Prior to the formal Nintendo Switch unveiling in January various retailers were hedging their bets with listings for the system, often applying speculative prices. One of the most eye-catching of these was GameSeek, which listed the console for pre-orders at £198.50. When the standard UK price for the system came out at £279.99, the retailer made a point of stating that it would honour pre-orders.
Time will tell on that, but now the retailer is saying it'll be taking pre-orders on the Neon Red / Blue unit soon, encouraging those interested to sign-up for stock alerts on the product page - it's saying they'll also be £198.50, meaning the outlet will be taking a much smaller margin (if any) on the wholesale price than any other business in the UK.
So, what's the deal with this? Well, we feel it's important to emphasize that GameSeek is a lesser known online retailer in the UK and this could be an attention-grabbing stunt - that works, obviously, as undercutting every other retailer by £80 normally does.
There is a big red flag, though, that should make potential customers think twice - GameSeek takes the money for pre-orders up-front, whereas major retailer in the UK typically confirm and take payment right as a product is being shipped. The justification given for this policy is a little odd.
At the moment we do take payment in advance yes. We do this to deter thieves - basically if we can catch them before we ship the items, it helps the government and us greatly and also helps us the keep prices down for the genuine customers, ie you.
The question now is whether the attention-grabbing prices will be truly delivered upon - resulting in some very pleased customers - or whether there'll be issues and claims of "less stock received than expected". With the retailer taking £198.50 a time from customers and promising a bold deal, it could face a significant backlash if it doesn't make good on the transactions.
Time will tell, ultimately. For all prospective Switch owners the advice is simple - choose carefully.
Comments 75
Really that cheap? Think i need another one lol
Both are out of stock - so no actual selling or pre order can take place. Ballsey of Gameseek to go so low, then again will it be long before other retailers go lower???
if they have any more grey ones than that will be good
Something very dodgy about this.
Preordered games there before and never had any problems. Already got a preorder, but I'll keep an eye out for this.
Darn you American capitalists. Darn you to heck. I want a cheap Nintendo Switch, too.
I ordered from them via the Marketplace. Item was either faulty or inaccurately described, and they refused to offer me a refund. (Which I was entitled to by law, in both of the above scenarios).
Definitely not ordering from them again.
Worth a go to see if Amazon will price match it. Worst thing that could happen is they refuse.
@InfernapeKing97 Game would surely step in at that point no?
@LoliNoxTan I emailed them, they refused to help.
Eventually I got a refund, after two weeks of back and forth emailing.
To be fair Argos take the money upfront as well
I've only bought from GameSeek once but that was a £5 download code for Nintendo Pocket Football Club, It came before the delivery date. But I'm unsure I'm comfortable giving £200 on a promise, If it was like other sites with pay once dispatched I'd jump at this but the whole thing seems shady imo.
Setup stock order.
I've used gameseek a number of times, never had a problem with them, I've currently got Breath of the Wild pre-ordered on Wii U through them.
@InfernapeKing97 Only Marketplace I would ever use is Amazon since they will do pretty much anything to keep you happy
Wow, that's a big saving. Does seem a bit dodgy though... I'd never even heard of them until the Switch pre-order thing.
That bit about catching thieves... wtf? lol.
Ordered a few bits from them only problem I've had was mario maker not delivered in time for Xmas.
That's annoying. I've already paid £200 towards my console at GAME. Nevermind. It's not as if I'm paying any more than anywhere else anyway
Sounds almost too good to be true and usually if it sounds it, it's because it is
@pinktothelast Tesco does as well.
Wow, some good news after all the doom and gloom. Thankfully.
Sounds good to me. Too bad I'm in the States... BUT!!!, since the Switch is region free maybe
But the website pre-order stock alert thingy doesn't work. . . ..
I ordered Bayonetta II with them and received the game 2 days before release without any problems. So my experience with GameSeek is rather good. But I love Amazon for its customer service and warranty. If something happens to the console Amazon would offer you refund no questions asked, I bet with GameSeek it's different, but hey £200 for Switch is an amazing price! If I manage to catch stock I'll definitely preorder
Come on down the price is right
Oh yeah, I forgot about GameSeek's low pre-order cost. It seems like such a long time ago when we were in the dark about the Switch. I remember @therealgamer claims about how he was a real game dev and that the Switch would be $199 and out of March 17th. Heh, good times.
Glad to see they're fulfilling the pre-order cost though, not many stores would do that.
I'm tempted... Our Wii U has a lot of life in it yet, but what a Christmas present for my son!
Yeah, very dodgy. They will take pre-orders at £199 for the red/blue console, taking your money upfront. I expect Looooong delays on those systems.
Meanwhile the grey consoles will be sold at the RRP of £280.
@Moon Exactly lol, and helping the government? What are they gaming vigilantes haha? Dodgy AF.
most online stores want the money right when you order. the only one I know that doesn't is amazon
Do thieves often pre order consoles online only on the basis that they don't have to pay until it's released? I'm just confused how you can steal something from an online retailer when you have to pay them before they deliver your stolen goods
Obviously this will turn out to be a scam ... dont fall for it. This "company" is already "struggling" to fullfill regular game shipments let alone thousands of switch units 30% below retail price at launch day. Ridiculous ... they can just as well declare bankrupcy and thats it. This whole "stunt" sounds more like their "exit" strategy in a pyramid-ponzi-scheme.
@manu0. Eh? Hardly any of the ones I use demand upfront payments. I regularly buy stuff from Shopto, GAME's site and the official Nintendo Store, I've also used Tesco for games in the past as well and and none of those take payment until the item is dispatched.
Best Buy takes the money upfront here in the US for the record. I 100% trust them with my money but they also aren't offering any sort of discount.
@ironside1911 Do you have any evidence to back this up?
Just adding to the dialogue to say I've ordered from Gameseek plenty of times and never had any issues. They have a decent loyalty/incentive scheme and tend to despatch in time for, if not before release date.
With that being said I've never bought a console from them, or had to raise any issues with customer services, so I'm not sure how well they'd manage any stock issues or not being able to fulfil pre-orders.
I wasn't going to get a Switch at launch after getting burnt by the Wii U, but might take a punt at that price. Signed up for a stock alert anyway and will see how I feel if/when I'm alerted.
@jamesRainbowBoy Yes, its called "common sense" - there should be a pretty good summary on wikipedia to look up.
People believing in this to be real are probably the same kind who fall for the "make 2000$ a day from your home" ads.
Anyway, heres another hint why all this will go down as a scam.
Amazing Reputation - money in good hands
Lots of happy customers - and you think when they already have issues with 30$ amounts, they will ship switch units with a loss for a publicity stunt? If they would care about any publicity they wouldnt mess up with so many people. They dont care about their reputation. Pretty hard to find a company with worse reviews than that one.
Everybody had a great experience but the best, im sure, is yet to come with the 30% off switch units.
@ironside1911 I appreciate the bad reviews but I, too, have used them before with no problems. Like you I am having difficulty reconciling the £198.50 price with reality but they are also an established company that has been around for years.. wasn't sure if you had any background info on any financial problems the company may be having. Thanks for replying though.
@jamesRainbowBoy Well, regarding financials, im pretty sure they are doing great, considering that they often tend to forget to ship the purchased items as complained about here:
More happy clients
Lots of fans
Dont know why, but they just keep on hitting homeruns on every review site:
More amazing reviews
But yes, let keep a positive attitude
Yes, they dropped £80 off a launch console, are a little-known online retailer with an already questionable reputation, and will likely be allocated far less stock than either GAME or Amazon (let alone Simply Games and Zavvi). Sounds legit.
While you are at it, I have some magic beans you may be interested in.......
I'm so tempted by this but I feel like I should really stay away. They do sound dodgy. And it's reassuring to hear people on here saying they had good experiences with them but I still don't know if I want to chance it.
Everybody knows switch will be cheaper by Christmas. But then, I'll be playing it for more than half a year earlier for a buck our 60 and personally, that's worth it.
Sounds great but I am also skptical as that price seems to good to be true I have signed up for an alert out of curiosity
I've set up an account and registered my interest but I'm not holding out much hope tbh
Their reasoning for taking money upfront is utterly ridiculous and makes them sound like morons. :-/
@Iggy-Koopa I agree with you. I have decided not to chance it!
Not everywhere is giving negative reviews :/
I'm pretty sure I've ordered something from them, and it was all good. That price though is something to be wary about. I'm doubtful about them having that kind of stock at launch. If I had the money, I'd probably take it but since I don't... Good luck.
@Fitkong Sure, sure, for every fake review you might find, theres stuff like this, even with nice detailed story and pictures:
Superb Gameseek practises
Im not saying that they ripped off everyone but that here is the example of insurance companies ... 10 people complain, 5 give up, 3 battle and get a refund, 2 go to court and win .. in the end, company wins overall.
This story here sure makes them look even more reputable.
One more satisfied customer
I know, people just love bargains .. but Im doing you a favor here. Just wait until release day and high five all those happy ones that preordered with them.
@ironside1911 do you think any other retailer does not have negative reviews?!? Not one other retailer will be immune to those type of negative reviews I absolutely guarantee it. Doesn't matter who you are or how big, or little, you are, you're gonna make a mistake and upset someone and they will let everyone else know about it. I've never once had a problem with them and I've always been happy to share my positive experience through feedback and public reviews, but of course I can only speak for myself, buying from within the UK. L
@Dangerous25 Hahah, show me ONE with such a bad negative rating all over ALL MAJOR review site. Just one... and come on, you live in reality, no? I can only speak with common sense, for myself and with enough experience to call BS when I see it... and on launch day, you can edit your posting into "sorry in case someone ordered based on my positive experience" .. "Gameseek scam" is a fun game to play on google, try it.
@InfernapeKing97 So they did refund you? Maybe give all the details in the first post, rather than badmouthing a company who fixed the issue.
Way too much debate here, if you order with credit card you're covered if it doesn't turn up. Only a risk if you absolutely can't wait for your switch
@ironside1911 you seem to have a real chip on your shoulder regarding them, it's odd. Order or don't, no skin off my nose, Nintendo Life saw fit to post an article regarding them and I hope anyone who takes a chance is a happy Nintendo Switch owner in a few weeks.
@Dangerous25 Not sure whats odd about pointing all warning signs out. But sure, why not play money russian roulette and pray for happiness march we will know and until then, those who preordered and are worried now, dont worry, just check the 4-page thread on AVForums on them.
Doesnt get better than this
In case you get ripped, you might want to contact some over there who were considering going to court.
Its so weird, no? All people report similar stuff. Preordered stuff and never got it .. hmm, yea, and thats just regular games. So for sure, launch day, thousands will get their switch 80 quid off .. yes.
I think the same day they deliver the consoles, they will also personally take the time to set it up for you, one by one, and on top, play a few games with everyone to celebrate the good deal (the gameseeks representative will also bring drinks and some fingerfood). Then, in the afternoon, Gameseek will organize a trip with everyone who preordered the switch with them, they will pick up everyone from their homes with a bus and you will enjoy a great big party, free food & drinks ... fireworks at the end and just so that you will always remember how well all went, they arrange a photoshoot where everyone together holds up their switches and smiles ... they even frame the picture for everyone.
So get ready for the biggest bargain launch in history - coming up live in march.
Damn it !! I had to preorder in the UK !! Even with the shipment cost less than what i pay where i live (italy).... T_T
@Folderoll Yes they did refund the item, eventually. Even still, I'm perfectly within my right to badmouth them after I had to deal with their customer service.
I too have done some research and came to the conclusion based on reviews (some from people that I know personally) that I will not risk any amount over £100 with this company... come to think of it not even £50.
I applaud you for letting those willing to listen of the risk of using this company but ultimately you can't argue with people on how or where to spend their own cash.
One can only use the information available before making a decision if to use the company. We choose not too, others will choose to use them. Some will get burn, some will get good service.
BTW I have a list of Amazon sellers I use exclusively for my tech. Never been burned by any of them and ALL of them have excellent credentials and reviews.
@ironside1911 mate read your own messages, you're on some sort of mini crusade. Whatever, I'm not telling anyone what to do, I've used them a number of times and never had a problem, that's just my experience. Order or don't, I don't care, good luck to all
I can't help but feel like something is fishy about getting a game system for over £80 less than it is intended to be... without any official price drop. I remember seeing a New 3DS XL for £130 from an Australian import site but I thought not to after seeing reviews.
Just going to add my 2 cents. Ordered from them a couple of times with no issue.
The discussion here is getting a bit ridiculous I highly doubt they plan on taking a couple thousand preorders, closing down and running off with the cash.
It's simply a marketing stunt off the back of them getting the initial preorder price massively off. They take a small loss on some preorders, get on lots of news sites and help turn their bad rep around.
I think the worst case scenario is some people get a delay or a refund and have to deal with poor customer service. For 30% off I'm more than happy to take the risk, i'll happily take a delay or refund at this price.
As with all online review pages, most people who post on them are the people who aren't happy. How many people say "oh, my order arrived as normal. I will go to an unrelated website to leave a review"? I have used Gameseek before with no problems.
@Dangerous25 I agree. I've used them several times and never had any problems with them whatsoever.
It's the price I think the Switch should have been.
@Dangerous25 Right, right to you, right to everyone. Right to the world of blindness... NO! .. sorry, ... right to happiness... enjoy .. "of course u dont say what people have to buy" (and all the rest of u) .... perhaps u misunderstand one thing about me, and thats this:
I will not pretend to be a hippie hugging trees when i see an offer too good to be true only to be ripped and continue the hippie life of "dont worry, theres another star coming for u"
this is pure money and financials and u shouldnt think of world with nintendo plush toys.
I really dont get it.. whats missing from all the signs? Is it too much? Still nobody managed to find an "established" (who used that word on here? haha) company with worse ratings overall than gameseek?
Right now, this deal and this whole discussion is seperating reality from fanboy dreams (same fanboy dreams that ran Nintendo into the ground... look up my previous PREDICTIONS)
sometimes i really dont get it.. are you even a real person? thats the stuff u seriously want people to "wish good luck" for? Go and freaking use that money for a good cause.
The neon blue and red do look nice. I hope they keep production up long after the Switch is released, even as Joy Cons that are sold seperately. I wish those who are able to pre-order luck in they get their Switch with no problems for that price. I really don't want to read about another pre-order fiasco like GAME overcharging for Super Mario Maker.
Just wow ironside went Bananas. I will agree the deal does look to good to be true but people here have had positive experiences ordering through them and there is no need to shout that down. Also his evidence is terrible none of those review sites have a statistical pool large enough to be any use. Also those sites are largely negative reviews because lets be honest people don't write reviews unless they are mad. I am going to look to see if the companies financials are ok as that is a better way to work out if this is a scam or just a marketing stunt.
@loyalroyal1989 wow, a sensible post! Comments got way outta hand didn't they?!?Lol I applaud you.
@Dangerous25 Yeah I don't quite know why there was plenty of useful posts about if they had a good or bad experience and that all we need. Personally if I get a chance I will try and order one just as I am in no rush to get it and if it gets cancelled I will just buy it when splatoon hits like I had planned.
@loyalroyal1989 I've signed up for their alert, even at that fantastic price I'm not REALLY in a position to splash out on a new console just yet... but it'll do no harm to sign up! They obviously don't currently have stock, so they're not taking orders, so they're not taking anyones money. Like I said in a previous post, good luck to anyone in a position to place an order, I hope they're all happy Switch owners in a matter of weeks!
@loyalroyal1989 "Also those sites are largely negative reviews because lets be honest people don't write reviews unless they are mad."
I think I already said that I kid of course. Good to see others who understand why these review websites are mostly crap.
GameSeek seem genuine enough; I've used them many times without complaint. However, I signed up for a Switch stock alert a month ago and still haven't heard anything - didn't even get a confirmation email for my stock alert, though I've received plenty of emails about their other products...
Considering folk are required to make an account, I suspect GameSeek are merely generating interest for their site rather than feeling generous and offering bargain consoles. A crafty business/marketing decision? More than likely. A scam? Doubtful.
@Monkey_Balls I think you might be right unfortunately.
@Trikeboy Sorry didn't mean to steal your comment but great minds think alike
I would only order if you can pay by credit card. You would then be protected should they fail to deliver.
Have many on here had their Switch delivered by Gameseek? Seems a great deal.
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