UK trade publication MCV has been speaking to online and physical video game stores in the region about 2017 in game retail, and unsurprisingly, Switch ranks quite highly as one of the year's highlights.
GameSeek’s CEO Stephen Staley states that the Switch launch was the high point of what has been a robust 2017, and ShopTo's Alison Fraser agrees, claiming that Switch has been a "welcomed revenue driver over the past couple of months."
A few of the interviewed retailers expressed annoyance at the stock situation regarding the console, but on the whole, Nintendo's hybrid system has made quite a splash - something its forerunner, the Wii U, failed to do.
ShopTo's Fraser said:
Switch has been a good news story on a whole. Yes, stock has been short and we – along with the rest of retail – could have sold more units, but the sales have continued with every stock drop. It seems like many third-party publishers have been wary to launch new releases until the success was gauged over the first six months of the console.
The titles that have launched have generally been short of stock, so builds must start to increase through Q4. There does still seem to be a shortage of Christmas launches, although the titles that are coming are top titles that should be very successful.
Robert Lindsay, managing director at Games Centre, is in agreement:
Switch has provided a most unexpected shot in the arm for retail this year. Software support has been good after a meagre launch, and there is a definite consumer buzz around the console.
While shortages are never good for any system, it's encouraging that retailers see a Nintendo system as a viable means of growing their business, something which arguably didn't happen with the Wii U.
Comments 57
They sound cautiously optimistic, are you sure that's not the Pokemon CEO?
Best thing I've bought this year
Actually no this century
Popped into a Game yesterday. They might have got a shot in the arm from the Switch, but boy, are their displays ugly. And every box seemed to be display purposes only, with little or no actual stock.
And this comes after GAME blamed Switch for their low revenue.
I look forward to the day when the Nintendo section of GAME is not hidden away in a corner like a mad uncle. Maybe that day is getting closer.
Doomed it is then.
@Krillin_ Game needs a real injection in the backside if they have any chances of surviving as a company. But remodelling their stores, getting decent staff and dealing with pricing problems would be both incredibly expensive and timely.
It is odd, because I have seen very little in store promotion of the Switch in various local stores. The only place I have noticed is in second hand shops with exorbitant mark ups. But hey, somewhere must be selling them successfully!
More Switch stocks !!!
Don't have a Game on my island, so when SteetPass moved to them exclusively, it cut the 3DS users (yes there are still a few of us around) off from the rest.
But good on Nintendo for making a good product after the unfortunate failure of Wii U
@Rudy_Manchego Most people are likely buying it based on the on going TV commercials that keep popping up and word of mouth.
Isn't this on about Gameseek and not GAME?
The only game shops I enter these days are of a retro nature. And there aren't that many these days.
Four millions sold is a nice number but still has to prove that it has legs. All consoles sell lots in their first months of life.
@wolvesboy Yeah, the photo is Game, but none of the quotes are from Game.
Hang on,am I missing something?Game sells Nintendo stuff?
@BlueOcean We will still be saying that come 4 years in. Let's be real. This approach to "Lets see if it has legs" wont ever go away. We will just keep saying that. At what point will it stop?
@BLP_Software I'm serious, stock shortages threating the console availability and the exaggerated Zelda hype when it was a Wii U port helped Switch in their first months. I won't wait four years to admit its long-term success but I read so many headlines everywhere about its devastating success when it has sold less than 5 millions to date. I'm not sure that it will surpass 3DS in the long-term, honestly. Not that it's impossible but still hasn't reached Wii U's figures.
@FragRed Yeah I'd agree. I think Nintendo needs to make a push to get the Switch into non gaming stores, such as major supermarket retailers so it sits alongside PS4 and XB1. I know that these are often just a few shelves but, from personal experience, the way to get kids excited and shouting I want it is to have it on somewhere they visit regularly!
@Joytendo22 Right. One of the reasons I haven't bought one. A friend of mine has it and I hate the joycons. I know I would need the expensive Switch pro controller and my favourite games are on Wii U as well: Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8. I'd also need a big SD card because I go digital on handhelds. With both a Wii U and 3DS I find no reason to justify the price of the new hardware and peripherals when they are a very mild upgrade over Wii U's equivalents and the third-party support is once again underwhelming.
I love my Nintendo games but I'm far more excited about Xbox One X at the moment.
Good to hear that retail is having a good time with what stock they aquire.
The system will need to continue to attract indies at quite a pace to keep the lineup of titles healthy as nintendo start to inevitably slow down the releases of first party games.
@BlueOcean actually it has passed 5 million now and hasn't even had a holiday season in the west yet.
@BlueOcean it's a portable first an foremost. Wouldn't that make it a huge upgrade over the 3ds as opposed to a small upgrade over the wiiu?
@Powerballad I don't think the slow down is necessarily inevitable. The summer might be quiet but Nintendo as a company seems rather emboldened by their success with this system. They'd be silly to let things slow, but I think come winter time, once the last big hitters for the year are done and out, we'll see some annoucements for new stuff. I mean they announced Prime 4 at E3, they could be up to literally anything, and we'd have no idea!
Glad Switch got some positive news out of the UK... lets hope they turn out for FIFA.
@faint It is marketed as a home console and is also the successor to both 3DS and Wii U. Also big size, pro controller, poor battery life... it all points more to a home, hybrid perhaps, console to me.
"There does still seem to be a shortage of Christmas launches"
I'm sure a good direct can rectify that, pokes Nintendo
@Jacob1092 Agreed but let's not ignore the droughts suffered by Wii U early on, way before it was considered a failure and when it was still selling well.
@Jacob1092 I'll take some of that positivity lol, I hope your right , I can't imagine what else they would have cooking to have a 1st party release for nearly every month of the year like the current stategy has been.
But as you say, they could be upto literally anything.
All i know is I'm stoked for Wulverblade, I didn't even know that game existed until the nindies event.
Having indies portable for me personally sets the switch apart from any of its competition.
@BlueOcean where? It's marketed as a hand held in Japan. You and I both know what the switch is. The doc is just a bunch of plastic and a fan. All the guys are in the tablet.
@faint Not where but who, Nintendo.
@BlueOcean you said it was marketed as a home console. I said where because it isn't marketed as a home console in every territory.
Is there anything this console can't do? (No one say 'Virtually Console')
@faint Nonsense. I think you are not being serious but I don't really care.
I see shovelware in the switch's future. Lol
Great to see the switch success.
@BlueOcean Perfectly fair shout, I can't even remember what was year one on Wii U if I'm being honest. I feel like Pikmin 3 was? God, that was a good game. Any news on 4 would be super awesome
@Powerballad The other thing to think of would be the ports. We've got Yoshi and Kirby which is two months, chuck in a port and you've got a quarter covered. It's not ideal, but considering how many people will have never played them for never owning a Wii U, in terms of business sense it would be an obvious win. I for one would be happy to buy Smash again, say a super edition with all the Smash DLC from 3DS and Wii U, and then them doing more DLC for that if they wanted. I think they'd be seriously silly to not do that. But yeah, between ports and secret stuff, I rekon we could have another reasonably busy year
@Jacob1092 July 2013. Yes, I like the Pikmin franchise very much, the first one in particular got almost everything right. The GameCube era was awesome with brilliant different games: Pikmin, Metroid Prime, The Thousand-year Door, Wave Race, F-Zero, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess... Pikmin 4 has been in development for so long according to Miyamoto!
@Jacob1092 Here's to a great year 2! I was actually very suprised we didnt see a smash deluxe for christmas, but it may have eaten into mario odyssey sales, so it makes sense in a way to let that chill into next year.
I'm very optimistic for the system, im really interested to see what the next bonafide system seller is after M.Odyssey.
GAME is pretty much dead in Britain, won't miss it when it's gone
Yep it's a handheld with a option to play it on a TV and not the other way around. PS4 is a home console with a option to stream games to a handheld like vita, complete opposite to switch, ppl are kidding themselves if they think switch is a home console
@EDF Then please explain why Nintendo markets Switch as a home console and, most of all, why 83% of the people that own the system use it primarily as a home console according to Nintendo's last survey? Yes, 83%.
Even if it was the way you say it would be an hybrid console and not a handheld.
Yes it's a hybrid. I'm baffled as to how anybody can watch Nintendo's adverts with people playing Switch on the bus, the plane, the basketball court etc and conclude they're marketing it as a home Console.
Retail being on side is another example of how Switch is night and day compared to Wii U. Retailers here saw the Wii U disaster coming a mile away and ditched it quickly. Now I even see Switch in my local Asda and a big Mario v Rabbidson display at the entrance to my local Sainsburys.
I think Switch will do really well. Hear people talking about it much more when nobody seemed to know what the Wii U was. Some cool games lined up too
"All consoles sell lots in their first months of life."
That really isn't true. See- Megadrive, Virtual Boy, Dreamcast, Saturn (everywhere but Japan), Jaguar, 3DO, CD32, C64GS, GX4000, Wii U, Wonderswan, Pippin etc....
Don't matter if Ninty says it's a home console, it certainly isn't, where is the big box that sits next to your TV, like all home consoles. The guts of the switch are in the tablet handheld, yes tablet, it uses cartridges like all handhelds except psp, it uses tegra 1 which is basically aimed at handheld and let's face it most adverts see it been played everywhere but at home. Wii U is the last home console Ninty will ever make, nobody wants them, yep it's a handheld that has a function to plug it into a TV. If it was a home console like you say then it's another poor effort by Ninty, it would just mean another underpowered piece of crap, instead it's the most powerful handheld ever made, none of that BS crap that's it's a hybrid, it's handheld with some extra features. Oh yeah almost forgot, bollocks to that 83% crap, they didn't survey everyone with a switch, numbers are cooked to fit in with their backwards way of thinking, which is, hey everybody come buy our new home console you can play on the go, BS PR talk
Do you remember the Philips G7000 video pak, Anyways yep good list of bad selling hardware, I think jaguar only sold 600 thousand lifetime worldwide, yep i still have my OG Saturn
I've just looked up the survey you refer to. It was answered by less than 0.1% of Switch owners. It also says their favourite place to play is 'at home'. This doesn't mean they have it docked.
I had to look that up. Never actually seen one in real life.
I was one of very few people to actually own an Amstrad GX4000 when it was released in 1990.
@Joytendo22 ah right,pretty looking empty boxes..glad that's cleared up then!
Yeah i had a G4000. I bought it 2nd hand on a market store back in the early 90s, it had burning rubber with it, couldn't find other games for it though
@TrubbishForMayor I agree. The second hand DS games section in my GAME is almost as big as the Switch section... Which is not that big.
@electrolite77 I mean modern consoles including Wii U that was very successful in the beginning. And no to the rest of your wrong assumptions.
@EDF Well, if you disagree with Nintendo and their surveys okay then. It is technically a hybrid console and the successor to both Wii U and 3DS. Nobody wanted Wii U? Apart from me and 13 million people, yes.
13 million, lol exactly Nobody wants them. I myself was one of those 13 million, wish i hadn't of been. Anyways very poor sales, even worse than Cube sales. No more home consoles for Nintendo for sure, nobody wants them
@EDF Wii U has a very decent games-per-console ratio, though. I don't regret getting one and the games I bought and I'm not even a fan of the GamePad.
Just because you don't like some facts does not make them assumptions.
Wii U sales had dropped off a cliff by this stage (6 months after release)
The meaningless survey you misquoted.
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