Not so long ago we made a video comparing Yoshi's Woolly World to Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World, with the lead-in that of course they're not truly comparable, as such, but that Good-Feel had done a jolly good job of bringing the title to the portable. After all, the 3DS does impressive things with a GPU that's six years old in the system and was - frankly - not exactly bleeding edge tech in 2011. As we've said frequently, Nintendo is no longer in the business of trying to win the graphical arms race.
Nevertheless, we do find it amusing when the 3DS - such a lovable little scamp - is assessed earnestly alongside hardware that, in terms of graphics, could take its lunch money and give it the biggest wedgie known to man. Such as, hm, the PS4 / Pro.

Digital Foundry, a channel we rather enjoy for its detailed work, has therefore given us a bit of a laugh comparing Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance with the even more peculiarly named Kingdom Hearts 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue. This is because the remake (of sorts) includes a spruced up version of the game many enjoyed on 3DS.
When it's a fight on graphical terms, it's rather like Roberto Duran going up against George Foreman - both great fighters, but not exactly a fair contest.
We look forward to the showdown when Kingdom Hearts 3.76: Second Chapter Introduction on the PS6 does battle with the PS4 equivalent.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 108
Is this a clickbait article or what?
This whole article seems a little bit salty.
I don't think that is the point of the digital foundry video, is more trying to show what GAINS the ps4 version of the games got, not trying to put a shame on 3DS.
I'm amused, not salty.
This video is just pointless. Why don't they just compare the GameBoy to the Playstation.
It's unfair on so many levels. PlayStation gamers, eventually, get to play the entire Kingdom Hearts saga. Nintendo gamers get the spinoffs, and if for some reason they're also Nintendo-only gamers, well, good luck to them for their attempt to fill in the gaps themselves, plot-wise.
Also, the 3DS is still a Kingdom Hearts game with 3D effects. Digital Foundry's argument is invalid.
What's most unfair about all of this is that the PS4 version got a proper Italo-Spanish localization, so it would have cost Square nothing to patch the 3DS original. But they didn't, because Sony or something. Whatever.
lol at all these upset Nintendo fans in here commenting. Get over your defense mechanisms. Have a laugh.
@gatorboi352 THANK YOU!
I really posted this as I thought it was amusing, ie the tone of the video going beyond saying "the 3DS version was on the 3DS, moving on". That's all, as I also say in the article in my boxing analogy, they're both great fighters, but in completely different weight classes.
As for Alex Sora's point, yeah, it's a shame when franchises get uneven releases across different systems, it makes it frustrating for fans that want to keep up.
I'm glad I owned Kingdom Hearts 3DS.
Never care at all with ps4.
So long Sony...I will never play again your newest machines.
this video proves how incredibly dumb DF is.
"Kingdom Hearts 3.76: Second Chapter Introduction"
Literally cannot tell if this is an actual name of a KH game or if Thomas is having fun with SE's awful naming style.
The salty comments here are incredible though. Good stuff.
Seriously, pointing out the jagged edges on the 3DS?!? They do realize that the 3ds screen has a lot less pixels than a 1080p tv right. Meaning the jagged edges have nothing to do with the 3ds capabilities as it is about the 3ds's limited screen resolution. Have them play the ps4 version on a tv with the same resolution as a 3ds and then it will be a fair comparison. Honestly, I would love to see this actually.
lol, as much as the improvement is obvious, the power difference is around 2 whole generations worth, and honestly the difference in graphics doesn't look as big as we know the difference in power to be. For the 3ds' capabilities, it actually outputs some pretty decent stuff!
Pretty sure Thomas is well aware of how DF works, but they don't do comparisons to give material to fanboy Wars. The fact the two games are on vastly different hardware isn't really relevant to them. The point of it was not to figure out which 'wins'.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Its true, this looks more like a gamecube era > ps3 hd remake than a 3ds (basically gamecube) to ps4, except for the pixel count.
While I do find the technical comparison videos interesting, I find Digital Foundry to be a bit too elitist for my liking. Games don't always need to be 60FPS with 0 framedrops to be enjoyable. Give the devs a break, man.
"We look forward to the showdown when Kingdom Hearts 3.76: Second Chapter Introduction on the PS6 does battle with the PS4 equivalent."
Now, come on, guys. I'd really prefer not to laugh outloud at work if at all possible.
"Kingdom Hearts 3.76: Second Chapter Introduction" is a great name
Also can't wait for FF7 ps1 CRT versus FF7 Remake on Xbox th1rt3en, or whatever project Scorpio's name turn out to be.
@AlexSora89 "good luck to them for their attempt to fill in the gaps themselves, plot-wise."
To be honest, I'd be surprised if even Sony-only gamers could make heads or tails of the Kingdom Hearts plot.
The nit-picking with differences in shading, fps, and resolution is ridiculous. I, for one, don't give a flying flip about any of that. Just play the freakin' game and don't worry about the techno mumbo jumbo crap.
Um, not because of SquareEnix fault. SquareEnix did some good jobs for some games, but my trust about sony was despaired into million pieces start from ps3. Tainted by tons of adult games, disappointing titles, disappointing gameplay value, I felt betrayed by sony. So, that's why I return to Nintendo, fulfilling my collections with Nintendo games, both 1st party and 3rd party.
Basically they eggsactly the same, minus HD lol
Dude, have you even seen my nickname? Of course I own a PS2 with the first two games. As for the HD remasters, however? Sorry, but if I ever was to spend money on a new console, it might just as well be a Switch. I'll get a PS4 when I have a lot of extra cash.
However, look at what PS fans get and you get how "important" the Nintendo side of the KH fanbase truly is.
The fact that this game isn't hitting 60fps is absurd... especially on the PS4 Pro! What is with these unstable framerates?
All of the people here saying that the 3DS has good visuals. Lol
The 3DS has awful screen resolution, and it becomes even more jarring on XL systems. The games on it just look bad because of this, plain and simple. It'd be a good system, if Nintendo didn't sacrifice screen resolution for a gimmick they couldn't even use in innovative ways.
I wanna see Atari 2600 Versus Sega Dreamcast.
It's like comparing Doom on PC and GBA. Pointless article
@Anti-Matter do you have to post this on every article? It's beginning to seem a lot like spam.
Aside, KH3D was great on 3DS, a real showcase for the system imo. Not sure I'd really wanna replay it on Ps4, though. At least not for the £40 they want for 2.8. Might pick up 1.5-2.5 in March though.
@AlexSora89 PS4 is waaay cheaper than Switch, though, and it's guaranteed to get KH3 plus the remaster. As a huge KH fan a Ps4 is a more sensible and cheaper purchase.
AH! Nintendo fans on a Nintendo site?!?
We'll get 'em, sir. We'll get 'em.
That 3DS screenshot is impressive. Aside from some minor jaggies caused by the 240p, it is comparable to the higher rez PS4 screenshot.
Honestly fidelity beyond that of PS3/Wii-U is kind of wasted tech. My two cents. I think Switch will be breathtaking in both handheld and console forms.
Um... I'm sorry for bothering you.
I just need to explain again my true reasons when someone asked me.
Well... kinda like a repetition. Just want to be honest.
Can everyone leave all the fanboys alone. 😊
FF 7 ps1 vs. FF 7 remake ?
Like comparing between Beauty and the Beast.
@Anti-Matter you hate Sony systems because they have a lot of support from third parties and are successful. Is that correct
I just find it amusing that you think Squeenix will have 3.76: Second Chapter out in time for the PS6. Try PS8 Pro.005
I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 2.9 Mark 4 Theory Solstice Apology
This isn't DF hating on the 3DS graphics and pointing out flaws. I think it's interesting to see how different systems handle games, and that's the way they treat it too. No fanboyism. Just no comparisons. The 3DS is a champ.
Don't get me wrong, I love the 3ds and new 3ds but; What did you expect?
I happen to own both a 3DS and PS4 and despite the huge graphical difference, I still enjoy them both! Kingdom Hearts looks great anyways so I think the comparison is purely to show off what extra detail you'll see in high definition.
Having watched the video, the zealots getting upset are utterly laughable. They're analysing what has changed, that's all.
It proves how dumb people who get upset by it are
The joke may be on you - the comparison videos really do show how aesthetic the graphic boost on PS4 is when compared to the original. Not to mention the PS4/Pro standoff which begs for DF's analytical software to keep focus on the perks you'll soon forget about in the heat of several battles otherwise. At least there's better framerate, but again, you have to keep this kind of "two screens side by side" to be reminded of this benefit.
Such comparison videos may become increasingly important for newer games and remasters as the evolution of graphical output keeps slowing down. I mean, at least to help people appreciate the developers' effort and talent that still went into delivering all these resolutions and shadows. Even the sequel to Birth By Sleep doesn't seem to be a revelation after the original that came was made for PSP - and remember the dawn of polygon craze when CGI left many games' visuals learning to walk anew? Remember the difference between FFVII and FFIX on the same platform and some three years apart? Yeah.
One needn't deny the importance and nicety of how video games can look to admit that there seems to be less and less that can be done to how they look - at least outside the realm of art style. Eventually, all the title (and platform) sellers might boil down to how games play.
Nope. I hate sony because sony betrayed my trust after I had fun with ps1 and ps2. Sure, ps1 & ps2 was two lovely sony machines with very well balance game library, even better than n64 & gamecube.
Back on that day, ps1 started with some unique 3rd party games, even became viral like DDR, FF 8, etc. PS1 still have a lot Kid friendly games that mostly match with my criteria. PS2 I called it an upgrade. With even more enhanched gameplay, more exciting titles like DDR for ps2, Para Para Paradise, K-1 GP ( One of my favorite games), FF XII, etc. I had so much fun with ps1 & ps2 and I hoped ps3 continued the excitement.
But.... I was wrong.
When I saw majority of ps3 games, I can't even find decent titles. And some of my lovely series turned into MEH quality, some of them never appeared again. Tons of adult games overwhelming ps3, I felt too much western games on ps3 and I didn't like it at all. So, I felt betrayed, angry, hoped ps4 could have better games library but I was betrayed again. With even more sinister games, almost impossible for looking decent titles, so I felt Sony slap my face even harder and I felt disappointed even more.
In rage, I return to Nintendo (My first gaming experience when I was kid) and never return back to Sony (but still have fond memories with ps1 & ps2).
For Nintendo case, I only can find very few decent titles during N64 & Gamecube era ( Note, I didn't even realized n64 existence during ps1 era until Gamecube was announced during ps2 era). The games maybe looked good but still I couldn't engage. Starting from NDS and Wii era, Nintendo finally captured my heart. With very unique gameplay, I found tons of interesting titles fir NDS and Wii. Wii U raised my interest by Gamepad usage. Wii U was a failure and I felt quite disappointed because only few games that suitable with my criteria. Despite of lacking 3rd paty, I still proud to having Wii U before ended up.
When NX announced, I was excited and worried at the same time. I was afraid if NX will be failed again like Wii U. After NX revealed (Now become Switch), my impression about Switch was really really Super Excited. After I looked at Switch first launching and upcoming games, I was so happy to see really good line up games during 2017. I felt like ps1 & ps2 era will be return once again.
So that's why I hate Sony now. Xbox case is different. From beginning, I never like any of them, even there is a Japanese games. Xbox360 had very bad reputation rrod. Xbox1 was completely ridiculous and stupid for me. I treat xbox is like a "Party Crasher " of Nintendo and Sony duel. So I completely abandoned xbox, pretend they never did exist.
Sorry for my long explanations once again.
I have this on both 3DS and PS4.
They did a decent job making it HD. But it feels dated compared to Birth By Sleep 0.2
@Anti-Matter this feels like my own story. My first game machine was the gameboy. But my first home console was the PSX. My cousin that lived with did got a N64 for his birthday later on but he didnt cared THAT much about it to consistently buy games for it. I didnt missed Nintendo though because the gameboy(line) satisfied me. It was up untill the gamecube that i went back to them and enjoyed a lot of games(1st and 3rd party) but i bought a ps2 in 2007 because of God of War and also a lot of other games that i wanted to play(DBZT3😂). I spend more time with Handhelds though, even the PSP(dont have Vita). The PS3/Wii/XB360 era also kinda changed my love for gaming also. The Wii was nice but i didnt like the fact that games like mario and zelda also made use of motion control without a normal ways to play. I never liked the xbox brand and im convinced that they are a big part of all the bad things happening within the industry right now. Sony then followed them and here we are in a age of gaming were resolution is more important then graphics which are more important then gameplay. And all the good games released on older or less powerfull hardware are now suddenly considered as being bad. And this then mostly based on games not looking realistic enough. All the games that looked good on the ps2/GC era still looks good today. Why do you think that they just do HD remastered instead of full remakes.
You know where the 3DS graphics have an advantage? Hatsune Miku games - the 3DS gives you these lovable little super deformed things that dance around in a goofy fashion, the PS3/4 versions give you life-size versions that are kinda creepy honestly (except grown-up rin, she's :fire emoji goes here:)
other than that, good job good effort 3DS
This data is about as important as a paper in the journal of anthropology.
@ZurapiiYohane64 I'm playing Dream Drop Distance at the moment too, then getting KH 1.5-2.5 Remixs next month to have the KH collection on one console cannot wait for KH3.
@AlexSora89 Kingdom Hearts has mainly been a PlayStation game hence the main games being on PlayStation, and the ports KH 2.8, KH 1.5-2.5 Remixs being PlayStation exclusive.
@MisterKorman Don't even bother, he HATES Sony and their consoles to death....
@Anti-Matter so Sony broke your trust by having a lot of games appearing on the system. A lot of developers made games for it. System was a good platform for devs as it also had a massive fan base. So you hate Sony because they are successful
Now somebody try it running on Citra in 1080p.
@Anti-Matter also Nintendo also have mature games on Wii u
Zombi u.
Call of duty b o 2
Devils third
Assassins creeds
Mass effect 3
Deus ex
Darksiders 2
Ninja gaiden 3
Walking dead
Sniper elite
Super Mario 3D world
Is Nintendo breaking your trust
Not because of success, but because of No more games like during ps1 / ps2 before. Also, with very few kid friendly games that almost not aapeals to me, tons of adult games, I can't find any decent titles. I can't find proper DDR games on ps3, no more kid friendly like ps1 / ps2 before, no more Musical games from Bemani, no more unique games.
I have ever tried some ps3 games 3 years ago, thanks to my gameshop owner allowed me to rent his ps3 machine. The ps3 games that I have I bought by myself. Last time I have were FF 13, FF X & X-2 Remastered, The Sims 3, The Sims 3 Pets, Ni no Kuni & Little Big Planet 2. But... after played for several months, I felt FF 13 extremely disappointed, I giveaway my Little Big Planet 2 to my gameshop owner even without played first due to lack of desire, I felt bored with FF X& X2 remastered, so does with The Sims 3 & The Sims 3 Pets. In 2015, when I got financial crisis, I sold some of my ps3 games due not interested with ps3 anymore ( Even the games I chose by myself).
When Wii U announced, my attention switched to Nintendo again. Hopefully Wii U offered me better games. Yes, it was true. But, when I realized the lack of 3rd party, I felt frustrated to find decent Nintendo games since the 3rd party on Wii U at beginning really sucks.
Back to ps3 case. That's the reason why I start to hate sony and even more when ps4 overwhelmed by more sinister games.
@Anti-Matter There are still plenty of not violent games on the PS4. You just have to look a bit deeper.
That 60fps gameplay sure looks sweet, until a battle occurs and down it goes! It makes that janky 30fps look better if only for being more consistent and having less-jarring drops.
Okay, I will answer for this case.
I know from the beginning, Nintendo also have some adult games. But.... their amount still lesser than sony / microsoft had. Nintendo still filled with bunch of Kid friendly games and Teen games. The kid friendly games on Nintendo surprisingly was very entertaining and matched with my criterias, started from NDS and Wii era.
Wii U also have some adult games, but like I said before I hate all of them, never care their existence. Because if lesser amount of adult games on Wii U and more Kid friendly games on Wii U, I still can trust their brand image. To be honest, Nintendo almost betrayed my trust during year 2015. It was very painful to watch for Nintendo when they released very wrong games like Happy Home Designer, Amiibo Festival. I felt Nintendo get drunk, forget to make great games and almost break my heart. But during 2016, my trust healed quickly by some Surprising updates, new games for 3DS and delightful price cut for rare Wii U games. I was delighted when Nintendo announced a new update for AC New Leaf, NX revealed (Now is Switch) and my eyes can't stop staring at beautiful Nintendo Switch that offered me revolutionary gaming experience and good titles.
During 2017, before Switch presentation, I prayed a lot for Nintendo's future and my pray answered. Nintendo finally became more serious for Switch and I was delighted by their commercials about Switch so aggressively. When I saw the games line up, I was quite impressed. Not bad for 1st year, at least I got 8 titles to be bought during year 2017. I felt so lucky to be part of Nintendo gaming experience. And I want Nintendo success once again, that's why I will do anything (In positive way) to make Nintendo great again.
Thanks for the feedback but unfortunately the kid friendly games on ps4 both physical and psn, None of them are appeals to me. Not even matched with my criteria that i'm looking for. And their amount still lesser than adult games on ps4. I have no good choices at all. Plus, the image brand of Sony for being an adult brand, cut my trust until zero interest.
Very different with Nintendo. For Nintendo Switch (example) I had written at least 8 titles to buy before even the machine got released. Sorry for bothering you.
@Anti-Matter less adult games because there was less games coming out on the Wii u. Less support. Would Nintendo want third party support like Sony, and release all these games on their platform and I can tell you, I'm sure they would want. Nintendo wants to make money as with all businesses. They don't care about you praying for them, it's better if you pray for your own family.
You haven't even played the switch yet and already you Call it revolutionary gaming, and love 1-2 switch like it's never been done before. It's best to try first. You haven't played miitopia yet but it's your favourite game.
Enjoy gaming
@UK-Nintendo you forgot Call of Duty: Ghost, Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed IV, and maybe the Arkham games, too.
@Koudai1979 yeah. There's more too but only listed what came in my head
I have a question for anyone who has a PS4 Pro. I plan on getting a PS4 before I get a Switch, specifically for the entire Kingdom Hearts collection (except 358/2 Days), but I gotta know, is getting the Pro worth spending an extra hundred dollars?
I actually found it pleasing to know that there's unnoticable difference between normal PS4 and Pro.
@AlexSora89 PS4 players still need a DS for 358-- screw it, the one about Roxas.
@allav866 Short answer no, not really.
Long answer, unless your TV can handle 4k and even then you may not get an overall better experience. A few games will have a better frame rate, but for the most part the advantage is the hybrid resolution (and its not even 4k). That and it does not play Ultra-HD Blurays just 4K Netflix so even then unless you got a god internet connection you will not make use of the 4K resolution video. So not really worth the price.
lol why dont you show Final Fantasy XV for the ps4 and for 3ds.. oh wait 3ds doesent have ff xv nor will any nintendo console be ever able to run a game like ff xv...
@allav866 no. Stick to the PS4. Save that monies
@UK-Nintendo @Wexter Ohk. Good to know. Thanks, guys. You saved my wallet from unnecessary suffering.
@ruinez Like how the PS4 will never get Xenoblade right? Oh, yeah that's right Nintendo is the rights owner of the one of the greatest JRPG brands out there. Dahhhh
I know I'm the minority, but am I the only one that really wants to love the awesome concept of Kingdom Hearts but absolitely hates the games instead because of the stupid insane storyline?
@invictus4000 You're not alone (puny). Love the game, but the series really should had stopped at KHII because everything after that makes no sense or contradicts its own canon.
[Insert general "I hate sony because PS4 has games that other systems don't and also one game that was pretty good on 3DS." comment]
I say that Sony should stop making and allowing all games for the PS4 until the Switch has caught up with quantity of games.
@Wexter sry nothing cant come close to Final Fantasy...
@Wexter Seriously, it's so out of control. I can't wait to play Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Memory Distances Remastered 3.2 HD Remixed 3!
@cfgk24 yeah, nobody cares, ever. Pointless fluff
@allav866 I had a PS4 and now have a Pro. If you have a 4K television and or don't mind spending a little more on your PS4 then I would say buy the Pro. They have gone on sale on Amazon several times down as low as $340 once but every now and then are $370, so be aware of that. That said the PS4 Pro has been getting more and more games updated to handle 4K output. Granted a lot of 4K televisions can upscale 1080p content to 4K but the difference can be noticeable. The newest update for the PS4 Pro in beta allows for running any game in an unlocked frame rate. This could potentially be buggy or crash depending on the game, but is nice to see Sony offering up this advantage for those who want to try it out. So there are performance enhancements to be had whether running at 4K mode, games getting a 900p to 1080p upgrade, or just running any game with a higher frame rate. If you can afford the extra cost I highly recommend the Pro over the standard PS4.
Performance wise it's nice to see that the 3DS game isn't that much outdone by the PS4 versions. The 3DS seems to keep a more stable 30 fps framerate while the PS4 and Pro versions struggle with 30 or 60 even though running at a much higher resolution. But then again Dream Drop Distance was developed with the 3DS in mind and this is a remastered port, so some performance issues can be expected.
I don't think the intent of this video is to prove which console is superior, but to keep consumers informed as to how games run on different platforms. I've liked following their DF Retro series and it's interesting to see how games run between platforms. Granted a game can be fun and the performance not matter as much. But framerate can be important and does matter to the fluidity of a game. Digital Foundry helps to keep consumers informed before buying and it helps hold developers to a higher standard. Fortunately Nintendo has held framerate as an important aspect of their games for a long time now, and it's something that I rarely am concerned with on a Nintendo console. I'm glad to see that many of the new Switch titles will be running at a smooth 60fps whether at 720p on the console, or 1080p on the television.
@Nico07 You realize the PS4 Pro is not actually rendering a 4K picture. It is simulating a 4K resolution without nativity rendering it through a checker boarding method and by dynamically scaling the image. The PS4 PRO does not do 4K. It looks nice, but that is not a native 4K image you are looking at.
Thank you for the feedback.
Well, from beginning Nintendo have lesser adult games that you can find out from all Nintendo handhelds (GameBoy, NDS, 3DS) and consoles (NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii & Wii U) so I feel safe with their policy.
Also, I have explained myself that I was ever be a victim of traumatic video games experience, changed my perception about video games forever. And at the same time, my heart can't let the people fallen into demonic traps of entertainment (movies, video games and other media masses). I really want people can play nice games without all adultery things inside because we know those contents doesn't even have any benefits, just only negative effects. Don't worry about me, I will keep praying for Mr Tatsumi Kimishima, Mr Reggie, Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo to keep maintain their policy as Family friendly brands, safe for kids and everybody can play together. And I still keep my statement to become kiddie gamer, play appropriate games only, keep popping out on some threads with comments and jokes because I like to talk with other people in this site. And sorry if my comments sometimes still make you disagree because I will never change my perception about Nintendo and my bitter experience about sony. Don't hesitate to reply me with some comments or feedback because sometimes I was being clueless for giving a comments. Well, happy gaming anyway.
@UK-Nintendo name more sinister games!
@geordie the binding of Isaac
Resident evil revelations
Splinter cell
Sniper elite
The walking dead. Etc etc
Which is why I hope once the Dark Seeker saga is over, the franchise do us the favor of having different, split storylines, with Sora staying on Sony consoles, maybe the Nintendo titles focusing on Ephemer or Ventus, or maybe Roxas, and Microsoft consoles getting another protagonist, and it's not like Donald and Goofy have to be party members for only one of them.
358/2 days, pronounced three five days over two. Is it that difficult? Really? :-/
@Wexter Actually the PS4 Pro can and does render 4K resolutions in some games including: Skyrim Remastered, The Last of Us, and Diablo 3 to name a few. Yes, a lot of PS4 Pro games are running at 1440p or checkerboard 4K (which is actually like 2K but looks great on a 4K screen). But the general result is that games updated for the PS4 Pro do run better on the new hardware compared to the standard PS4, given that it has double the GPU of the original, and a fraction of what Xbox Project Scorpio will have or pretty much any of Nvidia's current line of PC GPU's are.
@AlexSora89 I thought it was three (hundred) fifty-eight over two days? Or maybe it was divided by 2 days... Or is that actually one (hundred) seventy-nine days? (Math lolz )
@Anti-Matter Are you an adult? If so,why do you hate "adult" games so much? Personally for me,all that matters is gameplay. I'm just curious.
Still dunno why Square can't just give us ports of the main games....they could've given the Wii U a HD port of the first game. Would've been awesome. :c
@UK-Nintendo Don't even bother. This guy has proven time and time again that he has the mental capacity of a 5 year old. A true shill until the very end. I pray that he will one day have the mental fortitude to stop spewing his biased, factually incorrect, and non-sensical drivel.
@UK-Nintendo "Demonic entertainment" is probably a sign that arguing with that guy is like fighting a brick wall.
@Tarvaax You have a valid point that I agree with, but I confess finding your avatar amusingly "fitting" for that comment.
Love the comments...the various hate towards anything Sony and the people that think nintendo can do no wrong...got news...all of the companies do wrong!!!!
Back to the topic, yeah, of course it'll look better on a console than a handheld...that's a given. Even when Sega put the Gamegear Sonic games onto the systems...hey...they looked better too!!! Amazing!!!! Anyways, the 3DS version was good and unlike the PS4 version (which I own and am playing right now), it's nice to have a version to play on the go and one to play at home!!! Still though, it's also nice to get trophies and replay the game again.
@Anti-Matter Well, at least you're honest...?
@Joeynator3000 Sony still owns the license of the first 2 games, but I believe part 3 is also coming to XBONE. If the audience is there for the Switch, they could bring them over to it, but the 3DS version wasn't a big seller, which would probably lead them to saying that it wouldn't be worth their time and money. Sony has more of the RPG fans (granted I don't care for RPG's, and yes, I know Kingdom Hearts is more action adventure than RPG) and nintendo is more for party and platform adventure titles (which is what I like, why I own all nintendo, but also own all of Sony for their great IP's as well). Other than that, one day, maybe the originals will cross over to the Nintendo system...at least we're finally getting Dragon Quest back, considering that they first started out on the NES as Dragon Warrior.
@ZurapiiYohane64 Well, we've waited THIS long! We can wait a couple more years for III.
Oh, sorry for make you curious.
I will explain.
Even I am an adult gamer, I hate all adult games due to traumatic gaming & adult movies experience when I was kid. I accidentally watched / exposed with those adultery things (sadistic, bloods, gory, profanities, sex, dark theme, killing, demonic theme) from games and movies when I was kid and that was actually my relatives (My auntie, my uncle, my neighbor, my friends) fault to not watch out with that accident. I felt disgust, guilty, angry, regret and started to hate every single adult contents because for me it was pure EVIL. I hate evil things so that's why I never ever want to get involved in that situation or I will be so upset, drive me mad with hatred feeling. To heal my guilty feelings, I start to play only appropriate games, watch appropriate movies and share my bad experience to other people so they can stay away from bad things and behave positively. I'm so sorry to make you curious and if you think i'm Kiddie, yes I am. I am kiddie gamer, like cute things. And I think it's not a wrong thing, right ?
I hope you understand about me.
I just want to be honest about myself.
@Anti-Matter Uh...your statements about Sony are actually wrong. Do some research...the Playstation 1 had a ton of kid-friendly games, some of which were even early childhood titles (Rayman Brain Games, Bear In The Big Blue House, Inspector Gadget, Garfield, ET, Winnie The Pooh's Party...etc) The Playstation 2 had a lot too (Veggietales, The Bible Game, Strawberry Shortcake, Many Dora titles, Go Diego Go and many more), and the Playstation 3 had many (Monster High, Barbie, Puss In Boots, Learning With The Poo Yoo's and Wonderbook and many more) and the Playstation 4 has many too. Nintendo isn't all that kid friendly, it's just their games are more colorful and platform adventure. The Ratings don't mean a thing, if the ratings were around since Atari, The NES would have a lot that would have been rated T and M back then (Blood in Castlevania series, Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday The 13th), and the Super NES had it's fair share when the ratings systems were coming on board, and the Gamecube has over 50 Mature rated titles and close to 100 Teen rated titles. Wii also had it's fair share, it's just for the Wii U, it didn't have the third party support, and portables usually always get E rated titles...even the PSP and VITA had more E Rated games then T or M. The fact that you are calling Sony for adults, is ludacris...they make games to appeal to a wide audience too, it's just showing that you are more for nintendo, which is fine, you have a favorite company...I love nintendo too, but I still love Sony for the same way, great games and great IP's. Both are good, so of course the back lash will come at you when you favor only ONE company and put down another. Anyways, (and I'm not really sure if you're a parent like me or not), I just end up watching what my kids play, but my kids end up preferring any of the systems I have (got rid of the Wii U, as it was collecting dust most of the time). My kids love the PS4, play the PS3 a lot and love the Wii for some of the games...I don't really let them go back to any other generations past those ones. Not putting you down or your comments either, just making a little point on my own!
@Anti-Matter Mind, I strongly disagree with your reasoning, but I admire your courageous honesty if not your logic!
I'm just excited to see an article with Kingdom Hearts in it!
Used to be ps1 & ps2 was my lovely machines from sony. I was grown by those machines when I was Teen. I play appropriate games when I was Teen. It was so much fun with those machines and I wished ps3 can continue the same moment, but I was wrong. Starting from ps3, I can't find any decent titles even you mentioned some kid friendly titles for ps3 (because those titles are not even my taste). I have checked from gamefaqs, other website to find out how many kid friendly that will suitable for me and guess what ? I found nothing, unlike ps1 & ps2 that I found at least top 30 games to be played, I found less than 10 titles that suitable for me and those titles didn't really good in my opinion. Ps4 just even worse for me. I felt sony slapped my face and I felt disappointed a lot. So, I return to Nintendo to heal my broken heart and stay on Nintendo side no matter what. Yet, I still have some good memories about ps1 & ps2 games, I wish I can play it again. Ps1 & ps2 were the only sony machines that I LOVE . But starting from ps3 and above, psp (I found less than 10 decent titles from psp and still I prefer NDS than psp) & psvita, I don't care of them anymore.
I'm sorry if my explanation make you disagree. I still love ps1 & ps2 but I have to move on. I can't cry for the past. I'm moving on from sony, stay on Nintendo side for the rest.
Looks like a rather basic remaster.
I thought DDD was good but it wasn't the pinnacle of 3DS visuals, I'd say that Resident Evil Revelaitons and Kid Icarus Uprising are the best looking 3DS games. Both games benefit from the 3D effect too, as when it's on it seems to smooth everything out, gives them a sheen and adds the depth. After playing those games, my PS3/360 games looked and felt a bit lifeless in comparison.
@AlexSora89 It's just such a needlessly long title that I'd rather call it "Roxas Game."
Lol, this "3DS" junk can't even keep up with a three-year-old console, it's totally dead in the water. Just wait, I'll bet the 3DS version won't even get any DLC, and they'll have the gall to charge full price for it at release.
@UK-Nintendo yay!
"Kingdom Hearts: The One With Roxas (And That Girl What's-Her-Name) 1.0 DS ReMIX"
(And Knuckles)
I would explain the meaning behind that title but that would kind of spoil the entire darned game.
@UK-Nintendo SM3DW? You just made my day lol
Guys, the video is suppose to be a comparison between the PS4 and Pro versions of the game. The only times they compare with the 3DS version is when they're talking about what's being improve, they got give it much flak because they know it's an older game on a handheld.
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