We really loved Dillon's Rolling Western when it span on to the 3DS eShop back in 2012. The sequel Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger released the following year was really good, too.
It seems that Nintendo aren't yet finished with the lovable wild west armadillo as Dillon's Rolling Western: Dead Heat Breakers was unveiled at yesterday's Japanese Nintendo Direct. It's all looking really good in the trailer above. Your Mii can even turn furry and join in the action!

Dillon's Rolling Western: Dead Heat Breakers will spin on to the 3DS eShop in Japan in Spring 2018. There is no news on a Western release yet, but we're sure it is only a matter of time.
Comments 42
Wait what
So I notice ye have started to do animated gif's for some of the stories on the site, which is cool. I think the first 1 was yesterday.
The other 1 I seen was this:
Though you'll need to go here to see it:
Wow that came out of nowhere, assumed they were done with the series! Tried the original last summer and while it was enjoyable enough the controls sort of put me off buying the sequel. At this point my 3DS has got a large enough library that I'm not likely to buy eshop exclusives unless on discount, so probably won't bother with this one either
Cool, I've the first one but haven't played it yet (5year backlog ATM). Much give it a go. I heard mixed thing about it after I bought it so I think that's why I never started it.
But this is good news!
What?! No way, this is exciting news! Didn't expect this series to return.
I'd buy this series, BoxBoy series, Pushmo/Pullblox series... all of them, if they
Well shoot, I thought we had seen the last of this series! I'd been wanting to know where the story goes from the second one since it seemed like somewhat of a cliffhanger. I wish this were coming to Switch though.
@BornInNorway81 Same here. Which is a big shame. Pushmo World was really good on Wii U.
I rather liked the original, even if I didn't finish it.
I must get this!
Well this came out of nowhere, lol. That's cool though.
What?! Yes!! I still haven't beaten the second one because of that damn final boss not dying, but I have got to get this one.
Dillon is back! Can't believe it. Wonder if this one will be as difficult as the last games.
Awesome B)
I got the first two for free from Club Nintendo...RIP
Roll eternal, spiky and stoic!
Hope this makes it to the West. Rolling Western is a pretty fun series.
Got the second game because I like the first so much and it just got lost in a sea of backlog. Not sure I would pick this up at this point with so much else out there to play.
@Sam_Loser2 Dillon was in Smash, just as an assist. But having him as an actual character would just feel like another Sonic
This is really great news and even shows that the 3ds is not dying for a long while. You wanted to believe it despite Nintendo specifically saying the 3ds was not dying for a good while. So get used to more releases on it Bud
Ok Ok, I'll dust off the 3ds.
I wasn't much of a fan of the series, but this got me interested, especially with Dillon's special moves.
Nice i always wanted to play the first one, this just gets me pumped to jump on the ole wagon
@patbacknitro18 Sure, releases will continue to happen for the 3DS but the 1st party AAA 3DS games will end this year. It's not hard to see either, the games being announced for late this year or early next year are a Mario Party compilation, a kirby brawler, a sequel to Dillon, and New Style Boutique (Style Savvy), we can expect a few more of these tier 2/3 1st party games, as well as a bunch of 3rd party games (those will be around for some time), But I wouldn't expect any big titles to hit 3DS is 2018.
Nintendo will continue its support because it wants to sell more units, but it will move all big support to Switch. It will focus on smaller titles, 3rd party titles (the entrians, harvest moons, obscure jrpg's and licensed IP, as well as some eshop only titles), And promoting it's HUGE back catalogue with Nintendo Selects & promotions.
So you are absolutely right in that Nintendo still has it's eye on 3DS, but any system seller will be put on Switch going forward.
Don't get me wrong, these games look good, and I plan on having my 3DS by my bed for some quick play sessions for some time, but nothing big will be released on 3DS post Pokemon. There are a heap of Japan only games that could buffer the west as well, but it's unclear if those will come over, (Yo-kai 3, Snack World (basically LEVEL-5).
Lotta love for this IP! Looks like they are changing the formula a bit too. I would love for it to make the switch somehow
Two fantastic franchises not coming to Switch is breaking my heart.
First Okami and now Dillon.
I need to play things on my other devices now. It makes me sad.
I loved the first game, skipped the second and was happy to see there's a third coming. Just wish it was Switch instead!
I'm honestly surprised that this series is getting another sequel. It looks fun
if this has multiplayer online it better get localized!!
Wait, there was more than one game?!
Disappointing that it's on 3DS if only because I think it would have had a much better chance of finding success on Nintendo's shiny new home console... Just sayin', I really like both games, but no one knows or talks about them, and I don't think this game will change that.
Either way, the game itself looks really freaking great going by that trailer, so I'll definitely pick it up.
@Gorlokk Um.....what? It would have much more success on the console that just launched this year, Vs the 3DS that everyone has atleast 5 different versions of for the past 6 years? Ya just because the Switch is new that doesn't mean every game on it will be a success. Atleast more people own a 3ds than consoles like PS4 or Xbone.
@RyanSilberman Yep, the second game was much better than the first.
@RoomB31 But they have specific teams for the 3DS. Moving those people over to Switch would be more trouble than its worth. When Aonuma was working on Breath of the Wild, he did an interview and talked about how Moving the 3DS Zelda team onto the project would only make the project take longer due to the 3DS team having a specific way of making games and they are most familiar with the 3DS hardware. So considering they have enough teams to make Breath of the Wild, Mario Oddesy, Yoshi, Kirby, and Metroid Prime 4 all at the same time, I think they already have enough people on the Switch team.
@patbacknitro18 Do you know how long it takes to make a single game? Breath of the Wild was made with a lot of help from Monolith Soft, it wasn't just EPD doing the work. Metroid is barely in the beginning of development and Zelda has been out for 6 months so i don't know what "at the same time" means. Considering 3DS got exactly 9 minutes of showtime during the Direct, and we saw what was shown, its clear that not every 3DS team is still making 3DS games, those big ones that make the zelda's and marios etc.. have moved on the Switch, it's just logical. Every team at the end of an era moves on to new hardware, this is happening with 3DS.
@patbacknitro18 You speak as if this game is going to reach the entire audience of the 3DS. It will not, not even a small fraction.
The Switch on the other hand is a super hot topic and eshop games have been doing great on there. Yeah, the 3DS obviously has a bigger install base, but that's not the entire point...
Dillon goes Mad Max?
Anyway, I have yet to play the first 2 (I have them already downloaded for quite sometime, but still not played yet. Well, I played the first slightly). Yes, shame on me!
@Gorlokk Trust me buddy, if it won't have an audience on the 3DS, it won't have an audience on the Switch. The 3DS at least has a much larger user base guaranteeing a larger success than if it was on a console that just launched and is releasing Triple A titles out the Butt at the moment.
So yes that is the entire point as it means more people may get it compared to the Switch. It may be a hot topic, but the games stacking up against it would make it obsolete compared to the other games.
@RoomB31 ..................Do you ever think the reason 3DS got 9 minutes in a 45 minute direct is that the 3DS games were rushed through Meanwhile games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Octopath Traveler took up a large majority of the time? What would you be saying if they gave Kirby Battle Royal a 20 minute trailer explaining every aspect of the game?
@patbacknitro18 Aside from a rolling dash, which characters other than Sonic have (Jigglypuff), I don't really see why Dillon would have to be just another Sonic. All of his other moves could be completely different, and he'd obviously be slower and more powerful than Sonic.
@patbacknitro18 that most people would be peeved. This isn't just me, the Kirby game looks mildly interesting, but an offshoot Kirby game (not a mainline one) would never deserve 20 minutes of any Nintendo broadcast.
3DS were "rushed" through, because there were fewer games to show and either they were coming out soonish to immediately (Minecraft, Metroid, Mario & Luigi, Layton), will get their own Direct (Pokemon), are ports/upgrades/downgrades (FE Warriors, Minecraft, Mario & Luigi ,Yo-Kai), or are slightly more niche (Atlus titles).
The only two titles (at least in the NA direct) that could have had slightly more screen time were the Kirby and Mario Party games, however I feel the Kirby game showed the sum of its parts well enough, however I only learned after the direct that the Mario Party Top 100 will actually have game boards, something unclear during the direct). Do I think the Xenoblade and POT run-times went a little long, yes, but I also think they had a lot to show, I feel like Xenoblade could almost have its own Direct before it launches, and POT is a Square exclusive RPG that has a demo out right now that Square wants feedback on, so I think it was mostly valid use of time.
No one likes to hear that their favourite system is on the way out, I clung to my SNES for forever before boxing it up, but this is just the reality of where Nintendo is headed. If we are lucky we will have third parties like Atlus hanging around to deliver games well into 2019.
"lol trust me"
okay buddy
This is pleasant news, been hoping and asking for a 3rd installment!
Now, why not bring Dillon over to the Switch?
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