NIS America is well-known for taking on the localisation of games out of Japan that, otherwise, would likely never see the light of day in the West. During an event in San Francisco it's now confirmed two more 3DS titles that it's bringing to North America and Europe.
First up is RPG Maker Fes, which was previously spotted in age rating classifications. This tool-set enables users to produce relatively complex RPGs of their own (as the name makes clear), with a variety of capabilities and also a broad range of templates and sets. The beauty is that creations can be shared online, and a free companion app on the eShop will allow all 3DS owners to try out and experience projects that players have put together.

We spent some time with this at the NIS America event, so you can read our Hands On impressions of the localised build to learn more about it.
Also confirmed to be on the way this Summer is Culdcept Revolt. Regulars on these pages may recall this from Japan-only Nintendo Direct broadcasts that we shared ahead of its arrival in the country last year. This one is all about turn-based strategy with cards; the series gets compared to the likes of Magic: The Gathering, and based on the Direct broadcasts that seems like a solid comparison. It's a series that, despite four releases in its history, has a limited relationship with the West - a DS release in 2008 was Japan-only, for example.
We've posted the first of the Japanese Nintendo Directs below as a reminder, and this fan-site called Culdcept Central gives an idea of the complexities the series can offer.
Are these titles going on your Summer 3DS wishlist?
Comments 52
This is awesome! In the year that the Switch launches its hard to believe that the 3DS would be getting so much support (DQ 8, FE Echoes, etc). I'm hoping these aren't download only but if they are I won't complain.
Never expected Culdcept Revolt to get localized
This is super awesome! RPG Maker is my jam, I foresee it will keep me busy for hundreds of hours just like all the earlier literations I've played.
Great news! I was wondering when the Culdcept series would finally reach Western shores. Good on NIS America for localizing this game.
Culdcept? They are really tempting me to purchase a 3ds. Culdcept on PS2 is in my top ten games of all time.
Cool, might check out Culdcept some day! The first time I had heard of it was from a song in Smash 4...
This looks amazing. I'm in.
RPG Maker! Im very interested. After the shocking video that Zelda breath of the wild would have Day 1 DLC. This is great news
Wow RPG Maker, that should definitely makes up for all the Final Fantasy games we had missed.
Omg when RPG Maker Fes was announced everyone said there was no way it'd make it to the West! I'm so glad they were wrong! I mean despite my game design experience I don't have time to invest making anything right now but there should be some stellar RPGs others make that I can play! Best part is, those RPGs can be played FOR FREE!!!
WOW! Culdcept Revolt and RPG Maker, NIS A came through big time!
OMG CULDCEPT!!! I never thought I'd actually get a crack at it!
Dang, I guess I won't be running out of 3DS games for a while. Really glad I'm choosing to wait on the Switch.
If RPG Maker Fes comes to Europe I'd certainly buy it!
RPG MAKER Huh? would this be purely gameplay in construction, or are there some story elements to the process?
I must have read that wrong. Actually thought it said Culdcept Revolt and RPG Maker was coming west. Ha!
I better go make a pot of coffee. Clearly I'm too groggy waking up.
That's impressive, never thought Culdcept Revolt would ever be localized.
Pretty crazy that the 3DS' 6th year may still have a better game lineup than the Switch's 1st year!
Holy cow, YES. I seriously wanted the Maker and I had already given up on it.
One hundred percent assured buy.
An RPG maker??.....Not for me.
Can't think of a more time consuming gaming option 😂😂
Great if this is your thing though, massive value in this type of purchase. If you've got the spare time?
RPG Maker Fes Special Edition with Artbook and Soundtrack $49.99 @NIS Store
There's a regular physical edition there too for $39.99
Do people not realize that two of the Culdcept games came out in the west, on PS2 and Xbox 360?
Whoa! These two may not be Etrian V, but what a pair! They're both massively time consuming so I may just get one or the other, but I'm thrilled about both, so we'll see.
Think I will be getting both of those.
I will be keeping an eye on these. Can't wait to learn more!
NO WAY! They haven't localized an RPG Maker since PS1! This is the most exciting news since the Switch for me! I dumped like a thousand hours into RPG Maker 2000 on PC. My life is over. Lol
Ooooh, didn't think we'd get RPG Maker
Well, looks like I won't be retiring my 3DS anytime soon.
Long life the 3DS.
Thank you Atlus, and now thank you NIS America.
wow, okay. I'm in.
Fire Emblem Echoes and now Culdcept Revolt? As a 3DS owner, I feel loved! RPG Maker interests me if I can make a tactical RPG.
That art up there gives me an idea: Culdcept Tetris!
I remember playing a game of Fortune Street with friends and wanting to play Culdcept instead after drawing the parallel, but of course they had no idea what that was and it certainly wasn't accessible to them.
@FantasiaWHT Because nobody even knew it existed. Even as an early XBox 360 title...yeah. I guess nobody that gave a damn about Japanese games had 360s back then despite Microsoft's push for them? I know I didn't.
@SteamedSquid Yeah that's a reasonable guess. I bought a 360 in large part to get the next Culdcept game.
Definitely getting Culdcept
[In real time:]
No way...
Is this for real?
Culdcept is my poop!
@Windy "After the shocking video that Zelda breath of the wild would have Day 1 DLC"
Shocking? I can't tell if your being serious.
Oh my god, for years I've been wanting a game that's a cross between Monopoly and Magic, I can't believe it's been an actual thing this whole time!
Thank you Culdcept, day one buy for me!!!
I will be getting RPG Maker Fes for the fact that I need something to get me into the creating groove. I have RPG Maker MV with me and I like it, but I don't want the $80 I spent on it to go to waste. Hopefully Fes will get me into that groove again.
Glad to see people that like Culdcept. It's kind of a shame Nintendo could bother to publish it themselves.
I think when the Japanese Direct came and we calculated this Culdcept had a roughly minus-five percent chance of coming West-wards.
Yet here we are! I guess much of the voice acting already being (curiously) in English is going to make that aspect easier to take over.
@Spiders No profanity please.
I'd love a proper, visually appealing Culdcept game on the Switch. It's the type of game that is well suited to be played on the train, plain, bus or wherever really, and also, I'm a sucker for deep card-based games, have been ever since ... well, actually M:TG, which we used tu play in the school yard back in the day.
I might actually even pick up that 3DS version at some point. Outside of the 360 game, I never really got the chance to play another one, and again, this is imho a better fit for a portable device than for a stationary one.
@JaxonH thank you!
It's gorgeous. Those acrylic bookends are just... wow!
Idk if I'll get either special edition ($80 + $50 vs $32 + $32 at BestBuy with GCU), especially with thousands tied up in Switch merch and other games and items (Mass Effect, Nier, $80 Arts & Artifacts LE, $80 BotW Deluxe Guide, $90 Link F4F statue, etc)
But man they sure are nice. Definitely getting the Disgaea 5 Complete LE from NIS Store though. Maybe the RPG Maker LE also since it's only $50
What's Culcept?
I do love me some RPG Maker. Finally, a game for the Switch that truly attracts my attention. Still, it is just another sequel. More original titles, please!
@Spiders im very disappointed that they have Day 1 DLC for Zelda for content which is probably built into the game and we must now pay to unlock. Its the wave of the future. I have been mulling over cancelling my Switch order with the Zelda game.
I cant wait for an RPG maker game for 3ds. Hope to see some good stories out there
@Joeynator3000 my excitment amd desire for accuracy got the best of me. Sorry.
@Windy I don't think it's that bad. Well, we see if the hard mode is worth it, but that "locked on disc" doesn't really happen anymore. The addition dungeons clearly need more time and the extra story is supplemental. I know if feels like you're being held hostage, but you not really missing out all that much, and you can wait to see if additional DLC is worth it.
@Spiders i was going to cancel today and my wife who is very wise. Says"shutup! Keep your order with the Zelda game your going to love it. I know you. Worry about the season pass later. Yes they are milking it the way they are screwing with DLC but it is now the way of the future with new consoles. Its all about the money grab. My wife is pretty darn smart. So I will keep my order and im sure love it.
@Windy Truly you're better half! That's really funny.
I really don't know, but I do truly believe this is additional/supplemental stuff and not content being held back. Worst case scenario the DLC is keeping things that would've been straight cut ala Wind Waker in development and eventually in-game, so maybe considering it like a Director's Cut/Extended Edition makes it not seem so devious.
Back on topic I want this RPG maker so bad. I hope it doesnt take to long. Cant wait to mess with it. I hope it supports 3d for menus poppin out at you
I wonder if Culdcept is an online Boardgame with RPG elements like Magic looks cool. Will be cool if it has online
NIS should have chosen Atelier Rorona instead of Culdcept!
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