Last week, Nintendo put out a decently sized patch for ARMS that introduced a series of balance tweaks, and it also confirmed that the next update would be much more significant, adding in a new fighter, stage, and more arms. Not much else has been revealed since then, but Nintendo of Japan just recently put out a bit of a teaser for who this new fighter will be, raising hopes that the update is perhaps closer at hand than expected.
If you check out the tweet below, a GIF shows a static covered and unclear look at the new fighter in action. The footage is obviously not supposed to be easy to view, but it appears that the new fighter has some kind of balloon pants that allow for a more interesting air game. Take a look for yourself and see if you can make out what’s going on.
What do you think? What’s this character going to be like? Who’s your favorite character now? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 50
Good to know content hasn't stopped yet! Looks like Mc Hammer is stopping in, but can anyone touch him?
For Pete's sake, Biff. Why did you have to record it on a 2001 Nokia phone camera.
+1 for wearing what looks like to be parachute pants.
It's a clown. It's totally a clown.
It is definitely something involving candy since it's the same stage they teased the other day with candy decorations. I think it could be a clown since clowns and candy go hand and hand. And it is obviously a girl I'd be pretty surprised if it's not but either way I can't wait cause I need an excuse to stop playing Splatoon 2. The game hasn't even been out a month and I have over 70 hours in wich for me is a lot. Bring on this update soon!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting, could peak my interest to pick this game back up but... I am really loving sanik manya and if I'm not playing that I catch myself on splatoon. Oops sorry arms.
Yeah looks like a clown to me. Just in time for the new IT movie!
I want to guess one of Sweets arms based solely on their concept name, I think one of the arms will be the Blorb, but pink, and with the normal changes associated, the thought just came into my mind when I randomly thought of Tart Top, the Mario Kart DS battle stage, and those cream things that spewed pink ink onto a driver when encountered, and they're sweet based and the arm idea is already there, so it clicked with me.
This is all of course a random guess based on the concept, but I want to put it here just in case I'm right.
Looks like Shantae
Highly irritating video. Stop acting the clown.
Hoping Little Mac will show up as a character!
I traded in my arms against splatoon2, then realised i had no way to play my switch =/
But seriously, im glad they're supporting their new titles , good show.
arms needs something like the splatfest. it really does. like their own fists of fury and golden gloves or something.
I'm not seeing a clown.I see a blonde female with her hair tied up in a hair band wearing inflatable Shantae-like green trousers.
French clown ! - Baskets !
Adding characters over time like this is a genius move. Makes the game feel new and fresh repeatedly and ensures people revisit the game, which is perfect for ARMS, since it's the kind of game that gets better and more addicting the more you play it. Something just "clicks" after the first ten hours or so.
Bruce Clown ??
That's great and all, and the game plays lovely, it really does, and it's slick as hell, but how about fixing party mode Nintendo? What's the point of playing with e.g. two people, when like half of the time, you just sit there watching the other player play ... =(
@Kalmaro : my thought exactly! It's Hammer Time 🔨
@Jamotello A menu option was added for future online tournaments from Nintendo.
@Nintendoer i hope it's an option for OTHER people to have a tournament of their own, helpful for esports. the splatfests are uniquely nintendo. arms needs something that can similarly fire up the communty in a similarly unique nintendo way. maybe just a direct ripoff of the splatfest, if they want.
Sweet i hope soon
OMG What if it's a mime!
The arm in use looks interesting. It looks similar to RAM RAM / Chakram which I'm really excited about. It also looks like a boomerang but it's travelling too slow it to be that. We don't have a wind type, lightning type, or explosion type RAM arm yet so we will hopefully see one of those.
@Wckdlink "Sweet" indeed
I take it this is free DLC and not paid for???
@GameOtaku Seems like he would be an excellent fit...
I'm hoping those aren't trousers but actual legs. Maybe Nintendo are trying to steal Chun-Li's 'mightiest legs in video games' crown.
The first thing I noticed were the weapons then the pants. My first thought was nun-chucks or helicopter blades. For pants I was thinking kung-fu style pants because of the nun-chucks.
@wazlon You take it correctly, my friend
@wazlon I believe ARMs is going the Splatoon model and all DLC is free.
Looks like a genie.
@Zoda_Fett I got it at launch. Thought it was just ok at first, but it has grown on me. I like that it has little mini game type modes and a decent amount of venues. The thing that I don't like is that it goes from too easy, to fairly challenging to very difficult pretty fast and that it is going to take me forever to unlock all of the arms.
poor ARMS. Outperformed by 1 2 Switch time and time again
Awesome. Will jump back in and give Splatoon 2 a breather with this next update
Can't really see too much but meh not particularly excited. Max Brass is my go-to guy right now.
@Maxz the queen can't be dethroned.
Splatoon 2 killed ARMS. How sad. This game deserved more. Not 1 mil sales but at least 2.5-3 mil.
Well, I see the harem pants, the pointy shoes, a vest and a turban? Definitely an Arabian fighter of sorts!
So here's what I can see from this teaser. It is a female fighter, her pants are inflatable which allows her to get a high jump. She inflated her pants the same way Max brass buffs up (by holding the dodge or jump button). And right at the beginning before her weapons start spinning and right at the end when she hits the camera I can see that they are nunchucks. And that is the candy level. Edit: And since this Candy level is most likely hers, I'm guessing she is the candy shop owner.
Shame, I love Arms any time I play, but like so many others, Splatoon's release right after just ripped most of the thunder out from it. Sure it will have its audience that likes it better than Splatoon, but overall, Splatoon just ripped any and all hype away from this game.
I've noticed lobbies are now primarily Japanese, telling me much of the western player base has dropped to Splatoon. Meanwhile USFII has minutes of wait time for new matches and when someone shows up it's unplayably laggy. I guess that's good news for Splatoon though. And Arms gets fast lobbies, albeit mostly in Japan.
@SwitchVogel Nooooo, not clowns!
@Ryu_Niiyama Queen Elegibeth the First. And probably the Last.
Biff needs to be playable.
This is actually a teaser for the forthcoming Game Boy Camera: Classic Edition
I'm down with the clown.
@Maxz May she reign forever.
They should release a new ARMS fighter who has the similar abilities to "Sasori" like in Naruto.
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