Nintendo has published a new page on its 'Play Nintendo' website encouraging fans to make their own Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! diorama; they provide printable designs as well as instructions for how to make it.
You can find more details here. If you've played Snipperclips and found it enjoyable, or if you want a fun activity to do with some friends, head over now to get started.
As is often the case, NoA's Play Nintendo brand has found a good way to engage kids and big kids with quirky content.
[source play.nintendo.com]
Comments 18
Charming stuff, just like the game.
This is a really cool idea. Can't wait to see what people create. Hopefully we see some really crazy and whacky dioramas.
This is a great idea especially considering that it match's the game as a whole, i wonder what game will be made involving craft's next.
Bloody hell, I was just checking eBay and there are lots of switch's on there, used ones I mean, can't believe it. Didn't think ppl would be selling them yet, I might pick one up if cheap
Back when print media was still a thing they would give something away like this with a Nintendo magazine. Now you have to make your own out of crepe paper and determination
@NintySnesMan lol. Just checked. This one cracked me up. eBay uk
@NintySnesMan I know 2 people who bought it for Zelda then ditched it after. I do this with ps games, but my switch is my baby
...I don't see anything funny.
@ProjectCafe How can the console be boxed and new but the guy knows what back of console is like and is selling it because he finished Zelda?
That's what's funny
Uh this came out around when the game was launched, along with other Snipperclips and 1-2 Switch things. I keep up-to-date on Play Nintendo, even though it isn't really worth it over 90% of the time...
@BezBot exactly. It's claimed brand new but the console shows signs of wear and tear.
@UK-Nintendo @BezBot
He said it was never used with the dock, amid all the troubles of it scratching the screen, so the screen is in (apparently) great condition.
You can still play a game while taking extreme caution not to damage the system in any way, especially when you have the intent on later reselling it.
Now, what he probably meant with "new" was that it was as if it was new because it (assumingly) still has all the original manuals, accessories, and box in (probably) perfect condition.
...Though maybe he shouldn't have said it's as if it was "new" when the backside has small signs of wear and tear...
Hmm... I think there are a couple holes with his description here, but I don't think it's as bad as you guys are making it out to be. Like I said, it's not really that bad of a mess up, though he definetely needs to proofread his stuff before publishing it online. I'll give it that.
@NintySnesMan my local GAME had one sold to them two weeks after launch with 1-2 Switch and Zelda. Didn't look like it had even been used. Scalper alert.
@ProjectCafe Also says it new with everything boxed...
Lol, I will pay 1p, even though that's a bit expensive
...Yeah that was stupid.
He should have said "like new".
That is so cute!
Hooray, I did this yesterday at work because I'm a dork! It looks pretty cool, but also a bit odd to be sitting on the desk of a 47 year old. What do I have to do to get fired from this job?
Here's a tip: Use card stock.
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