A new update is on the way for Pokkén Tournament DX and, as well as the usual "improving gameplay", it promises to add some very welcome online and training features.
Perhaps the most interesting thing coming to the game is the addition of Online Team Battles - these special contests see each player choose three Pokémon to take into battle with all three needing to be defeated in order to win. Currently, this type of battle can only be played locally so adding it to the online options seems like a great idea to us. Official Groups will start to appear online too, allowing players to take part in battles to receive new special titles.
Moving away from the online side of the game, another feature set to be included is the ability to record a Pokémon's movements in the Free Training mode. This means that you will be able to take control of the opposing Pokémon, record any movements you make, and then play them back to improve your own skills. Nice!
No date has been set for this new update to kick in but we can't imagine it'll take too long for Nintendo to dish it out. In the meantime, get practicing those Team Battles!
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 25
Please, Nintendo.

A new update that allows me to use Sawk as playable character, not as a Cameo at background.
I have a crush feeling with Sawk somehow......
I'm hoping they introduce character DLC for this game; nothing reinvigorates a fighter like additional characters in the roster (as demonstrated by ARMS). And there are 800+ Pokémon to choose from.
@thesilverbrick if that happens, Blastoise please!
@PhantomSwitch Absolutely. There's a huge shortage of playable water Pokémon (the addition of Empoleon made only two total), which is odd, considering water is the most plentiful type in the series. I'm actually surprised Greninja never made it in, either, considering his appearance in Smash. And while we're at it, throw in Jigglypuff for fun.
But the source says that 3v3 online will only be playable with friends. Why? It is definitely the best new addition to the game and having it as a ranked online mode would be fantastic.
@thesilverbrick Two water types out of 21 isn't bad at all. The types that need representation now are Normal and Rock. Maybe Lycanroc?
@Kiz3000 Do you really mean "only with friends", or just Friendly Match mode? You can play the latter with randoms casually.
Well, type advantages and disadvantages are nullified in Pokken, but I certainly agree having more monsters to fight with would be welcome. I'd be very surprised though, given the Wii U version didn't get any updates of that nature.
@meleebrawler Well this is the direct quote from the source:
"Team Battles will be available to play with friends online"
So to me that just means with friends. Not friendly matches.
@meleebrawler If we're talking normal types, for some reason Zangoose immediately came to mind.
It would be nice if they could sharpen things up a little.
I'll buy when it drops in price and DLC is announced. Already bought it on Wii U and thus far not enough to make me double dip.
Wow, already getting more support and substantial updates than the Wii U version. :V
But seriously, this is good news. I'd love to see this game maintain decent support and a thriving community for a good while this time around.
@marnelljm Same here. Its a fun game...but not ~120 $ fun.
I hope they add some new character DLC someday;
Greninja, Golisopod, Hariyama, Hawlucha, Zoroark, Sawk/Throh, Hitmonchan/Lee/Top, Regirock/Ice/Steel, Lopunny
I can see them adding typhlosion, Grovyle, Incineroar, Infernape, pangoro, gallade, these are a few that I thought of
Glad to see them keeping up the support. My Luchachu trains diligently every day.
@meleebrawler When you consider that water-types make up 16% of all Pokémon (more than any other type), and that there are four playable fire-type fighters and three ghost-types in the game, it's pretty disproportionate. Realistically, for accurate representation of all species, there should be three or four playable water-type Pokémon.
A patch that allows team battle online? I'll call it the 'King of Fighters' update!
Good to see. I held off from double dipping due to it coming out at a busy gaming month (SNES Mini, Pokemon Gold and Silver and Metroid in the space of 3 weeks) so I'll make it a birthday pick up.
I want for a next installment a storymode something like Namco did with Naruto. Also lots more pokemon.
A buddy of mine from over at Shoryuken.com has been complaining about the lack of a record feature since the Wii U versions launch .He was very excited to see this update today, haha.
@Lalivero Seems too similar to Weavile, unfortunately. I think Snorlax would be an interesting choice, a super slow yet super beefy mon (like 700+ health), with a variant of Pulverizing Pancake as it's super move.
@thesilverbrick Half of those water types are lame fish, though.
@thesilverbrick Add Greninja and Swampert.
@meleebrawler I would've loved to see a playable Gyarados or Milotic. A limbless, swimming character would've made for an interesting variant.
Why don't you have a seat. You know I have the whole chat log right heeeeere.
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