Legendaries are finally part of Pokémon GO, but bagging them isn't as straightforward as heading to your local gym and waiting for the next raid - these mythical beasts are only available at certain times, and developer Niantic has helpfully released a timetable which shows when that will happen.
Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos - the three legendary bird Pokémon - are confirmed for the game, and will be available during the following periods:
- Articuno: Available until Monday, 31st July
- Moltres: Available from 31st July until 7th August
- Zapdos: Available from 8th August until the 14th
Ho-oh - another famous bird Legendary - hasn't been mentioned as yet. Lugia is already out in the wild, and there's no news on when that particular 'mon will be taken out of circulation.
How are you getting on in your quest to bag as many Legendaries as possible? Let us know by posting a comment.
Comments 19
Sounds fun. Can't play the game so guess I'm not making progress, but more power to the people who can.
This is convincing me it may be time to quit playing. I play casual in that I'll have the game open during my daily walks and will catch Pokemon I need while walking. I also hatch lots of eggs. However, I don't play the gyms. I find the whole process of tapping your phone screen boring and unappealing. This is telling me there are some Pokemon I'll never be able to get without playing the gyms. If you can't catch them all, a lot of the appeal is lost.
@JasonLee99 Boring, perhaps, but it's not necessarily locked out from you. Some people find the gyms exciting but I can understand your frustration with content being locked behind game modes that don't appeal to you.
I expect Ho-Oh to be released as part of the promotion for this year's Pokémon movie.
Got into one raid so far while in town, didn't catch Articuno tho.
Living out in the sticks means probably missing out on these. I'm thinking what's the point in playing anymore?
Edit: It’s me from the future. You’re playing more than ever even when you can’t raid. 🤷🏻♂️
12 raids done... 9 Articuno and 3 Lugia... caught 3 Articuno and 1 Lugia, so currently sitting on a 1/3 success rate... but I know of others who have done just as many raids and not caught one.
It does feel like a bit of a money-grab the way they've done this, but you do still get one free attempt each day, so I think it's still better than the way some other smartphone games operate.
This has also been great for bringing together local Pokemon GO communities... I'd hardly met any of the other players in my area until the legendaries started, but now I'm seeing familiar faces at every raid I go to.
It's just a shame that the ongoing bugs are still causing players to miss out... these problems have been present since the new gyms and raids first went live, and Niantic should really have dealt with them properly before doing a big event like this.
@JasonLee99 For about a year, I held out on joining a team because I wanted to focus on catching. I was disappointed to know I had to be part of a team for Legendary Raids. I relented and joined, having since caught Articuno and Lugia. Still, part of me misses being a Ronin.
I was able to catch Articuno & Lugia back on the weekend. Rather than have specific times, I would have preferred the Legendaries to remain permanently in the game, albeit just not as frequently. A lot of these raids are dependent on what other things are happening in our lives, and the weather. I caught Lugia luckily right before a rain storm hit. But if the weather is lousy for days, that could mean you miss out on one of these Legendaries entirely. Here's hoping I can catch Moltres and Zapdos without incident.
@Galenmereth iPhone 6 Plus here (not the S) and I have so many issues too. The app is buggy as hell and always crashes before a Raid starts and right after & it's always a stressful rush to get back in to the battle before the timer runs out and hope that the game doesn't bar me from catching a Raid Pokémon because of the crash. Niantic cannot call themselves game developers if the app is this crappy. They should adopt Nintendo's method of regular stability updates.
I've already done 2 Lugia and 2 Articuno raids, only 1 of each my raid group was able to take down, yet I didn't catch either (I got extremely close to catching Articuno on a couple throws but it just wouldn't stay in the darn ball!)
@JasonLee99 im like you but you should keep doing wath you do and get rare mobs and duplicates eventually we will be able to trade. I have many santa hat pikachu i will be trading for legendarys
The catch rate is ridiculously low for both Lugia and Articuno.
I probably won't be able to catch these as my town just doesn't have the population to pull together a big enough group to be able to take them down. Add that apparently super low catch rate and I'm not super hopeful that I can actually catch these. And Articuno is my favorite Pokemon
@elcheleivan That's an excellent idea! Forgot about the upcoming trading. Thanks!
Lost interest in Pokémon Go a long time ago, but i hope those who are still playing it are having fun. Good Luck catching the legendary Pokémon
Took me like four raids to snag Articuno. Lugia I've fought twice but I failed to get it.
Ironically I caught a Articuno at Trump Tower today. Not sure how to feel about that, especially since it's "it's a wonder!" with hp that "exceed my calculations", but defense is lowest compared to the other two stats. Wonder if it's implying something....
@JasonLee99 After Defeating a legendary in a gym you get the chance to catch it, so you can catch'm all. It would suck if you can simply find one in the wild and throw a pokeball at it.
I was expecting Niantic to pull exactly this kind of bovine fecal matter. And of course, only pros are rewarded given Articuno's stupidly high CP (nevermind that it will be shrunk upon beating), which means my favourite legendary Pokémon of all time is out of my league. Thanks for nothing, Niantic.
Their whole idea of consumer-friendliness is an insult to the term. First the 50-coins limit for gym-defending Pokémon regardless of the time they've spent there, now this. Thanks for nothing again.
And to all cheaters, hats off. I'm not proud of what I'm going to say, but cheating is the only fair way to get anything out of this game. Effort is clearly not retributed, but spending real-life money on the game, oh, that is. I've never been disappointed in anything Pokémon-related like this, and keep in mind that event-only Pokémon still exist as a gameplay mechanic, so that's saying quite a lot.
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