It's been a thrilling first day for Nintendo fans at E3. Not only did Nintendo pack a solid number of reveals and details into its Spotlight broadcast, but it delivered some seriously powerful 3DS reveals in its Treehouse sessions - with Metroid: Samus Returns being a standout. There were lots of amiibo and demonstrations, with Super Mario Odyssey naturally catching the eye.
It's been a heck of a day and we'll produce all sorts of reaction, editorial and summaries soon, while our team in LA will work on early impressions. For now, though, hit up our E3 2017 hub page to catch up on all the big announcements in our news articles. For those of you really catching up, meanwhile, below are all the videos Nintendo has uploaded from the day's events (we'll add more as they appear) - enjoy!
Nintendo Spotlight
Trailers from Nintendo Spotlight
Nintendo Treehouse Demonstrations
The Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational
Did you enjoy day one of Nintendo at E3?
Comments 28
Oh good, actual NA region YT videos that work, looking forward to most of them. Fire Emblem, eh. Not my cup of tea.
At this point I think it's safe to declare Nintendo the winners of E3 2017, hands down.
Finally they recognise the importance of simply telling us that games exist. The Metroid Prime 4 news is going to be so fun to watch unfold over the coming months.
Excellent! Very happy.
I thought Nintendo had a dreadful Spotlight. Just one 3rd party game announced that we hadn't heard about before. Rocket League. That's been available on other platforms for 2 years. Metroid Prime 4. Nothing shown and probably won't be out until 2019. Pokemon RPG. Nothing shown. 2 2D sidescrollers, Kirby and Yoshi. They're not bad but not system sellers either. Half the Direct was made up of people talking. A 25 minute Direct that people here said Nintendo would hit us fast with countless games. It never happened. Super Mario Odyssey was good. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is good too. So 5 games announced that were not seen before today.
~ Rocket League (2 years old port)
~ Kirby (2D platformer)
~ Yoshi (2D platformer)
~ Metroid Prime 4 (nothing shown)
~ Pokemon RPG (nothing shown)
Day 1 treehouse was great. SMASHED IT.
more surprises to come
This was a great E3 for nintendo, the first one I watched. Can't wait for more treehouse.
Today was a very good day for Nintendo. Exciting updates on games we already knew about (Mario, Xenoblade), equally exciting new reveals (Metroid, core Pokémon RPG), and several fun looking games to fill the gaps (Yoshi, Kirby). Today gave me faith that Nintendo is working really hard to keep the Switch's momentum going. It'll be exciting to see how these games develop over time and I am beyond hyped for Mario Odyssey. Essentially, good show Nintendo. Very good show.
A solid day 1 from Nintendo; I've been very impressed so far. The best thing? Samus Returns comes out shortly before my birthday!
I'm really happy with everything, the only thing that can make it even better now is Animal Crossing.
Objectively they definitely had an ok showing this year mostly due to the double hit of Metroid and the fantastic showing of Odyssey weighing out the bad parts (not really much new in the way of 2017 Switch games or even release dates, no indie sizzle reel, NO VC EVEN MENTIONED COME ON GUYS WHAT THE CRAP) . I'm pretty let down by the lack of talk regarding any sort of OS updates, I was really hoping that the 9 hour maintenance that just so happened to be right before E3 would lead to something but apparently not.
Oh well, Mighty Gunvolt Burst is still coming either way.
I totalled up all the games shown that I actually want to buy from all conferences and Nintendo came out on top with 12 titles. Microsoft surprised me with 9. Sony only had 3.
I was all about Animal Crossing and VC but the Spotlight/Treehouse were so good I forgot all about them.
Well, it was much better than I expected. I expected zero new game announcements and riots in the streets.
What are the odds of more surprises?
And yeah to Echo some other folks, I couldn't care less about no mention of classic/VC or eshop upgrades in the face of new things. Look forward, and there's lots to look forward to (and outside of Nintendo, I'm a little psyched for wolfenstein and that pirate game Ubisoft is making).
Underwhelmed by the Spotlight, but the Metroid announcement was fascinating (I just cannot be excited without gameplay or any sign of release) and Mario Odyssey made me grin like an idiot. Looking forward to more surprises like that Mario & Luigi remake.
Unless the Treehouse has more surprises, my biggest disappointment was no Smash Bros. Even if we had gotten a Smash Bros 4 Deluxe, I would have been super-happy. And considering they had a port of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and have a Pokken Tournament Port coming, I was sure they'd be willing to port over Smash Bros 4 with new content.
My only other disappointment was no Animal Crossing but I can tolerate that for now.
All in all, I liked this E3 but it's not my favourite, that still goes to E3 2014.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Whats wrong with 2d platformers?
@tamantayoshi I said nothing.
What an amazing first day! The best Nintendo's done in years. 2 new Metroid games, a remake of Superstar Saga, (one of my fav games of all time) in addition to Mario Odyssey and Sonic Forces! So many games that I'll be clamoring for now! Thank you Nintendo, you really brightened my day!
I just got to see the opening to the spotlight (I missed it this morning) and it was really good marketing I feel. I've very glad that Nintendo is continuing to push on that front.
As for the Spotlight itself....very well done. Mario looks amazing, Metroid fans are happy, Yoshi and Kirby look fantastic (and their wiiu entries endeared me to their franchises), pokemon has more than rumor and speculation behind it, Rabbids surprisingly looks really good, FE Musou looks fantastic, Xenoblade looks polished, and we got a few more third parties to the mix. I'm starting to feel that Nintendo has the best E3 since they rolled out the treehouse format. It is information overload but it is way more than what we get from anyone else. Shaping up to be a good two years.
I know everyone is expecting 3rd parties galore but honestly Nintendo has the largest number of first party games...of course they will showcase them in their spotlight...but I have a feeling that we will see many more reveals during the treehouse.
I have a bad feeling hey pikmin is pikmin 4.
It was a good direct, it seems they stuck with this financial year for the most part. With a nod to Metroid and pokemon to put worries/rumours into touch.
Very well handled and it looks like I will be buying one game a month until Christmas!
xenoblade and Mario are my most exciting games im looking forward to on the immediate future.
So many good announcements. :'3
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Most E3 presentations are filled with third party games to fill in the gaps because they don't have many first part games to announce. So since Nintendo isn't very third party centric they have to focus on their own IP and today was very impressive. Last year, which was a solid E3, just had one game shown and that was Zelda. This E3 had much more games, especially compared to past Wii U era E3s. Nintendo knows putting a Yoshi game will sell the console to Yoshi fans. Same with Kirby fans, Metroid fans, etc. I've noticed a lot of people ask specifically for the types of games that were shown today, and I can't think of anything else they're missing other than Star Fox. Opinions are neither right or wrong, I just don't understand your criticisms towards the presentation. And judging by your past comments I doubt they could have done anything to satisfy you.
That Splatoon Tournament was amazing.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Considering Mario+Rabbids had only just been confirmed the day before, that still counts as a new E3 reveal, and a 3rd party one at that.
And Nintendo are smart for not putting all their eggs in one E3 basket. Why waste more reveals for a few percent more impact at E3 when you can spread them around to have a greater impact throughout the year?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I honestly don't know why they didn't make it longer, show off a 3rd party sizzle reel as well as a nindie sizzle reel, it was missing games. I'm mostly excited for what was shown, but it was a little underwhelming, and yes way too much talking.
@MadAdam81 while true, this isn't about showing everything they were making, but showing more that was coming, 3rd party and nindie sizzle reels would have done wonders. I have to "blanket search" every website now to find out what's coming:
like Blade Strangers (pubslihed by Nicalis) a 2D fighter with style.
It just would have been nice to see what was coming all in one place.
@RoomB31 Actually that's a pretty fair point.
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