When the 8GB model of the Wii U arrived at the system's launch in 2012, right off the bat some retail game downloads necessitated an external hard drive. The Nintendo Switch supports micro SD cards, of course, and in Japan one launch title will definitely need expanded memory for its eShop iteration.
No date is confirmed for the West, but the Dragon Quest Heroes I•II bundle will require a monstrous 32GB to download in Japan; as we'll only have about 26GB of the system's 32GB free, that makes expandable memory a requirement for this one. To be fair, Nintendo's official site in Japan makes this clear, and presumably the eShop will come up with warnings - well, we hope that'll be the case.
In some respects this is a unique case, as it's essentially two games combined together. Though 30GB+ downloads are common with games on PS4 / Xbox One / PC, only time will tell whether many of the games that come to Switch will be similarly meaty. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, by all accounts an enormous game, is set to be about 13.4GB, but that is a project that began life on the Wii U and is also coming to that system on 3rd March.
Some other game pages have rough file size details, below.
- Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence - 5GB
- I Am Setsuna - 1.4GB
- Puyo Puyo Tetris - 1.09GB
- Disgaea 5 Complete - 5.92GB
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 7GB 'or more'
- Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! - 1.6GB 'maximum'
A lot of these file sizes seem quite typical for games on a Nintendo system - we'll see whether they start to creep up as more increasingly ambitious titles make their way to the console.
Thanks to all that sent this in.
[source nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 142
Great, so we are forced to buy extra memory if we want this game. Good going, Nintendo.
Once again I don't know why they didn't include more memory. 3rd parties will be the biggest offender because they simply don't care to compress as much as Nintendo will.
I went largely digital on the 3ds because it made sense to. Now I'm going mostly retail which in the long run will earn Nintendo a little less money!
@Dakt I think this will get localized. If DQH 1 got localized then a port of it and its sequel is definitely getting localized
Just a matter of when.
32GB is ridiculous, especially considering that the Wii U had 32GB, and that was far from enough. Has Nintendo learned from the Wii U?
Another reason why i would rather have the actual cartridge and not a download
To be fair guys, most tablets (which is essentially what this thing is, a gaming tablet) have at most 64GB memory. So either way an SD card was going to be needed anyway.
Good to the file sizes. Im not sure if some of these games are going to be download only in the states. I just want to know when Taiko Drum Master is coming out and if it will be bundled with a drum peripheral. Air drumming would be awkward with the joy con...
I also hope I can get Oddworld on the Switch eshop.
With the size of these other games that are relative small (I am not talking about Dragon Quest Heroes) how does BotW fits into only 13,4 GB?
For all we know, they could allow you to download DQH1 and DQH2 separately.
@Spoony_Tech Thought the made it clear that they were trying to hit a price point.
Nintendo are masters of compression.
Anyway, I still don't have problems with the size. I prefer to be able to choose how much I'll siendo on storage than having it forced on me. I can get a cheap SD card, the extra memory would have made the Switch even more expensive!
@Dakt Thank goodness region locking is a thing of the past!
Not gonna go for a bigger SD card anytime soon but I will have to some time down the road.
I was going to kick off into a "32gb is small for a game in the last 6 years" but at least the article addressed it further in. Small file sizes are NOT a good thing, because that means lower resolution textures, less or lower quality sound, or even a smaller/shorter game, etc. Stuff doesn't magically stay the same when 3/4 of the file size disappears. A perfect example is comparing 1st party WiiU Nintendo games to Overwatch (I'll use PC version as my example). Both are great looking games with simple art styles. Which means many reusable textures. And I think Mario 3D/Kart were 720p? Which means smaller textures. Not sure on the size of Mario, but Overwatch on day 1 was under 7gb.
@Yasume No, "we" aren't forced to do anything. We will be smart and buy physical copies of the game so we don't have to needlessly complain in every damn article about the shortage of storage space.
That is more than likely only going to be a problem for gamers that are fixated on buying everything digitally, which by the way isn't the smartest option to begin with...
Wait, you have the game cart AND another SD Card for the rest of thegame? Could they not just put two carts in the box (one for each) or one bigger cart that holds both?
I'm resigned to the fact that download games will essentially be "pay us the same price but you provide the cart" because of how many SD's you'll have floating around. But it will be unwieldy fast if games require carts AND cards. not to mention trying to keep track of which game's data is on which card if you have multiple games on bigger cards.
Assuming major 3rd parties develop for Switch, they still aren't beyond maybe 1 game, expect game sizes to be HUGE. Be prepared if you plan to buy a lot of games digitally to shell out for a HUGE memory card.
Switch storage is sad. This is what happens when your products have been failing for years. Nintendo must apologize!
(If you don't get the Drumpf imitiation, I feel sorry for you.)
@XCWarrior I get it, but I kinda wish I didn't have to...
@LegendOfPokemon Why are you comparing to the Wii U and not the 3DS (and don't say "Because Reggie calls it a home console!")? Switch is a portable device. You ain't gonna be lugging around an HDD with you.
More Importantly, when is this game coming out in Europe?
Eh, I'm usually a fan of getting the physical version, but I feel for everyone that has to download games.
@gcunit I want to know this as well. The more Warriors games on the Switch the better. Hyrule Warriors was incredible on the Wii U and 3DS
@LegendOfPokemon Of course they haven't. They repeated the same mistakes with Switch and added a bunch of new ones as well.
@gcunit Most of them will never get it, and it seems that people have also collectively forgotten the "ridiculously low" amount of storage on the PSP and PS Vita, and don't even get me started on the TRULY ridiculous prices of their proprietary memory sticks...
@speedracer216 I'm confused what you're saying, are you complaining that we'll need an SD card even if we buy it physical? Because I don't see that at all in this article, I just see the file sizes of you decide to download it instead.
@gcunit It is a portable device that plays home console games. Those home console games take up at least as much space on Switch as they do on Wii U. (In the 3DS' case, because its games take up less storage, 32GB is enough.)
@speedracer216 No. This is for downloading the game from the eshop. If the game comes out on cartridge then you won't need to use an SD card for it.
@speedracer216 Both games will be on one game card, it's just that if you prefer to download them digitally will you had to deal with the 32GB size limit. You still need a microSD card either way though as you'll need the rest of those GB for internal data save too. I would prefer getting the physical copy and then use the microSD card for data save instead.
Is this game different to the DQH game that's on sale on Steam right now for £12.49. That one's called 'Dragon Quest Heroes™ Slime Edition', so perhaps it is an entirely different game...
@XCWarrior It won't be if you get the game physically. Memory will only be a problem if you choose to go all digital. Downloading games not only eat up a lot of those space but the save data they create also bit a few crumb of those memory as well.
ah, thanks, folks. yes i was confused that this was on top of the physical cartridge. makes more sense now. I would go for physical in that case.
@Grandpa_Pixel I tend to agree, however 64GB probably should have been the bare minimum.
Just hoping that they have an app similar to the one on 3DS that allows you to transfer data from a game card to the system memory. I have a 200GB SD ready and this way I will buy everything physical first, then if it's a game I really love, I'll transfer the data and rebuy digitally and sell the physical copy. And if I don't end up liking the game, I can sell it back anyway. Made the mistake on 3DS to buy everything digital by default and got stuck with about 6 massive games I'd rather be rid of.
@setezerocinco the main culprits for memory usage are the textures and the sound. Considering that BOTW isnt that graphically intensive and i assume doesn't have a lot of voiced dialogue then its not hard to believe that it at 13 gb
@retro_player_22 I know. That's why I wrote, "Be prepared if you plan to buy a lot of games digitally..."
Reading and understanding. Pass it on!
@ThanosReXXX Agreed. Never thought I'd have to actually be a part of a reality TV show and currently has already been signed for 4 years....
what's on sale on steam is the first of the two DQH games. "Slime Edition" just gives you some different in game items (slime armor and stuff) that was originally a pre-order bonus or DLC I think. the steam page lists the additional items.
@speedracer216 Thanks
@XCWarrior And it's only been 4 weeks...
And talking about fake news while making stuff up himself. After all, even the people in Sweden don't know what happened in Sweden, but apparently an outsider knows more than they...
32GB. So basically, if you don't want to be forced to buy a Micro SD Card, you have to buy it physically. I would have thought 128GB would have been good enough. Doesn't need to have 500GB like the PS4, but it definitely should have had more thanks 32GB.
The constant negativity towards news such as this concerns me.
Just adapt people. No need to claim drastic things.
DQH I-II doesn't even have a western release date, so the one game that can't fit in the Switch can only be imported lol...
The '32gb is ridiculous' argument has been kicking around for ages and it is what it is. Hard drive/flash memory' is expensive, SD cards cheaper. Just buy physical or by a card to expand the storage. I can totally get over this because I won't purchase digital games unless there is no boxed version. When life hands you lemons, buy boxed. Simple
I have 500GB on my XBox One. I buy exclusively physical titles and I still have to write them to the drive in order to play. AND find the disc out every time I play a game. With double the space I'd still probably have to delete certain games on the hard drive just to play others. The amount of space on the console is proportionate to the size of the titles. It's one of them. I've got Better things to worry about like what games are there out there!
I'm just going to get this on the PS4, then. It looks better on that console anyways.
@ThanosReXXX Agreed, though we are veering way off topic at this point, lol.
Try being a member of the media (I am granted only an editor for a local newspaper, but we have CNN on all day and I want to yell at them all the time to change topics).
So back to the original topic - Switch internal storage sucks! I wish they'd announce the revision already.
Its really a shame that we have to buy expensive SD's at some point ... If at least Big N could accept some kind of external HD in the future ...
@diwdiws exactly about that I thought about: the voiced dialogue.
@ThanosReXXX Came to post this. Why would anyone ever want to go full-digital with the Switch of all devices? The cartridges are the smallest I've seen, it's not like they're asking us to carry UMDs around. There's zero advantage.
Just buy the cartridges, people. Popping one in the Switch for the first time will be more exciting than waiting on it to download. You can borrow them, trade them, sell them, buy them used, and play them long after those Playstation optical discs have rotted away. And you can take this from an old man that still remembers the cool parts of the 80s and 90s. 😛
I don't understand the criticism of having only 32 gb of storage. The Nvidia shield originally came with only 16gb of storage and while that was never ideal, it was understood at the time that, that was a necessary limitation in order to keep the system affordable. Tablets in this price range don't generally come with more than 32 gb, so this seems like pretty standard stuff. It's not valid to compare this to a Xbone or Ps4. PC's and tablets are two very different animals.
Considering that a samsung 128 gb micro sd card is only around $45, we should be happy considering the cost prohibitive proprietary 64 gb vita cards cost over double that.
I'm going back to physical. Will get a microSD card once the indie / digital-only games fill up my Switch - no issue for me.
Yeah, kinda ironic actually.
Nintendo has been trying to encourage people to switch to digital copies of their games for quite some time now with freebies such as themes and whatnot.
If anything, the Switch is the absolute antithesis to that, pretty much encouraging you to get the cartridge so you wont clog up your SD card that fast.
Nevertheless, im glad the games actually ARE this big. That is a good sign that we aren't dealing with arbitrary "handheld limitations" here.
The true cost of a Switch is around €500 and that doesn't include any games. But they've sneakily passed on those hidden expenses onto us AGAIN.
@Grandpa_Pixel just so we are speaking the same language- we are talking storage, not memory. No tablet has 64G of memory, they have 64G of storage. The Switch has 32G of storage, not memory. It has, I believe, 4G of memory shared between the CPU and GPU.
@Menchi187 That is an odd comparison. If you want the highest end graphics you should stick to a giant PC that sits on your desk and doubles your energy bill. If you want to play games with friends face to face without lugging a 2k machine around then Switch is the only handheld device offering games with files sizes up to 15 GB. Technically it is the most powerful handheld by your comment, which is a good thing by your standards?
@ThanosReXXX C'mon, don't be justifying Nintendo's mistakes by saying well other companies did the same. I don't care what Sony did. I care that Nintendo are repeating the same old mistakes.
@Yasume Physical is still a thing.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE lucky you, the switch in my country is likely 500 USD without a thing. lets not add a game, accesories or memory costs xD.
@Menchi187 I would agree with you, but I think it's ridiculous how I need to download a 14 GB install for a physical game on the PS4. The install file is bigger than Zelda.
You don't know why Nintendo hasn't included more memory on Switch! Let me enlighten you. To keep cost down.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm not defending Nintendo, I'm defending facts. If you're going to compare things, then compare them correctly.
No one cares what that tool Reggie says, it's a hybrid with an emphasis on being able to take your game anywhere. It's not a true home console.
So, to compare it, we need to compare it to either Sony handhelds or tablets and see where the specs differ, and they just don't differ that much. In fact, there are still plenty of tablets or other smart devices that come with a standard 16GB storage, so 32GB for a portable device is already well above that.
And of course we will eventually need some extra storage, because even if you only buy physical games, you would still need space for saves, patches, DLC and so on, but initially, you will probably be able to go quite a ways without that extra storage.
And when that 32GB starts to fill up, then the heavens will still not come crashing down, like some people seem to believe, because prices for SD cards will be even lower than they already are today, and luckily, they aren't proprietary.
@ThanosReXXX I'm thinking, could they engineer the dock to help with memory at some point or another, like having storage of it's own? Agreed that it wouldn't help when taking the Switch on the go, but it could help with the storage debate overall.
@UmniKnight Technically, that would probably be no problem at all, but it would of course create a disparity between the home and handheld experience, much like with the possible future option of supporting external HDD's by Nintendo themselves, so I'm kind of curious how they would pull that off correctly.
Only way I could think of is to combine "dock storage" with Switch storage, so you'd still need and SD card in the Switch to be able to play these downloaded games on the go.
If you're only going to use it at home, it's obviously not going to be an issue.
@ThanosReXXX Perhaps there is a way to have a portable version of a dock (in the storage part, could have some USB's but not for TV connection) that connects to your Switch and has your games stored? I doubt they couldn't make something like that work.
@XCWarrior Well, if you read my previous comments on the actual topic, you know my stance on that. It doesn't suck if you understand and accept the Switch for what it is, and that's not a home console, so it doesn't need an internal hard drive.
Granted, 64GB wouldn't have cost them that much more than 32GB, so they could have done that but all in all, it's a pretty normal amount for a hybrid/portable smart device.
@UmniKnight Honestly no idea. I think there is more to it than just that USB-C connector. One of the reasons I suspect it to be so big and empty, is to provide for enough cooling outlets when the Switch is in full speed mode, and you can't duplicate that in handheld mode. Unless you'd be okay with the down-clocked mode, of course.
@Dysnomia Storage yes! Sorry, long day haha
I am getting a 128 card but it is honestly overkill since I buy physical. I just filled up the 32 on my wiiu and started using the 64 gb stick I've had on it since launch.
Yep. Definitely getting Puyo Puyo Tetris as a download, though I'm getting Physical for the keychains.
I guess I will get it on PS4 then
@ThanosReXXX I didn't see much of ventilation in the part that one can unfold though, and there was quite some room back there, surely enough for a device with a good amount of storage, considering the size of storage devices and the amount they can store is quite good these days.
@Yasume yeah its gross that games need harddrive space to install to. 1991 is truly become a terrible years for gaming :-
@Einherjar also, 32GB cards are hella cheap. MicroCenter in the US has been given them away for free. Sure, formatted its likely 30GB or so, so you wanna go a size up- but from the look of those other games listed, i can download the entire Switch lineup on an SD card so cheap, companies give them away for free
Here's an idea: just get the PS4 versions. They are looking to be better in every way.
Plus, you can get the first DQH right now, at budget price. Play it while waiting for DQH2!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE i paid €202 for mine. Who's ripping you off ? I'll sell you 100 of em for €400!
@Mahe Unless it comes to PC, which, judging from the first being on there, is likely. Since if you're doing it for maximum power, you'll get the best, right there.
@russellohh where did you get one for 200?
@setezerocinco low res textures.
@Menchi187 could be compression, could also be shared assets between the two games or both
@manu0 gamestop has some good trade-in deals. Sold things i haven't touched in years for like $50 more than i would normally get for it, even if i sold directly on ebay
I have the solution to everyone's problem that Nintendo created themselves.
Go physical. It's cheaper too
@russellohh Yup, its the one thing Nintendo has been doing FAR better than its competitors: External storage options.
Wii and 3DS allowed SD cards, the WiiU allowed pretty much any external HDD (with some technical exceptions).
Now its down to the system allowing SD hotswapping and were pretty much golden on space really.
If it does, you pretty much make your own game cartridges out of SD Cards
But yeah, storage space really is a no issue and only becomes a minor one if you desperately want that one giant game in digital form and need a slighly more expensive SD Card for that.
@Einherjar a few years ago, a friend was trying to convince me to get a Vita. I pointed out that Sony's proprietary memory card for the Vita cost more than my entire brand new 2DS with memory card included.
I heart you, Nintendo
@UmniKnight True, but that room can also be a part of the whole ventilation stream, because it is where the fan opening in the Switch itself connects to, so there's a duct inside the back half of the dock that ends up in that empty space. Maybe putting a HDD in there would only unnecessarily overheat it, I don't know.
@russellohh Yup, heck the Vita + 32GB STILL costs more than a Switch + Game ! Its utterly ridiculous.
Wish people would stop mentioning SD cards are cheap. Once you go to 256GB they are damn expensive. £140+ in the UK
It is cheap...for Nintendo. Even physical copy buyers will eventually fill up the 32gb with DLCs etc, they might as well included nothing and took the price down a bit. Then we could buy the card we wanted.
@kobashi100 you can get 64Gb cards for under £20. How is that not cheap? Get 4 of these instead of an expensive 256Gb card. Ok you might have to carry around 3 cards with you but they'll easily fit in wallet.
@beazlen1 we why would I want to carry around 4 SD cards. You havent proved my point wrong. Once you go to 256GB+ micro SD cards are expensive. 128GB for £30-£40 is good value.
@ThanosReXXX You know more? Sure share all the insider information you have. Your post sounds a lot like hate speech towards a certain someone. I'm not stopping you from saying it, as well you know freedom of speech and all.
However maybe you should have chosen a better forum for your hate speech, maybe one that is more politically oriented and less gaming oriented?
@the8thark Hate speech? No offense, but I have no idea what you're on about, since that was not my intention AT ALL. My intent was to point out that useless yammering about the same damn thing in every article that relates to storage is simply a bit too much.
And on top of that it is misguided too, hence my further explanation in my initial comment. And if you so dislike hate speech, then why all the sarcasm? And in not a single comment of mine did I claim to have insider information. We do have tangible facts, though, and these I DO use...
I don't hate on people, I just don't like useless negativity or negativity for the sake of it.
Simple fix for this! Buy physical! Problem solved!
If you're a person that buys digitally, you already have a large sd already prepare.
If you're a person that buys physically, then you already have no fear.
If you are a person that wasn't planning to get this game, then you don't even care.
Portable devices can't lug around cheap moving disk hard drives. Just a limitation of the technology.
In Summary
*If you buy physical, you're golden. Still gonna need an SD card, but thankfully they're not proprietary so you won't be shelling out $100 for 32 GB like during the Vita launch. Thanks to microSD compatibility, you can grab 64gb extra for $14.99
*If you buy digital, you're gonna be fighting an uphill battle. If you're like me and you bought 50 physical games on Wii U and 75 for 3DS... you're screwed as a digital gamer lol. Jk you might be screwed, but you might not. A 256gb +32gb internal puts you close to 300gb, which is a fair amount of games (most won't be but 5-10gb on average). By the time that caps off, 512gb microSD will be out next year. So you might squeak by... depends how many games you buy
*Best to go physical and grab a 128gb card for $35 or better yet, a 200gb for $70. For most here, this isn't your first rodeo... you know the score when it comes to consoles and needing expanded storage. I had to buy a 500gb external HDD for Wii U, a 4TB external for X1, a 4TB external for PS4 (after upgrading internally to 2TB), a 200gb microSD for 3DS, and a 64gb memcard for Vita. And I've already purchased a 256gb microSD for the Switch. Locked and loaded.
@GameOtaku A simple solution? What on earth would people complain about then??
To be fair, though, ninty has been pushing the digital download thing for quite a while now.
"And it's only been 4 weeks...
And talking about fake news while making stuff up himself. After all, even the people in Sweden don't know what happened in Sweden, but apparently an outsider knows more than they..."
You said this. This is what I was referring to.
@BlueKnight07 They are just nice to own!
Could do that (heck I've owned DQ Heroes on PS4 since launch). And Heroes 2 is coming out in May I think?
But I want the game(s) on Switch. Any game that comes to Switch, even if I own it on PS4/X1/PC, I'm gonna buy again, since it'll be the only way to have those games portably, and not only that but swap between playing at home and on the go- just grab the system out the dock when I leave and then pick right back up where I left off on the TV when I get home.
It may just end up being a handful of games, but any that come to Switch as a multiplat I plan to buy the Switch version over the others. Plus, this DQ game actually includes both which is really cool.
These are the same people who voted for a community organizer to be President but they want to give Trump flack. How many days in a row were stocks at record highs in the past two weeks? They would never know because they're too busy taking pictures of Swedish fish and worrying about gender identity issues. I could of whined and moaned about Obama for eight years on this site, but I didn't, because it's a video game site. This is an article about Dragon Quest Heroes for crying out loud. 😂😂
On topic: I really want Dragon Quest Heroes 2 to be localized.
@the8thark That isn't hate speech either, that's just me criticizing Trump, so sorry, but you read me wrong there as well.
And it was in response to XCWarrior, who actually made the first comment concerning him.
Sorry for missing that last line in your previous comment, that would have told me which comment you meant and would have prevented this bit of miscommunication we now had. My bad...
@k8sMum True enough, but they'll also always have physical, or at least for years to come. If anything, the whole going back to cartridges thing surely is testament to that, so it's not like people are forced to select digital only.
This is really bad: You can buy a single game and run out of memory in the system basically on day one (if you get DQH I-II), such that you have to go out and buy an additional SD card just to be able to even play the game, never mind any other games on top of that. I've never heard of anything quite as absurd with a new console before.
Just imagine if you booted up your Game Boy, Game Boy Color, GBA, DS, 3DS, NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, or Wii U and put in the single game you bought for the system and then realised you couldn't actually play it. . . .
It is utterly absurd that this is actually a considered design decision Nintendo made.
Edit: I think I misread the article. I thought it was saying this was the space you needed to play even the physical game, like it had to pre-install some files in memory to run (as happens with most Xbox One and PS4 games these days), but if it's just the space required for the digital version of the game then it's not such a big deal. It's still crazy that you can basically only store a few games before require external memory, but it's at least nowhere near as absurd as I first thought. Thank God.
@Dakt same here, i already have microsd cards lying around and i ordered a bigger one for the switch.
@impurekind um yeah but it's 2 games in one, this looks to be heroes one and 2 that's 2 ps4 games btw.
@kenrulei Like that actually makes this absurd situation any better.
@Einherjar i was looking at the vita cards the other da and comparing the sizes it's daylight robbery.
@impurekind ok this is 2 vita games also why don't go price the vita cards then come back to whine...
@kenrulei I have no idea what you are on about.
Federation Force 2
@Yasume ...It's kinda shocking how people've forgotten that physical storage is a thing and that the Switch is cartridge based, meaning it doesn't have to install games to the hard drive to run them.
But of course. Knee-jerk whining is expected.
@ThanosReXXX I see your point, but I doubt that extra cooling in there is beyond the realm of possibilities. I mean, that super thin Razer Laptop has to be cooled as well, right? I'm sure there are ways and means around it. If something of the sort does happen, though, I wonder how much such a dock will cost... might be half the Switch if it becomes a booster in regard to memory/storage and granting more power.
@kenrulei My imported 64gb recently died. Low Level corruption. Can still be written, read, used, but crashed when coming from standby. Can't be formatted, can't be backed up.
You know, i bet something that could be fixed somehow, if i had the chance to properly work on it on something else than the vita...
So yeah, 150 bucks down the drain.
That 32GB is comprised of flash memory, which is better than HDD performance... Considering how abysmal the loading times on PS4/XB1 are for bigger games, I'll take flash memory over HDD's any day. For about $100, I would take 192 GB of UHS-II or 384 GB of UHS-I flash memory any day over 2 TB of HDD space. Those magnetic disks just don't cut it anymore for real time loading, only for saves and backups.
@Einherjar Too bad the Vita memory cards can't be diagnosed as easily as the traditional Sony MS Pro Duo Mark 2's.
@impurekind this is what i'm on about:
Sony PlayStation Vita Memory Card 16GB=£52.00
Sony PlayStation Vita Memory Card 32GB=£76.99
Sony PlayStation Vita Memory Card 64GB=£104.50
SanDisk Ultra 64 GB MicroSDXC=£17.39
@Einherjar oh man that sucks, i had to buy a vita card for the vita tv to play persona 4 golden/dancing all night. so i was pretty shocked at the prices.
@CrazedCavalier more the downloading off the eshop i think like dqh1/2 isn't said if there localising it yet.
@PlywoodStick Huh, i could have thrown one of them into a camera and observe if it shows the save behavior at least.
Here, i have a Vita to work with, which already has some borderline "buggy" traits and no real diagnostic functions.
Its basically gaslighting O.o
I have no idea what exactly is up with it. The Vita says its the card, but the vita has lied before and the card is otherwise completely usable
I should write a book about it
@Priceless_Spork the game cases look nice for collecting them too from the few that's been shown off.
Yowzers. That's bigger than the largest Wii U game, Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Anyway, 32GB is plenty for people who intend to buy mostly packaged software and only eShop-exclusive titles. It took me over a year to fill my Wii U's internal memory, so I think I had a good run with it considering that the average user will not be utilising the entirety of the internal storage. For those that do? There's an extra cost involved. It makes no sense to impose that cost on everybody, resulting in a higher cost of the console that the majority will not be taking advantage of.
@darth2d2 But thats the thing if you want good graphics & games depending on the games you like, you don't need a PC in this day & age.
@kenrulei I still don't get your point. What has this to do with the fact that I think it's utterly absurd that you can buy the Switch with Dragon Quest I-II and technically not be able to play the game on the standard console as it comes in the box? The very notion is utterly absurd imo—I don't think there's ever been a console in history where this has been the case on launch day—and talking about Vita card prices doesn't have anything to do with it.
Also, why the hell does a game like Puyo Puyo Tetris require a frikin' 1.09GB install, when I could make something like that on my PC in Game Maker and probably easily fit the entire thing into a few hundred megabytes with zero need for pre-installing? It's absurd what's going on with modern games.
Not that surprising a size for a 2 game package consisting of titles that originated on PS3 and PS4. I'll wait for confirmation that it's coming to the West, but if it isn't here before the end of April, I'll probably just import the Japanese version. Not exactly a narrative/dialogue heavy game to begin with.
@impurekind That's if you DL the digital version, not if you buy the physical version... Lol...
But yeah, expect to see this a lot more often. Not everyone has Nintendo's mad compression skills.
@impurekind ost voices and what not most likely
@impurekind the price of the microsd card is what i'm getting at. hey at least it has internal memory the vita does not, well about 1/2gb but yeah nintendo could had made it have no memory inside for us to use like sony did.
@UmniKnight Of course they could stick another fan in there if dock v2.0 comes with built-in hard disk, but that was not my point.
Even if they do, then the Switch itself will still need cooling as well, when docked, so that extra room for those heat reduction paths might well be a necessity, which in turn would mean that dock 2.0 will be even bulkier than the current one.
It certainly isn't going to become smaller if it is supposed to have additional hardware, that's for sure. Otherwise it would become WAY too expensive. You suspected it could possibly end up costing half the price of the Switch, I would suspect it to cost even more, especially if the dock has the still rumored SCD built-in...
@ThanosReXXX What are the chances of them even making such a dock? People who value having their Switch experiences best they can be, sure, but will it even be a viable thing to produce? (as in, strong dock, expensive stuff inside, is there enough demand?) For all intents and purposes, I don't mind having a bulky dock, if it improves my gameplay experience. I own a "decent" gaming PC, so I'm used to paying a high price to get good components (recently shelled out about 130 euros to upgrade my memory, and will soon be shelling out 300+ to upgrade my graphics card)
@kenrulei So, are you saying that the Vita needed an additional card just to play the games and it didn't come with the system?
Is that the point you're making: That it might be bad on Switch but there was a similar situation with Vita too?
If so, I get you now—but it still doesn't make the Switch situation any more absurd.
@PlywoodStick Wait, so there's no mandatory install if you have the physical version?
If that's the case then everything is OK-ish. It would be nice to have enough memory on the console out-the-box to store maybe say ten average sized games though.
For some reason I read it as this is the space you needed free on the machine to play even the physical version of the game, like it had to install those GB onto the system to run it, as happens with most Xbox One and PS4 games these days.
My bad if I got that all wrong—and thank Christ if that's not the case.
@UmniKnight I don't know, I just answered your question since you were the one that brought it up...
@impurekind There are indeed no mandatory installs. This is an article about the eShop versions, although in all fairness they could have made that a bit more clear.
Earlier it was already stated that ALL Nintendo Switch games play straight of the cartridge with no need for any additional installs. Only updates/patches/DLC will be subject to that.
And that is also why it's all so silly to see so many people complain about the storage size of a portable, hybrid device.
Suppose you never download DLC and only use the internal storage for save games, profiles and patches/updates for games: that 32GB will probably last you a lifetime then, if that's the case.
Only if you indulge in the occasional indie or eShop download-only title, or a digital version of a retail game, will you be forced to buy extra storage at some point, depending on how much stuff you (think you) want to download...
@GameOtaku Oof. Right in the fan boy feels.
@ThanosReXXX One issue with this, is when companies don't make a physical release of their game, at all. I remember reading something about I am Setsuna not having a physical version (not sure if it was NA or Europe) which is a concern in case other developers follow suit with this.
@UmniKnight I tend to agree, but in the end, it's their game, so if they don't want to invest in manufacturing physical copies, then that's their decision. After all, there are risks involved in physical copies that you don't have with digital distribution.
Then all that's left for us is to decide if we will buy the game anyway or not. I am Setsuna does look like something I'd play, so maybe that will be one of my few digital purchases.
@ThanosReXXX True, but at the same time it'll, without a doubt, get a nice sale on Steam in the probably not too distant future. So if I look at it from the perspective of a consumer, I'm better off buying it there. (that said, I do want to support third-parties, but I am also on a budget, and don't have endless streams of money. That and I don't have the incentive to buy it on Switch, due to portability not mattering to me.)
@UmniKnight Same here, most of the money I make right now are going straight back into my startup company, so I have to be careful with what I spend on games as well.
But a game like I am Setsuna draws inspiration from early 16 bit RPG's and the 2D games on the original Playstation and in my honest opinion, these games just don't belong on PC, or they just feel kinda "off" when played on a Windows machine.
They belong on a console, so the possibly slightly lower cost for a Steam version will never be a decisive factor for me. A perfect fit would be, and this game simply oozes SNES memories, so it belongs on a Nintendo console, and if that means paying a couple euros more, then so be it...
@ThanosReXXX Possibly? Thanos, Steam sales can go REALLY low, something a "new" release on Switch couldn't possibly, nor feasibly, hope to match. Plus, it keeps my 32GB Switch clean, while I can still play it on my PC, and even hook up my Xbox controller to it to get that "console" vibe.
That said, I cannot judge this fully, as my local retailer has no price for I am Setsuna (obviously as it's digital only) so I can't make an accurate assessment on it yet. I do know it has been on sale recently, and is 39,99 right now (Steam). If the Switch is like 45-50, then it's rather hard to justify imho. Not saying the feeling doesn't matter, but even 10 euros means having dinner for 2 days (I am a strict budgeteer)
@UmniKnight Fair enough in regard to your personal situation, but either way, my view on the matter remains the same.
No offense, but 10 euros is two days worth of dinner to you? Are you a student then? There's not a hell of a whole lot you can buy for that...
@ThanosReXXX Depends on who you're asking, since I do have some cooking/baking skills of my own, so I prepare dinner for 2 people with 10 euros for 2 days. Again, a long history of having to make sure that things work out in the finances, have taught me how to make the most of the least. And no I'm not a student, my personal situation is rather complicated.
But back on topic, I suppose it depends on one's personal situation, and how much specific amounts of money are valued in what ways. Again if it's only a minimal amount of money, then I might even grab a Switch version, but it really depends on the price difference.
@UmniKnight Yet the PS4 version is also the most comfortable to play and isn't a hassle to set up. It's the best of all worlds.
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