We love a good Metroidvania game here at Nintendo Life. While we've got Metroid: Samus Returns to look forward to on 3DS and the lovely Axiom Verge: Multiverse Edition coming up on Switch, we could always use one more quality Metroidvania style game, right?

The lovely folks at Andromeda Project aim to make our dreams come true with Necrocosmos - There is no god up here, which is currently awaiting funding on Kickstarter. The game is planned to be a full Metroidvania style with 8-bit aesthetics and inspired by the great classics of the genre. Combining story and playability in an open galaxy universe, this promises to be a hardcore experience that the player can only overcome by combining the DNA of your enemies in the DNA-Gun.

It's all shaping up to look like a winner, so it might be worth backing this one. Unlike some Kickstarter campaigns, there is no stretch goal required for the Nintendo Switch version. At the time of writing the project is almost halfway funded with 14 days left to reach it's modest €45,000 goal.

Let us know if you plan to back Necrocosmos with a comment below.