A special limited edition version of Fire Emblem Warriors has been revealed for the Nintendo Switch.
Earlier in the day a new trailer was dropped at Gamescom showing off some of the new playable characters along with confirming the release date of 20th October for Europe. Now a limited boxed edition that will bring together Fire Emblem Warriors music, character cards and the game cartridge has been confirmed. Currently, it appears that the limited edition is a European exclusive, though it may be announced for other territories at a later date.
The information announced via Nintendo UK's Twitter account confirmed that the hack and slash action-adventure will be receiving a limited run package. The three disc original soundtrack will feature a variety of music from games score along with a collection of character art cards depicting some of Fire Emblem's most popular warriors, including Marth, Chrom and Corrin (no Ike, though).
What are your thoughts on the limited edition? Are you tempted to pick one up? Tell us in the comments.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 41
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to launch the game a week before Mario?
How do I know that I want the sound track when I haven't played the game yet?
Damn, was gonna wait to pick this up but I've been collecting limited edition Fire Emblem stuff for a while now. Guess I'll be putting in a pre-order then.
I can already hear the people complaining about this limited edition being limited
Need to cally store tomorrow then.
Definitely getting it. I thought FE Warriors was going to be the "September" release. So close to Mario seems to contradict the current Switch release style. Now we just need XC2 and Skyrim release dates.
That is such a disappointment for a limit edition. I'll pass.
@buildz The idiots who released Micro Machines: World Series the same day as Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy. No wonder it bombed.
Where is the report on the new ARMS character Lolla Pop?
That's a disappointing limited edition... I can listen to the music online and those cards don't look very special.
Week before mario
Not interested in Warriors games but I would like those CDs.
@Biff_ARMStrong You mean this one?
And yet, Fire Emblem Cipher still hasn't been translated, amazingly enough...
Hmm, doesn't even have the art book that Japan does?
Thinking I'll keep the pre-order for the Japanese version perhaps. (Rip my wallet...)
I want this. Thanks to region free I can import. Why does NoA think there aren't enough FE fans to warrant a limited edition...
I hope the U.S. gets a similar LE, as it'll be the first in a while I won't feel the need to buy. Greatly looking forward to the game, though.
A Limited Edition which get's a real 3 Disc Soundtrack and non of this "Sound Selection" nonsense? Pretty sweet, but i think i'm fine with the regular Edition.
What? No voucher for orbs for FEHeroes in it? Mehh...
A 3-disc soundtrack, and character cards? That's all I actually care about, in a limited edition. Please announce this for the US!
@JaxonH NoA haven't even announced a release date yet, so far it's still "Fall 2017".
Its alright. Its a shame this has to launch so closely to Mario but if I work on it I could at least get the story done before Mario steals my attention. 3DS version can wait.
I'm fine with the limited edition being this bare. It shouldnt be scalped to death as I believe you can even still buy Echos' Limited Edition off Amazon UK brand new, and that included the amiibo!
Totally get that consoles still have to support retail. But, Nintendo could really push digital distribution if they at least bundled the soundtrack with a digital purchase. Then, allow you to download the music through a webpage; not the Switch. I'd be all over that since I prefer to have the game on my SD card instead of swapping out carts.
This is going to be an expensive few months.
Will have to request some Christmas present favours.
Hmm. Depending on the contents of the soundtrack, if NoA releases this limited edition, I may get it.
I can't pass on a good soundtrack, I like having the physical CD as a backup. One of the reasons I cancelled my BotW limited edition was because the Sound Selection CD was a dissapointment.
If only Nintendo would start selling the OST here in the west... I would happily buy the physical versions, or the digital versions through ITunes.
Looks a little meh as far as limited editions go - I'm going to give it a pass. And as much as I love FE and the Warriors series, I think I'll wait a while before getting the game at all - I'll have Mario + Rabbids, MH Stories, Metroid: Samus Returns and Rayman Legends to work my way through in September and October, and once Odyssey comes out...well, I have a feeling I won't play anything else for a good long while.
Make it the soundtrack on vinyl and I'll bite!
That Limited Edition is terrible.
Not only do you release this game one week before Mario Odyssey and its five amiibos but you also have the decency to have a pointless Limited Edition that includes the soundtrack and some cards nobody cares about. Seriously, you have all of November but you chose the week before Mario. Great job. Okay, look, I'll buy it but I can't promise you that I'll play it for more than one week or that I'll return once I'll be done with Odyssey.
Why didn't we get A CAMILLA 3d Holographic Shiny Art Card?
Here's hoping the US version has that cool Dragonstone that the Japanese version has.
I want the soundtrack more than the actual game...
I'll stick to the regular edition.
It would be cooler if they had a figure or something.
And the american version!!!
It's out in japan on September 28th. So will be downloading it then. Language option permitting.
@JaxonH Dude, I totally did not think about the region free thing. Thanks for the reminder!!
@FX102A Seriously right?
Mario + Rabbids
NBA 2K18
SNES Classic (if I'm lucky I wish there was a cart for Switch)
Hyrule Warriors
Mario Odyssey
and most importantly if you can look a few months out Xenoblade Chronicles 2!!!!
Ugh. Corrin.
The Japanese limited edition looks nicer but I'll try and pick this up if it isn't too difficult to get a pre order in.
It's a pity it doesn't come with an art book like the Japanese edition. I'd rather have an art book over music CD's and cards.
Camilla? Me will buy. As most would say. I'm still getting the game XD
And not because of Camilla mind you
@LiberatedAnimal Pokken is the September one. We don't know November (my original bet for FE, first week) or December (likely Xenoblade 2) yet. Unless Nintendo use the Zelda dlc as Decembers.
Isn't Japan getting this and Pokken same week?
For peoples information; the limited edition of Fire Emblem warriors is now available to pre-order in at least Europe.
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