The Warriors series of games is never short of DLC, and Hyrule Warriors was no different on Wii U and 3DS. Now Fire Emblem Warriors is in line for a fair amount of extra content, and Nintendo of America and Europe has followed on from Koei Tecmo's Japanese website in providing some pricing and release timings.
A Season Pass will be available for both the Switch and New 3DS versions; it'll cost $19.99USD / £17.99 / €19.99 and include three DLC packs, along with the following Lucina bridal costume.
The DLC packs will come along pretty quickly, with some loose details below; as expected purchasing them separately will cost more than the season pass.
- DLC Pack #1 (Dec 2017, $8.99USD / £8.09 / €8.99): The content in this pack is inspired by Fire Emblem Fates.
- DLC Pack #2 (Feb 2018, $8.99USD / £8.09 / €8.99): Many of the characters and items in this DLC pack hail from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.
- DLC Pack #3 (March 2018, $8.99USD / £8.09 / €8.99): Fans of Fire Emblem Awakening will love this DLC, as much of the content is themed after the classic game.
We wouldn't bet against there being more downloadable content in the future, but it'll perhaps depend on how successful the game is once it goes on sale.
Will you be tempted to pay for this DLC, or do you need to know more before paying out for a season pass?
Comments 49
They are not even trying to hide that this series changed from Fire Emblem to Waifu Emblem.
Anyway, waiting for Ike in wedding suit.
Should we expect Pink Gold Lyn in the future?
Cool! That's the third Nintendo-published game for Switch with paid DLC (after Zelda and Snipperclips). I like paid DLC because it gives me the option of using my money to make a game I like bigger rather than buying a game that I don't know if I'll like or not.
@Phin68 Don't forget Tanooki Marth and Cat Celica
I thought the DLC was gonna bring content from FE games that weren't Fates or Awakening, though.
But hey, nice dress. Seems weird to see my daughter already getting married but okay. Team Chrom/My Unit.
pretty cool looking game. Not as excited for this as I was for HW though. Not really fair to compare these characters to possibly ones from my favorite franchise though (Zelda), minus characters like Cia anyway.
I think I'll keep some of my opinions about the weirdness of people wanting to marry cartoon characters mostly out of this.
Had hoped that they would not do a lot of dlc since they could have made a franchise out of this
@Arnold-Kage That's not necessarily a problem as I'm certain the 3 One Piece Pirate Warriors games all had DLC
D'oh I was looking forward to this game
Why can't we just have games with no dlc
D'oh D'oh D'oh
So no lovely Tharja until March earliest? ;_;
Well that's more content I won't have for my game...
It's a real bummer that the DLC characters will still be sourced from the same three games. I'm hoping for some surprises snuck in there, like they did with Lyn and Celica.
I am so sick of companies developing DLC before the game is even out! I hope stuff like this leads to another crash!
@Leon-mirage I don't see the problem. The game is complete before the DLC. Why does it bother you that more content is available as an option months later? Would you rather have them make another $60 game next year?
Good deal! Love DLC, was hoping this game would get more content like Hyrule Warriors.
What's up with the wedding gown though... seems all Japanese games have DLC with a wedding gown (Fate Extella, Nights of Azure 2, now Fire Emblem Warriors). Its fine, it's just an odd trend
Well that's one less thing I can stop asking for. I'd rather they do this earlier, a month in advance is nice, so people know before buying the game. They sprung Zelda BotW DLC on us about 2 weeks before release, for a game that was delayed at least 18 months.
I also like the option to buy the 3 DLC packs separately. When companies call it a season pass but it's just 1 price for all of it, like Nintendo did with Zelda, it feels more forced as you have to buy it all to get any of it. And at least this way you can feel like you are saving some money, $7 in this case, to buy the pass, or just buy what you want.
And like Mario + Rabbids, now I don't have to worry about buying this game until it's done. I've made up my mind, no game purchase until it's all available, going back to FFXV every few months is annoying me. I've moved on, but since I already paid for it I kind of feel like I should play it.
So now all that's left is to wait and see if they make a season pass for Mario. I really hope not, doesn't seem like a game that would need it, but nowadays seems like most games do. Oh and XC2. Ni No Kuni 2 has a season pass w/ DLC throughout 2018 so I'll be waiting to play that one as well.
@DrDaisy At least it's not available day one. Who is to say that this content has already been developed, anyway? Once the game ships, someone has to be paid for for the development of these new characters and other features. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that. The game is still complete without the DLC.
Waiiiiifuuuuuuu Embbbbblem,
Watch a proud series downfall,
No longER for strategy fanssssss anymorreeeeee
Waiiiiifuuuuuuu Embbbbblem,
Lolis, yandere, and traaaaaaaps...
Seems decently priced but would love to see whats exactly in there.
@JaxonH I don't even see it as a wedding gown, too much blue and no veil, they're all just Rinoa to me.
My all time favorite videogame scene.
@rjejr It's funny you say that you don't want to buy the game until it's all available, because you don't want to keep going back to it. In my experience, going back to a game again and again because of DLC is half the fun. I got much more play time out of Hyrule Warriors because of the way the DLC was spaced out and I enjoyed the game over the course of years instead of blasting through it in a couple weeks. If I had waited to buy until everything was available, the massive amount of characters would not have gotten individual attention like they did when they were released over time. To each his own.
Meh, I'm fine with this. I expected as much and it is hard to be disappointed when you expect as much. I just hope that Fire Emblem Switch is a bit more Echoes than Fates. However, I do love Yusuke Kozaki's designs and I think I will miss them if they do not bring him on board.
Just don't think it's right that you pay for a game that's not all there
Never bought a season pass before but more likely will wait until a DLC sale like i did for Hyrule Warriors.
Also, whilst I can understand the frustrations some people are having about the direction the recent titles have taken in the characters and relationship elements, this could actually be an aspect that saved the series. I actually know a few people who skipped on Echoes because there was no relationship gameplay elements as it is part of what kept them playing it.
Besides its not like the strategy and permadeath gameplay isn't there.
I guess Nintendo wouldnt let them go full on swimsuit mode like the DOA series.
Oh well, its something for fans to draw their OCs with...
if it weren't for waifu emblem there wouldn't be any new games in the series at all now..soo...
@thesilverbrick "To each his own."
That about sums it up. I can see the allure of DLC, I know a lot of people enjoy it and going back to games and trophies and all of that. Me, I just want to play a game once then move on to another game. So. Many. Games. I say I'll go back, but I never do. I'll go back for Zelda b/c it looks like a new story, so to me that's a sequel or prequel, but if we just got to run around in a Tingle skin or as Zelda I wouldn't bother. MK8 DLC was good, new tracks, but I never would have gone back for cars or characters. I played all the Pikmin challenges once, but once I beat them once, bronze, silver, gold or plat, I never went back. My kids plat them all. Kids.
For a game like this, if it's just new characters and weapons, I'd rather just have them available from the start, I'd never go back to replay it for that.
And then of course that's only 1/3 the story. Another 1/3 is how many games are either broken at launch or get improved later. The Witcher 3, as good as it was, had menu improvements made later while they were adding the new stories. Which brings to to the last 1/3, cost, as GotY editions release for the price of the game but all DLC included. That doesn't always happen, likely never w/ Nintnedo games which hardly ever even go on sale, but FFXV has been $30 every other week since launch. DBXV2 has been $40.
So DLC, improvements, better price. I'll wait a bit.
@rjejr Oh, another fan of FF8! I thought I was the only one... well, there was another one, but he died in a convention after saying that he preferred FF8 to 7 or 6.
@Elanczewski Wasn't the Zelda all about the ladies too?
But I agree. I don't particularly care for the new direction. I understand the new direction is why the IP still exists, but I want to believe they could have "innovated" in different ways.
I was on the fence whether to get this game now or wait, and this made up my mind - I'll wait to get this down the road when it's on sale or when they release a full version including DLC.
DLC itself isn't the problem, but the gigantic focus on Fates is. Awakening's cast was somewhat salvable IMO but I hate Fates's characters. Specially Corrin.
It would have been a nice chance to bring back some of the underrated lords, like the twins and Eliwood, and fan favorites like Hector and Ike.
Next DLC will be bunny Lucina, only for true admirers so unfortunately It'll cost $44,99
@Leon-mirage: To quote other people...
"Splatoon 2 is just Splatoon again. Why can't they just do DLC?"
"This game has too much DLC. I would rather pay for a new game."
What is this? DLC announced for a game that isn't out yet?
Cool, I can't wait for Fire Emblem Warriors Legends, exclusive to New 3DS with all DLC included plus more from other FE games, and no option to purchase in this version!
Seriously though, Nintendo and Tecmo can royally sod off. I'm not paying extra for content cut from the base game.
@roy130390 I'm always careful to say that's my favorite scene, FF7 is still a better game, and the scene in 7 is more memorable, but too sad to be my favorite. FF8 was a 1 of a kind love story, horrific Draw system though. I'm hoping someday they remake it and just drop Draw entirely. Though not sure I'd have time to play it, a 2 hour movie would be nice.
@Leon-mirage That's exactly what I mean. The $60 game you buy is "all there". The DLC is entirely optional and not necessary. If you don't buy it you still get a very complete game.
@rjejr I hear you. There are way too many games to get through these days. I guess I was just considering that I get many more hours of entertainment out of a game with a steady stream of DLC. I look at games like Splatoon and ARMS, both of which I find myself rediscovering every few weeks when DLC gets released. I'm sure I'd have dropped those games a while ago if there was nothing new to do. The DLC almost makes them new again and again, at least for me, anyway.
@thesilverbrick "Splatoon and ARMS"
Those both have free DLC right? I can't argue w/ free.
Oh, and online multiplayer is different, you need to keep up w/ the others from day 1. After all the time I put in on Spaltoon Id' never get S2 now, too far behind the curve. Same goes for ARMS. But I only play single player offline games, so there's no rush. Destiny 2 or SWBF2 you kind of need to start day 1 and pay up. By 2020 those games season passes will cost more than the games themselves.
So I try not to lump them all together. I'll rent Uncharted 4: The Lost Legacy as some point, glad I played U4 when I did, they aren' t hat related, just U4 comes first. But for single player games - action, JRPG, strategy - there's no rush. I'm getting Mario Day 1 regardless in the bundle so I'll have to make do however that one turns out. I'm not buying the amiibo so I'll already be missing out on that DLC anyway.
@rjejr I guess those two were poor examples, seeing as the DLC is free, haha (though I'd like to point out that leveling up in Splatoon and ARMS doesn't provide any distinct advantage over new players, so even jumping in late is inconsequential). I guess I could say the same about Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4, both of which I fell in love with again and again each time I got new content, even if I did have to pay for it. Then again, I probably could've invested in playing new games if I weren't hung up on those for years and my backlog wouldn't be so ridiculous. I'm starting to see where you're coming from...
''The game is still complete without the DLC''
Could be, but that's not the only possible scenario. You could assume the developers put all their effort and time into the main game and the DLC has yet to be created, that would be fine.
But you don't know when they concluded this game as complete. You can't just assume the creators only intention was to enrich this game with additional content after completing the main content. It would be more profitable to create a game that is at least passable for a €60,00 price tag and then charge even more for every little addition. They presented us a complete game but that doesn't exactly tell the worth of their effort. Sorry but it's difficult for me to see this DLC as philanthropy...
It dose not matter even if it is just one character costume or stage it makes the game in complete And you have to buy just to get the hole game even if all the story is there your still missing out
They can put the time in better use like a sequel
@Leon-mirage So you'd rather pay $60 for a sequel instead of $20 for DLC?
The lack of Tellius games upset me.
True but thought the same with the hyrule warriors game but they went through all the characters in one game
No it dose not have to be if they leave the game as it is it will still be 40 and not 60 perfect logic and the development time can go in to the sequence so it won't cost any more unless nintendo love ripping their fans off
Meh, now im back to maybe not buying it again, was hoping with the Lyn reveal, that at least ONE of the DLC packs would include "classic" units from the older games. Not "classic" as in Awakening. -.- Do i wanna spend the money for Lyn alone? Doubtful.
On one hand, you shouldn't buy things without knowing the contents first.
On the other hand, Bridal Costume Lucina.
I'm just glad that the dlc season pass isn't a complete rip off like it was in FE Echoes. I'm still a bit bummed that non of the dlc is from games outside of Shadow Dragon, Fates, and Awakening
I remember when Zelda did this and I was bummed that they had nothing from Oracle of Seasons, and now this will bum we out with its lack of Sacred Stones. But I still think that Fire Emblem Warriors has a great line-up so far, and I'm excited to see if my favorites from Awakening and Fates get in.
Of course, I was thoroughly underwhelmed by Blazing Sword and never played the Ike games, so I can't get my official "real Fire Emblem Strategy Fan" badge because I don't like the right games.
I learned to stop expecting franchises to go the way I want them to when Paper Mario broke my heart, so I'll take what they give me.
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