Well, Sonic Project 2017 is now Sonic Forces, which is coming to pretty much all current-gen systems including Switch this year. A panel at SXSW confirmed the news and also showcased a brief burst of gameplay footage, which we shared in its off-screen glory already.
Along with a rehash of the game's original CG reveal trailer, though, SEGA has now uploaded the full-fat HD source footage of that gameplay. Very likely a PC build, it nevertheless gives an idea of what the latest Sonic really looks like - gameplay is certainly familiar, and it's looking quite swish.
Are you hyped for this one, or is that familiar 3D Sonic dread and fear kicking in - or perhaps a mix of emotions? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 120
It looks nice, I guess? I've never been a big Sonic fan. If the Switch port is good, I'll probably get it.
Looks very Sonic Adventure-ish (loved SA). Don't get your hopes up for those visuals/performance on Switch though everyone, you know the drill.
Wow, so HD.
But if Sonic has to run so fast like that, I miss a lot of beautiful scenery and objects to see and to explore. If only I can slowdown, enjoy the scenery like Sandbox game. Ooopsie... I think it was wrong to say like that.
The blue blur is back h*** yeah can't wait to smash and speed through this game!
Sonic Forces! Did he bring some goons with him for run?
cautiously optimistic
Rich visuals, poor gameplay...
What could possibly go wrong?
Hype for Sonic Mania being a better game is rising here!
Looks like Sonic Run on iOS
@Ignatius I think that's a sensible option.
I watched my kid play the Sonic Unleashed demo on the PS3 dozens of times before he got the game, this looks a bit too similar for me to get excited. Yes, there is plenty going on all around that makes this look like a newer version of the game, just wish they would have picked someplace other than that location.
Give me Chao or give me death!
looks like all the other sonic games really. nice gfx for sure. But the gameplay looks pretty much the same. Sonic's speed was its biggest selling point as a 2d game but still don't think they have got it work in the 3d world.
Must be the New Donk City level from Super Mario Odyssey.
@Menchi187 I just hope that all the levels are so on-rails. This definitely reminds me of the first level of SA2 though. Just hope there's more exploration/freedom in other levels.
As for visuals, I didn't really think they were that amazing. I'm sure the Switch will take a minor hit compared to other platforms, but I would think Switch should handle this just fine.
EDIT: To clarify, I actually think the visuals look quite good. When I said I didn't think they were amazing, I was referring more to how GPU intensive it would be.
It seems like Sonic Unleashed,
I was hoping for Sonic Adventure 3 with Emerald Hunting and everything.
Looks like a game that I can have fun with.
@roadrunner343 @AlternateButtons It was nothing over the top or spectacular, I'm just reminding people not to get their hopes up. Companies always show off the best version of their game, not the worst.
I hope the Switch version at least keeps the framerate, even at the cost of graphics. (Even though if I do buy it, won't be on Switch, just overall I can see why it should be a benefit)
Looks great. Can't wait
Hmm, I have mixed feelings that the grand reboot of sonic is just the anthropomorphic Gran Turismo again. I thought they were going to go back to the roots and come up with a 3D sonic that works as 3D sonic. Not that the race track levels can't be fun....but it's a little limited in scope. Mania still looks like the better game, and I had big hopes. Looks fun, just not a proper reboot to make it a big deal again.
Maybe they just haven't shown us the Werehog levels yet? (hides.)
I don't like how this looks too similar to Sonic Run for smartphones.
Yep, it's another modern Sonic game alright. Really not my cup of tea, though, I love the OSTs of most Post-Sonic Adventure main line Somic games.
Looks like Crash Bandicoot, which was codenamed Sonic Butt game in development because of it being like a 2D sidescroller with the camera spending most of its time looking at the main character's butt.
Nah,they never get the modern sonic games right,they just don't feel the sonic force unlike old sonic games. Yep better of with sonicmania,can't see them screwing that up,plus the old school sonic gameplay was always sonic at his best
Can hardly tell what's even happening.
it will be interesting to see how this ports to the Switch considering it's not got any last generation consoles to use as a foundation, instead having to be scaled down from the Xbox One/PS4. I expect it will be only 30 FPS on the Switch regardless.
Looks amazing! Can't wait for this!
Looks like absolute crap. The same old game over and over again. Why does sonic have to be on some racetrack? Also, why does Sonic have to hit "boosters" to go faster? Those weren't in the 2D games. Why can't you make a free-roaming sonic game with physics-based movement, Sega? Oh wait...your fans did it for you with Sonic Utopia. You even had to get your fans to make a new 2D Sonic with Sonic Mania. When the fans are making better games than the actual multi-million dollar studio there's a problem.
Great to see the Wisps back, but I'm a little bit worried that it's the same old same old again. I loved Colors and Generations and even Adventure & Adventure 2 for all their foibles (unlike Sonic I don't chuckle) and this isn't exactly hyping me up for anything new.
If anything the setting looks worryingly like Sonic '06. Set phasers to 'Edge'.
Yup, it's a continuation of the Modern Sonic gameplay from Colors/Generations. This is what they need to stick with at this point.
Now let's see the other two gameplay styles, one of which is obviously Classic Sonic.
@Drummertist It's because whenever Sega doesn't play it safe, everything falls on top of itself.
We just got out of yet another dark era.
My first experience with Sonic was Sonic Advance 3. Then it was Sonic Heroes. I quite enjoyed both. Hated Shadow the Hedgehog, never really liked Sonic Adventure 2, loved Colors on DS, loved it a little bit less on Wii, and that's it. Kinda interested in Mania, but I think I'll wait until the Holidays or something.
I love the gameplay of classic Sonic games but I could never get behind the modern Sonic games. The gameplay is just kinda strange and not fun to me. It's really hard for me to explain but it just doesn't feel right.
I still am not convinced that Sonic works in 3d. Even the fan favorites like colors, generations, or adventure I and II don't feel right. Still he is their mascot (bring back Alex Kidd...no? Just me? ok.) so I guess they are obligated to keep throwing spaghetti at the wall. I do hope that they make more games in the vein of sonic mania or sonic 4 (just not episodic)
@Seacliff Exactly. This need to continuously reinvent the wheel is why Sonic has fallen from grace in the first place. It's also why the fanbase is so divided.
They need to stick with what works and then improve it and expand on it.
@Drummertist Boosters were in 2D. Go back to Chemical Plant and have a look.
Also, to all who think this looks like Sonic Run...Sonic has had this gameplay since 2008. Dunno where y'all have been.
Looks like a Sonic game all right.
The concept of the Sonic games is so fundamentally flawed, it really is impossible for it to be any more than mediocre.
Another crap 3D Sonic game Sonic Mania will be a ten times a better Sonic game.
Sonic forces will be amazing if they don't screw up the whole who will be the third character thing.
Sonic in 3D has always been crap. I really can't believe that people buy these disjointed messes.
As expected it looks like it plays just like Unleashed or Generations. Very, very similar.
I'm much more excited about Mania, but will give this a shot too.
That… didn't look that great actually. Gameplay aside for the moment, all the eye candy was… entirely in the background. Even the animations for Sonic himself looked a little off. Everything that looked actually impressive was in the background. It never interacts with Sonic, with gameplay.
@Menchi187 I thought it was an exclusive
@FragRed pretty sure it's an exclusive
Looks decent
Ok, this could be awesome! I've been burned by the last few Sonic 3D outings but this could be good. It reminds me of Sonic Adventure, which someone else on this discussion mentioned. I'll give it a try, most likely on Nintendo Switch, but as a physical game so I can trade it in if I'm just not feeling it. Hopefully the eShop gets a demo.
I actually liked what they did with Lost World....better than boost to win
Same formula as previous games. Press up and watch.
Very disappointing
To those complaining about "boost to win," does anyone realize that the boost is an optional thing? You don't "have" to boost. Just don't press the boost button. Sure, you may not go as fast, but then you'll have the ability for more precise platforming. You're usually not required to boost.
Never thought they would actually make a sequel to Shadow the Hedgehog
I... might be getting too old for modern Sonic. Couldn't process much of what was happening in that video. I'll always have my Genesis and carts though.
@faint Sonic Forces? No, this is "Project Sonic 2017" they announced earlier, for Xbox One, PS4, PC and (at the time) NX. If you watch the end of this trailer it even has Xbox/PS/PC/Switch on it.
I have a right to be silent here.
Looks way too chaotic to me. If it's this on rails. No thanks.
I loved the old 3D Sonic adventures that were much more free roam.
So I really hope this is just a glimpse and nothing more and that there will be true free roam Levels as well.
Otherwise, thanks but no thanks. I'll pass.
After watching this a second time I noticed Sonic pick up wisps. Looks like modern Sonic is going to be a mix of Colors and Generations gameplay. Can't wait to play this.
Sonic is Dead, long live Sonic.
I keep trying to love these games, but they're so chaotic and unfocused that I just can't, I just can't love the blue hedgehog. I've never been a HUGE Sonic fan, but there's always a want for him to be better. I have fond memories of Gamegear"ing" Sonic, and Sonic Rush for the DS, but that's about it. I even recently bought a copy of Sonic Colors for Wii, because true Sonic lovers were praising it as the best in recent times, but I still just can't!
I want to love you Sonic, but I just can't.
Looks fine. I'm honestly so burnt out on being disappointed by Sonic that I can't manage to find any enthusiasm.
My cuz had a genesis. I was too young(hence too broke lol) to have one, but I remember too games from being at is house. Altered beast, and sonic. I thought it was so cool to move so fast.
Now, I'm not sure I would love what was basically an ahead of its time runner. Color me curious, I'll wait to see how this plays before I say I'm intrigued. I get tired of platformers unless they bring really interesting power ups, or it is polished to perfection.
@Menchi187 I got a Sonic Adventure vibe from this footage as well & I'm not particularly impressed by the graphics... doesn't appear to be much beyond anything the Wii U could handle.
@NEStalgia I think SEGA have genuinely given up trying to get Sonic to work in a real 3D realm, since dropping from hardware production they've been bouncing around the whims of public opinion so much they eventually just gave Sonic to someone else... and we got Sonic Boom. Playing safe just seems to be all they have left.
I dare say that Mario could see similar drops in quality & output if Nintendo dropped hardware.
Sonic's not wearing a hipster scarf and he's actually running so it's an automatic win for me.
Some of you need to get with it or get lost!
Sonic is sonic, 2d or 3d he needs dr robotnik or eggman to beat down and speed this whole thing with "why can't we have a old sonic" is getting old. He has been moved to 3d either enjoy what Sega is trying to improve or get out the way so others can enjoy it.
So he's still nearly constantly running forward and using that stupid dash move? Well, that's disappointing. "Lost World" had a few issues of its own, but I had hoped that bringing back the more "Adventure"-style gameplay mechanics would've stuck rather than just being a one time reprise.
Doesn't even look like the player needs to control Sonic.
Sonic Mania is the real gem I'm waiting for but I'd say this looks alright I guess. Very nice graphics. I just hate modern Sonic.
This does seem nice but nothing really new. more excited for sonic mania. I really want them to continue the Adventure saga, not for gameplay i think sonic colors did the best gameplay wise but sonic had a interesting storyline which made it very interesting as a platformer. I really like the adventure games for their story even though the gameplay, besides sonic and a few others sucked. After Shadow the Hedgehog they kinda just left it, and sonic chronicles never had a sequel. I like the fact that other characters get more story development (espacially Shadow) but sonic himself doesnt really has a story or origin. Its kinda what still makes him cool.
It looks ok, but not particularly impressive or exciting. I'm sure Sonic Mania will be much better.
I will buy Sonic Mania for sure no matter what, but then I could consider buying this one too if it proves good.
Looks like your typical 3D Sonic game: all style, zero substance.
Wish they'd do something with a bit more depth that another Boost game. But hey, Colors and Generations were fun.
It looks cool and all, but I really think it's time we just accept the fact that Sonic in 3D is just not a great idea. It never really works or makes sense. In my opinion, anyway.
Nice looking trailer!
@SuperTeeter64 To be fair, SEGA have been in plenty of positions where people have been happy with the direction Sonic was going in (Adventure, Generations etc.) & instead of building on that Sega just threw all of that out and did something completely different. Sometimes improving what you have is genuinely the smarter choice.
Also, it's not always the public's fault when developers randomly decide something is wrong with games. Look at Square Enix & RPGs... despite turn-based RPGs being at their very apex, Squeenix decided to throw out the turn-based mechanics. Then are shocked that Bravely Default was a hit after refusing to give gamers what they actually wanted.
Well, it looks like a 3D Sonic game with nice graphics which is fine (I'm not part of that "all 3D Sonic games are bad" group), but it's not really enough footage to really determine much.
Sonic 2006 and Sonic Unleashed looked fine enough, it wasn't until people had a chance to play them that the large amount of mechanical problems became apparent.
It's not a 2D Sonic Mania nor is it Sonic Adventure which are awesome. This looks like the 3D Sonic trash that ruined Sonic and make Sega publish games for mobile instead.
"I don't know whats going on..."
No duh. A war would normally throw people for a loop. It's rumored that this game is based off of another world where Sonic Failed to stop Eggman. I find that interesting. Till more information comes out, I am not going to join the bash anything Sonic related because such and such blah blah blah on every Sonic Release like a Youtube comment thread.
Generations with both 3D and 2D Sonic game-play were great but the hedgehog engine was pushed to its limit and showing age in some in-game cut-scenes. They upgraded the Hedgehog engine to handle better texture loading then I am all good for the eye candy backdrops.
Problem is it looks a lot like Sonic Colours. While I enjoyed it, I found the colour powers to be so-so. Hearing they're using them again it just sounds like we'll get a Sonic Colours 2. I guess it's better to stick with one of the better formulas they came up with in recent years but I don't anticipate it being anything that's going to get rave reviews across the board. And after Sonic Boom I refuse to pre-order a Sonic game until it's reviewed.
The third character is probably going to be Boom Sonic.If he is,I can't wait to see his reaction when he turns into Super Sonic.
Sonic Mania, yes. This, no. Looks Arceus damn awful.
@Switch81tch It feels like Sonic Mania is a blue blur game done right! Not a bit innovative, for sure, but it is done like the right platform and fun way of gameplay!
I'm excited.... plus I don't see any reason to have 3D dread. Sonic team hasn't dished out a bad sonic game for quite some time, and the boom games were made by different developers. Bring it on, chum!
@Pazuzu666 you have a very strange definition of "awful"...
everyone has the right to their own opinion though... can I ask what led you to this conclusion?
I'm really looking forward to this. I love the boost gameplay from Unleashed and Generations. The sense of speed is exhilarating. I also see Red Star Rings are making a return.
@Menchi187 I agree I'm looking forward to Sonic Mania
"People complain that Sonic tries too much new things... people whine about it... People complain that Sonic staying with a forumula people generally like... people whine about it.
See, video game developers have no idea what to do because no one is ever happy these days with video games. It's always something"
That's because when they don't try new things, they make okay-ish Sonic games, and people get tired of okay-ish, so they ask for something new. But then when they try new things they make absolutely terrible Sonic games, and people abhor terrible games. Particularly when it's Sonic.
Which is why, now, people have pretty much stopped caring what they do altogether.
Looks ,and smells like Sonic colors.
This could be good.
@Randomname19 So I'm not the only one who read the world's collide crossover. Sticks in normal sonic's world fits too well for some reason.
More excited for Sonic Mania to be honest.
Nope - sorry I will not buy another Sonic title in 3D until they change the gameplay style. I just don't feel Sonic works in this view and the controls and pacing of th game feels broken.
Sonic Mania though - you are all mine!!!
@NintySnesMan Glad I'm not the only one! When will Sega learn this style of Sonic game just DOESNT WORK!! I love the little guy but I'm not going to buy this as I'll play for 10 minutes and wish it was 2D (because it plays better, runs faster and feels more fun!).
Looks like a sequel to Sonic Unleashed which to me is very mediocre. Seems like the game move Sonic more than the player, I'll probably just going to stick with Sonic Mania and perhaps skipped this one until it hits the bargain bin.
lol, that is NOT the switch version. i am buying it on switch for sure. can't wait!
@UnseatingKDawg This! Hopefully not ALL levels are this on-rails.
@DanteSolablood I think it had more to do with most of the Sonic creative team bailing out long ago. The other teams that picked it up tried to "modernize" sonic a few too many times and it didn't work out well, but they didn't remember how to put the pieces back together. Though I can kind of understand their point. The 2D platformer had long since been dead, and while it survives as an Indie now (and manifested as Sonic Mania) they needed a "flagship" main franchise, and the Sonic formula just doesn't click with modern popular genres, and Sonic's speed focus made it not fit the "collect-a-thon" era of early 3D platformers that mario 64 and the Rare games kicked off. So it's easy to understand how Sonic went adrift. The latter Sonic games even on Sega hardware were kind of so-so. Post-Sega hardware trying to make the Sonic formula fit Playstaton tastes was only going to end the way it did. I think it's easier to piece together something that fits the game and fits tastes today than it was 8 years ago, but I'm not sure that's where they went here. This is an on-rails racer. It's a fun format, and Generations perfected it with its refit of the older games, but it's not quite a "Sonic's back as a premium game in the modern age" reboot like they made it out to be. I'll be happy with "a fun game featuring Sonic that doesn't suck", of course, and Fire & Ice wasn't actually bad if you only look at the real levels and not the odd submarine minigame trash, but I was hoping for some creative thinking that made Sonic...IDK, relevant?
Mario, yeah I think that's exactly what Nintendo has said as a compelling reason to always stay hardware focused. Though I don't think that's anything to worry about in the near-future. Switch has a pretty positive public image already which is something we couldn't say for WiiU. I don't now about Wii Numbers, but I have little doubt it will, at minimum, be successful enough.
Jesus when I read sonic comments I think I get dumber.
I swear there's no pleasing you aholes.
I was at the SXSW panel itself, and it was an absolute blast! I met everyone (plus Yuji Naka) last year, but it was great to see and talk to them again regardless. I also got to meet Tails' Channel IRL for the first time, which was awesome!
The Mania poster and Forces mini-poster were also really cool, and I was able to get them autographed by everyone along with different games from last year. I even got Iizuka-san to autograph my copy of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams too, so it was nice seeing his reaction to that.
My friend had everyone sign his Mario hat, which led to some funny reactions, particularly from Iizuka-san. Another friend got Mr. Smith to say "You're too slow" in Sonic's voice, which was another cool moment.
I really hope they come back next year! It's always great having them here.
@BLP_Software some one gets it. I was just thnking the same
That doesn't look like a 2017 game, and those animations don't look like any kind of modern game.
No notes taken from Sonic Utopia I see. Well at least there's still Sonic Mania to look forward to
@Alpha008 looks like a Michael Bay movie, like a headache and epileptic fit all in one. My eyes started hurting just from that small clip, I say small, but what was roughly 2 minutes felt like 2 hours - and not in a good way. Also, Sonic Adventure remember looked exciting in trailers...
Is that it? It doesn't look like anything we haven't already seen before. This kind of 3D gameplay hasn't worked very well for Sonic games in the past, I hope they get it right this time.
@Bunkerneath how?
Doesn't look bad.
@Antray1984 But in the past Boost 3D games is the fastest Sonic has ever been, it worked really well in Generations and Unleashed by the looks of things Sonic moves pretty fast even without boosting. anyways when Sonic dose something different each new game it doesn't work, the main reason Sonic Mania is so good, because it's the same as the 3 classic Sonic games (4 if you count CD) but expanding on it too. that's what Sonic Forces seems to be doing of Generations and Unleashed daytime levels, so chances are this aren't going to suck.
If this is anything like Generations, everything about the only Nintendo version of that game (namely the 3DS entry) will be forgiven, Sega.
I've never owned a Sonic game... maybe this will be my first?
It truly looks like Sonic Farce(s), I will never understand why they keep making these 3D piperun Sonic games with zero gameplay and in central role is that atrocious homing attack, the worst invention for a Sonic game ever...
@Switch81tch Exactly! I have played Sonic Dash and I've a found a fun & fast mobile game within it. Even considerinng its freemium bussiness. But how long do we play such games? A handful of seesion which lasts a couple of minutes for not much than a month.
This is really poor when the fans want a core and lasting Sonic game. This we will find in Sonic Mania.
This Sonic Forces, at leat at this very beggining that we know very little, seens to be more of the same formula which isn't Sonic at its best. But it may appeal to a new generation that played its mobile games and who knows if it may show off some novelty or refresh - someway being optmistic - the modern Sonic formula.
I'm unsure, will wait for reviews. But I don't think this is made for me anyway, I'm much more the Sonic Mania audience. I'm glad to see Sega are doing their best to cater to both, hopefully both will be cracking games.
It certainly looks more interesting and ambitious than the likes of Sonic Mania (ugh), but while Forces looks slightly more appealing (at least visually), it resembles the kind of game that would be fun to watch but frustrating to play. Cheap and abrupt deaths are far too common with the Sonic games, sucking whatever little fun that there is to be had with them. SEGA have surrendered the Sonic name to far too many crappy games and I doubt that this will be any different. Sonic Mania only has its shameless derivativeness to attribute to its critical success (that is, if it is critically successful, and they've already pulled a similar effort some years ago with the prematurely concluded Sonic 4 games), and I would expect Forces to receive mixed reviews at best. Imagine if Nintendo were to produce say, a new Super Mario Bros./World that utilises 16-bit graphics. They're already criticised for the derivativeness of the "New Super Mario Bros." series. Can you imagine if Nintendo were to pull a Sonic Mania and skimp on the production values of their output? They'd be laughed out of the park. Why is SEGA getting a free pass? Leave the past to the past. I strongly doubt that Mania will do anything different to what the original Sonic games have already done.
Give us Yakuza. Give us a new Project Rub. Give us Out Run. Give us more Hatsune Miku (or at least restock the 3DS game!). Reboot Alex Kidd. SEGA could have commissioned a Wii U-exclusive Crazy Taxi game (too late for it now though) by utilising the Gamepad as a GPS. How cool would that have been? Why are SEGA so adamant on pumping out Sonic after Sonic (however mediocre or just plain awful they may be)? Sonic needs to be put to rest until SEGA can actually produce something worthwhile with the brand. I don't understand why the SEGA brand has any remaining prestige at all considering the sheer mediocrity of their output.
It seems that SEGA's more ambitious and experimental efforts turn out really well while their solely business-driven efforts tend to be poor and frankly, embarrassing.
I can't believe the amount of crappy Sonic games there are and this is looking to be more of the same. Needs-New control scheme. Better level design. Better writing. What it won't have-New control scheme. Better level design. Better writing. SMFH
Looks like every other 3D sonic game with a bit of a flashier background and the same dull enemies.
@Equinox Cannot tell if you are a good uncle/aunt or a bad one for getting the kid Sonic Boom?... hmmmm
@BornInNorway81 Your first Sonic game really should be Mania, in all honesty. The 3D Sonic games are not very particular good, and I'm speaking about all of them in general, including SA.
It seems like every type of Sonic fan is present in this comment section.
It's unwise to judge a game based off of 40 seconds of footage
take a look at this before commenting
Wow, some people are totally harsh and waaaaay overthinking this. Its a bloomin sonic game and it looks great. Sonic is like mario its meant to be for kids... Kids will love this and the new generation will love games if they play one like this.
Thats all ther eis to it. Gees lighten up you sour and sorry mob.
Not every game has to be genre-defining and important to your perception of the gaming industry (insert some obscure oblique reference to your preferred idealistic game and trash talk everything else here).
Damned internet trolls go back to your caves.
"Also, why does Sonic have to hit "boosters" to go faster? Those weren't in the 2D games."
Play "Chemical Plant Zone" in Sonic 2. You should hate that game too then. Boy, people's hate for modern Sonic games is making them blind to the fact, even the old 2D games have some things they hate about the new games. (Same for "Freedom Planet." I see people bash Sonic for having voice acting, cinema scenes, Shadow riding a motorcycle, ect. Exactly the same things in that game too.)
Also, honestly the fan game "Sonic Utopia" doesn't look better to me. It's too much freedom in all directions, (so you have no clue where to go) and hardly any enemies, obsticles, and such.
One thing that bugs me about Modern Sonic games are how serious they try to be. This got taken to new heights with Sonic 06. Really, I don't get it. This one looks okay, but aside from Sonic Adventure 2 maybe, I was never a big fan of these 3D Sonic games. Luckily, we're getting Sonic Mania so I think this time, Sega SHOULD please both sides of the fanbase.
Should. Pretty sure there's still gonna be tons of complaints.
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