Super Bomberman R was one of the highlights of the Switch’s launch lineup, offering a retro inspired experience that perfectly sells the concept of the Switch and its multiplayer options. Since then, Konami has kept the game updated to keep interest high, putting out a few free content updates that expand and polish the game even further. It was a bit uncertain when or if Konami would be updating the game next—the last update happened earlier this summer—but the company has now revealed that more DLC is indeed coming.
Konami revealed at the Tokyo Game Show that Super Grand Prix Mode—a competitive 3v3 mode—will be coming to the game, along with a new game rule called “Crystal” and unique new guest characters from Zone of the Enders and Rumble Roses. In addition to all of this, an official Super Bomberman R Soundtrack has been announced and goes on sale in Japan sometime in December. Quite a lot to look forward to then, hopefully Konami will be able to put this update out before the end of the year.
What do you think? Will this lure you back in? What have you thought of Konami’s support for this game? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 51
Could they please change/update the game's horrible music?
It would have been nice if they released a preview video to show it off.
Still waiting to find this one at a reasonable price.
It really feels like a 35£ minigame, and even if I like Bomberman, it doesn't feel any different from any old game since the first generations.
I'm not going to complain about free DLC! The 3 VS. 3 mode looks sweet!
@Rhaoulos Same here. The last Bomberman game I bought was a Xbox Live Arcade game, it was only £10 or something and had just as much content.
Traded it after I beat it and experienced bad lag during online matches WITH my ethernet cable hooked up. Maybe I'll reaquire it someday when its cheap.
@Rhaoulos you can get this for 35 pounds new or 25 used.
Who is this and what have they done with the real Komami?
i like the game all right but then i only paid like $21 for a used copy (believe it's normally $50?)
Yay... !
@MariOnline Thank you for confirming what I said. This game isn't worth more than 15-20£.
@Hughesy Bomberman Live had 1 playable character in 8 colors, as opposed to this games 20. It had 8 stages in comparison to this games 28, It had no team battles, story mode, 8 person local multiplayer or extra content to unlock beyond weird looking costumes.
And comparatively to Bomberman R or any Hudson developed Bomberman that released in the prior two Generations and afterwards, it was lacking from a gameplay standpoint with loose controls for movement and input lag for several actions like kicking, punching and throwing, In a game about precision this was annoying to no end.
As of the latest version Bomberman Live doesn't have as much content as Bomberman R and it could be argued that it never did, I really wish people would go back and play it and then compare it to this game or gems like Saturn Bomberman, and Bomberman Generation you'll quickly realize it was only 10 bucks because it was weak compared to every entry developed by Hudson and lacked the depth and fun of those games.
I freakin' love that they're continuing to support this game so strongly, It's so different now then it was at launch, and I wish more folks would give it a try,
As a game truth be told Bomberman has more depth than say Mario Kart, both are really simple and have a balance of luck and skill but in Bomberman the skill factor outweighs the luck, and it's incredibly engaging at a high level, I can play it for hours on end with the right group or opponents.
Mario Kart does have greater production values though, and even if it's ultimately just as simple as Bomberman it can mask that a lot easier.
This game has been nothing but a good time since ver 1.3, It's an essential multiplayer game for the system if you ask me.
Still have to get this one. I love Bomberman, but 1) the price was way too steep for what it offers, and 2) I was way too busy with Breath of the Wild. Will certainly make the jump whenever there's a sale.
I'm really happy with the support for the game. Haven't played it for some time but I've been meaning to go back to it since the 60fps update. I always can't help but think the game wouldn't be getting the support it is if it released now because I just don't think it would have sold as many copies.
I've been hoping for even more from this game! My wife and I have played it a lot along with some friends and family... but does this mean we need six people to play or we are stuck with the insanely difficult CPU, or even worse, having to play online?? I have no idea who these characters are either.
I really need to get back to this game. We had a lot of fun with it in the early days but haven't touched it since ARMS and Spla2oon came out. It's wonderful that they keep on updating it.
Awesome. I am happy and we love this Game.
But please can you also lower the prices for...Well everything! #PrettyBomber
This game got so much better when I turned off the character voices.
@thesilverbrick Didn't realize this was an option. Haven't played the game in moths, but thank you for that.
@Janus1986 A feature to replace the current soundtrack with Bomberman Hero's would be fine with me.
Bomberman for Smash Switch! Also, lower the price of this game by 10-15 dollars and I'd be all over it.
I never got an answer from Konami, but have they ever re-issued the game in silence like the old cartridge game with a later version on there? I want this game (again) but I returned it due to 1.0 having the game breaking input lag they fixed in that first update.
@tanookisuit do you not have an internet connection? Why can't you just get the cartridge and have the Switch download the latest update to bring it up to date and remove the lag?
@duffmmann @tanookisuit I think he probably does? I mean he can get on this site and post comments after all...
Sweet, can't wait for my copy to get in. Glad I bought my copy cheap online. ^^
@duffmmann I do, but in principle I have a problem buying a broken physical game. Out of the box it's busted, so being forward thinking if the patches ever go offline you're stuck with a useless game if it ever would need a reinstall to the system.
Keep in mind I'm someone who still uses an original NES and SNES system and all versions of Gameboy at times so I keep things I like and still use them. I don't trust anyone to keep a game patching server up even a decade into the future let alone more.
Still pricey, but less and less with each update. Still waiting for a sale, it's around $65-over here, so I'll continue to wait.
Rumble Roses?! Wow, haven't heard that title in a decade! Way to reach for obscurity, Konami.
But keep it coming!
@Whopper744 They updated the AI so there are difficulty options. Easy is much more reasonable than the previous option available.
Considering all of the character cameos in multiplayer, maybe they should add Nintendo characters too
Wow Konami not being a idiot for a change.
Bought day 1 and it was an unplayable mess until the first patch.
The second big drop brought team mode, more maps and more characters. It made the game essential for parties.
Looking forward to the third drop.
Did you know...
Super Bomberman R has different characters you can choose from that have different abilities.
I still can't wrap my head around that.
Rumble Roses lives! .....kinda.
Traded this in at gamestop for Fast RMX. both turned out terrible
It is definitely free dlc?
To tell you the truth, I want the game and system but I'll wait 'till Christmas for them and other games...
Awesome, new modes and characters, and from the screenshot it looks like there'll also be new maps.
Still, i'm surprised they have not announced Solid Snake as a character.
Loved this game since the beginning, and glad to see.
@tanookisuit... if you install a patch, it can't "go offline" lol. That's not how it works. So long as you don't delete the patch data, the game will forever be updated in a playable state no matter what happens to the eshop in the future.
@duffmmann Obviously dude. I meant if you had to fresh reinstall it you would be screwed with a broken game. Replacement system. Factory reset. Whatever would remove the patch. That’s a problem
I think when they're done with the updates they should rerelease it as SBR Ultra with all updates on the card.
@tanookisuit Just reinstall the patches over the Nintendo Eshop. After a Factory Reset or getting a new Nintendo Switch console, you can still download the update. That's just how games are these days. Ya get them and then update them with patches and such.
This process is not going away any time soon. And even IF the Nintendo Update servers were to go offline for good, it would be probably be WAY into the future when no one is playing the game anymore. They all would have just moved onto to the next Bomberman Game or another game.
@EmirParkreiner I don't see that happening just for updates. It would cost them MORE money to re-release the card with the latest patch update, when it's just easier and cheaper to just do it through a download process.
@Shade_Koopa Obviously, if the patch is still there. I'm thinking beyond end of life for the Switch when it is replaced.
Excellent example. Anyone here upgrade to IOS11 yet? Notice a lot of your games/apps don't load anymore? They blackballed 32bit apps, so if they aren't recoded for 64bit operation they are dead. You basically bought a whole lot of digital icons to stare at that load nothing and may never again if they're not patched.
Totally unacceptable, which is why I'm so into only buying physical. Nintendo update servers aren't the only issue here, Konami could pull the patch if they so chose it, or Nintendo could bring it down like they did to the pre-Nintendo Network (Wii/DSi) era stuff. Nothing is a sure bet.
@tanookisuit That's how things are. We are slowly, even if badly, entering a digital era. Physical media is and will be obsolete. Maybe not in MY lifetime, but still.
Wii and DS, while great, is over. No reason for online when a majority of the player base has moved on to the next console/game/whatever. Even so, most retro games are available as Digital downloads anyways, either by the official game store of the brand or through PC emulation.
You, who favor physical media over digital, are in the Minority.
@Shade_Koopa There currently just like in vinyl has been a push back to using physical media which is definitely not obsolete. Maybe it'll vanish truly in the future but not for a good while. No there isn't a point to online with Wii/DS anymore, but that's kind of the point, the network is gone and with it any fixes. Those games at least were coded properly to work other than maybe the occasional bad glitch on a few things. This was no glitch it's game breaking which is why I brought that up in the first place. I maybe in the minority, but at least I have the intelligence (for better or worse) to both know and care I'm being taken for a ride so I put my money where it is best spent. In this case, not in Konami's hands. Perhaps once day when Switch is toast and emulation takes over I can just download the game fixed and use it as it should have worked, but for now it's a pass.
@tanookisuit And thats just dumb, to pass on a game that is now decent thanks to updates JUST cause ver. 1.0 isn't perfect. I fail to see the logic in that.
@Shade_Koopa If you're too blinded to it that's nice, but it's not dumb. When I buy stuff I keep it and I'd like it to keep working. I've still got my original Nintendo stuff going back to 1985 and you know, it still works. It won't need a patch because some butthead screwed up coding the game and needed a band-aid to make it better after the fact. If I have that Switch in a decade and wanted the game, but the patch was gone I'd be buying broken garbage. That's not dumb, it's called being informed and buying things that aren't broken. That's why I asked if anyone knew if they ever put the update to physical media - I'd buy it.
1.0 is supposed to be perfect or so near perfect a 1.1 won't affect how the game works. That's how it was in the 80s up until the 00s when coders figure out they could abuse gullible guinea pig gamers into testing their problems for them as paying game testers because they had now a hard drive/large flash storage to abuse with repairs. Notice the true general lack of updates even on Wii stuff because of the tiny storage it had? It forced people to release finished product.
@tanookisuit I was born in 92, first console was the N64 so I can't really comment about the NES or SNES. I grew up in a time when coding has changed, as you said, from the 90s to 00s, and I'm rolling with it.
If I decided not to buy or play a game because the original 1.0 wasn't perfect, I wouldn't be playing any game right now. There is never a guarantee that a game will come out bug free. That is unrealistic in this day and age. The day I start thinking like that is the day I die.
@Shade_Koopa Given your age I can see that, even if the N64 was the first as you'd have been very little. A peak time likely in your play was probably using a PS3/360 era machine when it was normal to shovel out beta level games as complete and patching on release or within a month. If all or mostly all you're used to is buying unfinished works and being a paying customer beta tester it would feel normal. I don't expect you to remember how you flipped on the N64 and outside of a rare time (Turok Rage Wars) when a release was broken and reissued on the whole with a recall it just didn't happen then. There were quite a few 1.1s on the n64 but it was over minor thigns like failed rumble in a spot, bad spelling, or other little B-C tier annoyance glitches.
If you feel like being informed is the day you die that's fine I get that. I don't feel a need to often buy a day one release. I can wait easily for a GOTY release 6-12mo later and be happy, actually happier as all the fixes and $15-50+ of DLC included for free. I don't do online console gaming but rarely so there's no loss.
Right now the only modern stuff I use is my PC for third party, Switch and 3DS. PC is as it always has been. But the other two sure they get updates, usually DLC added content, but you can more or less count on fingers on the 3DS critical fail bugs on a released product. Why? Lack of storage for developers to abuse cutting corners. The ability of people to code properly, release properly, and show self control is there just not exhibited on systems with large size internal storage which is a shame.
@tanookisuit nope, don't really rember any of that as I was young. Also, I only owned Nintendo Consoles, never really owned a 360 or PS3. Tried them, but never owned. So I can't really say much for them either.
The Nintendo Gamecube and Wii would be the consoles I remeber well. N64 is my first and I remember having fun with it with my friends and such.
What I can say is that, while yes developers may like to "cut corners" as your say, your forgetting they have a deadline to meet (most of the time). Video gaming, sadly, is a business and many games that are released too early, but do a day one or month patch, do it because of a deadline they have to meet. Mainly, to appease their investors or something like that.
Hell, I would love to see games be release with "perfect" ver 1.0. But as I said, its unrealistic in this day and age. Not to mention we're human, sadly, and we make mistakes. With many things going digital, it's only going to happen more often (unless there is a change in business model/practices) Better to go with the flow then fight it. Much easier that way.
While I dont see Bomberman getting a GOTY edition (as many are saying its too expensive to buy in the first place, which again, dumb and a whole another thing all together), if they released one with all DLC plus all updates, then kudos. Low chance of happening, but would be nice.
@Shade_Koopa Well I've eventually deep into the 90s got a Duo, NGPC, and much anything Sega console/handheld put out but not add-ons and I've had all 4 PS systems, also have a neo geo(mvs) too. For all that the stuff I still go back to like you is Nintendo and I've just kept that, SNK stuff, and I do have a psone+lcd on my work desk with just 5 games for it. I've had my share of systems and their tactics/benefits.
Yes developers cut corners, and it's because they can get away with it abusing storage. They don't have to, but they do, because when they're denied mass storage suddenly games get finished correctly like the old days which just sucks it's allowed. I get the excuses around it, but they don't hold much water given some formats don't have that option and their budgets don't hurt for it.
I just wish things as you said would release perfect but it's just not realistic because lazy fools will abuse storage to put out unfinished works. It has happened more and more, dont think it will get much worse but I don't see it improving unless companies start fighting developers over it. That would take consumer complaining and lots of it.
I don't see bomberman getting a re-package either. It would be great and I'd snap it up, but unless it gets a sequel and later a 2 pack bundle since it is a budget title it won't happen.
@tanookisuit again, sad. Just, my only reaction to those last words. Cool about having so consoles, though.
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