Soul Saga was successfully funded on Kickstarter way back in 2013, with 5,631 backers pledging $195,528 to make Disastercake's love letter to classic titles like Final Fantasy a reality. A Wii U version was secured even before the campaign had ended, with the developer outlining some fairly bold plans for how the GamePad would be used.
Given the amount of time that has passed since the game met its funding goal - and the fact that the Wii U is on its last legs - you might assume this is another to add to the "canned" list, but Disastercake has posted confirmation on the Kickstarter page that it's still part of their plans - and there's been no decision on a Switch version as yet:
A lot of fans are asking me to port Soul Saga to the Switch. I'm still planning to port Soul Saga to WiiU (after PC version is complete), but unfortunately I don't have any further information on the Switch right now. If anything evolves on either of those fronts I'll be sure to make an update covering it. =)
Did you back this one, and are you still looking forward to playing it on your Wii U? Let us know by posting a comment.
Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip!
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 13
"No news on Switch version, though"
Maybe because it doesn't exist. Gosh, I hate the idea that every Wii U game from here on out is being ported to the Switch.
I talk to the developer a bit as we are both JRPG developers. If he says he has nothing to announce regarding a Switch version, I believe him
Also, he still stands by a Wii U version. Got to give him major props for that!
Sony and Microsoft systems still have support for years after the next one comes out. It shouldn't be such a major fight to keep stuff on Wii U. Can we not have games on both Wii U and Switch?
What happened to the formatting? It went all small.
If Nintendo would allow us to transfer at least our digital purchase from Wii U to Switch, this wouldn't be a problem. A Switch version would be nice though.
I was pleasantly surprised when he confirmed the Wii U version was still planned
If the Wii U port isn't even starting until the PC version is complete then there's still time for the Wii U version to be canned. The longer it takes to complete the PC version the greater chance of Wii U being canned. Be great if it comes to Wii U though.
At least he's following through. Would like to see this carry over to Switch, though.
I backed this at $50 (I think) for the PC version. It's been sort of quiet outside of the Disastercake forums, but suffice to say the Wii U version is potentially in trouble. There most likely isn't enough funding left at the moment to complete the Wii U port, and the PC version must come first.
That original funding amount will probably be recuperated once the PC version releases and starts selling, so if a Wii U version ever gets finished, it'll probably take until at least the second half of 2018... So either the Wii U version will be cancelled after strenuous and protracted efforts, or become possibly THE last Wii U title. Personally, I think the former is the more likely scenario, but we'll see... At least there's no hard deadline, since this is an indie title.
A Kickstarter still planning on sticking to their pledge? Good on them
Wow, I forgot about this game. I also remember it looked pretty bad before. Hopefully they've been making good use of their time.
If only Playtonic had done the same! Not sure if im even going to buy Yookah Laylee......since Im not getting a switch anytime soon. But im definitely getting soul saga just to support them.
No relation to the comic book, I suppose: https://d1466nnw0ex81e.cloudfront.net/n_iv/600/1078657.jpg
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