We're in the middle of the Summer lull in the games retail market - there are few new releases meaning that evergreen titles lead the way. That's certainly the case in the UK, but the most recent chart results do bring some cheer for Nintendo.
In a week with no big-hitting newcomers Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy on PS4 is still leading the way for the fourth week in a row. Discounted multi-platform hits follow close behind, with Splatoon 2 securing sixth spot (the same as last week); right behind it in 7th place we have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which climbed eight places. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild also climbed seven spots (driven by Switch sales) to settle in 13th place, while 1-2-Switch is the final representative for Nintendo's latest system in 39th.
The top performer for 3DS is still Miitopia, though it drops out of the top 10 to finish up in 15th place. We then head lower down to find some evergreen titles - Pokemon Sun is in 32nd place, followed by New Super Mario Bros. 2 in 33rd.
Not a bad week for Nintendo in the UK, especially with Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe continuing to draw decent sales.
[source ukie.org.uk]
Comments 39
Holding this spot for Kalmaro
When I compare between Japanese gamers and UK gamers by generally, it looks like Fire vs. Ice.
What Japanese gamers like most, UK gamers did the opposite, and vice versa.
And... my comment is... some UK gamers gaming taste were Terrible. Me, myself will never want to be an UK gamers. I felt disgusted to myself.
Fortunately, I have some Japanese gamers mindset, added with Cutie stuffs.
Indeed, how dare people like Crash Bandicoot! (not me though)
I have the Bandicoot trilogy and though it looks great it controls awful, though I believe thus has always been the case....
@DM666 Crash Bandicoot always controlled like it does in the remake trilogy, that's the one aspect they kept nearly identical with the exception being the odd tweak and collision detection that makes judging jumps slightly more difficult.
1, 2 Switch deserves no kind of success. The others do.
@Octane What? Who would'nt like Crash Bandicute ?
They should bring him to the Switch. I sadly don't have a PS4.
So I guess Nintendo may have fixed their stock issue in the UK. With the console in stock, it then allows the software to sell well.
@DM666 Crash N.Sane Trilogy does not control the same as the original games. It was modified to have one consistent movement and jumping physics across all three games.
The original Crash trilogy had different movement and jumping physics with 1 being a big difference from 2 and 3 (though 2 and 3 were still very similar). The end result is that people who played the original trilogy to death like myself and have learned the games through muscle memory have been caught off guard by some of the N.Sane trilogy's new physics and movement.
Whilst it is in no way game breaking and does make it easier for newcomers to pick up the game, it does have one minor fault particularly in the original Crash game. The levels in Crash 1 were designed for the original Crash games jumping/moving mechanics, with levels not being designed for the remakes new mechanics. The end result is some levels become easier whilst others, particularly the precision heavy Road to Nowhere and The High Road considerably more difficult than the original.
Still, I'm glad the trilogy was remade for the PS4 and the sales show that despite a few minor issues, it is a good recreation of the original trilogy!
That's the fourth week in a row Splatoon 2 has been in second place in the units chart. Great stuff.
@Anti-Matter Miitopia is doing pretty well in the UK as elsewhere. It's still number 11 in the invidual release charts.
@Wichtel You really should get a PS4. Loads of great games there.
Nice to hear there are some UK gamers know what it called a good Nintendo games like Miitopia.
I really need to stop playing around and get crash trilogy. But I do need lights and food over it right now.
Oh well maybe next payday. Sonic mania one more day.
@TheMadPolarBear Cold Hard Crash can still burn in hell for all I care. No amount of pretty graphics and control can fix that level.
Agreed on crash 1. It was never meant with a speedrun set in mind. So the time relics there don't make sense. But at you don't have to be perfect for the box gems anymore.
Very happy to see Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and Zelda all doing well. Particularly Splatoon 2, it's a terrific game that has eclipsed Gears of War as my favorite ever third person shooter. I missed the first game because I didn't have a Wii U at the time but I can see now why it received all the praise it did despite some complaints about how content was rolled out. No question this will be a new pillar IP for Nintendo.
Go Crash, glad to see Nintendo games doing well for the Switch too. And I take it GTA 5 is still on that list? No stopping that game.
Love seeing Nintendo titles have some longevity. A lot of great Wii U games entered the chart well but the limited user base meant they swiftly disappeared, usually never to trouble the charts again sadly. This is a good indication of the change in fortunes for Nintendo in the UK market This Time Around. Hope it continues!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Even the three year old port cash grab of MK8D that everyone should already own on a failed system?
Just teasing 🙃
I can't believe Crash Bandicoot is a thing again. Thought we were well rid of that monstrosity.
2016's best shooter still up there. also
Kinda sad that 1-2 Switch is still on there but arms isn't.
Was this gleened from your experience of playing them on your switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE For once I wholeheartedly agree. It was lucky to have released day one otherwise it would never have been a success.
@Wichtel me I think crash is rubbish annoying character. And compared to a platformer like donkey Kong or Mario there is no comparison. I also hate the way they have clearly stolen ideas from those franchises 😤😜
Pretty big stock increase for the Switch in the UK this week.
sees 1-2 Switch on the list, laughs
What? Why is 1-2 Switch even a thing??!! LMFAO there are more games which need more success. Where's ARMS??? Gosh the UK market is weird...
This list of the best-selling games (on single consoles) in UK history is from a few years ago (so is admittedly a little out of date), but I think it clearly shows, with 7 Nintendo games in the all-time top 10, that the UK certainly isn't anti-Nintendo.
Because the UK charts get posted every week here, people on this site seem to think that the UK hates Nintendo because Wii U games always tanked, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Wii U was tanking in their country as well...
It was smart of Nintendo to release Splatoon 2 during July it gave the Switch added momentum for the Summer
I think there are also a few that are just upset that their favorite Nintendo games aren't in the top spot like how Crash has been outselling Splatoon or how Horizon Dawn beat Zelda that one time on launch.
Sometimes they don't think of the bigger picture like Crash's success might mean there is a market for 3d Platformers or that it is great that a new well-reviewed IP sold well.
The Wii and the DS were huge mainstream successes in the UK, selling over 20 million units combined. No other Nintendo platform has sold terribly well in the the UK, including the Switch.
I think I have all the games on this list.
All of Nintendo's handhelds have sold very well in the UK. Generally their home consoles haven't fared as well, yes, but you could say that about anywhere. I mean, Nintendo has only ever had one dominant home console in the US market and that was in the 80s. NES (dominant), SNES (dominant overall thanks to Japan, but in the US; pretty much tied with the Genesis), N64 (lost), GameCube (lost), Wii (lost. Yes was outsold by the 360 in the US), Wii U (lost). In light of this I'm not sure why the UK always gets singled out.
@Haywired The DS has sold over 12 million units in the UK, while the GB, GBA, 3DS, have sold 4-6 million units. The Switch looks to sell around 4-5 million units.
No Nintendo home console other than the Wii has sold more than 2 million units in the UK.
Don't know about any August numbers, but Splatoon 2 managed to sell 330,000 physical copies in July in the US. Digital sales should bring that number closer to 400,000.
For hardware, The Switch and 3DS sold around 220,000 and 100,000 units respectively last month in the US.
That's some good holding for splatoon
Yeah, exactly! How are people not buying ARMS? It's currently my favourite game. I can't get enough of it! How are people missing out on this?
@FlashFan207 I still have to explain to people motion control are not required for the game.
@Anti-Matter how incredibly ignorant. There are plenty of people in the UK supporting Nintendo but maybe Nintendo should actually ship some consoles here then. They are consistently selling out around my area.
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