When Bethesda showed off the latest Switch trailer for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim during E3 it focused on amiibo support and motion controls, but shied away from giving a formal date. With the official Nintendo site now listing it for 'Holiday', it seems Amazon has had a whirl at giving the exact arrival time.
Amazon.com reckons the title will arrive on 28th November, setting itself up for a pre-Holiday slot in Switch owner's purchasing choices. That's a good gap from Super Mario Odyssey, though we don't yet know when Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will land.

It'll certainly be interesting to see how this iteration shapes up; if you need a reminder the E3 trailer is below.
Are you planning to pick this up on Switch?

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[source amazon.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 130
That would be fantastic. Day one buy. That would put Xenoblade around Christmas then?...
As someone who's spent about an hour in the game, I've got this preordered. It'll be better to have it on the go.
So they're selling it for the full price
Did buy on Steam, never played more than half an hour for lack of time. I will buy on the go.
I've been playing this on and off on PC. It would be fun to play this on the go. I'll be getting this.
I played this for over a year way back and is the reason I bought the switch. Always wanted to replay but no way I could spare that time again. But for the next year train delays will could even end up being welcome at times. With all the expansions this game has 200+ hours of game play.
That'll be a nice reward for me after dealing with Black Friday crap.
Bethesda should have brought DOOM over to Switch.
I will buy this just so I can play skyrim on the toilet LOL
WHY!?!? Why is it $60. That's just insane to me.
Already got it preordered.
I wonder how many bugs they've missed while they've been adding amiibo support.
LOL at that price tag.
@contractcooker i agree i think $30 should be the price. It has been remade so many times.
On the go or not it's in a way like Zelda in some style elements so I'm game for it. I never got it when it was new years ago in the original form on computer or console. As popular as the franchise is there's still many out there who like me never touched it, and more that want it for portability sake too. I think it should do fairly well at retail and hopefully opens the door to more Bethesda goodies (unlike on Wii which got some kiddie medieval game.)
For all there is with it and the additional content, portability, plus the format, price seems right on the nose.
IGN made a sensible remark about this: Nintendo fans are used to playing highlying polished games with steady frame rate and few glitches, whereas Bethesda...
...Will core Nintendo fans REALLY except this sort of quality? Methinks I'll wait for the reviews.
@setezerocinco The same for me, I'm waiting for it on the switch to be able to play it during my home/workplace commutes instead of my home PC where I don't have enough time to play.
If I can find time to play this, I'd like to try it but it's hard to find time to donate to this style of game. Zelda took me 2 months of 30 mins to an hour, at a time playing to finish and I ignored a lot of things I should have been doing to play it.
Who am I kidding I'll probably buy it and ignore more important things
I'll have to see more, never played this series before..
Can't wait to see how the joy con motion controls work...played it to death on 2 different systems .. day one buy
Has there been confirmation that it will be the remastered version ? Sure looks like it from screenshots
The game shouldn't be priced so high, especially when the remastered one only cost £30.
The added motion controls and Nintendo skins more than makes up for the full price.
I REALLY wanna get this, but I just think I'd have the time to play it all. Maybe next year.I have a ban on myself until I make a dent in my backlog on the 3 systems right now.
@gatorboi352 my god DOOM on the Switch would be amazing!
With another red cartridge
I'm definitely going to get this, but might wait for Christmas or the new year - between Mario Odyssey and the new Ni No Kuni, all my gaming time for November and December is booked solid already. 😜
More into JRPGs than WRPGs so Xenoblade 2 takes priority. May pick this up dependent on several factors including reviews, performance, price and if there is nothing else I want that month.
My body is soooooo ready.
Yes! Finally a release date on this! I was hoping Bethesda had a release date, and I was then hoping Nintendo had a release date at E3, but came away with out one. Looking forward to this.
I'm hoping a lot of Bethesda fans buy a Switch just to get Skyrim: Toilet Edition. I'd love for other big Bethesda RPGs (and by extension other WRPGs) to make their home on Switch as well. It's just the perfect system for big, intricate games. Any graphics hit is worthwhile to to be able to chip away at 80+ hour games whenever you can.
I was hoping to see more of it during Treehouse to see how well it looks, but what little we've seen the visuals look phenomenal. Hopefully the frame rate keeps up!
To those saying this comes with added Zelda content, well I say it's paywalled content locked behind SCamiibo. That Champion Tunic costume is more than likely locked behind the BOTW Link SCamiibo. Which is next to impossible to buy.
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch includes all-new gameplay features like motion controls for combat and lockpicking, outfits and gear from The Legend of Zelda. Take down enemies with the Master Sword, protect yourself with the Hylian Shield or look heroic in the Champion’s Tunic. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch also includes all official add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. Plus tap other compatible amiibo to gain additional loot including those from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild series, 30th Anniversary - The Legend of Zelda series, Super Smash Bros. series, and The Legend of Zelda series."
That release date may be accurate, but we'd sure better hope that price tag is a placeholder.
@audiobrainiac Xenoblade 2 will probably be 1st or 8th December.
Nice, welcome in my collection.
This is perfect timing! Got a good month of Mario Odyssey before this comes out!
I've put thousands of hours into this game on PC so I'd love to have it for a portable console. I don't know about that price tag though. That's definitely pushing it. Especially when I want to get Super Mario Odyssey as well.
I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Its certainly one of the reasons I wanted a Switch in the first place. A full on portable Elder Scrolls...that's something of a dream come true. I've played the series off and on for years, from Redguard to Morrowind to Skyrim to ESO. Just something about it I enjoy, crafting my character how I WANT to...not how I'm forced to (not that I don't enjoy and love all RPGs...this one just has that extra amount of character freedom). I don't usually carry my Switch with me...its a bit bulky for me for that and I'm always afraid with the heights of purchasing madness surrounding the hardware it might get stolen while at work or something...but Skyrim on the go might make me want to take more of that risk. One thing I've been seriously missing, though, is any kind of extended play previews of the game running on Switch. That has me a little worried, that they've only released...what...30 second or so clips so far? I want more meaty game previews/samples than that! Although as soon as there is a confirmed lock down date...I do plan on pre-ordering. The only game I've ever put on pre-order without a solid date was Splatoon 2...just because...well...Splatoon on the go!
@Meuz & its Skyrim on the go seriously hopefully this is a success & we get some more Bethesda ports.
Yeah i love ports
@BarFooToo is the Switch version including updates/DLC??
@gatorboi352 Can't say I'd be too enthused for Doom, it hasn't piqued my interest since 3 turned the hyperactive shooter into a survival horror game, and my first impulse is to say there's no way that's a business fit for Nintendo....but then I remember that that's one of the few western series that actually DOES have Nintendo roots in the N64 era.
I just dislike "new Doom" Old doom was a crazy hyperactive shooter. Doom 3 turned it into a bad survival horror. And new Doom just looks like a slightly faster paced version of the modern slow shooter. Nothing like spamming BFG blasts in the old days. But I'd probably buy it on Switch just for the portability.
I'm one of those few individuals who LOVES motion controls. I get sad thinking about Skyward Sword because I know they'll never use that control style for sword combat again. Plus I never actually played Skyrim properly (girlfriend got it and completed it, I only ever dabbled) or touched any of the DLC, so I'm SUPER excited for this. Considering it's got the core game and all the added content, I'll pony up £60 for it. It's a bit much, but I imagine I'll get enough hours out of it for it to be worth it.
Playing as a mage with dual joy con motion controls has me totally stoked .. could be so immersive . Only draw back at all that I see is the Xenoblade 2 release date . I will be deep , deep into Skyrim again and then have to put it down to play that the moment it releases.
Nice to have problems like that !
"Are you planning to pick this up on Switch?"
Definitely yes, I can't wait. I have always wanted a game of this genre on a Nintendo console. I already played more than 400 hours on Steam and I have not even started the main quest. In fact, I will never do, I already tried it and I'm not interested in it, the best thing about those games is that I can play them the way I want and decide what are the objectives I care about.
@wariosmith Yes, the Switch version comes with all 3 DLC packs that were released for Skyrim on other consoles. Also...though its not been confirmed specifically...all the images we've seen so far appear to point as this being the graphically updated "definitive" version of the game which was the latest release.
The new Doom is great. It's exactly how the original remade in the present day should look, if that makes sense. Would be a great fit for Switch and given that even the XB1 can run it at 60fps a half decent conversion should be plausible.
As for Skyrim, Day 1 for me. Never played it so a portable version is an easy buy.
@Grumblevolcano within only 10 days from each other? Seems weird but I'll take it. If you're right, that'd be exciting.
It is quite incredible I have never played this up to this point but will be sure to do so later this year. It will be a hard choice to make but I will gladly take Link's exclusive loot over to Macho Man Randy Savager Dragon mod every day.
One of the greatest mods ever made for any game, ever!
@audiobrainiac I don't think 3rd party games are going to affect the release schedule of 1st party games at all. Sure, that approach would kill future 3rd party support due to people buying the 1st party games instead of 3rd party games but given how well the Switch is doing without much 3rd party support I don't think that concept bothers Nintendo at all.
@John_Mcclane "You don't think there is $60 bucks of game and content in there?
You don't have to buy every game that comes out you know."
I think there was $60 worth of content in there in 2011. It's pretty ballsy to ask full price for a game that's 6 years old - that's all I'm saying.
If the motion controls are good, I might be up for it.
It's only a buy for me if it comes bundles with all DLC.
The shrill sound you hear is my wallet screaming in pain.
I pre-ordered this game over E3 so as to qualify for the 20% discount. I never played Skyrim before on any of the other myriad of consoles it was released on. I never would have been able to play this game on a system that I couldn't take with me as I just no longer have time to sit in front of a tv or desktop to play anymore. Most of my gaming time is now done while commuting or travelling for work. That's why the Switch is amazing! I'm looking forward to actually getting to play Skyrim and seeing what all the fuss is about, LOL!
@DarthFoxMcCloud what 20% discount??
@wariosmith Um, Best Buy and Amazon ran 20% discounts for E3....pretty standard and well-publicized discount actually. Amazon's was just for Prime Members (which receive 20% discounts on all game pre-orders anyway) but Best Buy offered the same deal for the week of E3.
@electrolite77 Is it really as fast paced with as many enemies piled on screen as the first 2? To me that speed and that overload of enemies all at once is what Doom IS. Without it, it's just Quake. If it's really like that, then, yeah, I hope it comes to Switch Good Skyrim sales would help that possibility. I can't see myself sitting at a console playing that game....on a......controller.....(WASD, freelook ON 4 life!) but on a handheld....I'd play in bursts!
I really don't think in a normal context id games are a good fit for Nintendo.....but since ALL of their series have been on Nintendo...somehow.....that's a really werid exception.
@NEStalgia so, "new" DOOM was probably the GOTY last year in my opinion. It totally captured the true essence of the series while adding in all necessary modern elements from the genre. It's right up there with BotW for me as far as greatest games within the last decade or so. It's about as fun a game to play as anything I've ever played from Nintendo over the years, for instance.
It's also about as opposite from Doom 3 as there could be.
@Xaessya this guy gets it
The price is probably going to stay at $60 because when the remastered came out last year on PS4 and Xbox One, it was $60.
LOL at the complaints over the price. The game is newly remastered with much higher resolution textures that actually show off the intricate details in the world, better lighting, engine updates, all of the DLC expansions made for the game, and Switch exclusive content, all on top of a game that offers hundreds of hours of content and is a pinnacle of open world RPG design.
This will be my 3rd time buying Skyrim. I have 0 regrets. 😀
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The price is around €53. That makes it cheaper than most AAA games. LOL at your LOL remarks.
@gatorboi352 "It's also about as opposite from Doom 3 as there could be."
The rest was wasted keystrokes. Only this sentence was needed.
Have this on PS3, but will be getting this for Switch... it's a different experience every time you play + portability... def worth it
@Ps4all Second time for me.....but my first time is the collectors edition for X360 with that GIGANTIC undead dragon statue. And I put the game away after about 5 hours suffering through it on X360 (after I fell through the floor and couldn't recover without rolling back to an ancient save, I just gave up.) I didn't realize that statue was so massive when I ordered it, it's a huge square box taking up half the room for the past 6 years for a game I haven't even played through At least now I get an excuse to pop the foam off it again!
Also have the Jeremy Soule autographed SE of the soundtrack. I never tire of his work.
Definitely getting this game again. For those complaining about the price, you're getting the expansions included, which cost about $50 total for all 3 iirc. So basically a $110 game game that's been updated graphically for $60. Well worth it in my opinion.
I still need to go back to my PS3 and finish my save file. I completed all of the expansions, guild quests, etc but never finished the main story. I got to the point where one group won't help me unless I kill Parthanaax (sp?) And the other group won't help me if I do and i have to pick a side in the war. Hopefully i can get all that done, but if not I'll gladly start over on Switch
@Moneyjaypr7 I would like it to be a bit cheaper due to lack of mod support. Other than that it seems pretty solid.
I don't know why people seem so surprised this is launching at full price. Bethesda seems to have put a lot of time and effort into it, and whether or not people like it, that will be their claim as to why the price is so high. Don't expect a perfect experience though. They're called Bugthesda for a good reason.....
of course they're selling it for full price. they're also selling the VR version for full price.
Am I? Yes, I am. When it comes out, it'll have been over a year since I knew I was planning to get it. Funny how this series excites me now after the first couple tries of Morrowind that left me underwhelmed - but ever since another one eventually proved to be the charm, I have longed for the ability to dive into this lovingly detailed fictionverse at my pace and will, most definitely not once or twice per month I could find time for the aforesaid game on PC. Too bad Morrowind and Oblivion don't look like they'll be getting remasters anytime soon (and to think there was a PSP Oblivion port in the plans once), but Skyrim is one of THE upcoming Switch titles for me. "No AAA 3rd party games", tell me more.
Yeah it really is. I'm with @Gatorboi352 on this, it's a superb game. I'm not a big FPS player TBH, they've got away from what I like but I love Doom 2016. It's old school. It's entirely based around the sequence bit of exploration-find what you're looking for-invisible trigger sends enemies at you from all sides.
There's a bit more story, it looks much better and the enemies are a lot cleverer (obviously) but in essence it's DOOM. There's a demo on PS4 and Xb1.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE lol at pining for the metaphorical blast processing of "Triple-A" and then wanting a bargain bin price for the AAA games that come out. Five year old, ten year old - it may be a factor for those on the fence about double-dipping, but imagine what, far from everyone has played these five and ten year old games, and "a belatedly paid full price" doesn't sound like something totally unfair. Even less dramatic when you account for the DLCs typically packed in with a re-release nowadays. But even with the core game, re-release price complaints can suggest an unfortunate implication of gamers believing that a finished and finalized fiction work's quality can erode with time. And I hope I have yet to live to see the day when someone will think THAT with a straight face.
Yes I'd buy it if it doesn't have to be played with crappy motion controls.
Have this on Steam, will definitely pay $60 to have a remastered and portable edition. This is my second most anticipated Switch game - second only to BOTW. Mario Odyssey can wait!
@DoctorWily The blades want you to kill Paarthunax, but you don't have to do that, or even make a decision on it unless you absolutely want to keep being involved with the blades. Otherwise, you can just ignore them.
If you haven't finished the Civil War, you also don't have to do that. Instead, you should be prompted to hold a peace meeting between both sides of the war so that you can settle the events that you need to do in Whiterun without that town being in fear of being attacked.
Never played Skyrim. If this is a polished version of the game running well on the Switch I'm minded to pick it up. I have no issue with the price.
@nhSnork But most of the Triple-A companies have sold that idea part and parcel to the public, with Gabe Newell as their euthanasiest. They sell the idea that a game is a disposable product with a 1 year shelf life, that is clearanced within 4 months and worth $14.99 by years end at most. Bethesda is one of the very few companies outside Nintendo that actually believe and protect the long term value of their creations.
@electrolite77 That's pretty cool. I didn't get that from the E3 reels at all! How does it stack up as a Doom successor to Serious Sam (the original, not that horrendously awful sequel.)?
@Indielink Oh I agree. Wish it was cheaper. Unfortunately I'll be part of the problem and picking it up when it releases lol.
Pre-ordered this way back when it was a placeholder, cannot wait to get stuck in.
This and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Fire Emblem Warrior's are going to keep real busy this winter.
I'm really intrigued to try this & Xenoblade as my first W & JRPG's. Not sure my wallet (or time) can cope with both simultaneously though
I can't imagine this will sell well, that game has been out for for close to 6 years and on every major last gen/current gen system. Plus the full boat retail price isn't going to help.
@NEStalgia I understand eventual discounts in general (as in, objectively; of course, subjectively my lousy fan self is only too happy to save as much as it sees am opportunity to), but in terms of mass competition - the number of options vying for people's wallets and interest and free time can only get bigger with every passing day since the game's release, and it eventually includes the game's own sequels and franchise successors to boot. Not everyone fancies archive binging as much as I do, so I understand discounts as publishers' shot at tempting an older game into newer audiences' evergrowing backlogs and wishlists. But quality-wise? Okay, it would be one thing on eBay if the disc/card looks so used, you wonder how readily it'll even boot at this point. The content itself, if it's repackaged anew (and such packages can even come with fixing old bugs as was the case with some Final Fantasy re-releases, meaning the quality can actually go UP), mostly seems to invite such talks on the pure basis of fad and fashion logic indeed.
I think until we find out whether this is basically the legendary edition with all DLC and has better texture stuff to at least make it close to the HD it's going to be hard to say whether it's worth buying. Skyrim with no DLC and no graphics updates is not worth 60 dollars just to take it on the go if you already have it.
From what I remember (and it's a long time since I played Serious Sam) the bits between the battles are a bit longer but it's a similar structure.
@greengecko007 I know I don't HAVE to do any of those things, that's just where I'm at in the story and I've literally done everything else up to that point. I think I wanted to at least get all the dragon words before making a final decision on Paarthunax since that group shows you where they're located. But I figure I can kill him and choose one side of the civil war on my PS3 file and then go through and make all the opposite choices on Switch
@dougphisig Not only has it been confirmed to have all the DLC, they literally mention that in this article....
Never played Skyrim. Looking forward to seeing what the fuss is about.
@DoctorWily I meant that you don't have to do those things in order to finish the main story of the game. Unless you want to play around with the Blades, which I can best describe as like setting up your own little guild and recruiting people, you have no reason to even bother with them or kill Paarthunax. That is not part of the main story.
Same thing with the Civil War. You do not have to pick a side to progress the main story.
I mean yeah, obviously you can do all of those things, and I'd argue that all of that content is worth seeing at least once in some way, but if you were just trying to finish the main story before moving on to the Switch version, a lot of that stuff is not the main story. Sorry if I misunderstood.
@GrailUK Think Breath of the Wild, without climbing, and with clunky combat not tailored for it to be an action game (because it's an RPG, not an action game), much bigger towns/cities/unique dialogue driven by more scripted quests received from the locales. It's an RPG complete with leveling up, and thus the combat is not meant to be smooth an action oriented like BotW, but it wouldn't be entirely unfair to call BotW "Zelda: Elder Scrolls Edition"
FWIW: Aounuma was playing Skyrim during development and admitted that, of all things, the climbing somehow was inspired by his playing of Skyrim (even though Skyrim has no climbing) because he enjoyed discovering the new towns. Not sure how that leap of logic works....at all...but suffice it to say this game is one of the inspirations for BotW.
@NEStalgia That seems like a very unfair analysis of Skyrim's combat from someone who admittedly has put very little time into the game. I loved the combat in Breath of the Wild, but during my 60 hour playthrough, most of it was standing around swinging my weapon and reacting in time to get a flurry rush. Combat is Skyrim is indeed different, but I'd argue far more action oriented and demanding than BoTW, especially seeing as how moving and attacking at the same time is such an important skill (unless you're playing a dedicated tank build I guess).
Don't be so sure we'll never see SS's 1:1 combat again in a Zelda game. Here's what Aunoma said recently regarding HD rumble when asked about Zelda's future in an interview:
Force feedback is something I am keeping in the back of my head. I want the users to feel that immediate reaction and with HD rumble, we’re able to do that with a further in-depth experience. In Skyward Sword when you’re swinging your sword, whether you’re attacking a hard-shelled enemy and have a little bit of resistance, or cutting through something really easily, those kinds of differences in attacks, you will be able to create them with HD rumble. In the future it is something I would definitely like to visit.
@greengecko007 You may be right about Skyrim, but from what I did experience of it it was consistent with Elder Scrolls combat. I may have given up on Skyrim quickly, but I'm a huuge Elder Scrolls fan. Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion are among my all time favorite games, so I'm very used to the overall combat systems in the series. If Skyrim did something radically different with combat, I can't say, but it wasn't evident early in the game (nor would I expect it to be radically different, what it's been doing has been working for decades.)
And moving and attacking seemed quite critical in BotW as well....but was more fluid. Lynel hunting won't get too far without that
FWIW though I'll say I've played mostly mages in TES games....can't resist that magic elitism, even as a mere high elven Outlander. And I play them in 1st person, as they were meant to be played, which makes combat a lot clunkier than 3rd person I'd imagine. But....how can you not play TES in first person?
@wariosmith All DLC is confirmed on bethesda skyrim page,
Nintendo is publishing Skyrim on Switch so effectively this is a first part title, i guess..?
The description on Amazon is odd... it appears to be the Skyrim Virtual reality description. I've pasted it below: "
A true, full-length open-world game for VR has arrived from award-winning developers, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim VR reimagines the complete epic fantasy masterpiece with an unparalleled sense of scale, depth, and immersion. From battling ancient dragons to exploring rugged mountains and more, Skyrim VR brings to life a complete open world for you to experience any way you choose. Skyrim VR includes the critically-acclaimed core game and official add-ons – Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned to Tamriel and the future of the Empire hangs in the balance. As Dragonborn, the prophesied hero born with the power of The Voice, you are the only one who can stand amongst them."
@Ps4all Amazon doesn't even try when it comes to Switch stuff. My product description for Disgaea 5 was "Disgaea 5 Complete - WiiU"
Good to know we are getting all DLC I hadn't heard that had been confirmed, only other issue I have is Skyrim coming to VR on PS4 is getting me tempted to finally pick up VR for PS4 and try it out a real fleshed out game on VR even though I've played it. We'll see if i don't decide to get VR and try skyrim again there (I already have it on steam), then I might consider buying it for switch for the to go experience of it.
@dougphisig Personally I'm surprised they're doing Skyrim on VR. That doesn't sound like a very good idea. VR is ok for bursts, maybe an hour at a time, but Skyrim is a game that encourages binge playing, and I REALLY doubt having an LCD panel and LED backlight inches from your retina for hours on end for hundreds of hours is a particularly healthy idea for anyone that values being able to see.... In a lot of ways games like ARMS seem like they'd be more appropriate for VR than something like Skyrim.
It would be cool to try....but I don't think most of us have the required self control to not play longer than we should. When was the last time we "took breaks every 30 minutes" like our 3DS's tell use all too often we should be doing?
I must say by watching the trailer and screenshots of this game it looks fantastic graphically. Probably the best i have seen on thw switch ao far.
Never played Elder Scrolls, let alone Skyrim before. I'm actually looking forward to it.
@NEStalgia So quick question...how well does VR work with flashing lights, because there are a few spells in skyrim that I would not want up close and personal on my retina(s). Jeez playing on PC with a TV connect if I spam a few fireball spells I'm like "where is everybody...are they dead..?".
@NEStalgia It could very well be that combat in Skyrim was made more involved than previous games. The animations though, are undoubtedly clunky, in first or third person. Breath of the Wild is clearly better animated and more fluid. But in terms of gameplay, I find combat in Skyrim to be very action driven. I'm sure that feeling comes from having to manage actually aiming all of your attacks or blocks, and doing so while trying to move around your enemies and not be caught in an unfavorable position, all at the same time.
@NEStalgia Ye, it looks clunky from how the guy in the trailer swipes vertically with the jcons, but the sword swipes horizontally on screen. Still, it looks like a great place to explore.
Why are folks complaining about the price? Skyrim remastered is 60 bucks last I checked everywhere else (baring PC sales). This is the same game with the Nintendo addons.
@Ryu_Niiyama VR is just an LCD monitor just like a big LCD monitor. Just smaller and planted uncomfortably close to your eye(s) (with less absolute lumens of brightness as a necessity of course). It would be up to the developer to consider what is "too much" of any sudden change. Since this is Bethesda, well.....I wouldn't hold my hopes up for thoroughness....
IMO, adult eyes can take probably more abuse than they should be subjected to, headlights at night in the daily commute is PROBABLY way worse than moderate VR use in that regard), But that's the thing...moderate. That's HORRIBLY close focus for any prolonged time, with a very close light source, and forced divergence of focus (well, for those that see in stereo ). For quick burst gaming, probably safe enough. But for a game like Skyrim where it's long play sessions spreading hundreds of hours.....bright lights or no, nothing about that sounds like a good idea. If it has bright flashes, that might cause headaches before it even leads to eye trauma!
It's hard to see VR as anything more than supplemental entertainment to 2D experiences (or HoloLens) given the limits safety. But big games just seem like the worst possible fit.
Of course we live in a time where the average 18 year old has the hearing of a 60 year old...... people LOVE ruining their sensory inputs for immediately gratifying entertainment....
@GrailUK It definitely is. The "real game" isn't in the combat, that's just a means to an end. The game is talking to townsfolk, getting quests, completing quests (dungeon areas are each uniquely made with unique content...sometimes diarys and things laying around etc., they're generally small, but numerous.) and exploring everything between. Combat isn't a focus, it's just a way of keeping it engaging and providing challenges and obstacles for the above, while Zelda is more combat focused.
$60 is a fine price for this. Totally okay with paying that price for remastered Skyrim on the go with all of the DLC expansions.
Weird that Skyrim of all things is launching after Black Friday.
@NEStalgia I swear there is nothing about the VR craze that doesn't scare me to death/reek of a bad idea. But I'm sensitive so I try not to say anything. Let me know when the holodeck gets here.
@NEStalgia: I wouldn't say Skyrim: Toilet Edition. More like Skyrim: Icy Throne Edition. Less negative.
@Tyranexx Skyrim: Lunch Break Edition for me. But I'm going to be such a whiner with no mods. The textures are going to scar me for life. This is firmly a portable only version for me.
Love me some Skyrim.
@Tyranexx HAHAHAHAHAHA! +1 Interwebs for you!
@Ryu_Niiyama Hey I played with the X360 textures (for the 5 hours I could tolerate it).....this thing looks GORGEOUS docked or otherwise in contrast!
Yeah, VR, especially in its current form, is a disaster in motion, long-term. It would be awesome as an arcade phenomenon. Go out, grab lunch, spend the 20 minutes of quarters you can afford in the arcade VR, and back out you go. But the way it's being pushed as "just like console gaming but you're in the game"....nothing about the tech implies that's even remotely a good idea. It's not like it's some new display tech that's different and easier on the eyes. It's a plain old LED mounted to eyeglasses. If someone did that without swords and dragons inside they'd be considered a Darwin Award candidate.
I used to dream of holodecks. But now that I think of it, I think I'd prefer VR. Think about it, the world is made of photons and forcefields. If a BETHESDA game renders ONE pixel in the wrong location, you now have a piece of poisoned dragon scale inside your spleen. I don't trust engine designers with my life....
@NEStalgia See? Why you gotta ruin Holodecks? Also that is what the safeties are for (no comments about how much they fail in ST please)...
LOL on the Darwin Award mention. I put VR on the same level as smell o vision, as in why do you need this? But hey gotta live on the edge right? The human eye is pretty resilient. I've been smacked in the face with a tennis ball, broom handle, hockey stick, dodge ball, soccer ball, baseball (that required an EMS visit) all within about two years of losing my left eye ...Literally none of that was my fault. ...Wait the broom was me but the rest of it I was on the sidelines or sitting at a desk trying to do work. So My eye takes enough abuse on its own. I literally sat under my desk with my laptop doing work this week because folks wanted to throw balls in the office and I know my luck....and one of them hit my desk. had I been sitting there...well, you know.
That's why I said I'll be whining about it. I know it is a useless tantrum as many people play TES games unmodded. I bought the collector's edition, watched the opening and then turned it off and waited for the Creation Kit to get released and for a month of mods to pop up. Installing Skyrim is a ritual for me. I have a list of what texture mods and in what order to install them so I don't have conflicts. I have yet to play oblivion again because I haven't put my mods back in yet...That will take a weekend...I lost my list for that game.
Ugh I have npc's replaced (and added) too. Lydia is going to walk up to me and I will be like "Who are you? Why are you in my house?" But I still love the idea of FUS RO DAH on the go.
Have this for XB1 and if it has access to all the cool mods out there, I'll double dip. Never knew the power of mods until this game. It really does make, an otherwise good game, great.
@Haru17 Well, it would have to launch in late November. Because Winter is coming.....
@Ryu_Niiyama A failsafe in technology is just a euphemism for better obfuscating the source of the next problem
VR isn't REALLY VR without smell-o-vision, though. The two technologies just need better integration! (Didn't Microsoft have some kind of patent for releasing vials of fragrances in a smell-o-VR attempt, actually?) I get the appeal....it's closer to a holodeck than anything else, closer to really being in your escapist world (why would I ever want to actually BE in a Resident Evil world?!?) but the tech is just so primitive....nobody seems to actually think it through beyond the 1980's pipe dream being made "real."
Who throws balls in an office?! Then again...I can actually relate.... While I have two eyes, I'm rather fond of them both. Even if one is more defective than the other.
Ugh....that description of texture modes in a certain order....brings back all I loathed about PC gaming!
you couldn't pay me to play this garbage again. Quite possibly the most overrated game of all time imo
But hey I hope everyone else enjoys playing Skyrim on the toilet (where it belongs....sorry last one!)
@Anguspuss Nothing wrong with ports as long as they're optimised. The more games the better.
@Cosats LOL at you singling me out when loads of people are LOLing at this LOL price. And plenty of people agree with my LOL comment. Why don't you go annoy them for a change? LOL LOL LOL
@Ryu_Niiyama: Lunch break edition sounds tasty, at least.
@Tyranexx FUS RO Pizza?
@Ryu_Niiyama: Definitely a shout I could get behind! Pizza is a force to be reckoned with.
I've never played Skyrim, so I'll preorder this. I wonder if this means that Xenoblade 2 is Christmas, like XCX was last year?
It was confirmed to have all three DLC add-ons!
Ifnthere are no mods, than this will be a pass, until an incredibly low, low price hits.
I had it on the 360.
I have it on the ps4.
Any news regarding HD Rumble? Not enough support for it yet, the more titles to use it the better.
@DarthFoxMcCloud nuts... i'm a prime member and didn't see that... thanks for the reply, i need to keep my eyes open!
@Meuz i want more ports for switch was just having a dig at a certain non switch owner that seems to have chip on each shoulder about anything Switch
@Turbo857 Well that's made my day. +1 Internets to you sir!
It will be $79.99 Canadian for this game but I have it already for PS4. Not sure if it's worth it just for a bunch of additional perks you can get when playing the game. If it was priced under $50 it would be well worth picking up a second time.
@TheWhiteFalcon I've Never beaten an elderscrolls game but it's one of those things that stays with you forever.
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