With a new year underway little time was wasted in adding some additional rewards to My Nintendo, with new options landing on 1st January. Anyone hoping for exciting surprises to kick off 2017 may feel underwhelmed, but there are nevertheless some quality games now on discount.
Details for Europe and North America are below.
Platinum Rewards
- Flipnote Studio 3D (full download) - 200 Platinum Points
- 30% off Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Wii U or 3DS) - 400 Platinum Points
- 30% off Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii U eShop) - 350 Platinum Points
- 30% off Super Mario World (New 3DS eShop) - 180 Platinum Points
- 30% off Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (Wii U eShop) - 150 Platinum Points
- 30% off Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (3DS eShop) - 100 Platinum Points
- 20% off Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars (3DS eShop) - 300 Platinum Points
Gold Rewards
- 20% off Super Mario Maker (Wii U eShop) - 60 Gold Points
- 20% off Super Mario 3D Land (3DS eShop) - 70 Gold Points
North America
Platinum Rewards
- 15% off Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U eShop) - 450 Platinum Points
- 20% off Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii U eShop) - 400 Platinum Points
Gold Point Discounts
- 30% off Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe (3DS eShop) - 20 Gold Points
- 30% off Yoshi (Wii U or 3DS eShop) - 20 Gold Points
That's the lot, though as we've seen in recent months Nintendo occasionally does a couple of updates in a month. Are any of these discounts tempting to you?
[source my.nintendo.com]
Comments 80
Again .... horrible and nothing to spend my points on ! Thank you Nintendo specially with the extra coins I have now from MARIO run ...
Europe offers are better than NA
I bought 3D Land one day before this discount, tempted by the New Year sale. .-.
I'm happy for Europe to get a lot more deals than we in the US! Well, I guess I'll keep hanging onto my coins and hope that the Switch brings some things I want to spend them on.
I have 740 Gold Points and virtually nothing to use them on. And when I do use some, the purchase of the new game just replaces what I spent.
Let us use them for discounts towards things we don't already own!
For that price I'm definitely picking up Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World. Never had a chance to play the original, but this version is so cheap with that discount I'm just going for it.
Great discounts in EU, not so much on the States. The only thing catching my fancy is a chance to have a digital copy of Yoshi's Wooly World but I still need to install a new HD (haven't download all the Humble games to it because of that).
Here's a EU Flipnote Studio 3D: B0PQ 4V8L 3V8J Q371
And another one: B0PQ 465M 31B9 L14T
I have nothing to spend these points on and they expire all the time.
Nintendo clearly aren't listening to us. Or else they're ignoring us.
I can't say that I'm a big fan of My Nintendo, but I'd never got to play Super Mario Galaxy despite the critical acclaim and now I've bought both games for 28€ thanks to My Nintendo.
I wish we could use gold points to buy DLC from any game we want or to buy VC games.
This is like the third time that Europe has gotten a discount on a game that I want, but North America hasn't gotten it. I wish they would match up more.
Where the heck are actual game downloads, Nintendo?!
@RealPoketendoNL I don't recommend Super Mario Advance 2, even at a lower price. The original has MUCH tighter controls and nicer sounding music.
Garbage in and garbage out!
I missed out on the 5$ credits because I got a basic model Wii U. My choice though and it worked out well for us. I just wish Nintendo would bring that back so I could take part in it now.
Arrgh, I don't like Yoshi and Kirby, while EU gets a discount on Super Mario World, a game I actually want... EU gets the best stuff these days :/
On one hand, this is just a free rewards program that doesn't need to exist. On the other, isn't its purpose for Nintendo to encourage additional purchases from frequent customers? Because I own every single one of these games and will not be doing so despite having money to burn.
During this service's lifespan, little else than Zelda Picross has even been up for consideration. And as luck would have it, that game was an exclusive benefit reminiscent of Club Nintendo. That's not to say I wouldn't buy any discounted games ever - I am missing many first party digital Nintendo releases - but My Nintendo's selection has left me...wanting.
As in, I'm wanting a reason to even log into my account again (at which point the coins will probably have expired).
More nothing. At least give us more of those crappy 3DS home themes or something so I can spend my 3,000+ Platinum Coins on at least something before they all expire.
I must say, Europe's lot is better this time around. To be fair though, NoA does put up more offers mid-month.
With the discount, Yoshi's Woolly World is a measly $25.49. That's 49% off the original price.
Its an excellent game and it has the best character to ever grace a Nintendo game, so, if you have a Wii U, get it. You won't be disappointed.
And if you don't have a Wii U, Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World is coming to the 3DS on February 9th at an MSRP of $39.99 with the Yarn Poochy amiibo.
Seriously, this is one of my favorite Wii U games. Play it.
Boxboy's also a really good puzzle platformer made by HAL, the guys behind Kirby, that's only $3.99 with the discount. Get that with the $4.50 you save from the Yoshi's Woolly World discount.
EDIT: Almost forgot about this secret NA discount someone found. 30% off Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, a GBA game on the Wii U Virtual Console for 20 Gold Coins. I'd also recommend this, because it's also a good game.
MyNintendo is a horrible replacement for Club Nintendo. Club Nintendo for all its detractors actually offered decent stuff, including physical. Yeah codes were cumbersome but I don't even bother logging onto MyNintendo anymore though I keep hoping something decent comes along.
I'd recommend all the games for Europe if you hadn't got them when earth was created
Most digital storefronts just do a sale.
Nintendo makes us earn discounts.
Wow this is just...terrible. The biggest discount is for a game that originally only cost 7.99 or so and it's 30 percent. 0 other kind of rewards. I really hope the Switch is awesome. This long time fan is getting a bit tired.
My platinum points are starting to expire.
I've got the games I want and even bought themes and Miitomo clothes I definitely didn't want!
i'm tempted to get the discounts dedede's drum dash, and yoshi for the 3ds. I'm also considering kirby's epic yarn, but still don't really like the Canadian eshop price even with the discount
Is there a guide on how to use MyNintendo points? I have no idea how it even works since I signed up awhile ago...
I had over 2800 points this morning, so I just went and got all codes on the digital content section. It's better than loosing them, plus maybe the videos are good.
BTW, here's a code for Flipnote Studio if anyone is interested, I already had it from another promo:
WHAT does Flipnote Studio 3D (full download) Mean as i thought id already downloaded some months ago is that a different version ?
There maybe new offers but they're still utter rubbish. Discounting stuff WiiU and 3DS users already own and that have been out ages, (Mario 3D Land, Super Mrio World etc) is utterly pointless.
Nintendo 2017 lol
Funny thing, when they had punch out for virtua console for 65 gold points I had 5 points missing. Then the game was gone. Now I have accumulated 150 points and nothing to spend them on. Not to mention those platinum points
Couldn't they at least do 50%? These 15-30% sales are a joke.
Still not inspired to get a My Nintendo account.
Oh my god, EU you got so many better offers then us US dwellers! I mean, none of the offers are ever amazing, but comparatively we got trash.
What an unbelievable load of garbage for the US. Thanks, Reggie.
@jmbarnes101 I agree. Club Nintendo got ripped a lot, but it was a better program than MyNintendo so far. I got a number of great, collectible physical rewards from Club Nintendo.
I still hold out hope that My Nintendo gets better when the Switch is released. Not much hope, but a little, anyway.
I lost 1420 points yesterday because there was nothing to spend them on. And so far that has not changed.
Hopefully this trash gets much better when Switch comes out
Why does EU get noticeably better offers for less coins? Not to mention more options in general.
Not that EU's selection are great either, unless you specifically planned to buy any of the VC titles.
It wouldn't be so bad (still bad) if they just kept adding rewards instead of taking some down. If they still had Mario 64 up, I'd grab that because... well, there's nothing else.
I have 200+ gold coins and they're going to expire soon. When they do, I will become very salty.
Oh, boy! More discounts on games that I already own physically.
This has to change when the Switch launches...
@BensonUii indeed. My Nintendo pages do mention it themselves, but do people bother reading that? I did, however, and grabbed Steamworld Heist at a combined discount.
Although it should also be noted that the discount is applied to the CURRENT price of the item, not to the original price.
What a load of rubbish.......
@NinChocolate you collect them on "missions" page (latest updates allow to collect them in bulk) and spend them on "rewards page". I don't have experience with Miitomo items, but full digital downloads are usually given out as eShop codes and discounts are automatically assigned to your Nintendo account, changing the displayed and applied price in eShop when you browse the related items. Both kinds have expiration dates to keep in mind. The rest is usually described in more detail on reward pages.
30% discounts are stuff they should do every month, without asking for coins in return. My Nintendo should really start giving 50%-plus to even be worth considering.
I stopped caring about My Nintendo, I'm sick of the discounts...the whole thing started out just fine with the downloadables (I got Wario Land III, the memories with that game. >.< ), but all of the sudden, they don't exist anymore.
My Disappointment is more apt.
@Slaz Thanks for the code, my daughter thanks you.
They used to give us free games with gold coins !! Totally free the first two months of my Nintendo ... suddenly they stopped !!! Why ? It was. I have better back then ... better than the garbage 15-30% off
Dear Nintendo, plz stop calling these "offers" rewards...
30% for the gold rewards that use pseudo-currency you only get from buying products? lol, get home with this garbage.
When people realize that buying a more expensive console to buy tons of games on sale is a better deal than your cheap console with games that never go on sale, you're sunk Nintendo.
(Platinum rewards I'm not complaining about as they are literally free in all ways, so anything more than 0% is cool with me).
What's that? You love Nintendo? Well good news here is our rewards program featuring Miitomo clothing and discounts on games you already own!
I say it every time, I miss the old Nintendo Club.
Come on guys! we gotta love the great discounts, 30 gold coins on a classic like Yoshi's cookie for like 5 cents off is a amazing deal, hell, I will give them 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 gold coins for 1 cent off!
Oh how much I miss CN...or at least free games.
Not bad. Not bad at all for stuff you can get by buying other stuff and playing games.
They suck.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Or just filling the void till the Switch comes out. Probably don't want us to go TOO crazy on Wii U and 3DS downloads when we can do that for whatever the Switch eShop offers us....
Nintendo opens 2017 by... compounding 2016 mistakes. Good job, good effort.
I guess at least there's people out there who don't own Dedede's drum dash so it's a slight improvement over "30% discount on games everyone already owns"
Let's hope My Nintendo gets better after the Switch's launch, but at this point in time I don't have any hopes.
The other issue with these main rewards is that they only change them on a 4-monthly basis. That's just 3 times a year...
...this isn't My Nintendo...

..I miss the Club...with real rewards..
@flapjackashley2 I did as well. A lot of them are used and/or displayed proudly. I had such high hopes for MyNintendo and they were dashed so very quickly.
I like using the 30% discounts to get the American prices in Canada!
Same here.
For anyone who ever thinks I white knight for Nintendo or just say positive things, let me say that the MyNintendo rewards are awful and have gotten increasingly worse.
If you aren't going to offer free software for all those digital dollars spent, at LEAST give us a wide variety of games to get discounts for!
I'll take a small selection of free VC and digital games, or discounts on a wide variety of products, but don't give me a small selection of discounts on games I mostly already own!
Just awful.
AND let us have Gold Coins for Virtual Console titles! Not to mention for PHYSICAL games.
It would be nice if, following the Switch presentation, that some new rewards for some pre-emptive discounts on Switch games were announced. It would get the service going better than it is now.
These 'rewards' are terrible. I haven't even bothered logging in to my nintendo for weeks, especially as I can't even access it on the Wii U or 3DS. Last time I used it I had to access it on my Xbox One and ended up buying an XBO game instead. Way to go Nintendo!
It should be gold points for free full games. Platinum points for discounts on games and more selections for the discounts instead of games that I already own. Of course nothing will change though as Nintendo is trying to squeeze as much money out of the Wii U's final days as they can; which is ironic as what they are doing is actually stopping me spending any money.
No, it should be Platiunm points for full games, as Gold points are IMPOSSIBLE to get!
what a disappointment and even europe gets better rewards than America...what the chocolate fudge ice cream are you doing Nintendo?
@PigmaskFan just buy things on the eshop to get gold coins
I already said, Virtual Console titles don't give any Gold coins.
Hopefully we hear about how the Switch will somehow make My Nintendo better next week. Discounts are not much of a "reward" unless you were already planning on purchasing something.
Sometimes it seems like the only point of My Nintendo is to make extra money by coercing you to buy things you weren't originally going to. [yourpointsareexpiring]
@PigmaskFan they do, i have like 490 golden coins and all i buy are virtual console games for new 3ds and dlc
Dear, Mr. Reggie. Please fix some major issues on My Nintendo USA. Some people are upset here. Thank you for hearing my concern. Ganbatte, Nintendo !!
Where are the virtual console gold coin awards? I just don't understand why Nintendo abandoned the My Nintendo so quickly after launch.
I get the idea that all the Miitomo whatever stuff and discounts are on platinum coins, but they are just completely ruining the program for gold coins and are simply put just not encouraging people to buy anything on their Nintendo devices since gold coins give you nothing, just incredibly bad discounts that nobody wants.
How is something that's barely a sale price considered to be a reward?
@yomanation I don't think they want to learn. Nintendo fans will still buy the switch, I know I will. Most only buy Nintendo consoles for the first party games. I guess i do too. Nintendo will stay as a secondary console, if you were to buy only one console each gen I can guarantee it won't be a Nintendo for a gaming spree
I hope the switch sells. At least more than the Wii u.
@yomanation I agree the switch is marketed to an audience that might or might not exist and even if the market does exist, I can't see them selling more than 25 million units world wide considering all the Wii u and 3ds owners that IF they buy it. Price and software is everything, hardware is important too. Third party devs need all the space they can work with.
Playstation 4 is a more recent console than Wii u and it has better spec yet it's cheaper. You get more for your money.
I can only see PlayStation for the future as a primary console. Look at the playstion bundle prices or their sales and compare them to nintemdoes. Similar in fashion they also killed the dreamcast and look where sega is.
There's really no defending My Nintendo. And I was ready to say "At least I can finally experience SMG2 at 30% off" only to realize it's a Europe reward and why I didn't see it available. Talk about lame on Nintendo's part
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