Standalone Nintendo Switch docks will be available for sale in Europe on June 23rd, Nintendo has revealed.
The dock comes with a HDMI cable and power supply, and will be of particular interest to those households which own a Switch but want to use it on more than one television set.
The pricing hasn't been revealed as yet, but is this something you'd be looking to purchase yourself? Share your thoughts with a comment below.
Comments 121
Dock me.
I'd rather save my money for a second Switch, unless Nintendo has a rethink about their pricing for this thing.
£20 = maybe. Anything more and it's rip-off territory for me.
They're charging £25 for the ac adapter alone, so the whole set will probably be £50 at least, which is nuts.
Hopefully there'll be a nice redesign in a year or two to get instead.
I expect the Dock to be quite expensive in relation to the other Switch Accessories, Controllers, etc. Although I have no interest in a second dock as one is good for me. But the idea is nice as you can leave additional docks in other properties or places you go to.
I wouldn't be surprised if its priced about pro controller level. I'd like another dock but I just know it'll end up being too expensive to justify when I could be spending the money on games, or food, but probably games....
I thought the dock set was going to be $90, which is $60 too rich for me. It would be nice to have one though for the family room (current dock in downstairs gameroom).
If this is anymore than £35 it's a ripoff. The only thing of actual value is the power supply, HDMI cables and plastic are dirt cheap.
@Mogster Well prepare to be ripped off. It's $90 in the US. I do agree with you, it should only cost about €30 - €40(if even that) as it does very little. It's a glorified piece of plastic stand, that acts as a charger with a few HDMI ports.
Calling it now, it'll be £75 or €90. It'll be overpriced like all their other accessories.
The charger costs £24.99 on it's own. A "brand name" HDMI cable is about £20. The dock itself is going to be vastly overpriced.
They had this set for sale at $89.99...
I can see this costing up to £90 easily. It's Nintendo and boy are they desperate to make every penny they can out of the Switch.
This is one thing where I totally agree that the price is stupidly inflated. No way would I buy a second dock at that price. It shouldn't be long before we see third-party knockoffs at half the price, anyway.
Hm.... Black color again.
Need some Color Makeover.
It's not something I can ever see myself needing or wanting.If I am ever in a situation where I need to regularly use different TV's I'll just buy an extra set of cables instead as moving the dock itself is hardly an inconvenience.
I figured this'd be expensive so I preordered two Switches and sold the tablet from the spare set, which fetched about the same money as the whole console bundle. So essentially I've now got a second dock and a spare set of Joy Con controllers, straps and cables for free.
All the accessories are over priced and like many on here I expect this will be no different.
I would argue if this thing is ninety quid, and the joycons and grip aren't far off £100, then you might as well just go the whole nine yards for a complete Switch again- especially if there are going to be 2 users in the house.
Me and my girlfriend both have a Switch so we've got docks in the living room and the bedroom. If it was about £50, and in a different colour or possibly even a different design, then I might bite.
If they add "This One Doesn't Scratch Your Screen" to the box, they could easily charge around £200. I doubt it though.
This probably won't be anything less than £49.99 but I would like to think that Nintendo might price it at £29.99 but I doubt that will happen.
If it's £40 or less, I'm getting one. So to summarise, I'm not getting one.
If this is £30 ( I know it won't be) I'd bite, just for the bants! Anymore and no chance!
Standalone tablet next would be nice
If you need more joy cons and dock. Your better off buying the console again. That's the plan. Nintendos plan to sell multiple systems
@SLIGEACH_EIRE just for comparison an official iPhone charger and cable is 38,id say 50 is probably a fair price.
@DanteSolablood you mean idiot proof lol
I'm going to bet £70.
I so want one of these little 3D-printed Docks but in "good looking"
Good points being made about it being better value to just buy a 2nd Switch. Maybe it if was a new design that wouldn't scratch the tablet. I have a screen protector on my switch but I'm still scared to use my dock. It's still in the box since the day I got it.
It's nothing more than a Glorified HDMI Cable that will no doubt cost the earth so no thanks
I'd rather have a Pineapple violently inserted into my rectum
I want this badly for my other rooms in the house. Hopefully it won't be any more than $50
@DVM it doesn't scratch it
I am worried about the scratching issue, anyone know if this has been resolved yet?
@wazlon I have two docks and neither of them has scratched my tablet's screen. Admittedly it does have a screen protector on it, but the dock isn't even close to touching the screen. Only the rubber pads at the bottom touch it, which is what they're supposed to do.
Come on a HDMI cable alone can cost a lot more than that! But knowing Nintendo it won't be fairly priced.
And how much are they planning of ripping people off for with this thing?
I will get one but the pricing has to be correct
@wazlon yes dock with care. It won't scratch unless you whack it in like a child. So if it's for a child definitely get a screen protector. Mine gets whacked in daily and the £8 screen protector has worked a treat.
if price came down or seen it on offer Id pick it up. I have switch hooked up to 2nd gaming monitor next to my pc one. So one for the main tv wouldnt go wrong
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That is spot on with the approximation that I made in January when the list of accessories was revealed. £74,99 / €89,99 will almost without a doubt be the price, and in Denmark where I'm from, I guess it will be DKK900, which equals more than €120.
@dew12333 Yeh, I kinda overlooked the included cables, I was just thinking about the dock itself.
Ok - £30.
But if you ever spend £20 on a 1.5m HDMI lead you need to shop around a bit more.
i feel like rather than spending (idk the price so just guessing) $50 for the dock and then another $80 on a pair of Joy-Con it'd be better to just get a second sWiitch
This should be £20 max. Cost about £5 to produce. Nintendo making huge profit margins on this for sure.
Samsung are just as bad with there USB-C dock for the S8. Huge rip off
@timson72 It scratched my friends Switch and it's been well documented on YouTube and other social media some other Switch owners have had the same issue. But I use it as a handheld 90% of the time and the rest in table top mode playing Mario Kart with my friends so I'm not to bothered about the dock.
@rjejr I was actually expecting you to be all over this topic, so odd to not find you here...
And guess what our mutual friend has uploaded. Might be right up your alley...
everyone who's complaining about the price is forgetting that it's coming with a high power USB-C charger which adds a lot of cost.
@DVM dock and undock everyday had no issues I believe it's user error
I'd like one, although at a probable 99 Euros, it's going to be too expensive for me to pick one up anytime soon.
Anyone who thinks that anything above £20 is a rip off is absolutely insane. The price of my macbook pro AC adapter alone is £79! Get with the fricken times, £20 is nothing these days and no way in hell could be the price of what they are offering here
AU$130 here, which is ridiculous considering what is in the box. I'd rather just buy another A/C adapter so that I wouldn't need to disconnect it whenever I intend to use the dock (I use the Switch primarily as a handheld device). I can always pull the HDMI out of another device and connect it to the Switch, rather than buy another set of cables.
You can buy a 2DS with Mario Kart 7 (and this SKU includes an A/C adapter) for only $20 more (and that is at full price). Nintendo are having a laugh selling the dock at that price. I would expect it to become bargain bin fodder soon enough (and I'll consider bagging one then).
Depending on price I may pick one up, if the price is high it'll just usher in an 2nd switch "for my daughter"
"Yours for only £125!"
@gcunit The range of prices on them things is crazy.
y I agree anything over $20-$25 is not worth it. im not paying $50 for convenience of having and dock in another room
Overpriced and defective junk.
I would like to pre-order this as soon as it goes up, I reckon it will sell out....
It's certainly something I would consider getting. Since I play my Switch on the TV in my bedroom (which is fairly small) it would be difficult if I wanted to do multiplayer when people come round. I could easily dock it in the TV downstairs with this. Now I just need people to actually come round....
@Killer7IsDead lol a) you don't know the price yet b) defective how? You mean the small fraction of people who have reported scratched screens...yeah well the vast majority of them aren't defective so...
@Baker1000 in america it's $90. so i do know the price here. that's overpriced. mine was defective.. had to send it in. I also have a battery issue. getting a new switch sent to me
Considering the Dock costs USD 70, the Dock Set will probably be USD 100, which will make it EUR 100, and way too expensive for what I get.
The Dock Set should cost no more than EUR 60. If I want another Dock I'll just purchase another Switch which won't be much more expensive than a Dock Set, Joy-Con pair, and Joy-Con grip!
@ThanosReXXX You know I've been laying low, I only post replies.
I don't understand a tweet that has the item and the date but not the MSRP or whatever they call it in the EU.
$90 does seem to be a bit much, but if Monster Cable made a version it would be $219.
The plastic dock, cable and charger probably cost Nintendo $35, the other $55 is for the proprietary chip that keeps the Switch from displaying TV out over USB-C to HDMI.
Good side to $90 - may convince some people to buy a 2nd Switch instead
Bad side to $90 - if they sell a dockless Switch $249 would look like a rip-off
It's $90 I believe so wouldn't be surprised to see it at around £75-£80 which is way more than I would spend on it.
This is when Nintendo misses the point, a cheap spare dock set ends up in a travel bag - so the Switch gets taken to non-switch owning friends. Meaning they potentially buy a console. In reality though it will be £69.99 in the UK, rare as rocking horse doo doo and scalpers will be selling it for £120+
@rjejr That's one of the good things of not having a Switch yet: I don't have to worry about what an extra dock is going to cost me.
But then again: I wouldn't even need one, since I don't have multiple TV's or other people around here to cater to, so I'd be good with just the standard "in the box" dock.
For now, I'll keep myself busy with the ol' Wii U and wait until we see some interesting price drops or a more interesting game catalog. I'm actually quite curious as to what this year's E3 is going to bring us...
Did you watch the video already?
@ThanosReXXX Kind of busy today to watch videos, unless it's about plumbing. At least I know why my back is sore.
And I'm pretty sure Nintendo doesn't mean for everyone to buy a 2nd dock, I see it as more for people who have 2 big screen tvs, 1 in the bedroom, 1 in the living room, and they only get 1 of those tvs half the time b/c other people are using them the other half of the time. So single guys, teens and 20 somethings who live w/ their parents but never leave their room or basement, students living at university, those people don't need a 2nd dock. Heck they may not even need a 1st dock, some people on here still haven't taken their dock out of the box. I think that covers a lot of people on here. Married guys who share tv time on two tvs either w/ their wives or kids, they need the 2nd dock. There's a few of us on here, but not a lot. So I don't think Nitneod expects to sell a lot of these, certainly nto in handhled land Japan, but here in the US we have a lot of tvs in our McMansions.
And to people w/ kids I'd recommend a 2nd Switch instead, if Ntinedo makes like Sony and lets people share their games across devices. I bought a 2nd PS3 for my bedroom so I could play in therr when the kids were playing Wii U on the other Tv. W/ cloud saves I don't even need to use the USB I was lugging back and forth. But if the games are locked to 1 device, and even 10x worse, the save point is locked to 1 device, well then I don't see the point in having more than 1 Switch, b/c then you'll need to purchase each game twice. If people ever figure that out it's going to be a problem for them selling multiple consoles per household. We have three 3DS, kids can pick up any of the 3, stick in their game card and play their save point. Can't do Miivesre or digital games that way, but at least the cards work.
OK, I need to go eat a very late pizza delivery dinner, plumbing puts me in a #@#$% mood. And I still need to put everything back. And check for more leaks later. Home ownership sucks. Except for all the tvs.
@rjejr That's a funny site. Is it from someone you know or just something entertaining you happened to bump into?
Not to offend you, but I can't imagine you living in one of these, unless I pegged you completely wrong as more of a suburban NY type of guy...
And is that a plumbing selfie or just a random guy ruining his sink and garbage grinder?
I never bothered with a TV in the bedroom: it would only be a sleeping pill for me, since once I lie down, it doesn't take too long for me to nod off, so that would mean I would never see the end of any show or movie, unless I recorded it, which would subsequently mean that I would need to free up extra time to watch it somewhere later in the week/month, making it more or less a useless pass time.
I do have to wonder about all these "dock still not out of the box" people, though. Do they have a quick charger then? (are these even a thing already?)
Nintendo will charge whatever they think the market will withstand. I can't blame them for trying it on with the high price (they're a private company after all), but they're going to have to wake up to reality and cut the price substantially at some point though, if they want to shift these things in bulk.
Would love one for my parent's house but expect a high price.
Overall my limit though would be around £40; any more would be a stretch.
Probably best to wait for a special edition Switch console and just buy that for a redesigned dock and joycons.
@ThanosReXXX I typed McMansion into google, that's what came up. "McMansion" is a real term over here. Mostly an insult I think. But lots of people have lots of tvs, cable companies love it charging $10 per box per tv.
We live in what's called a cape cod. Your typical small 4 bedroom 2 bath "starter home". And for that we pay about $9,000 per year in real estate taxes.
My kid took that pic on my phone. Tube for the water filter just got a hole. Good thing I heard the noise of water spraying everywhere, we had about 1/2" of water under there by the time I figured out where the noise was coming from. Also fortunate I keep a cat liter box under there w/ all of our cleaning supplies in it for just such an emergency. It's a 70 year old house w/ 70 year old pipes, leaks happen. I think it's mostly fixed, had a spare tube laying around, I'll check it again tomorrow.
The ethernet connector should be build in, a 70mm fan needs to be added to support the docked switch in terms of cooling and the slid-in slot need to be redesigned with an addition of fabric to stop scratching. Then we can talk about buying a standalone dock.
@rjejr Well, I was gonna ask you how the hell you came up with that term, but you already beat me to it by explaining it beforehand...
Never heard of McMansion over here. It did make me think of the Ronald McDonald houses we have over here, but that's something entirely different...
So, Cape Cod house, huh? From what I've seen, these can look pretty nice. Might be old, but besides some holes and leaks they do seem to have their charm. And I see they come in dozens of variations as well, so to me, that would already make it more interesting than what I'm living in now (rental on the 4th floor of a '96 brick & concrete apartment complex, 2 bedrooms, large living room and separate kitchen and bathroom & storage hold in the basement).
I've got enough space and a balcony above one of the city's canals, so there's nothing specifically wrong with it, but the building itself doesn't have charm, if you get what I'm trying to say. The word that best matches it, is convenient: it's a typical "near the center of the city" house, with all the benefits of a modern apartment.
Oh well, I guess each has its own benefits. Leaky pipes and so on is something I never had to worry about...
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your patchwork, but I assume you'll be alright...
@ThanosReXXX Europe has such diversity compared to over here. I spent $2,500 on one of those European bus tours. They put us up in some nice places, and one of the worst death trap hotels in Berlin on the wrong side of the wall (After it was down at least, '92). It was like a Turkish prison. Haven't been in one of those but I did watch "Midnight Express". I'm looking forward to age old retirement in a nice rental place like yours. Need to get a job first though.
@rjejr So you'd rather live in a concrete box than a real house?
Needless to say that I wouldn't be looking for a fixer-upper, but your type of house would be my first choice if I would have the option over here.
But to get something even remotely similar, I would have to move out of Amsterdam, and that is something that would NOT be on my favorites list...
@rjejr P.S. Midnight Express, a great movie. Watched it several times. In a way it IS a bit strange, though: to root for the drug smuggler, but considering the situation he was in, most of us would probably have done the same.
@ThanosReXXX After you spend 15 years pulling weeds, raking leaves, shoveling snow, spending tens of thousands of $ on repairs, yeah, a rental property starts to look nice. And I did mention the $9,000 per year in taxes. It sucks now, but when I pay off my mortgage in a few years I'll still be paying that every year. Probably $10,000 per year by then, for life. I'm never moving to Florida, but I understand why so many old people do. Whichever of my sons moves to a nicer climate that's where I find my retirement community home. Figure I can sell my house for $400,000, buy a condo for $300,000, live off the $100,000, leave the condo to the kids to sell. OK, so that's not a rental, but it's an apartment.
@rjejr Yeah, I guess if you look at it that way, I would probably do the same, but besides all the costs and cons I was looking at it purely from an aesthetic view, coupled with a sort of a sentiment, as in picturesque or whatever.
Me being a real city slicker, I've never lived in what I would consider a real house with several floors, a gabled roof and a garden. I've always lived in block buildings and/or apartments, so that is something that most people over here are aspiring to end up in when they retire: to get away from the city's hustle and bustle and to have a nice, free standing house with a garden and your own garage.
Mind you, I don't even have any gardening skills or whatever, so in my case it would either be a simple garden, or someone else would have to take care of it: the future wife, the neighbor's kid...
@ThanosReXXX If I think of it I'll send you a pic of my yard later. Haven't mowed it yet this year, the grass is literally about 2 feet high.
It kind of looks like this.
So I don't have any gardening skills either. Which is why I need to move.
The grass is always greener, and in my case taller.
Game are taking preorders for £100.00, I hope they will be cheaper than that.
@rjejr Hey man, I'm in Amsterdam. It's famous for its grass...
@ThanosReXXX Well if it was that kind of grass then I wouldn't be complaining. Wouldn't be typing too coherently either.
@rjejr Well, that wouldn't be the first time you're mistyping stuff...
@ThanosReXXX Mispuffing pipe.
I should use this as my avatar.
@rjejr That's actually a cool picture. Now all you have to do is paint its hair grey, give it a library backdrop, and make it a tai-chi dancing gif...
And don't forget the burgundy sweater...
@ThanosReXXX How's this, close enough? (FYI it's Tolkien, so it ties in w/ the dragon.)
@rjejr Hm... no library, no burgundy sweater, no dancing, no long grey locks...
Normally I'd say no, but using Tolkien gives you a pass...
@ThanosReXXX I'm pretty sure he's in a library, though I suppose it could be a living room, and he's sort of dancing, it's the dance of the pipe smoke wave. And his hair is grey, though admittedly not that long. I coudlnt' find a burgundy sweater. I found a vest, and long gray hair, but you know I like my gifs animated. But I'd be ok w/ this as my avatar as well.
Now if I could only find a way to mesh the two...
@rjejr Or how about just making a gif of the real library tai-chi pic? That ticks all the boxes, so no need to scour the entire web looking for a burgundy sweater or long grey locks.
Just put another head on it if you want to stay anonymous...
Bilbo Baggins probably isn't a good avatar for you or me, seeing as he has more gardening skills than the both of us combined...
(which, admittedly, isn't all that hard in my case but still... )
@ThanosReXXX But I always liked Bilbo Baggins.
My favorite scene from 1 of my favorite movies. Apparently I didn't have very high standards when I was 12.
@rjejr Ha, I didn't know that one, only the Ralph Bakshi Lord of the Rings animation. I actually like old cartoons, so this one wasn't too bad, taking the age of it into account.
By the way: speaking of avatars, where is your current one from? People are switching their avatars so often these days, I always thought of an avatar as an extension of the self, and as such it shouldn't be replaced at all once you've chosen the right one.
Well, except maybe temporarily in certain cases, such as when I did when Prince died, to pay tribute.
@ThanosReXXX The orignal Tolkien movies were weird combination. There was that Hobbit one, that overly weird "Cinemascope" or whatever they called it LotR which covered the first 2 books in the trilogy, I think I read it was supposed to cover all 3 but they ran out of time and/or money, and then it's follow up which was a cartoon like the Hobbit. If you didn't know about the Hobbit then you almost certainly don't know about LotR follow up "The Return of the King" which covered the 3rd book back in 1980.
This is the only part I remember. Probably that anybody rmeembers.
You know, maybe SMD64's music isn't that bad. I'll go watch that dock vid now, if only to bring this thread waaaaay back round on topic.
@rjejr He's already posted two more videos since then, with some nice topics, the last one being a Metroid rumor for E3...
I actually DO know that Return of the King animation. After watching that clip you linked to, I remember having seen the entire thing long ago. Didn't like it all that much. HUGE misinterpretation of Gollum too, if you ask me.
The Hobbit one you linked to earlier seemed more interesting, from the short clip, although I was wondering about the dragon's headlight eyes...
And don't worry about bringing this thread back on topic: all the other people have moved on to more recent articles now...
Still wondering about your avatar...
@ThanosReXXX Vid was the usual. Not sure why anybody would take him seriously after he was so utterly and completely wrong about almost everything NX related, but whatever.
He is wrong about the price though. We've been over this before, and while I do think it may be worthwhile for people to consider buying a 2nd Switch rather than 1 Switch and accessories - $90 dock + $15 Grip + $80 Joycon = $185 (fun fact, my 1TB Xbox One cost $175 w/ Ori, GoW and Rare Replay, that's about $70 worth of games) Nintnedo won't drop $100 dropping the dock. Probably $50, maybe $60. Did you read the vid comments? I almost posted, but more idiots than not.
$90 dock comes w/ a $30 charger, which a handheld needs. So that $90 dock is $60 off. Handheld doesn't need the HDMI cable, which I'd guess Nitnedo gets for under $5 in bulk. (If you ever need 1 look online, not in stores.) Maybe only $1. The $15 Grip - I'm surprised it's actually a thing w/ the $30 charging Grip but Amazon has it for $15 - can also go.
Probably would look cool in Red w/ Blue Joycon. So a portable Switch would drop the $15 Grip, but I doubt it's worth $15 to Ntinedo. So Dock, HDMI, Grip go, charger stays. That's not $100 less, $50 or more depending.
I think it depends on what the Switch price is when it releases. I dont' think it's coming this year, $300 Switch and 3DS are both doing fine, so they should keep pushing Switch as a tribrid. So a year from now do they lower the Switch price? Current Switch bundle at $269 or $279 looks nice for holiday 2018, portable at $199 or $219. I don't know why but $209 just looks too weird to me. Make it cheap $199 or make some money at $219.
So I do think it's coming, holiday 2018, $60 or $70 less, as a 3DS XL replacement. Which then leaves holiday 2019 open for the Switch Kidz / Pocket / Boy / Mini w/ the non-removable Joycon at a really cheap price for kids to play Pokemon and Walt Disney World 3. That 1 will be cheaper b/c no TV out possible and no detachable Joycon, it's just tablet at that point. And after the 2DS and now New 2DS XL, and Wii Mini, nobody is going to tell me that it can't happen. It's Ntineod, anything can happen. It might not, but it very well can. SwitchTV still alludes me. I think it can happen, and I think it will, but I'm not sure when or how much. It should be cheaper, no touchscreen or Joycon, just a teeny tiny Roku or Chromecast size box and a Pro controller, but they may make it the Swtich TV 4K like the Pro or Scorpio. Use a new chip for a relaible 60FPS at 1080p plus pseudo 4k like Sony does. But 4k Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. 2 or 3 years form now there should be a lot of video in 4k.
Someday you'll get your wish, a powerful home console and a cheap portable that play the same games, they're just doing it backwards.
And stop being so impatient, I was getting around to telling you. It's the girl from the new, now old, Logan movie. That's Logan, covered in blood, driving. He's kind of passing on the baton to a younger version of himself.
In case you missed the trailer, the photo is from the end.
@rjejr Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your wish, although personally, I'm not going to hold my breath for it. I'm not expecting any price drop at all for the next year. What would be more likely is an alternative to a price drop in the shape of bundles with games, which would then obviously also make the console cheaper, except indirectly.
All the math you're doing looks nice on paper, but in the real world, it doesn't work that way. Right now, there's simply no way of estimating how much a trimmed Switch, if it is even going to be released, is going to cost.
First off, it will probably have another form factor, because of all the missing parts, so that new form factor also warrants another price, because they would have to make a new production line for that, so the price of that manufacturing process has to be factored in as well.
And there's a few more things that will also be calculated a bit differently, so I'd say that IF such a device is going to be made, it will at the very most be $30 - $50 cheaper.
But we'll see what happens. Nintendo will simply do what it will always do, and that is probably not what we expect or want them to do anyway...
Wait, what? You have an Xbox One? I thought you were all about Nintendo and Sony, because the Xbox didn't have enough appealing titles...
And no offense, but you must also be living on bread and water if you can afford to buy all current consoles without having a job. Currently, I've got to live a bit more cautiously because I'm nearing a period of the year where my services are required a little less than in the rest of the year.
That always happens when the summer holidays come, and also around Christmas, so it was expected, but still, since this is only my first year of having my own company, there aren't really any financial reserves yet.
So, although I had plans to buy at least two Wii U games a month to quickly gain a decent catalog before some titles aren't available anymore, I've already had to let that plan go because I simply don't have the cash...
That logo should be the other way around, would be funnier and make more sense to let the true nature of Nintendo only be visible in the mirror image.
As for Logan: haven't seen it yet, although I have seen several trailers. Apparently, they haven't stuck in my mind, otherwise I might have recognized the scene that picture is from.
So, just out of curiosity: what's the idea behind using it as an avatar? Just because you really liked the movie, or do you identify yourself with Logan because he's also old and cranky and wants young' uns to listen to him?
@rjejr P.S. Why anyone should take Dave seriously or at least appreciate his videos is because he dares to speculate. Being wrong comes with the territory. I was wrong as well, I don't see people shunning me either, although I'm not a YouTuber, so that might have something to do with it...
But honestly, like me also constantly thinking about AMD (and DMP as well, the only difference with Dave) I think that quite a few of us weren't expecting the then considered crazy rumor from EuroGamer to be true either.
We should have known better of course, since Nintendo IS crazy, so if the shoe fits...
And it doesn't have to be a real home console for me: as long as it gets the games that we want, and I can connect it to my TV to get that home console experience, then I'm good.
And once the finances start going up again, that Xbox One S (or maybe even the Scorpio) will also be purchased. Haven't collected all these free Xbox Live Gold games for nothing, all these years...
I won't even have to buy any games for it at first: it will be downloading and installing a truckload of games for days, and then I'll be quite busy for the next year playing all my free games...
@ThanosReXXX Well that's a lot to cover, and it's late, but I'll try.
"I'm not expecting any price drop at all for the next year. "
Neither am I, just a bundle this holiday like you said. Maybe something lame like Snipperlcips, maybe MK8D. "Some game" is as far as my speculation goes. Next Sept 2018 is over 1 1/2 years from launch. Apologizes if I messed up somewhere.
"do you identify yourself with Logan"
Very much so, though more w/ Wolverine. I have scoliosis. Had a metal cage around my body for about a year when I was 16. Basically drove me crazy. Built a crude claw. Made a mask out of a t-shirt. Bought all his comics. "I'm the best there is at what I do. And what I do isn't very nice." He's my hero. But not in a good way.
"That logo should be the other way around"
Yeah, I know, but when I found it it read Nitnedo on both, and I didn't know how to white and re-type the bottom, top was easier, so that's what I did.
"bread and water"
Do you have the phrase "kept" over there?
"You have an Xbox One? "
I'm copying and pasting this from my post to NEStaligia yesterday, hope you don't mind.
"Original Xbox One but w/ 1 TB HDD, Ori and the Blind Forest ($20 game), Gears of War Remastered (a retail game) and Rare Replay 30 for $30, all for $175 NEW at Target.

Oh, but before I bought it I checked Gamestop and they were offering $165 trade-in for it. So that's a $10 rental for a system and games. Now I have decided to keep it for longer than I originally planned - also w/ my 30 day free trial of Gold Live I've played Gainnia sisters Twisted Dreams and SW:FU2 and about 15 minutes of Ryse, which was all I could take - so maybe I only get $100 for it at Gamestop this holiday. That's still a good rental, $75 for 6 months and maybe a dozen games."
"free Xbox Live Gold games for nothing"
Gold is $60 per year US. You're paying for Gold but don't have an Xbox? That's just weird.
phew, think that's it, my kids been pestering to get on here.
@rjejr Ah, a body cage... that does indeed sound like you had a hard time. Sorry to hear about that. Might make even the most cheerful person at least a bit cranky. Makes my earlier comment a bit offensive in hindsight, so sorry about that. I always try to prevent making fun of people's mishaps, although I couldn't possibly have known, but still...
Well, then you've chosen a good avatar. My avatar as well as my name is also to express some inner turmoil and anger, from a period in my life that I don't really like to talk about anymore. Suffice it to say that I have let my anger get the better of me multiple times in the past and it didn't do me any favors, but I've calmed down after my thirties, luckily...
But the image is still in my brain, so hence all the Thanos stuff.
Seems like a fair trade to at the very least tell you something about myself after you told me what you did.
Kept? So you have a sugar-mommy?
According to the link you provided, that's kind of like the world upside down, since it's usually the woman being kept.
In all honesty, and no offense meant, I could never do that. Although admittedly that has more to do with me being too proud to ever accept such a thing. Probably has to do with me being a Taurus, if star gazers are to be believed...
"I'm copying and pasting this from my post to NEStaligia yesterday, hope you don't mind."
No, I don't. Why should I? As long as it helps in explaining, I see no reason to object to copy/pasting some text. Heck, I even do it sometimes because I don't like to type the same stuff over and over.
So, you've bought an Xbox, but you consider it a rental because you're probably going to sell it again? I would just keep it, especially at that price, and once I'd invested the money, I would NEVER trade it in. I've stopped trading in consoles/computers after I sold one once and had MASSIVE regrets afterwards...
And no, I don't have Xbox Live Gold without an Xbox. I think I've mentioned many, many times before that I have several consoles, not just Nintendo ones, so I also have an Xbox 360. I just haven't invested in any current gen consoles yet, although arguably, the Wii U still counts as one since the Switch is yet another mid-gen console...
So, with my current Xbox Live Gold subscription, I'm able to get 2 "free" Xbox One games a month, besides the 2 Xbox 360 that I can also download and play for free.
I've been doing that ever since the beginning, so I now probably have around 30 - 40 Xbox One games tied to my profile that I can download for free once I finally get my Xbox One.
Oh, by the way: the price for Xbox Live Gold may officially be $60 a year, but online you can get it for much, much cheaper. I've never paid more than $40 at most.
Currently, prices are a little bit higher, but they will drop again and I just keep track of several sites and buy when the prices are at their lowest.
Here's a good comparison site for you:
Oh, and if you decide to keep your Xbox One, definitely keep track of this site:
Currently out of stock, but it doesn't get any cheaper than that, and they send the code to you within 10 minutes after having ordered a subscription.
Your kid's been pestering you to get on NLife? Why? Or did I misread that?
@rjejr P.S. I would use PaintShop Pro to flip and mirror that image and reverse the gradient, it's quite easy to do if both logos are originally full (without gradient).
Here's a quick example I made in PaintShop, all it needs is to have the gradient reversed:

@ThanosReXXX No, I meant my kid was pestering me to get on the PC where I was typing. It's the shared family PC in the kitchen.
My back-brace issues were 2 life times ago, probably made me a better man as a I came out unscathed on the other side. Well mostly unscathed, I suppose it could have been an underlying foundation for my demons to live in, but my current anger probably grows more from grad school 1 lifetime ago. So close to being a PhD - finished all of my course work and final exam, 2 different drafts of my doctoral dissertation proposal - when my Chair dumped me and it all fell apart. I continue to have deep seated resentment from that. My current lifetime just has the usual old age doom and gloom stuff that makes me cranky. It's kind of funny, as a white male in the capital of the world NY I kind of have it all going on, but I dont' think NY ever fully recovered from 9/11, and white working class males are dinosaurs. Put this into Google search: angry white man syndrome
I traded in my PS2 and still regret it, lots of PS2 discs just sitting there. But I'll trade in all my X1 discs w/ my X1 so that wont' be a problem. And really, I dont' want it, Sony gets 99% of X1 games I want, I'll survive w/o the others. And I only bought it under the pretense of trading it in for a Switch, too many consoles. I'm already out of HDMI ports as it is. And Scorpio basically makes it obsolete anyway. Or an X1S.
Don't know why you having a X360 never occurred to me. I have a lot of Vita games from my PS+ days that my PS TV won't play. Maybe you should get a Scorpio instead of a Switch?
No, can't see you being kept. It isn't for everyone. Not even me, but I survive. I survived the back brace and grad school, so I survive this. My best friend didn't survive it, wife kicked him out. Now he has a job and his current girlfriend considers kicking him out b/c he spends too much time working, not enough w/ his kid. He can't win. I do need a job though, and soon. Just need somebody willing to hire an angry old white man.
Your GuanoLoco is backwards. Which might have been your intent but it looks weird.
@rjejr I think I mixed up the get on the PC with "getting on", as in hurrying up, and now I'm still not sure, since you said it's the shared PC. So you're kid told you to hurry up so he could get on the PC, or is he monitoring your NLife account and telling you that there's messages there for you to answer? Sorry for my confusion there.
As for the next consoles in The House of Thanos: I'm not going to get a Scorpio instead of a Switch, I'll just get them both (eventually), since I'm still very much a Nintendo fan, and besides that I'll also want those third party games, but since I hate Sony, that could only ever be an Xbox for me.
But it'll probably be an Xbox One S, not the Scorpio, since I have no need for the extra functions the Scorpio will offer, especially not at what is more than likely going to be a premium price...
As for the anger issue: I can certainly understand that yours could tick you off. Now the "get off my lawn" slogan on your profile makes even more sense...
Yeah, I switched that logo on purpose, since GuanoLoco was almost unreadable in mirrored view, whereas Nintendo was still easily discernible. So, in order for people to get the joke, I thought it had to be a bit more visible, hence the swap from mirrored to normal. Sorry to mess up your brain child...
I thought that all angry white men were Trump supporters, and if memory serves me right you aren't one, or did you have a change of heart?
@ThanosReXXX "I thought that all angry white men were Trump supporters, and if memory serves me right you aren't one, or did you have a change of heart?"
I'm still working on that part myself. I grew up working class on "food stamps", my dad graduated from 8th grade, my mom got kicked out of 12th due to me - they frowned upon the whole unwed pregnant high school student thing back then - so I probably should be a Trump supporter. I think my intellect saved me. I still refer to myself as "white trash" on occasion, but all those years in the ivory tower of acadamia I suppose changed me for the better. Race doesn't matter in my case, I'm a Marxist, it's all about the rich man keeping the poor man down. Race, religion, ethnicity, all the LGBT stuff, none of that really matters, it's all about the money.
Example - I have a "red light" camera on my corner. Run a red light, get an $80 ticket. (Technically it's a $50 ticket and a $30 "fee", nobody knows what the "Fee" is for.)
Worst part is, there's a BIG "Right on red" sign there, meaning you can make a right turn at a red light. But you can still get a ticket. And if you stop everyone honks at you. I get an ulcer leaving my house. Rich people dont' care, they just pay the fines, or know somebody who tears them up for them. But for the rest of us it's another layer of over reaching bureaucracy and $ out of our pockets.
Trump and his billionaire boys club isn't really part of the solution.
@rjejr Man, some times, especially when inebriated, I lament having missed some of the typically American stuff that you go through as a teen and then a young man, because now all I have is romanticized versions of those events in movies and my imagination, but at other times, I'm actually glad I ended up over here, because simply reading your red light story almost gives me an ulcer, so I don't even have to live it to feel it.
Then again, I've once been diagnosed as highly empathic, so that might explain part of it...
But we have some similar stuff going on here. For example:
Quite a few years ago, cities could enforce their own parking fee, which, in the case of Amsterdam, consists of areas divided in rings or zones, going from the center to the outer ring.
I live in the first ring surrounding the center, and the center has the most expensive parking fee per hour, which goes down the further you park from the center.
Now, besides that city fee, there was also an option for districts and neighborhoods to either use or refrain from a local parking fee in certain areas for residents of said areas only.
Now here's the thing that made me angry: the old neighborhood that I used to live in, was one of the last to have free parking for residents, which was something we could vote for in our local office, and the votes for no fee where in the majority, so that one battle we won.
The only bad thing about it was that if you went away for the evening, to visit friends or whatever, chances were that people would have stolen your spot, because you didn't get your own parking place, just a spot of your choice next to the sidewalk.
But the thing that got to me that with all the lobbying and voting we had done in the years before, nothing could apparently prevent that the right to park for free for residents was suddenly revoked a little over 1,5 years later. Probably because the city needed the money, because I can't think of any other valid reason...
A lot of people were enraged, because even though we now had to pay, we still didn't have our own fixed parking spot (no houses with garages there). So, ultimately, that revoked right that we've fought so hard for was simply changed into a parking subscription for residents, and machines were put on the streets for other people that wanted to park, so they can pay cash or by credit card.
We now pay once every 3 months, with fees varying from €40 to €100, obviously depending on which ring you live in...
Maybe I'd sooner take your red light. No, just kidding...
@ThanosReXXX "chances were that people would have stolen your spot, "
Gee, parking sounds like fun there too.
Do you guys have alternate side of the street parking?
In NYC they alternate which side of the street you can park on, supposedly for street cleaning, but they rarely clean, just give out tickets. Usually the sign says something like - "No parking Mon, Wed Fri, 10AM to 1PM". Then the other side says "No parking Tue and Thurs 10AM - 1 PM". So if you park on the street - most people in NYC do - then you have to move your car every day. It's pretty freaking annoying when you are sick or go away on vacation if you fly and leave your car home. I have a friend I won't visit on Tues or Thur b/c it's too annoying to find a parking spot.
@rjejr No, luckily we don't have alternate side of the street parking. That would really take the biscuit. (or is that cake?)
You park where you can, and as long as you pay, either by your resident parking permit, or by feeding the parking meter, you can stay right where you are for as long as you like or need.
That must have been some diligent person that came up with that rule...
Over here we have running gags concerning government/municipal officials mentioning that all they do all day is either play with their d*** or stamp forms and come up with crazy rules that require even more paperwork in order for them to actually be approved, which in turn will result in their "hard work" taking even longer than it already should in the first place.
Kind of like self-employment therapy: being busy with keeping yourself busy accomplishing next to nothing useful...
One small detail I forgot in the previous comment that's potentially the cherry on top of the pie, is that you have to apply for your resident parking permit at city hall, and it can take up to 4 or in some cases even 6 months before one is granted, so if you move to a new house and you have a car, then you have to park it elsewhere until the permit is granted or risk getting a fine, or even being towed.
Go figure...
I think that's a more than adequate evil twin for the alternate side of the street parking problem, no?
And me living in the second most expensive parking zone in the city has certainly resulted in less people coming over to visit, so that has also been a thing in the almost 10 years that I've been living in my current apartment: hardly anybody wants to pay €4 an hour to come over and have a few beers or a coffee...
(provided they can even find a parking spot in the first place)
So, if you ever decide to come over and visit the lovely city of Amsterdam again, don't rent a car: just use public transport. It's going to save you quite a bit of money...
@ThanosReXXX "hardly anybody wants to pay €4 an hour to come over and have a few beers or a coffee..."
Yeah, that's gotta put a crimp in your social life. And kind of makes you a pimp in your dating life if you have someone spend the night.
That 4-6 month thing is ridiculous. You should just be able to show up w/ your lease or rental agreement whatever it's called over there and get a parking permit. Closest thing we have over here is apartment buildings w/ parking garages that have long waiting lists. My wife and I waited about a year for a parking spot that cost us $90 a month. My sister has been in a co-op for about 7 years now, and she's still waiting. Which is really insane b/c she spent $480k on a 1 bedroom. Then she bought the apartment next to it, tore down the wall in between, and made a giant 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment that must be worth $800k. So that's 2 apartments, and she still can't get a parking space. But that's in downtown NYC, lower Manhattan, so everything is insane down there. I'm kept, but she's kick-butt.
4 more weeks to the Nintendo E3 Spotlight.
@rjejr Well, even though the wait is ridiculous, the prices are certainly lower over here, for residents at least, since we only pay every three months for a parking permit, and €100 at most.
The wait mostly has to do with all the paperwork apparently involved. And often times what the officials say is that a number of these crazy rules have been implemented because of previous abuse. I don't know how much of that is true, but in other instances, like with governmental benefits, there have indeed been a lot of cases of shall we say, highly illegal goings on, so where they lose money in one department, it has to come back in another.
I'm pretty sure it works that way in almost every city in every country around the world, or they'll have some alternative that in the end delivers similar results.
I have once theorized that parking spaces for residents should simply be tied to the living space/house itself instead of to a person, but when I thought about it a bit longer, I came to the conclusion that this wouldn't work either, because what would happen if people have no car? Where should that "residency-tied" parking permit go to then?
So, since no one can come up with a better solution, and some people have apparently also falsified applications for permits in other locations than their actual whereabouts, for whatever reasons (most likely criminal ones) we have the situation and the rules that we have over here.
At the end of the day, whether your living in Amsterdam or in New York, parking spot issues are unfortunately an every day occurrence.
Must be because the two cities are historically related...
Definitely looking forward to the next E3. It would seem that with the current state of affairs, it would be very hard for them to make it a bad experience for dedicated Nintendo fans...
Might even bring some people back to NLife more frequently.
Although: GuanoLoco...
@ThanosReXXX "Might even bring some people back to NLife more frequently."
Well I've been back more just in anticipation of E3. ND tomorrow is a nice bonus if it goes well. I'm really all about Mario Odyssey and XC2 right now. Though Pikmin 5 (4 is on 3DS at this point) would be nice. I mean I want Switch to get a lot of 3rd party support of 3DS games that people want, but I'm very selective in what games get me to buy a system. And right now, w/ us owning Zelda BotW on Wii U and I've had enough of MK8D and Splatoon, well it's really all about Mario and XC2 for me. I do kind of need another game, I like to have 3 to play, but my kids will probably find something they need. They keep asking me - Where's this year's Pokemon?
@rjejr No, it'll still be Pikmin 4. Hey Pikmin was correctly named a spin-off. Not just here on NLife, but on multiple sites.
I suspect that both Retro Studios and Platinum Games will come out with game news at this year's E3, although what titles they will be remains to be seen, but perhaps one of them will be that third title you're looking for.
@ThanosReXXX They'll name Pikmin on Switch "Hey Pikmin 2".
I'm not a big Metroid fan, so that doesn't interest me. If Swtich somehow got Scalebound after MS nixed it that would be interesting. Really not sure what else besides ports of Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Kid Icarus Uprising or sequels of those two. I'd take Bayonetta 3, would help explain the 2 Bayonetta amiibo, but I'm not expecting it.
Maybe Switch will get Darksiders 3. I think that remaster is still due on on Wii U soon. PS4 just got a bundle of 1 & 2, Fury Collection, for $19.99.
@rjejr Oh, I wasn't saying that Retro Studios is going to make a Metroid title, or JUST a Metroid title. Rumors are that they are also working on an entirely new IP, so who knows.
And Platinum Games could be working on anything ranging from Bayonetta 3 to a reworked Nintendo title or also a new IP. Or maybe Nintendo has picked up that canceled Xbox One game that they've been working on...
(EDIT: somehow I missed that you already mentioned Scalebound... )
And I'm quite confident that THQ Nordic will do Nintendo right by completing the Darksiders trilogy, and maybe they'll even do a bundle of 1 & 2 for the people that haven't played them yet.
And keep on joking about Pikmin. I'll be wanting that "you were right after all" on a good old fashioned post card so I can save it and look at it from time to time. Digital media is so fleeting, after all...
@ThanosReXXX "(EDIT: somehow I missed that you already mentioned Scalebound... )"
That's b/c you're always too busy picking on me.
"And keep on joking about Pikmin."
I have to joke otherwise I cry. The game was nearly complete 2 freakin' years ago. TWO FREAKIN YEARS. And all they talk about is Hey Pikmin. Nintendo raked us over the coals for 2 years w/ new hardware, do they really need to troll us for 2 full years over the 4th game in a series that they sort of announced is nearly complete?
I really hate them most of the time you know.
@rjejr Me picking on you? Ow... is angwy wittle neigbor hurt?
I'm just always being my shiny, smart-mouthed American/Dutch self, is all...
As for Pikmin: you'll get no argument from me, I would love to see what has been lying in their closet gathering dust and being almost complete for over two years, but Nintendo gonna Nintendo, so I'm not going to invest any energy into being mad at them for that.
Didn't even know you were such a Pikmin fan either, or did I read you wrong there?
And hating them? For what? Not delivering games on time, not making a normal console, what?
To beat you to it: me disliking Sony is for good reasons because they personally disadvantaged me, three times over, but hating a company for being who they are, while we all know full well that, like it or not, this is simply how they operate, is a bit too much in my opinion.
You did NOT just quote a EuroGamer article... (shakes head)
@ThanosReXXX Nintendo is like that girlfriend you keep breaking up w/ b/c you hate almost everything about her, but you keep going back w/ her b/c she's good in bed. Ninteod's games are good, and exclusive to their hardware, but everything else leaves me wanting. Maybe not as bad as your run-in's w/ Sony, but they've still rubbed me the wrong way in actual ways, not just delays on release dates.
1. They said over and over again they wouldn't cut the Wii U price after sales fell off a cliff the first 6 months. 2 weeks after I bought 1 on their word, they lowered the price $50. And brought out a new cool Zelda ed just to rub it in my face.
2. They showed the cool interactive map in Zelda at the Game Awards. Then cut it out so the Wii U version - that I own - wouldn't be better than the Switch version. And if you've played it, or watched somehow who has, on the Wii U, then you can tell the inventory management system was tailor made for a touchscreen. And they cut that out also.
The constant secrecy and delays just drives me crazy. But when you add up all of the secrecy and all of the delays and everything else, well hate may be a bit strong of a word, but as my wife likes to say, it's directionally correct.
@rjejr Although I can understand that it annoys you to a point that you might start thinking about "no more Nintendo for me" it is still exactly what I was saying: it's not personal, so people should not take it personal either.
Nintendo did not take YOUR map away, they did not delay YOUR personal game. The price cut thing is the only one that personally hurt you, so that I can go along with.
So, it's definitely not as bad as my run-ins with Sony, since these were personal: 2 counts of repairs gone wrong on Sony devices, costing me dearly in both money and time, and them bankrupting Lik Sang, a site that I used to buy a lot of items from and that I was still supposed to receive an order from that was around $250 - $300. I never saw that money or any of the ordered items again...
So, you can imagine why I feel the way I do about them, since they cost me hundreds of dollars and repairs were also never satisfactory. Back then, in the late 80's/early 90's a lot of people were having the same issues with them.
And to this day, they still screw up stuff on a regular basis. Some PS3 troubles come to mind (removing backward compatibility, removing open source Linux support etc.), and credit card stuff. In my honest opinion, they are truly SO much worse than either Nintendo or Microsoft, but for whatever strange reason, they are always forgiven and still massively popular with the masses. Must be something in the water...
But agreed on the secrecy stuff. A bit is good, because showing everything and having no surprises left would also be bad, but a little less secretive certainly wouldn't hurt.
@rjejr P.S.
We actually have the joking to be able to cope with stuff in common: I find that I also do that a lot, especially in personal matters.
@ThanosReXXX "since these were personal"
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Sounds like you have a problem w/ Lik Sang more than Sony if they were the ones who kept all of your money and didn't fulfill your orders. I do remember reading a lot about that back then, and Lik Sang always seemed like an accident waiting to happen.
As for the Other OS stuff, I'm still mad at them for that, not something I'll soon forget. Not that I ever used, nor did I ever intend to use, Other OS, but it was in the system I bought, and taking something away over the wires seems like a really crumby thing to do. And I thought it was scummy of them to go all - "Blame the hacker." No, it's your system, you secure it, and if you can't, well that's on you. People paid for Other OS, you can't take it away after people paid for it. Someday when Skynet takes over I'll look back to that Other OS wipe as the beginning of the end of personal ownership. Someday the gov't will be wiping our minds like in the Men in Black movies.
So yeah, probably a lot of people out there like you who wrote off Sony, I get it. I do think Sony does a good job at good will though. After the PSN break in when they gave all of our personal info away to anybody who wanted it and shut down PSN for 2 months, thus sealing the fate of PSPgo, they did give away a bunch of free stuff. I feel like they do a good job of telling it like it is and admitting to their mistakes is they have to, much more so than either Ntinedo or MS. So that makes them the lessor of 3 the video gaming evils.
I'm ok w/ you avoiding them, but unless you knocked up the CEO's daughter, I don't think anything they did was "personal" against you. Just another large corporation screwing over the little guy.
@rjejr "Sounds like you have a problem w/ Lik Sang more than Sony if they were the ones who kept all of your money and didn't fulfill your orders."
No, it was definitely Sony suing them into the ground that made them lose all their money and as a consequence, they weren't able to fulfill their orders anymore, so I'm not going to blame the victim here.
In the Netherlands, they have a saying that goes "you can't pluck a naked chicken", which is what Lik Sang was after Sony took them to court and destroyed them.
And it was notoriously ambiguous, for many reasons. There had been a previous law suit concerning mod chips, but after that, Lik Sang reinvented itself and only sold legitimate items and that's actually when I got acquainted with them.
I'm not interested anymore in reminding myself of the entire story, but one of the more disgusting things was that Sony's own employees were even buying import PSP's to test games on and such, so for them to sue Lik Sang for selling imported hard- and software to other regions, was a VERY disgusting and hypocritical thing to do, since they themselves were happily making use of it in their quality testing department, and they were sold to them by the hundreds...
And although you've got a point that in the end, it was just a company screwing the little man, it was (or let's just say felt) way more personal than the examples that you gave about what Nintendo has done wrong, of which only the price cut really disadvantaged you, and which I also agreed with.
And that free stuff that Sony gave away was peanuts. Microsoft's free game program is WAY better, letting you keep the games even if you don't have an online profile anymore, something which is definitely NOT possible on Playstation with a whole lot of "free" games, or at the very least a lot of functionality is taken away.
And Nintendo also did their best multiple times to rectify mistakes, such as with the ambassador program on 3DS, something they didn't even have to do.
No, although none of them are completely clean, Sony is the biggest offender out there, by FAR.
@ThanosReXXX "Sony is the biggest offender out there, by FAR."
As a company, I can see that, that CD destroying code hack they had was really way worse than even the Other OS issue, so I certainly wouldn't want to defend them there. But of course MS seems to be sued on a regular basis by the EU, and every so often by the US, for monopoly related issues, so they are far from clean. (The Sony thing was worse for end users though who had their CD players bricked.) Nintnedo is probably the least commercially corrupt of the 3, but the most aggravating to me as a consumer. They really shouldn't have even bothered making and promoting NES Mini in the US if that was all they were going to make. Same for a lot of the amiibo. Why have a store in NYC city, 1 of the most populous and visited cities in the world, if you aren't even going to keep amiibo in stock there? That's infuriating to me. My wife is fortunate enough to work 2 blocks form the store but we still can't get a Wolf Link amiibo? Why even have a store?
I knew there was something about Lik Sang that sounded familiar, the mod chip stuff. I never would have done business w/ them after reading about all of that stuff. Not b/c I'm against piracy, I'm not clean by any means, but they always seemed so distant to me. I mean what kind of name is Lik Sang anyway? I appreciate that they may have done away w/ all of that, but the stigma was there, they should have changed their name at least. So yeah, Sony sued them out of existence, but Lik Sang had your money, where did it go? As much as I prefer supporting the little guy, and it was probably wrong for Sony to sue them out of existence, I'm never surprised when big guys shut down little guys. Especially those w/ a shady past.
Almost related story - turns out the attractive tattoed cashier at Target lives near me. We were discussing the red light camera at my corner. She was saying how mad she was when people wouldn't turn on red now and she hated waiting behind them. I was saying how I won't turn there anymore b/c I don't need an $80 ticket. Anyway, it was a pretty loud and heated discussion for the checkout line. But I'll be back. And I'll be back here.
@rjejr Yeah, like I said: none of them are completely clean, and people in general either forgive or forget and move on and still support all of them to some degree or another.
As for Lik Sang, they definitely weren't small. Back then, it was the biggest game-related import site in the world, with Play-Asia as a close second. And Play-Asia hasn't been able to fill their shoes, even though they automatically became no.1 for a while after the whole law suit sank Lik Sang into oblivion. Somehow, importing has (apparently) lost its former glory or it has become even more niche than it already was.
Play-Asia is still going strong, but I never go there, don't even know why, really. Maybe I've closed the book, or at least the chapter. I used to buy peripherals, mainly, not games or books.
I have all sorts of weird controllers, such as the Resident Evil Chainsaw controller for the GameCube:

As for what the name means: its Chinese.
From the Wiki:
"Lik Sang (Chinese: 力生; Cantonese Yale: lik6 sang1; literally: "powerful and energetic") was a popular distributor of Asian electronics. The company sold import games, toys, figures, anime-related items, and obscure adapters and controllers for various game platforms."
Here's the link if you want to have an interesting read concerning the rest of the story:
And an attractive tattooed cashier? Oh, of course, forgot you're a SG fan...
I only like 'em as long as they're subtle: no sleeves or dorsal wallpapers for me. Same with piercings. Moderation and subtlety/finesse is key as far as I'm concerned.
Did you watch the ARMS presentation? It was really good and full of new info. Lots of play modes giving it a hefty amount of playability. I already liked it, but now I like it even more. Now fast forward to E3 for the rest of the new games...
It's for pre-order on Amazon Italy for €89.99... That's £78. So it'll be £80 in the UK, which is absurd.
@ThanosReXXX Well I like my women more tattoed than you do, but less scary than that chainsaw controller.
AMRS ND was good. Couldn't give it my complete attention as I was preparing dinner but I liked what I saw. Would have been nice if the US version had some hardware. Did you watch the EU version w/ the hardware? We didn't get any of that.
My only concern for ARMS now is if everybody moves over to Spaltoon 2 five weeks later. Well not everyone, but enough that the online community shrinks noticeably. I was worried about the paid online, but I think people will just pay it and complain.
I'm too old and angry for Splatoon 2 online but I may have to rent it for the single player. If I can find a place to rent cartridges.
@rjejr "but less scary than that chainsaw controller."
And it handles like crap as well. I've never died as much as with this controller, so the chainsaw wasn't much use against the zombies after all...
Put it back in its display after a few tries with various games besides Resident Evil:

but in the end it's just a crappy controller, although it does look great.
The sales pitch back then was that each controller had different blood spatter patterns, which was true because a friend of mine also bought one, and the patterns did look different on his controller, so that was a nice touch to make every controller unique in its own way.
There was also a PS2 version:

And here they are, side by side like brothers in arms (pun intended):
All were made by a company called Nubytech. They also almost made this abomination:
But because Twilight Princess got delayed, to also be released on the Wii, that project was never realized. Luckily...
And yes, I did watch the EU Direct, because since I'm living over here, that's the one that's relevant for me. I thought it was very good. The game is way more tactical than most people probably thought, and personally, I was very pleasantly surprised with all the extra game modes and party games included.
That volleyball mini game made me think of Sega's Beach Spikers on the GameCube, which also had a "bomb ball" game.
As for Splatoon 2 possibly threatening its existence: I think that if they nail the E3 competition spectacle for both games, that each will find its target audience and it will earn its place among them.
It certainly shows promise and perhaps Nintendo does indeed have its next big IP here, something that they've already been wanting to make us believe, considering all the marketing power they are putting behind this title to push it into the limelight.
@ThanosReXXX I don't have anything cool like those controllers but I do have a bust of Ceasar from Planet of the Apes filled w/ DVDs. It looks a lot better in person but it's too late to start messing w/ that now.
@rjejr Well, as far as I;m concerned, you've won the peripheral contest. That's a great piece of paraphernalia or whatever we should call it. Color me jealous, even though I wouldn't even know where to put it...
Wanna trade for a GameCube chainsaw and a Lady Death puppet?
Got Aquaman as well...
Nah, just kidding...
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