Nintendo left its biggest game of 2017 to last in its E3 2017 broadcast, showcasing an extraordinary trailer for Super Mario Odyssey. Before we get to that, the release date was confirmed as 27th October.
The key innovation in the trailer and subsequent Treehouse footage was the hat, 'Cappy', which is used to capture items and enemies. Mario was shown embodying all sorts of traditional enemies and manipulating the environment. See it for yourself below.

Are you excited about Super Mario Odyssey?
Comments 100
Forget about finding a Switch anywhere wayyyyyyy into 2018. Nintendo releasing two system sellers in the same year good lord.
Lots of games coming by the end of the year.
That Mario thumbnail on the video is perfect. This is quite a surprise this early! Weren't they saying Holidays the first time?
I think we can all safely say Nintendo won E3 after that trailer.
Did anyone catch the Roxanne Cameo? She's a singer
This game looks loaded with possibilities and imagination. I was excited before, but now I can't contain my hype, and the best part is I only have to wait about four months.
No kidding
Day one.
This game looks amazing. Seriously. The four-year break in the mainline Mario series has really paid off. And October 27? That's a lot sooner than I was expecting.
THANK YOU Nintendo for this incredible looking Mario game!!
I won't lie, that song was flipping catchy. Made me want to dance, and I don't even dance!
They killed it . Odyssey out in late October ? Earlier than expected , and it looks like it will be a spectacular game based off that trailer . Maybe a bit premature , but it appears they have learned much from the Wii U mishaps
Looks perfect, and is right around the corner. Result.
Mario transforming is nothing new but never to this extent. I love that idea! Also coming way sooner than expected.
Oh man, my wallet's gonna be hurtin' already
Anyways, hat's so awesome! Hat's the 3D Mario game we've been waiting for! (though I enjoyed 3D Land and 3D World!). Yes, pun intended.
I think Nintendo EAD is dropping acid.
Please do that more.
Wow I will say Nintendo killed it this year and Odyssey is a must for sure
Am I excited? Do you even have to ask?!
I am way beyond excited
I can't believe it is so soon, I was thinking November and late November at that. It's the week after my Bday I can see asking for this as a belated gift! It looks great to me.
So Xenoblade 2 will be their big November release then?
That was an absolute fun trailer. Game looks like its going to be a blast
@subpopz The big three are together again! Mario, Zelda, and Metroid!
Not an ideal date for me actually. I'll be back home visiting then and won't get much time to play. It will need to wait until I get back in the middle of November.
Earlier than expected. Can't wait!
It looks creative and based on the stream it looks like fun too. Open world is doing some great things to Nintendo series.
goodness, that's a system seller
Wowww! Didnt expect to get this hyped about mario again! Gave me the same feeling as breath of the wild hype. This looks soo awesome. Men i love nintendo. Two mario games coming that i like. This and mario rabbids. Good year!
OH MY GOSH...!!!
The game will be released just right 3 days before my Birthday !
My birthday is 30 October.
This game looks absolutely insane.
@Equinox It's true that all other conferences were disappointing, but the fact that Odyssey looks like the best Mario game ever doesn't hurt.
Looks excellent!
@OorWullie Not sure if you got the memo, but the Switch is super portable.
Whether this ends up being the Mario game we try not to remember or Mario's BOTW, it proves that Nintendo is more than willing to shake up its biggest franchises to win us back. I tip my hat, sirs.
Everyone will be wearing Mario hats at raves in 2018. Heck Mario hats will be a "thing" in pop culture soon. Congrats Nintendo for giving us something new (finally) with Mario!
Where's all the downers at......
I absolutely adored this trailer. I had a huge smile the whole way through. It looks fantastic.
An opportunity was missed to use walk the dinosaur in the trailer intro.
@Indielink I know but I don't want to play a game like this in patches.This needs my full attention in front of the TV.
I really hope they play on Mario's former relationship with Pauline for a bit of comedy.
Yoshi? Is that you? You look weird lol
What the hell was that? Mario has gotten weird. Mario for the NES, SNES, and 64 are the best.
This game looks sick! I love the look of the gameplay and the worlds! Oh and that music! Can't wait for more!
This game looks absolutely amazing!
Surprised it's not coming on November 17th.
The fact that we could possibly have two of the best games ever made with Mario Odyssey and Zelda BotW in the same year is absolutely amazing, especially with Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon coming!
This trailer brings to mind the commercial they had where a bunch of Japanese people are playing DS (3DS?) Wearing Mario caps and moustaches. Were they all possessed and twitching the moustache in an attempt to get help?
Platformer of the year: Super Mario Odyssey!
Music in a game of the year: Super Mario Odyssey!
Game of the year: ...The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Runner up: Super Mario Odyssey!
This. Looks. Amazing.
Looks awesome
I just died.
GOTY right here for sure. People who once dissed the cap will now regret their words.
I'm getting too old for this. Trailer looks great
The Switch purchase draws ever closer.
This is why i am a nintendo fan.
I know what I want for Christmas!
It looks absolutely SPECTACULAR!
I'm looking forward to playing the Odyssey, a story in which a man has to go on a journey to prevent another suitor from marrying his girl. It's going to be such a missed opportunity if Mario does not have to fight a cyclops at some point.
I'm insanely hyped, this looks too good. And the vocal track is catchy! It fits and I wasn't expecting it at all. This E3 has been something!
The vocal music, the cartoon character in a city of realistically proportioned people... I'm not sure who asked for a Mario game in the style of Sonic Adventure, but I trust Nintendo a lot more than I do Sega.
When I hear cappy:
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, thats a name you should know
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, he's the star of the show
He's more than you think, he's got maximum pink
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby's the one!
He's comin' right back at ya
He's comin' right back at ya
Give it all that you've got, take your very best shot
He'll send it right back at ya for sure, yeah!
NME Salesman: "How can I help you, King DDD?"
King Dedede: "I need a monster to clobber that there Kirby!"
NME Salesman: "That's what we do best here at NME!"
Escargoon: "You'd better get it with a money back guarantee!"
Oh, Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, saving the day
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, he's here to stay
Don't be fooled by his size, you won't believe your eyes!
Kirby! (Kirby), Kirby! (Kirby), Kirby! (Kirby)
Kirby, Kirby, Kirby's the one!
Right back at ya! Yeah!
I'll Be Your 1- Up Girl has quickly become one of my favorite songs in the shortest time imaginable! So dang catchy and brimming with positivity, representing the entire awesome game. October can't come sooner!
I'm still in the fence - sorry - but I hope it will be fun and not to convoluted in its game play mechanics. I liked the music though
Sounds like Xenoblade 2 and/or FE Warriors will be Nintendo's big November title for the Switch.
That trailer actually had me in tears I can't believe it. I'm crying over this because Nintendo is so incredible at their work it just makes me so happy!! The presentation in this game is phenomenal!!!!!
Do you think they'll announce a Switch bundle with Odyssey included?
By the way are there any Switch bundles yet? Seriously it would be such a smart move to bundle it with the Switch for Christmas.
That's one catchy trailer music if I've heard one.
This trailer is kind of bending my brain in a way it hasn't been bent since the first Mario Galaxy.
Pretty crazy stuff (in a good way) gives me the vibes of the out there Mario Land and Wario Land Gameboy game settings.
I day one all main series Mario games. Thiis one won't be an exception.
Birthday month release! W00T! Very unexpected but welcome.
Incredible. I've been nervous for a while about this hat with eyes business, but no longer. Welcome Cappy.
glad I was lucky to get a Switch when I did, this E3 lineup is going to make them even more desirable
Could you explain this "Roxanne" a little further?
@MegaMari0 who is Roxanne?
Zelda botw, Mario Odyssey, Metroid Prime 4, Skyrim, and many more. That and Nintendo supposedly having some trouble getting the parts to make the Switch is going to leave the store shelves bare well into 2018.
I have to admit Odyssey looked good. I saw a clip though including Bowser and rolled my eyes. Time for a new enemy Mario. Was SMB #2 the last time he didn't fight Bowser? Would like to see Donkey Kong get back in there or someone new. Will probably still buy though.
Wow. Looks absolutely stunning. Looks fun, polished, and if this is true in-game footage it also looks to be the prettiest Mario ever.
@dethmart @Mario500 Roxanne is from the mario vs donkey Kong series started in 94'. She debuted on the 94' GB title and made another appearance in the DS version mini land mayhem. Mario has had 3 women in his life. Pauline from his time as Jumpman, Roxanne, then Princess Peach. She has the same red dress and brown hair as you see in the e3 trailer.
I didn't expect an October release date, that's really close to my birthday!
Yeah...I want that game.
That hat mechanic for controlling things looks like it could be used in so many creative ways.
Could you provide some references to this "Roxanne"?
I'm liking that release date!
So with this releasing in October, Xenoblade is 'THE' Christmas game?
Fair enough....
Treehouse is doing good. Game looks beautiful. Reminds me of sunshines noki bay
Excellent! Mamma mia!
Am I excited about Super Mario Odyssey? Well, my brain went turbo when I saw that the hat could essentially possess enemies. I'm sold!
What the, bloody hell...
@Giygas_95 I won't lie
Thank goodness, I came into this thread thinking 'I hope Giygas_95 doesn't lie'.
Uhh, no, that's Pauline. The Pauline from the original Donkey Kong is the one in Donkey Kong '94 on the GB and the Mario vs Donkey Kong series and now in Odyssey as the mayor of New Donk City.
Put quite simply, this is going to be incredible.
@Crono1973 Heh, just something I say every now and then.
Not getting excited until Luigi is confirmed playable. (and hopefully early in game)
Not falling for that Mario 64 junk again. leaving Luigi out = not ok.
I still think Mario looks out of place in a this more realistic setting. Maybe it will grow on me.
I expected it to be not long before Christmas, that is too soon.
This looks amazing, I'm truly hyped for it!
It will be day one for me, its great that its October and not December - waiting until holidays to play this gem would be a pain.
And the main song is really catchy. I'll definitively download it to add it to my music collection!
Nintendo is gonna make me go broke this year, too many good games. Never had this problem with the Wii U. Stepping it up!
Nintendo seriously seem to have stepped up a gear, is it the "younger" blood they seem to have in the directors/producers chairs?
I think I need a 2nd mortgage to keep up with all these games. alive! cant wait!
I would like to buy this game.
I saw Mario walking through a very empty, realistic looking forest. It just doesn't feel right!
So it comes out on my birthday. Huh.
I had always thought they were the same character (by the way, the name "Roxanne" was used in reference to a character in one of the parts of "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show" involving living people).
@Saintseiya911 Off topic but, what madness is this, a Saint Seiya fan in an Nintendo site? This must be a illusion of Shaka... just joking, I'm huge fan Saint Seiya as well, just surprised to see one around here.
@Charinzardon was a nickname I had since I was in highschool bout 20 yrs ago as I watched it so much back then and do to this day.
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