One of the more welcome features of the vastly improved eShop of last generation was the introduction of sales on Nintendo’s digital storefront. Though the company rarely discounts its games—and when it does, there’s not a whole lot being dropped—it nonetheless has at least provided third parties with a means of enticing gamers to buy more games on Nintendo consoles. One company that’s taken advantage of this plenty of times in the past is Natsume, and now yet another sale has popped up on the eShop.
This sale covers both the 3DS and the Wii U eShops across North America and Europe, with games receiving a fifty percent drop across the board. Here’s a breakdown of what’s being discounted:
Nintendo 3DS eShop (North America)
Harvest Moon: Skytree Village $14.99 (was $29.99)
Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley $14.99 (was $29.99)
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning $14.99 (was $29.99)
Harvest Moon 3D: The Tale of Two Towns $9.99 (was $19.99)
Hometown Story $9.99 (was $19.99)
River City: Tokyo Rumble $14.99 (was $29.99)
River City: Knights of Justice $7.49 (was $14.99)
A-Train 3D: City Simulator $9.99 (was $19.99)
Brave Tank Hero $2.49 (was $4.99)
Gabrielle’s Ghostly Groove 3D $9.99 (was $19.99)
Gotcha Racing $2.99 (was $5.99)
Reel Fishing 3D Paradise Mini $9.99 (was $19.99)
Super Strike Beach Volleyball $2.49 (was $4.99)
Yumi’s Odd Odyssey $9.99 (was $19.99)
Nintendo Wii U eShop (North America)
Alphadia Genesis $7.49 (was $14.99)
Brave Tank Hero $2.99 (was $5.99)
Ninja Strike: Dangerous Dash $2.99 (was $5.99)
Nintendo 3DS eShop (Europe)
River City: Knights of Justice £6.74 (was £13.49)
River City: Tokyo Rumble £12.49 (was £24.99)
A-Train: City Simulator £9.99 (was £19.49)
Brave Tank Hero £2.24 (was £4.49)
Gotcha Racing £2.24 (was £4.49)
Reel Fishing Paradise Mini £1.79 (was £3.59)
Super Strike Beach Volleyball £2.24 (was £4.49)
Nintendo Wii U eShop (Europe)
Alphadia Genesis £5.49 (was £11.99)
Brave Tank Hero £2.24 (was £4.49)
Ninja Strike £2.24 (was £4.49)
What do you think? Will you be getting anything? When do you think sales like this will start coming to Switch? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source ceecee-natsume.tumblr.com]
Comments 52
Yumi's Odd Super Mario Odyssey.
I only have A New Beginning 3DS but still not finished yet, nor even touch again that game from my 3DS cart case.
Still waiting for better Harvest Moon on Switch...
Some nice games on sale here unfortunately barely touched either 3DS or Wii U since Switch dropped but for those that don't have one yet there some enticing games on sale like the River city rumbles 😆
Pretty unfortunate für Europe. I would have tried Harvest Moon: A new Beginning if it was on sale here. Heard that that one was pretty alright and haven't played a Harvest Moon game since a long time.
Different question that I had for a while, but never dared to ask:
Why are the "Europe"-prices always in GBP?
That is not really helpful for the majority of Europeans.
Or well, it is as helpful as the Dollar-prices are already: Of course it gives you kind of direction.
Does Nintendo provide the information without giving Euro-prices?
Wait. I don't think I saw an end for these sales. Is this a permanent discount?
No sale on virtual console Harvest Moon? Darn.
Not enough cash, stranger!
I would get all Harvest Moon... IF THEY WERE ON SALE IN EUROPE!
What does Reel Paradise have that RP Mini doesn't? I have Mini. RP is on sale tool but the list above doesn't mention it.
@LordGeovanni When I was on the eshop looking at River City: Knights of Justice it said on sale until the 30th.
Would pickup HM a new beginning if it were on sale. But I wonder if these sales will filter down to Australia? They often don't. Chicken wiggle for example still $22.50.
Odd that Alphadia on Wii U gets a discount and not 3DS. I actually like the Wii U version.
When you think about it, most of this sale is odd--some games should be listed, some games should be discounted further, and how long is this sale, anyway? Would help to know to plan.
@HeroOfCybertron thanks, I couldn't get onto the eShop right now.
Wait... Reel fishing paradise mini isn't 20 bucks is it...?
Anyway, I slipped and bought The Lost Valley on my backup 2DS while it's on sale.
@Meowpheel it is an error. The full game is 9.99 CAD and Mini is 1.99. The article just messed up the listing as both games are on sale but the Mini isn't listed and full game is incorrectly called Mini.
@Freelance oh good. I was wondering just how much did I play for the mini version back when I bought it.
@bolt05 Chicken Wiggle will go on sale in Europe on Thursday-Friday, so I'd guess in Australia too. Not sure why the 1-week delay but that's how it was announced.
Never hard of those Wii U games.
It's tempting, but I hardly touch my Wii U or 3DS anymore.
ah yes I'am going to buy harvest moon oh wait I can't because of Europe srsly why?
I believe that Nintendo Life, and a good portion of the article writers, are based in the UK, hence the majority of European prices being in GBP.
My 3DS was stolen from my car about a week after I bought my Switch. I wasn't going to bother replacing it, but some of the deals and new games are making me seriously reconsider.
Could not resist and picked "Wild Guns Reloaded" on STEAM for €9.99 it was too much of a bargain to pass on. I still have very high hopes that it will be released on Switch down the line.
@dequesi Thanks mate, I am keeping an eye out anyway
I'll just wait for stardew Valley on switch.
Ok, so nothing for Europe. Allrighty then.
i think I'll be picking up three of the games on that list. The three games being Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove 3D, Knights of Justice and Hometown Story. I still haven't finished either of the newer Harvest Moons. So won't be getting any of the older ones.
Needs more LUFIA.
Lufia 2 specifically. or a proper follow-up though I think square has rights now?
Need some Natsume switch goodness
@speedracer216 I'd love to see some proper sequel action to Lufia & Lufia 2 couple of my favorite SNES RPG's.
@Shiryu the only thing that stops me from grabbing on Steam is the belief it will show up on SW in 2018.
I've never actually played a Harvest Moon game, any suggestions for the best one to start with?
@ElementsOfBlank to be honest the series is all over the place. Just pick one. Make sure to consider the ones called Story of Seasons, too. They're harvest moon too.
Nope, waiting for stardew on switch. You can't tempt me demon!
@Pokefanmum82 Just in case this is your first Kunio-Kun game I recommend more River City Random: Tokyo Rumble. It has more modes, characters to control, secrets shops, side quests and a difficulty more balanced than Knights of Justice. The story is light-hearted and fun in both games, but is way more detailed and enjoyable on Tokyo Rumble. It also includes the Rumble and Dodgeball modes which can only be played in local multiplayer but it has Donload Play option (if I remember correctly). Both games are half the price now, and Tokyo Rumble is still double the price than Knights of Justice is even with discount, but it's really worth the price ($14.99) specially when it 's (29.99) normally.
Knights of Justice is alright, but it has a short campaign with no modes or extra content and it's easier by a considerable amount with little character progression. Tokyo Rumble is alrady accesible, specially if you grind a bit but it manages to keep interesting for the rest of the story even at high levels. It also offers many places to explore, secret shops to find, different modes, different characters to use, equipment, more techniques, mission variety, more longevity, fun npcs, a charming story and a lot of bosses to defeat. If you can buy this one I really recommend it.
If you already know everything I said, sorry I just like getting more people into the franchise by enjoying a great game. I hope it helps you!
@ECMIM Hoping it show up this year even.
Nothing. No Switch games
Cool. I'll look in to the 3ds games as I'm loving my new 2ds.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE they're too soft
I'll have to skip the Harvest Moon games, but I'll try to grab Alphadia Genesis later.
Just a Heads up! If you haven't bought Gotcha Racing on 3DS I highly recommend it. It has No 3d effects though as it's a top down racer so don't expect 3d effects. But it looks great and it plays great. It's also a single player experience but it's well worth 2.99 I loved it and it was a very memorable experience
I'll be getting both Skytree Village and Tokyo Rumble. Both expensive at original price but now they are perfectly priced!
No Harvest Moon for Europe? >
Damnit, I just bought the River City games last week.
@Windy I bought it on your recommendation back in the Winter. Great game and second the recommendation if you're looking for a retro-style racer! (It wasn't on sale when I got it).
I'd also recommend A-Train and Yumi — two of my all-time favorites. Amazing games.
@FinalFrog River City Tokyo Rumble is the best, however the other one isn't too bad, its set in a fantasy, king Arthur type realm.
How is Harvest Moon Skytree Village? Worth getting?
@pixel_jones for this price? absolutely.
@World I bought A-train the last time it was on sale but i have such a backlog on 3ds I havent got to it. I need to get to it. But ive also started playing some backlog I have on Wii and started playing Okami. So far what an excellent game!
@Windy A-Train is a really slow burn kind of game anyway. You'll want lots of time for it. The tutorial alone took me like 30 hours (some of that was just messing around, of course).
Yep, Okami is a good one. Too bad the HD port seems to be skipping Switch for now!
@World Something wierd with the Switch!
We have Capcom acting like Weeners. High def versions of games skipping Switch. The prices on Switch are no match for the other newer systems. In fact we Switch owners are paying higher prices for slightly lnferior games. Not that the games arent any more fun to play. These are all pretty important reasons its really frustrating being a Switch owner. Nintendo still hasnt proved one bit that they are Dedicated to a decent online experience. Games like Dragon Quest X and Phantasy Star Online will more than likely Slide by the switch unnoticed and unported to the rest of the world. 2 really fun and top quality online experiences. I think we will see Monster Hunter get ported to the rest of the World after Nintendo gets its new Network in place. I just have my doubts about their paid service compared to the others. If Capcom continues to be Weenies The Switches online future doesnt look real good.
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