absolutely make the game better because it would provide more variety to the roster. (13 sword characters and all, Cough Hector and Ephriam Cough) and while Chrom and Marth are more iconic than Hector or Ephriam, people would probably recognize Ike and Roy before Chrom and Corrin. I also personally think the fates cast is garbage but that's just me.
@Ainze I was fine with Fire Emblem Fates DLC, and most of Nintendo's DLC. My complaint here is that this is a crossover between all the Fire Emblem games, and it's blatantly obvious they held back content from many of those games like the Tellius games to sell it back to you later. They pulled the same stunt with Hyrule Warriors and Wind Waker/Majora's Mask content among other games. It's absurd for basic characters like Toon Link and Young Link to be sold for extra in a game celebrating the Zelda series, just as it's absurd for basic characters like Roy and Ike to cost extra in a game celebrating Fire Emblem. If the DLC packs are anything like Hyrule Warriors, they'll also be pretty light on content for their price. In Fates you pay $20 for an entirely new campaign. In this game you'll get maybe 5 characters and 4-5 maps.
@HeroponRiki Some excellent points. I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but disagree that this makes Day 1 DLC a bad idea for this game. Basing my opinion on Hyrule Warriors, as its the closest match to this, and hopefully FEW will be similar, HW felt like a full game out of the gate. Yes, there were characters I felt would have been fitting to include, but the roster we got didn’t feel anemic, and it always felt that we didn’t get some characters in the basic game in exchange for others. You can’t include all iconic characters from the Zelda series without being generous, and you can’t include all Links without the roster being over-Linked.
We’re talking about a specific game, so this is just my opinion of course. I can see why you might disagree, and the quantity of content you get for the price of the DLC was low. I felt it was worth it from the fun I had, but again, that might vary from person to person. I did feel annoyed that they didn’t backport the new Legends levels to the Wii U version though.
I’d be interested in what you think of the DLC options compared to that of standard FE DLC? To me, the normal DLC options in Awakening/Fates/Echoes have always seemed expensive for so little, but just good enough to get anyway. In that sense, this game feel to me to be a very authentic FE game. Thoughts?
@raisenv Good for you, it sounds excellent.
Oh yeah I actually meant to include axes in my original post. It does seem odd looking at the roster and seeing Lyn without Hector or Eliwood, or seeing Celica without Alm. Kind of a bogus roster in my opinion, but DLC could fix that.
This is the first I've heard of this History Mode. Wow, that's an awesome inclusion!
@PlywoodStick Well, just switch to Performance Mode when playing multiplayer, and the framerate should still be over 30 FPS. That's what I'm going to do once I eventually get the game: Quality Mode in single player and Performance Mode in multiplayer.
@Ainze The DLC packs in Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates felt like add-ons that weren't essential for the complete experience. I never bought them but I don't feel as though the main game was hindered for it. In this game however, it honestly seems like you aren't getting the complete experience unless you buy the DLC. It's technically optional, but then you're playing a Fire Emblem crossover with only characters from like, 3 or 4 out of the 15 or so Fire Emblem games.
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