Incredibly, it's now one year since Nintendo lifted the lid on the Switch - and Nintendo Karen.
Leaked many months ahead of the official reveal, the hybrid nature of the Switch - then known as "NX" - left some unconvinced. Even the announcement video itself - which focused on the system's ability to transition smoothly between home console and handheld modes - left some unanswered questions, and it wasn't until the machine was actually in the hands of the general public a few months later that the unique nature of Nintendo's vision finally shone through.

The rest, as they say, is history; Switch is selling like hot cakes and is inundated with quality games. But dammit, we still don't have that cool in-car attachment. What gives, Nintendo?
What were your initial thoughts when you watched this trailer 12 months ago, and have they changed since then? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 167
And what a year it has been!! Did anybody expect all these games??
Don't forget all those songs that suddenly became real popular after Nintendo decided to use them.
The top comment on the video is a joke about using it in the toilet, and that's actually where I've been using mine the most. I had my doubts as to which mode of operation I'd use most, but I actually can't remember the last time I docked mine.
@Spoony_Tech I know I didn't. So much to choose from that it's overwhelming. Wish they'd slow down, my wallet is complaining D:
I was so excited for the new Nintendo machine then and I am every bit as excited today for all the great games to come!
Honestly, my hype hasn't died down that much since then. Switch is poised to (finally) surpass the Super Nintendo for my favorite gaming machine, though the Gamecube came close and Wii U probably would have if it had been better supported.
I was cautiously optimistic about the prospect of a hybrid console before. This video sold me on it.
Here's to the continued success of this wonderful little machine.
I still have to play too many game on WiiU and 3DS. Maybe next year, I can start with the Switch
The video looked very promising. It was definitely going to be a great comeback after the Wii U. Expectations have been met but it’s good to see the third party support as it’s been. I thought it would be better but didn’t imagine so many games.
When the Switch was revealed I was sitting with my nephew in his bedroom watching it on my Wii U. Exactly 1 year later and I am sitting with my nephew in his bedroom writing this comment as he plays my Switch. Considering I don't live in the UK and usually only come back to visit at different times each year it's funny how it's worked out this time.
When I first saw, I was excited. Thought it it would do well, but wondering how third parties would do, how the software lineup will be. The amount of indie games available, support from Bethesda, and the holiday lineup in general is my biggest surprise. I'm still a little frustrated that Switch doesn't have some of the things that I'm used to (Virtual Console, YouTube, Netflix, etc.) but overall I'm happy.
It really is a great little machine. You don't realise just how much it has going for it until you've had time using it for real. The games that keep coming I can't keep up with financially unfortunately,especially the good indies as I want the games coming in the next 6 weeks. Seems the first year will turn out stellar in terms of games
This video was really cool but it left me worried until the January conference because it didn't show motion controls or a touch screen. I love both of those things. Still, I was very excited for it and I watched this video every day. I got my Switch on day 1 and I currently have four games for it. It's absolutely amazing.
I was somewhat excited for the NX and a little worries that Nintendo hasn't learned there lesson with the Wii U, which was not well advertised.
But after this reveal, I was so excited and very happy that maybe Nintendo has upped their game.... and they have haha. Can't believe it's been a year, what a year it has been !
I remember the long wait that we had to go after the reveal to learn more about it later in January. Haha
Just like Karen, I take mine everywhere. Deal with it drunkards!
I think it's been a great year one! The Switch's utility is awesome. The option to play on the go, on a huge TV, on the couch while someone else is watching TV, in a group with 4 systems connected! It's awesome and it's only going to get better going forward.
Just wait until more developers, including Nintendo, start to hit their stride with the system's full capabilities.....and I'm not just talking graphics. I'm talking about all the untapped features that this system offers.
Man, time flies... The NX rumors were crazy this time last year and even after this trailer, we still weren't sure what to think of it. Crazy how it's been a year...
My concern was the quality of the Joycon and their responsiveness. Pretty impressed on both counts.
They grow up so fast :') <3
Well it helped keep me occupied as I was waiting for my girlfriend who was browsing a clothing store in Malta when I first saw the news articles.
I did have a concern over the lack of games and even a fear the console could slide down off the Joycons.
However the January event sold me to preorder and I was convinced the moment I first fired her up.
Guess who's back!!!
What a years its been. Gkad i got one at launch
I was blown away one year ago. Loved the idea, which should have been the wiiu in reality but they launched the Switch at the right time.
Didn't think it would be THIS popular though. And I didn't think I'd be playing Stardew Valley on it one year later either. They've struck gold with Switch, and it hasn't even had an Xmas period yet.
From optimistic to now grateful
I remember staying up later than usual to watch that Direct for the NX reveal. Was hard to get to sleep after all that hype! Too bad I still don't have one. Odyssey is the only game that interests me tbh.
Jokes on them I bought a car holder for the Switch anyway 😎
Just to be clear, we're celebrating the 1 year unveiling of the Switch and not a girl named Karen in a trailer, correct? I guess it's just weird as Sony and MS usually have big lives events for new hardware, or during E3 at a live event, and Switch got a trailer in October, not much of an unveiling to celebrate. Though I do recall a live Switch event out of Japan.
Anyway, I'll save my celebration for next March when we look back at 1 year since the launch, this just seems weird, basically the 1 year anniversary of a TV commercial.
@rjejr I came for the Karen comments. You (and now me) were the only one.
That trailer sold it for me and it wasn't hard to convince my son that we should get one. The form factor of tablet/home console and the hints of some of the games are what sold it.
Haven't been disappointed since we got it.
I was never so hyped for a console before the Switch in my life. Watching that video and realizing that the newest Nintendo system with the best hardware idea for a console ever (IMO) would have games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Breath of the Wild, and Mario Odyssey in its first year was extremely exciting, especially since I never bothered with the Wii U but was bummed that I missed games like MK8 and Splatoon.
Really excited to see what games we'll be getting over the course of the Switch's lifespan.
They lied. BOTW has an HUD.
When Microsoft and Sony keep reloading the same 4K nonsense. Nintendo came with Innovation and promising ideas.
Truly Nintendo keeps surprising me for the good way.
I've never been so excited for a console as I was for the Switch. The first time I held one on launch day after reading about it, looking at pictures, etc. for months was truly surreal experience! And man, booting up Breath of the Wild on the tablet that first day and seeing just how far portable console tech had come!
I'm happy to say that the system has mostly lived up to my expectations. If it had a better wifi antennae it'd truly be perfect for me.
I remember watching the reveal trailer over and over and over - I couldn't stop
When I first heard about the hybrid nature of the console, I’ll be honest I totally dismissed it. I’m happy that I was wrong and too quick to judge, as I absolutely love it.
It's interesting how some people appear to have been turned off by the hybrid aspect of the system. For me, that was the thing that got me interested. I probably wouldn't even own one yet if it was just a home console. Portable console tech just has that "Wow!" factor that my PS4 and fairly powerful PC have never given me.
@Exy I still think it's a wasted opportunity that they didn't use Switch by Will Smith.
People joked about Karen being anti-social bringing the video game console to parties, but many a conversation has started because I was playing the switch in public, or many a game of street fighter 2 has popped off in a bar (along with the good old fashioned street fighter 2 fights).
MARIO!!!! October 27 needs to get here soon!!!
My initial thoughts were excitement and intrigue. My excitement level is still up. Its been a blast and makes it hard to go back to the old ways of gaming
@Kalmaro I hear ya. I just have to remind myself that I don't need everything at launch.....except for Zelda, and MK8D, and Splatoon 2, and Mario....crap!
Gosh a year has passed since that video has it? How time flies. One thing that hasn't changed since this time last year: I still don't have a Switch!
Just a week to go for some Mario action....
I thought it was cool looking initially but it didn't super hype me up until close to launch. As soon as I held it though I knew it was love at first site.
I miss Switch Karen though...
I bought it for Mario. And still waiting for Mario
I was a little confused as it seemed like a tablet with controllers on the side. Not the revolutionary haptic feed-back enabled device that was rumored. I was still hyped as all get-out. I watched the premier of the trailer live and then again 3 or 4 times before I had to go to work. The conference in January convinced me to grab a pre-order.
Ah, the days when we all couldn't stop talking about how cool the concept was and what that "New 3D Mario game" was. I still think it's a cool console, with way too many great games. From indie to first-party to third-party, I don't think anyone expected all these games.
The Switch is poised to be my favorite gaming machine ever - previously SNES and original DS. It’s just fantastic. Very excited to see what Nintendo has in store for us (hoping for Smash 4 DX, Pokémon, Metroid Prime 4, and Animal Crossing by the end of next year).
@Malpais Exactly. I have nothing against Sony or MS, but it really is just a PC on a tv with them and that's why I love Nintendo. They innovate and change the way we see and interact with games.
Time flies
As an ex Wii U owner I hoped the best for Switch but never imagined that it will become so succesful. Bravo to the (obviously) brand new Nintendo advertisement team as well.
The year has passed by so fast! I can’t believe in that short time we went from knowing nothing about the console to getting a new, fantastic-looking Mario game just next week!
The system is exactly what I have expected after the first announcement video. But the real experience enjoying and playing on the Switch, especially "On the Go", is much better than any video or comment can show or describe. Not to mention all the fantastic games.
The Switch is just perfect for the spirit of the age/Zeitgeist of the year 2017.
Happy one year anniversary to the trailer (not the console) that everyone thought Nintendo was going to fail.
They finally got me with the trailer with the "Believer" song by the "Imagine Dragons"!
So it's a year to the day when I was thinking that, after Wii U and 3DS, I was maybe finished with Nintendo. The trailer got me interested as the concept instantly appealed. I then instantly predicted that it would have possibly the best launch year of any system ever and sell out everywhere* Then there were slight disappointments at the price and spec but I still (with a bit of corporate discount) pre-ordered and haven't looked back. It's an absolutely superb games Console and its success is well-deserved.
*I didn't predict this at all.
From the moment we met I could see my wallets status was dire.
Only one thing for it mmm baby, I need my wages to be higher.
As sure as the cost's gonna sting
I wouldn't want the releases to thin
So be yourself...
I loved playing Breath of the Wild on Switch but it has proven too cumbersome to carry around when compared to the New 3DS. I am hoping they don't do a Switch mini (without joycons and ability to play on big screen) since the text will be too small to read in some games (Mario + Rabbids). I hope they continue the Dual Screen portable trend they started with graphics between Wii and Wii U. They can use some of the dual-screen Wii U games for it already.
Great anniversary to celebrate! Tip of the cap to NL.
Had to watch again to re-live the the moment the "NX" was revealed. What a moment. Finally seeing the thing in action (sort of). That transition and use in the car had me sold.
Plenty of cheap iPad headrest holders work for the Switch, btw.
I was very excited, preordered it day 1, and I can honestly say it has met and exceeded my expectations. It is my favorite system, and I own all of them.
Great job Nintendo!
First time I went to a midnight release for a console.
Coming from someone who doesn't yet own a Switch, I felt the system was promising in its early reveal. Nintendo seems to have learned from some (but not all) of its past mistakes. The Switch seems to be doing very well and has plenty of games to keep nearly everyone pretty busy. I mean, have you SEEN the Nintendo Download updates?
The Switch has done enough to convince me that I need one many times over. The main reason I'm waiting at the moment is due to budgeting concerns and (to a lesser extent) backlog.
I miss having a traditional dpad
@idrawrobots I'm not even sure who Karen is, I just saw her mentioned in the article, so it's back to just being you. Though at least 1 other person did mention her.
"Incredibly, it's now one year since Nintendo lifted the lid on the Switch - and Nintendo Karen."
I have a switch but my time (oddly) is about evenly split between it and the GREAT library of the Wii U. Odyssey will likely change that, though.
@rjejr GASP SHOCK How can you not know who Karen is?! Internet memes are the central focus of life!
Seriously, "Karen" is the woman in the ad pictured above in the pink/natural color playing Odyssey and taking the Switch with her to the party. The internet dubbed her "anti-social Karen" and "Nintendo Karen" as being "that guy" who took her switch to the party instead of talking with people and being social
As it turns out she's actually a big gamer and Nintendo fan in real life, which is super rare for a hired actor, and joined in on the meme on the internet IRL.
My girlfriend would have a breakdown if I show up to a party with a videogame machine.
Hopefully next year we will see more games outside Cartoony games from Nintendo (literally every single game nintendo made this year for Switch - it is like they have 1 art director) and Retro games on the eShop. And they fix the nonsense they call online support.
Not bad - but still a 2nd system. It is turning into a Vita replacement for sure - but usually not worth playing when at home. But rarely played my VITA at home either.
Not bad, great even when I consider roughly 12 'must have' games are available on said system, that equating to one for every month. That's not including the other games available which are plentiful and varied.
For year 1 I'd score it B+
@rjejr Also the trailer was just the announce the "product exists and this is generally what it's about." It was a teaser pending the January showcase. January, the live event in Japan was the "big" full unveiling just like the one PS4 had the Feb before its launch and XBox had a few days before the E3 of its launch.
Except unlike PS4 it wasn't awesome (showing games like Deep Down that were never, ever going to be made, and other games that still are unreleased) or like XBox One's where Mattrick was fired and the brand itself almost went down in flames within an hour. Instead it was just like a big direct, but live and awkward. And we got this guy:
My reaction was "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!". i have been a casual pc player for long (my last and only console was a mega drive). And one year after I just love it and I have done a bunch of those things in the trailer
I thought here is my money now gimme gimme gimme
@NEStalgia You lost me at meme.
I was just going to guess "the blonde" but referring to any woman by any body type these days is sure to get me raked over the coals. Oh wait, Karen's not the blonde, she's the French looking pixie haircut? Had I known, I would have paid more attention.
So, I get to look forward to another of these meaningless articles in Jan for the 1 year anniversary of that event? Can't wait. /s
Well at least I got to converse w/ you again, always good for a laugh. Which I always need.
@Ralizah I dismissed it as I wasn’t sure how good it would be in terms of power and also battery life. Both it turns out are great, and as it uses USB-c it’s easy to charge. If they kept the clocks the same in handled then battery life would have been the same as a gaming laptop, which wouldn’t really make it mobile, so I’m glad it’s downclocked 🙂
Nintendo did great though. My PC CPU alone cost more than a Switch, so it’s amazing what this little device can do. I’m one of the few that loved the Wii U, but after poor support that was probably my biggest fear.
I haven't watched that trailer in a while, got a bit teary rewatching it.
@Hughesy Oh, I had my initial doubts about the system as well in terms of how well they could get the concept to work. Still seems kind of crazy that I can play games like Mario Kart 8, Breath of the Wild, DOOM, Skyrim, and Super Mario Odyssey on a fairly thin tablet with very few downgrades (DOOM got hit the hardest in this regard, but the end result still seems insanely impressive considering the size and versatility of the tech).
I wouldn't mind entering Karen's warp pipe, if you know what I mean.
It is the perfect console for a Super Monkey Ball comeback.
I have to admit some disappointment at no solid news of a new animal crossing or virtual console.
Watched it about four times in a row at the office, and then nearly passed out because there was nobody there to talk to about it and share in the excitement. On the way home, I told myself I would definitely not force my wife to watch it because I knew she wouldn’t care that much. Immediately foisted it on her when I got home. She didn’t really care, though she saw the genius in the concept and was kind enough to humor my excitement.
@Spoony_Tech Comfortably the greatest Nintendo year ever. Game quality, quantity, now console, new mentality, back in the mainstream, mobile, 3DS. Across the board, A+++
BEST CONSOLE EVER. My thoughts then and same thoughts today
Time for a rap
The Switch is here, it’s been one year, I put it in my pocket and I’ve got no fear
All these games, like when it rains, we’re running on time on this Switch hype train
@Switcher Wasn't that "Believer", though? I don't much care for Imagine Dragons, but I love that song to this day because of that ad.
There's a "Star Road" joke in there somewhere...
I saw the teaser vid back in October and thought wow. This is a lovely piece of kit. But it took me 6 months to buy it - I wasn't sure I really needed another console, I was in no rush but then I found it easily available on Amazon recently and said what the hell...a week or so in and I'm finding it to be one of the best consoles I've ever owned, and I've been playing videogames since the 70s.
When Kimishima said I want people to touch and feel this console, I now know what he means. Until you get it in your hands you just won't get it.
@bimmy-lee I had a similar experience with my wife. Except when she saw the trailer and said sarcastically, "So you can play it on the T.V. or as a screen with controllers attached. How is that any different than the WiiU?". She was okay with me getting one but somehow didn't realize I could leave the house with it for awhile. She literally thought it was just an upgraded WiiU. She occasionally plays WiiU and 3ds but has never touched our Switch yet.
It's my second fave games machine of all time. So much fun, fits perfectly into my life.
My first was Spectrum 48k
The marketing for this system is a definite step up from the Wii U's that's for sure, and the first year releases for it, certainly solidified its standing in the console market. I'm enthusiastic to see what else Nintendo might have up their sleeves for the Switch next year and so on. Though I shouldn't have my expectations too high.
@Oat That's probably my only gripe with the Joy-Con, but at least it's included on the pro-controller.
Count me as one of those skeptics when they released that reveal trailer. The switch is definitely one of those products that you have to hold in your hand in order to fully understand its appeal.
What a turnaround in fortunes it has been for Nintendo in the last 12 months, and not to forget the Switch has been on the market less than a year still. But who can honestly say that they are suprised Nintendo has managed to knock it out of the park when we know this is what they are capable of doing!
I do think that the failure of the Wii U has been to the benefit of the Switch, because they may have rested on their laurels after the success of the Wii. Either that or they knew that the Wii U was always going to be failure, as the Switch is the concept that the Wii U was meant to be but restrictions didn't allow the realisation of it at the time!
Still too busy with Wii U and 3DS to care about buying a Switch.
Next year is going to be so amazing for Switch. But I'm still greatly anticipating the rest of the games coming out this year. I still haven't gotten every game on my wishlist for 2017! Think they'll just shove whatever they have left for this year on the eshop all at once for christmas? That would be both heaven for me, hell for my wallet. I'm already broke! xD
Of course you're right. Was listening to "Thunder" while writing my comment...Can't believe [ ] this happened to me. Thanks.
Edited my comment.
An app? Really? An app is the reason to buy a gaming console? Doesn't matter which console you want to buy: How can an app be an reason?!?
Then enjoy waiting for Mario, until the rest of the gaming universe is already having fun with the best (it seems so) Mario ever...
I got so excited when I saw this reveal trailer I remember being in a great mood at work all day. I also remember eating my words saying that I wouldn’t be buying the NX lol it was love at first sight 💕
'killer app'
@gokev13 - Funny, my wife also thought it was an upgraded WiiU until Karen undocked and took it to her rooftop hipster party. We’ve been pumping every available dollar into our home for the last year+, so I still don’t have a Switch, but that will probably change over the holidays. My daughter is three, and she neeeeds one, right?
@Switcher - Some people refer to games as “apps” (usually “killer app”). I didn’t know this either until I started reading the comments here a few years ago. I don’t understand or agree with it, but I suppose it’s harmless enough.
Edit: Whoops, don’t listen to me, click the link above for a complete explanation.
@yeayeanaynay I can't play Super Smash Bros and Monster Hunter Stories on Switch.
@bimmy-lee @electrolite77
Thanks. Yes, didn't know this. Then Zelda or Mario are killer apps. Finally Metroid 4 will be one...
Hopefully in the future switch get an new Paper Mario game, in the likes of the FIRST TWO.
My initial impression with the Switch was that I was not impressed at all. That impression has not changed. I get it, the portable aspect is pretty neat, but it's not useful to me at all in my current life.
When you look past that, there's not really much to the system itself at all. It's another weak Nintendo system, with lots of initial third party promise (but only ports)... Like the Wii U. lol.
And gamewise, right now, aside from Super Mario Odyssey in a couple of weeks, the system's very best titles are Wii U games. I already have a Wii U.
And there still isn't much exciting for me beyond Odyssey. Happy that Metroid fans get a new Metroid Prime, but that franchise does nothing for me. Where in the world is Animal Crossing?
Plus that paid online service. Yuck.
Not really since I thought the switch looked amazing in it reveal trailer. Was however surprised by the amazing first year line up
I hope Nintendo keeps doing what they are doing. Power does not make games great, innovating makes games fresh and great
The song in that awesome reveal trailer was stuck in my head for weeks. Thanks for the relapse, NintendoLife!
But, really, I'm embarrassed to admit that I was very nervous about Nintendo's future, back when the Wii U bombed. I'm so happy with how the Switch turned out, and the future looks so bright!
I was totally underwhelmed from the big reveal. still basically am. haven't seen anything yet (including mario strangely enough) that makes me say "i gotta get a switch". maybe i'm just boring now, but i'm more excited when i get a sweet deal on SNES carts on ebay.
I still remember the sense of wonder when I saw the Switch reveal, and I see that same feeling whenever I show my college students the console. The whole concept just clicks and the whole message is obvious with just one look at the Switch.
The big difference between then and now is my frustration at Capcom's decision to shortchange Switch users by withholding western Monster Hunter Generations (Ultimate?) from us. Back in March I was full of hope and excitement for HD local multiplayer MonHun with my friends. Now I'm sad and bitter. and MHW won't cure that.
Oh man, a year since the reveal. Feels like ages actually, but I can't describe why.
When the reveal trailer came out, I was so excited. Mostly because I could take Zelda anywhere. I have to admit, watching back the trailer, Mario looks a little bland.
@SomeWriter13 I can't wait for Monster Hunter World, it looks great. Too bad it's not coming to the Switch, but I'm sure the Switch is getting it's own version in the future. You've just got to wait, my fellow hunter.
@MagicEmperor It's not weird to be nervous about their future, a year ago. The Wii U, even though I think it's a great system, is a big fail if we're talking about sales. If Nintendo did the Switch wrong too, it could have ended in a lot more years of losing money.
Plus, we're talking about Nintendo here. It's going to be a big hit or a big miss with them and it's hard to predict.
I was hype af & to my honest surprise, my parents actually got me one for my birthday back in June & I already have over 300 hours of gameplay!
@tangram I'm pretty sure there might be an option to turn it off in the options somewhere. Definitely not my preferred way to play, though.
I still worried that Nintendo were still in their gimmick phase, especially that there'd be too much technology in the detachable controllers that the system would be too focused on motion controls. Thankfully it's proved to be a conventional system in all respects, something I really wanted after boycotting the Wii and WU. As a bonus, there's no compromises with portable mode too. It's a totally delicious system and may prove to be Nintendo's best ever!
My first thoughts were roughly "This is what the Wii U should have been!"
Has it really been a year already? Honestly doesn't even seem possible.
Hey, does anyone know if the update made it possible to change the speed at which the switch plays videos? Or was that something was already able to do, because I don't remember it being there as an option.
@Saego thanks for the words of encouragement. ^_^ MHW looks amazing, but I can't play local co-op with friends the same way we could with the 3DS and (I hoped) the Switch. There's only one PS4 in our household, too, and that was my gift to my kid brother, who will likely also play MHW.
Honestly I'll be fine with Monster Hunter Generations (Ultimate?) Unfortunately Capcom has decided not to give us either game (at least not for the foreseeable future.)
@Saego Yeah! Exactly, that’s what I meant. Thanks!
@Spoony_Tech nope. There are too many now. My wallet cant stand.
@HalBailman You think Nintendo's not going to make games that have mandatory motion controls? Common son! Also, motion controls aren't a gimmick, they're used in everything gaming related these days.
I’d pretty much given up on gaming until I saw the ads! Now it’s my favourite console to date ... well, portable, as I’m yet to take the dock out of the box since launch!
It's been a fantastic year. The hype from the reveal trailer was very high. It was then declared dead on arrival by some after the January event but Nintendo proved that there was a huge appetite for the hybrid.
Personally I have not been playing this much since my N64 university days. The Switch really has been a game changer.
Actually you can buy a nintendo official car headrest attachment at EBGames right now.... You cant get one that hangs out into the centre seat position though.
MORE KAREN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its been a fantastic year and long may it continue.
I remember the rumors well and was deeply caught up in it. I even created a mockup of how I thought the switch may look, crazy how close I was to be honest.
And come in Nintendo I'm still waiting for this aspect of my design

I was screaming in the house, falling down on the ground stomping on it, rolled over en screamed that ''this was the [removed]''!!!
I bought it last month because of 3ds backlog but only bought DBXV2 so that my 3ds can still get some attention from me.
I understand for people if they wanted a more powerful console but if you keep on comparing it with other more powerfull consoles even when games like Doom en wolffenstein 2 coming out, then maybe Nintendo isnt for you, no matter how much you like their 1st party games.
@Sanangelo89 Mind your language - Octane
It was certainly fun trying to guess what Nintendo was working on. I flip flopped from powerhouse console, to hybrids, to holograms to what have you. The moment the dude in the reveal walked off to the park with Zelda I was sold.
@TheMisterManGuy Read my comment closely. Motion controls are not the focus I feared.
The video sold me on Nintendo to give them another chance after being so burned on the WiiU and somewhat on the Wii too, the whole brand entirely really. I was done with them until they proved they wouldn't fail with a console when I thought it was just that. Once I realized it was a docked handheld that boosted performance on the TV I was good to roll the dice as they've not been colossal failures on the handheld front since day one.
And it's been one glorious year of naysayers giving us their delicious tears. How much of a success has it been, for reference?
You've heard the click in your head just now. That's how iconic this piece of hardware is shaping up to be.
And as always... ah ha, ah ha, yeah!
@Savino Bruh, there's so many killer apps on there, what are you waiting for specifically?
Man, it makes me lmao reading comments on here, most of you act like Nintendo had the first hybrid ever, that it's their innovation. Well just look to the JXD S7800B, out before switch, it's a handheld/console hybrid. Does everything the switch does and more, cost £120. Edit, doesn't have hd rumble joycons, no loss there then, also GPD XD is hybrid and GPD singularity which is 1080 on tv or on the go 60fps, also runs unreal engine 4 amongst others with tegra k1, yep all hybrids before ninty's none innovation that many seem to claim otherwise, hmm
Ninty came with innovation, lmao, no they didn't. JXD was doing hybrids way before Ninty, checkout the JXD S7800B or the more powerful GPD singularity, both hybrids
@MsgBoardGamer Someone else that can't read. I said my fear was too much focus on motion controls. That hasn't materialised. Switch is primarily a conventionally controlled system.
@MsgBoardGamer Wrong. Wii and WU had too much focus on motion controls. Look at Star Fox on WU, plus the Wii had you waggling in Mario Kart. The fear from the announcement video was the Switch would follow. It hasn't. End of story.
@MsgBoardGamer Congrats. You proved yourself an ignorant troll. Wrong. None of those Switch games require motion controls. ARMS & 1-2 might be the ones they are integral, and even then ARMS plays better conventionally anyway.
@AlexSora89 "The Switch won't even sell 3M life time." is still my favorite naysayer quote. XD
@MsgBoardGamer Now you're a hypocrite. One minute you say the Wii and WU had few motion control games, next minute you list all the Switch ones that do. You argue my fear was misplaced and now infer it's real. Fact is, there's no Wiimote. No ridiculous bulky touch screen gamepad. The Switch detachable controllers that created a fear of another gimmick system has not materialised. They are so rarely used detached that it makes you wonder whether the expense of all the technology inside them was justified. Switch is conventional.
@MsgBoardGamer Shredding comments into pieces to argue out of context to "win" points is the second sign of a debate loss. The first is digression and distortion, which you're still doing. I've referred to conventional controls, and added "as a bonus there's no compromise in portable mode". Like I said at the start, read comments closely. That will avoid a descent into this troll-like argumentative behaviour.
There's two posts on here claiming innovation, and one of them has a point in that they're at least doing something different to Sony and MS. It's not 'most of you' really.
For me the fact that it isn't very innovative/gimmicky is why I like it. It's just a very powerful portable system and a solid home Console with lots of good games. If you want it to be you can ignore all the motion gubbins and just have a straight ahead home System.
Your comparison with the JXD illustrated the other good thing about it. Nintendo have taken an idea others have flirted with and actually realised it. They've done it properly.
Every mobile game that made it to switch, which there are many, who actually cares what games it does or doesn't have, fact is these are hybrids that were out before switch, let's face it, the Switch ain't getting many current games, most are old ports of PS360 games, Android games, Wii u games, neogeo, some ps4xone old ports, take all that away and switch is left with next to nothing. The JXD singularity has over 30 years of gaming history to fall back on, also every android game, plus access to the nvida store for latest console games that were exclusive to the shield, also every app available that switch could only dream about. All in 1080 docked or undocked using the latest gorilla glass screen, ah yes also the tegra 1 chip, the machine offers far more than switch, even Sony, Nintendo, Sega, square, EA, UBISOFT plus many others make games for it, they even release some recent older games for it. Regardless with your burnt comment, JXD were releasing hybrids way before Ninty and its just a matter of time before they have one out that matches upto ps4 parity, they ain't to far off already with the singularity
I was referring to this post aswell as many others i have read on other articles, should have said that, my bad. As for Ninty doing it right, hmm so did JXD before Ninty, nothing wrong with the way they implemented it, actually they showed it doesn't need a plastic dock, which in return drives up the price. JXD will only get bigger and better, one to watch out for in the future, China is coming which isn't exactly a surprise, good luck to them. The switch is cool, just saying Ninty wasn't there first with hybrids for those that didn't know. Edit lol can't believe you checked all comments on this article, way to go, should be playing games instead mate
I just did CTRL+F then 'innov'. Very lazy....
I like the look of a couple of the JXD machines as Retro machines. I'd like to see something a bit more powerful. Wouldn't be surprised to see them steal the dock idea as Switch catches on. They must cost about £3 to make.
Re.Nintendo. their Innovation is, as they proudly admit, re-tasking withered technology. The Switch is a prime example of that. But the other devices that sort of pitch as a hybrid don't have the slickness in terms of the dock and the changeover between modes and the extra clocks when docked, the software supply and the flexibility of the controls. Theyre doing a lot of things others have done but combined it into something that, in its end result, is original. Or at least feels like it is. They've taken the hybrid idea and made it mainstream.
The Singularity doesn't need to up its clock,it's already a beast when on the go or docked but certainly for their other machines, i already have the JXD S7800B, great machine for emulation and the better android games. I never play it on tv, wife hogs it, got to say it's better now with the FW update 4.4 though android is now on 5.0. I suspect when they bring another it will be fully updated with a better cpu or maybe stick with the tegra 1 that runs the Singularity but with added whistle and bells, yep they just might take the dock system to keep everything tidy, not that's it's a mess. With the likes of JXD and Ninty switch, this is the future only some companies haven't realised yet like Sony and MS. Strange really psp had TV out but never implemented and vita didn't have it. Sony may release another and if they did it would be a hybrid that they will stop supporting in no time cause the next home console has arrived, only home consoles as we know them will loose popularity as hybrid grows. One thing with the switch, imo i think it needs all kinds of apps just like android/ios, Ninty could quite easily be the market leader given time especially with their own IPs on board, just need to be even more mainstream. Ninty certainly made hybrid mainstream that can only help companies like JXD. Didn't realise you could do that CRTL thing, nice
So do you rate the S7800B then? How does it get on with Saturn, DC, PSP and DS? I'm not interested in the Singularity as it doesn't seem to offering more in emulation terms than the S7800B and I don't like the chunky shape. Plus I've seen really mixed things about the Singularity from customer reviews-lots of issues with dodgy controls.
"Strange really psp had TV out but never implemented and vita didn't have it. Sony may release another and if they did it would be a hybrid that they will stop supporting in no time cause the next home console has arrived"
Yeah I wouldn't trust Sony with another handheld or a hybrid. They're great at home systems but when you see what a mess they made of the Vita they may as well not bother. Lovely machine but so many basic mistakes-lack of TV Out, overpriced Memory cards, not enough buttons to do Remote Play properly etc.
" One thing with the switch, imo i think it needs all kinds of apps just like android/ios, "
Totally agree. I'm amazed it hasn't at least got media apps by now.
@HalBailman what is even your point? Both the Wii, Wii U and the Switch have motion ganes. Heck their new flagship title has motion to control one of their core mechanics (hint its a Mario game). It was never mandatory on these 3 consoles, yes it became lightly a gimmick on the Wii because it was all new and exciting. But in the end your points are wrong, you use mario kart wii as example. But you forgot to mention that Mario Kart 8 Dx uses exact the same control schemes (including ‘waggling’). And just for the record, motion is mandatory in 1-2 Switch.
Proprioty cards hmm that's why i bought a jxd s7800b, you see i have 2 psvita, 1 normal and the other Henkaku hacked but fed up of expensive memory cards so I bought s78 for £55 on amazon. It runs Nes, master system, snes, megadrive, neogeo, Mame , all run perfectly. Things change somewhat with saturn and N64, many saturn games ain't available for the Saturn emulator and the ones that are available are hit and miss, all due to a unfinished emulator that doesn't get anymore updates for it. N64 runs fine if you tinker with the settings in the emulator, basically turn everything down to default. Psp is mostly OK just keep it on default but the odd game can be choppy, dreamcast and DS are surprisingly good, better than psp imo, the odd game has frame issues but keep settings to a minimum. If you want a great emulation machine then this is perfect or the improved GPD XD with its better cpu for running the latest android games like modern combat 5, the s78 can run them but not as efficient, also the improved version has less issues with some of the emulation games, I will probably buy it when it's cheaper. The singularity does offer a bit more in emulation, it plays Gamecube games and has access to nvida store. Yep it was a disgrace how Sony treated the vita and the ppl that bought it, speaking of vita, Sony have announced a new game for it, a Jrpg. More details are due 26 of this month, this Thursday, I am very intrigued, will this mean Sony are going to give vita a second push, maybe more games announced, looking forward to Thursday, won't loose sleep over it though, probably a game for Japan only with relative small success for vita their and in Asia, can't see it coming West though @electrolite77
@iMarkU Someone else that can't read. The point is perfectly clear in my original comment, and clarified further on for those more interested in arguing than understanding.
@MsgBoardGamer Wrong again. I made a humble comment. You've spent all day arguing against it because you refuse to admit you didn't read it correctly. You're still going. 😴
Just been reading more about the singularity, it's a updated version from the year before, it no longer uses the tegra1 chip, it users the Rockchip, it's no different from the tegra, funny thing is nvida stopped selling it to them cause Nintendo stepped in, JXD felt burned by Ninty so they made the singularity with more under its bonnet than switch, looking at the specs, it sure is a beast, won't be as popular as switch, never mind that price tag. All in all i am more than happy with companies like JXD and GPD to sit along side Ninty trying to help the hybrid market grow quicker, i am sure more will jump on board, like i said China is coming and Japan is already here
You mention 2 points in your original comment: too much technology in the joy cons (which they actually have including everything from the wii remote + more) and the fact that it is a conventional system. Fact is; the Wii U was also a conventional system plus a touchscreen. But all the buttons were there to port a game without major modifications to the control scheme. You're accusing other people of not reading, while you're not reading other peoples comments as well.
With all due respect, the Switch still has a huge gimmick and that is the hybrid model and motion joy cons. But why should gimmick be a bad thing? It makes the Switch one of the most unique systems in the markets at the moment. The same applied to both the Wii and Wii U. It has the motion from the Wii, the screen from the Wii U and its own hybrid sauce. The major difference is that Nintendo now knows how to market and use the technology instead of just putting it in there for the sake of technology.
Bottom line: The Switch is the evolvement of a Wii and the Wii U, it has their DNA written all over the system including the huge words: MOTION CONTROLS
Sorry, but you know nothing about the Switch or playing games on it until you have it. Especially continuing a Zelda, Mario vs. Rabbids (a gem of a game), Sonic Mania (so damn hard, like in the good old times, of course also the gameplay) or just FIFA18 at the holidays, in the train or wherever you want.
I played Mario Kart 8 in Israel. Wonderful experience. In Israel. MK8. On the Switch.
5 days left until the, hopefully, best Mario ever. Like Zelda imo was. But Mario Odyssey is exclusive for the Switch. Too bad, you don't have one.
I just have to repeat: You don't own one, so you don't know anything about it.
Wait for your MP4...Until you still look here on this site, because...wait...why are you here, if you don't need a Switch?
He is on here because it's called NINTENDO LIFE not SWITCH LIFE and anybody is welcome, i don't have a switch, so I don't know anything either then, yet i was playing hybrid machine long before you was playing hybrid switch, none of that matters though if one doesn't own a switch, hmm
First of all: Of course everyone can be here on Nintendo Life. You're absolutely right. The article is obviously about the Switch, isn't it?
But: I was not talking to you. Why do you answer the question I asked Savino...?🤔
It doesn't matter and however: Peace everyone and best wishes for the whole world. Especially Nintendo with the Switch.😉
Yeah ✌ peace, I commented because I don't own a switch, what you said apply to everyone that don't have switch, no problem though
@EDF Yeah the JXD doesn't really have anything on the Switch. Gaming wise...
Depends what you want, the VC is something the switch could only dream about, it wipes the floor with switch in that department, loads of apps, many useful, loads of Android games and let's face it half if not more switch games are mobile ports. It's not competing against switch, afterall it was out before switch, it has many advantages over switch and vice-versa but to say the singularity jxd don't have anything on switch is just ignorance and fanboys. I will break it down for you, it uses latest gorilla glass for screen, much superior to what switch users, it has 4k capabilities, but only any good if apps are using 4k, but that said it doesn't have a problem with 1080 hd on tv or on the go, better than switch, it's clock speed is 1.8ghz, switch is locked at less than 1ghz and much less on the go, it's capable of runningany game that's on switch, the previous edition used the same tegra chip as switch, now this is the improved version also with 64 gig of internal memory. Yep plays DS and Gamecube, GBA, N64, Snes, Nes, Gb, Dreamcast, Neogeo, psone, Mame, msdos, plus many other emulators, a massive retro game library that switch owners could never have, also every app and game on playstore, not bad for a hybrid that you say has nothing on switch, yep switch has advantages over this but you can't deny this isn't a beast, it has other improvements over switch like 60fps constant on the go, only if apps and games are running at that speed, it don't sweat it
@EDF Where do I start......
1) The system is playing ANDROID GAMES and Nothing else past the 6th gen, Switch is playing current gen games....Never knew that games like Doom, Odyssey, BOTW, Skyrim, DBXV2 etc were all Moblie ports lol
2)Dude, the screen is 1080p 60 because, like I stated before, you're playing nothing more than ANDROID and 6th gen below games....It would be Pitful if it was any less.
3)As long as you have Android as your os, It not running any Switch game especailly on par with the Switch. The extra CPU clock is for stuff like multitasking...Nothing gaming wise.
The JXD is a only good for Retro Gamers or Causals....The only advantages it has are wil memory,apps(then again I said gaming wise) and Retro games. Call this a beast is saying my phone or the portable Nvidia Shield a beast. The only ignorance here is thinking that A tablet with android games and 6th gen and below has anything on the Switch gaming wise
My point still stands.
Like I said at beginning of my comment, depends what you want from it, if it's retro then it's a killer. Yep half of switch games are android games. It can't have BOTW obviously but neither can ps4, what does that matter, many ppl on here would love a VC like 6th gen below plus some of the highend android games, not the casual stuff
Watching this trailer back gave me the same feels as it did a year ago. I'll be the first to put my hands up and say that I initially doubted the whole hybrid thing, but as soon as I saw it it all made sense. Yeah, a bit of extra grunt wouldn't have gone amiss, but at what cost would that have come? I can imagine it would have nerfed the portability as well as the price point.
Who could have imagined that it would have turned out the way it did? Doom, Wolfenstein, LA Noire..... What's next??
@EDF Please explain how is the Switch library most android ports...
Also even if the games on switch where on JXD, it won't perform as well as Switch.
Lol, what does that even mean? (3M? What is 3M?)
It's sold well, and that's even before the holiday season. Nice to have some good news for a change after the Wii U era. I hope the momentum keeps going.
@AlexSora89 3 Million, which is too low, even for naysayer standards. XD
When (when) the Switch will (will) inevitably pass that target, find that guy and smack the facts on his face for me, pretty please.
@AlexSora89 it's already sold more than 2M in the US:
And 1.5M in Japan. Then there are other territories, so 4M is a good estimate.
...and we haven't even gotten around to the holiday season, yet! ^_^
(Having said that, I will settle for that naysayer's tears instead of hitting him hehe.)
Be a good neighbour/bor/Bohr and share, I like those tears too, you know! They taste a bit like a triangle button, with a hint of an X home button.
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