![Rime and reason](https://images.nintendolife.com/ce1b09686c0a7/rime-and-reason.900x.jpg)
Tequila Works is bringing RiME to the Nintendo Switch this year (with help from Tantalus), and the game is shaping up very nicely indeed, calling to mind the likes of ICO and Zelda.
Comparisons with the latter have been coming thick and fast over the past few months, but it would seem that one area in which RiME won't be challenging Breath of the Wild is sheer scope; the game can apparently be completed in under 10 hours if you speed through it.
Speaking to WCCF Tech, lead designer Kevin Sardà spoke a little about the size of the game and the potential for replayability:
The duration of the game will largely depend on each player's play style and how he or she would like to immerse into the exploration of the island and unlocking all the secrets it keeps. If if you really want to take your time and collect all the secrets, you might well end up in the 8-10 hours range, but it could take a couple hours fewer or a couple hours more. As for replayability, the story of RiME has a very well defined ending, which everybody will experience when they finish the game, but there is a good chance players might miss several secrets and collectibles in their first playthrough, and those items are not there as mere cosmetic additions or to artificially increase the time you spend in the game, but they offer deeper understanding about the story. We expect a good deal of players will revisit the island in order to get the whole picture!
Those expecting a Zelda-sized adventure may well be disappointed by this news, but a 10 hour quest which you really enjoy is always better than a 100 hour one which ends up being a repetitive slog, if you ask us. What about you? Were you expecting a longer experience from RiME, or is 10 hours just right? Let us know by posting a comment below.
[source wccftech.com]
Comments 69
I like games to give me at least 20 hours
10 hours means at least 50 hours the way I am playing video games 😀
That's very short and disappointing. I thought it was a Zelda wannabe. Price will be crucial now. I think its price is meant to be €30/$30 which for me is too much given its length. Which is a shame really as it looks nice.
Isn't this a budget/eShop title? If so, 10 hours seems pretty reasonable.
As a gamer who can be quite time poor I personally prefer shorter games every now and again so RiME will be the perfect antidote once I finish Zelda.
Longer for a completionist like myself then.
Another game to add to my Switch collection.
Between this and that pinball game Yokus Island Express (developed by ex Starbreeze devs who made The Darkness & Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena), and a few other Indie games, it looks like I'll be busy.
As long as this is reflected in the price of the game I am very happy with this. I really like shorter games these days, still playing zelda day one tho.
@Cosats with the kids, work and all, that's enough to last me a couple of months lol
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It is meant to be a Team Ico wannabe so that was always going to disappoint you.
perfect! manageable games rise to the top of the backlog.
Nintendo Life:"the game can apparently be completed in under 10 hours if you speed through it."
Actual Quote:" If if you really want to take your time and collect all the secrets, you might well end up in the 8-10 hours range"
These 2 don't seem to match up that well, ButI could be reading it wrong so I am not calling Nintendo Life out on anything, they rarely make mistakes. But I just want to see more of this game before I get my opinion formed on it.
Not at all surprising. If you've ever taken the time to watch one of the trailers, you'll see it's a puzzle platformer set in a single location.
If anyone was expecting an action adventure title with dozens of hours of playing time, they haven't been paying attention. I'm getting it day 1, for what it's worth.
I don't know why people try to emulate the Zelda vibe. . . Do something different. .
@G0dlike if it costs half of the price from a game with minimum 20 hours, why not?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE totally agree. If it comes at $20 I will buy it.
10hours enjoyment of a nice paced game is always worth it provided it's not too pricy. 10hours slog through a repetitive somewhat broken game is definitely not regardless of price. I'm hopeful for the former and will await reviews. So far though it looks encouraging.
The Steam trailer looks great:
But I wonder how much of what we're seeing is there for cinematic purposes and how much reflects the actual gameplay experience.
The one thing it lacks for me is any indication that there's much scope for messing about/having fun with the environment.
Good news. I prefer quality over quantity. Another gen for the switch library.
I like the idea of fleshing out a story through collectibles in a short game - if they quoted long play times, the bigger risk/problem would be them sticking in far more collectibles purely for filler.
Well 2 hours of that will be me just staring, thinking how beautiful it looks
@gcunit hopefully there is time for exploration at least on the second playthrough. The main game is probably around +-5 hours at best.
Seems pretty reasonable for a puzzler set on a series of small islands.
It looks and feel like an Ico type of a game. That wasn't too long either.
I hope they price it accordingly, maybe around 20€.
@arrmixer But I don't want exploration just for the sake of it. If there's not fun things to do e.g. jumping off things, swinging on things, pushing things over, building structures, throwing things at the wildlife etc. then any exploration will get boring pretty quickly for me.
@cfgk24 Because the "zelda vibe" is great and taking inspiration from good things isn't bad.
As for the game's length, as it has been pointed out, it's nice having a short adventure once in a while. Not every game has to be 70+ hours long.
10 hours is actually a great length for me. Longer games can often lose a lot of their magic by the late game. It needs to be priced sensibly though.
I'm tempted to get this now, I don't have time to play long, story heavy games these days.
Zelda is of course the exception that proves the rule.
Journey was only 2hrs at best and still remains one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had with modern gaming. Size means nothing when something is done right.
If this game runs at a stable frame rate and looks nice when played in portable mode, I think I might consider it.
Sounds like you can't wait to play Zelda BOTW! 🙂
RIME also available on PS4 in physical Blu Ray.
10 hours gameplay for what adventures... ? I think it looks like Platformer storyline rather than RPG storyline.
This is good news to me, not sure why you'd want a game to ruin itself by padding for time.
Love short games !
I don't have much time so I like to know I can see the end of it at some point, without being held back from enjoying other games. I'm much more interested by this game now !
I have almost never complained about shorter game lengths, especially when there are other things to do. Now just put this out in a box and I am buying it!
Works for me. I always take longer than normal anyway, so that is a good length for me.
10 good hours > 50 hours of grind. Personally I like how Breath of the Wild (apparently) offers the openness to focus purely on the story.
The price?
That seems a little too short. However, I'm slow, so it's bound to take me over 10 hours.
Pretty funny that people are defending this bum deal of a news item, when that means less value for the dollar and potentially an underwhelming experience.
Just means Reggie can stay in bed instead of trying to communicate that hard sell to thirsty gamers!
This is fine though? Especially for what it's trying to accomplish. I don't really like games that overstay their welcome.
If you're still not convinced may I add Portal to the examples of "good and short" games. It just comes down to the price.
That doesn't seem like a problem to me. Why should we be so bottled up in a game having to be at least 20-30+ hours before it's not a ripoff? Most poeple these days have things called 'a life' and can not focus 30 or 100+ hours on some dumb game. They may buy it, hell I probably would, but I'd go in knowing I'll not find the time to finish it before life and distraction set in. I'd consider a game of this quality locking in at 8-12 hours as good thing as it's very likely to be played out entirely.
Need to be priced accordingly. No more then 15$ and I'll bite. 20$ or more just makes me want to wait for a sale.
Sounds good to me. I've been playing a lot of 50-hour games lately that have worn out their welcome by hour 10 because the missions & objectives started repeating too much.
Apparently it's going to be $30 at retail for a physical copy on PS4 and Xbox One based on some digging I've done, and I think that's pretty reasonable. I'd love the digital-only copy to be cheaper, but I think $30 for this title, in physical form, would be pretty acceptable. At the high end of the spectrum, to be sure, but not unreasonable. I think $40 would have been a deal-breaker for many. I recall The Witness getting grief for being $40 (to say nothing of No Man's Sky at $60), so I'm glad they don't seem to be dramatically overreaching on the price.
Tend to rate my purchases at a £/HR regardless of whether I complete them or not. So for me, shorter games can still outlast longer games in this regard if I stop playing the latter before completion. Helps me decide if I want to pony up for a sequel.
Long as the price is reasonable I'd bite.
I never expected it to be a lengthy title, though it's getting a physical PS4 release. But it's a little disturbing that they say, basically, 10 hours is the completion time for looking for every treasure. It implies if you're not going for completionism it's pretty darn short. For an adventure-puzzle game that sounds extremely short. It's a genre that tends to lend itself to very long sessions.
They sell it on the catch phrase of "that tower in the center is only the beginning of the adventure" to imply that there's a huge world to explore. In reality that probably means that's where the game starts.
It might still be worth it in the $20-40 range, but it's a shame it's not a meatier world to explore.
I'm a little disappointed in the length, but I am a player who usually takes twice as long to finish a game as most estimates, so there is that. This is one of the games I'm most looking forward to though, I've watched that video of the first 27 minutes a couple of times and it looks so beautiful I can't wait to play it. It'll be a day 1 buy for me regardless of estimates of game length.
I'm not surprised by the length. The game seems to resemble games like Ico and The Last Guardian, both which were relatively short and fantastic games. 10 hours is fine as long as I enjoyed the game. Hell, I just finished RE7 over the weekend and thought it was short but fantastic.
Just want to chime in and say that a reasonable length game is very appealing to me so this is nothing but good news. A price of about $30 might give me pause but if it's a great moving experience and well reviewed I think I'd bite.
I do make exceptions for playing some long games and Metroid, Mario, and Zelda are right on top of that list, so BotW will be just fine.
In general, I'll take a 10 to 30 hour game over a 100 hour one every time. I'm glad that both options exist, and I'm excited as everyone else for Zelda, but focused experiences that last 10 hours (or less!) are not inherently less valuable than longer experiences. Heck, Firewatch was one of my favorite games in 2016 and I finished that one in two evenings.
Feel like I've been reading about this game for awhile now and it has always looked like a 6-7 hour indie game to me. Looks like a colorful sequel to The Unfinished Swan or a watercolor version of Brothers: A Tale if Two Sons, both enjoyable mid-range priced indie games in that time range. I have never thought it was going to be a long game.
I don't know, maybe Nintendo consoles haven't had a lot of those types of shorter indie games for people to compare it too, 3DS certainly gets its share of long JRPGs.
Will this have a physical Switch release?
All depends on the quality of the experience. This seems heavily inspired by Fumito Ueda's games so if this can really be as memorable as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus or The Last Guardian then fair enough!
Looks like a cool game. If it is priced appropriately (I always try to gauge how much $ per hour of gameplay I will get out of something I buy) I will probably pick this up. Honestly, with how little time I seem to have these days maybe I'll actually finish this one. I'm still working on Twilight Princess HD (enjoying it, but taking my time).
10 Hours is not bad. But I hope it won't be to pricey then. €40 I would find acceptable.
If it costed 10/20 dollars I would pick it up, but any more than that, I'll pass. I know not every game needs to be super long, but there are plenty of games out there that are either just as good or better than this one that last much longer.
10 hours sounds good, I'm fine with that![Untitled](http://smsh.me/li3a.png/)
All indie games should be £15 or less for download and maybe a little higher if retail. Anyways this game looks cool
Considering the size of my backlog, I like a 10 hour game.
I want 1hr for every £1 so if it's 10hrs then I'll pay £10 for it!
10 hours sounds fine. Short games can be just as entertaining as 100 hour behemoths. Take the original Portal for example. I love that game, but I definitely finished it in less than 4 hours.
Kinda surprised at how many people thought it'd be longer. It looks closer to Ico than any Zelda title, and that game is quite short.
Seems like a lovely game. I might stream it on twitch!!
I do like the look of this game, but approx 10hrs for a full-priced release may mean I wait until it is reduced ... or hope someone nice buys to for me.
I like to really take my time in a game like this and just soak it all in. It would be nice if it was longer but good story and gameplay will be more important. I normally enjoy the second play through of a game more than the first.
By those rules I would have paid over $200 each for FE Awakenings and MGS5....lol. Fallout3 and Oblivion would have bankupt me.
I truly hope we see a wide price range strategy with Switch but I fear stuff released on cart will never start out less than $40.
Got Twilight Princess HD a week ago. Already put 14 hours into it..
@QuickSilver88 it's based on games capping out around $60 so as long as you get 1hr for every dollar or pound you pay the rule works.
As for monster hunter I've racked up 1500hrs. So at £30 it was the best purchase ever made. But some games fall very short!
Looks fantastic day one.
As long as those 10 hours are really good...
But the problem is that the Switch version probably costs a lot more then the (Retail) version on other consoles.
That's one of the biggest problem with the Switch (the other being graphics): There will be only first-party titles and downloadable games you can get anywhere...but this time overpriced!!
In other words: Its only really worth it for the first-party titles, a big shame anno 2017!
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