The Monster Hunter franchise is so prolific that Capcom has struggled to keep up with localisation to the West, or has simply been unsure of whether some releases will sell well outside of its home nation. We're still waiting for Monster Hunter Stories, for one thing, and it's unclear whether Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) - essentially Generations X - will make it out of Japan.
We hope it will eventually make a dash for the West, as more of the series is pretty much always welcome; our intrigue around the release has also stepped up a notch with the confirmation of the latest quirky crossover DLC. Sailor Moon is the latest franchise making an appearance, with a Felyne Weapon and Shield on the way as extras - Monster Hunter XX is coming out in Japan on 18th March.

Monster Hunter Generations had some excellent crossover outfits and weapons in all of its free DLC, but we're not sure many were as interesting as this.
Comments 48
Monster Hunter continues to be one of my favorite video game franchises of all time.
Well that was unexpected.
Too bad it's just for the cat.
I'm getting burned out on Generations. Bringing XX to the West would be very welcomed by my wallet and I.
No tuxedo mask? I read this title and thought I could be fly as I swagged my way to Monster Hunter fame...
@Senpai_Bruh Indeed. I hated it when I played the PSP ones but the 3ds games have turned it around for me.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets I heard that!
I love all the crossovers they have in MH. I hope for a Dragon Ball one. Palico that looks like Beerus. o3o
I love Monster Hunter. Though, Generations isn't as good as 4 by a long shot.
I kinda got bored of Gens at around 150 hours playtime...
I'm still playing 4U, coming close to an insane 1000 hours.
I think the hunter arts kinda ruin it. Was much better before everyone was jumping everywhere.
In regards to this DLC, seems cool! It's just the prowler skin? Would be fun dressing my manly hunter as Sailor Moon.
Well this is unexpected. Monster Hunter with anime downloadable contents, let me know if Digimon or Monster Rancher made it.
Might want to indicate what system this is for. DS I assume?
The outfit does look great. Western release of XX please.
I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan, but I may skip Generations and this one and hold out for the eventual Monster Hunter on Switch. Just got burnt out and with newer iterations rolling out I feel left behind.
@Xaessya Greatest gif I've ever seen.
@Xaessya It's just... it's beautiful...
Before Palico/Felyne equip became a thing (I've been playing since 2ndFU) we would have all the crossovers for the Hunters, and I kind of miss that.
Some palico equipment are fun (Happy and Grandpa Danger from Generations come to mind) but I really wish we would get more of these for the Huntress/Hunter themselves, something other than T-shirts and leather jackets.
Forgot all about MH Stories, that game looked perfect for the 2DS, aimed squarely at the Dreamworks Dragons pre-teen audience. And there's even a tv show. I can't believe both wouldn't do well in the west.
Though if they want to put the western version on Switch, I'm ok w/ that.
Definately picking this up. I hope they 3dize it. It doesnt seem we are getting anymore 3d games on our 3ds. I cancelled my order Dragon Quest VIII because of no 3d. If they do the same here I will also cancel this order. I love the 3d that much. My 3d is turned on 100% of the time.
Looks like I'll have to give Monster Hunter another chance!
Generations wasn't as enjoyable as previous games, maybe Generations 2 will fix that. Chances are it'll be here soon, and it seems Nintendo will make sure the collabs remain unchanged when they do make it here.
...Also, I want an anime that I like in this game, bleh.
Monster Hunters is a freaking awesome franchise, but after playing on my Wii U i can't stand play on my 3DS anymore. I really want to see MH on Nintendo Switch, will be sweet with better graphics, better controller (3ds suck) and can play on the go or TV, will be awesome!
PS: love my 3DS for other games.
@Joeynator3000 What anime do you like? I think a JoJo crossover would be amazing to be honest. Maybe they'll do DBZ next.
@Rotgut the site changes to reflect what system any given article or content is about. In the case of this article, you may notice the color scheme changed to red, and the top bar says 3DS.
Wow that is an interesting crossover.
Didn't actually like Generations very much. Felt like a hastily made rehash of previous Monster Hunters to me, and the lack of a real story actually hurt it for me. Monster Hunter is NOT really about the story, BUT it's a good hook to keep people (like myself) motivated to push through the grindy and boring early game until you're ready to play online. It's almost like an MMO in that way. And the last two games' stories were definitely serviceable. 3 Ultimate and 4 Ultimate were great, but Generations just didn't do it for me. Couldn't really care less about a Generations X/Ultimate, and I'm usually a 3DS fanboi. I just don't really think Monster Hunter should be a "yearly release" game. It suffers for it, imo. Stories should release West though.
@Meowpheel gotcha! Did not catch that. Thanks : )
Monster Hunter is a series decidedly not for me, but I still think this is pretty neat, if random.
Definitely want to try out Stories, though. Hope it makes it to the west.
Sailor Moon and Digimon on Switch, please!!!
@Senpai_Bruh anime that won't make it into MH, I can say that. lol
School Rumble, Azumanga Daioh, Strike Witches, I'd even be fine with a Fullmetal Alchemist collab.
I don't see wynaut add Sailor Moon to MHXX
Seeing all these "I liked 4U more than Generations" comments just makes me think... did I enjoy playing through the former more than the latter? Yes... the first time. Would I do it again? Heck no.
Replaying for the story is meaningless since you can just re-watch most of the cutscenes from the comfort of your room. And if you don't replay, well, hope you enjoy the fairly narrow selection of endgame monsters, because their gear is clearly a cut above all others. AND you have to put up with arbitrary cycling, get lucky with guild quests, or slog through tougher event versions just to be able to play those quests. This, plus a bunch of other annoying aspects (bloat by superfluous subspecies, apex, inconvenient palico mechanics and gratuitous use of excessively rare materials in crafting) seriously turns me away from ever playing 4U again except for the odd hunt against something not in Generations.
Next up, Monster Hunter Switch. Not only is it on the Nintendo Switch, but you play as the monster taking down a group of hunters ;P
@trekkie001 That sounds a lot like Evolve actually except the monsters would probably be clunkier given how they move in MH games.
A Switch MH announcement would be awesome though.
I love Sailor moon Hopefully someday they get there own 3d game
Does that mean half the DLC is just stock footage?
Huh ?!
Luna as DLC ?!
Next, Sailor Moon costumes for female player. XD
(And don't forget Moon Spiral Heart Attack from Sailor Moon, so every single enemies will be fascinated and screaming "LOVELYYY...!!!" after being strike by Giant Heart and died) XD
Why did I think that "Sailor Moon DLC" in Monster Hunter meant burly, hairy muscle men Hunters turning to wearing skimpy schoolgirl sailor dresses worn by 14 year old girls that are not meant for 14 year old girls...
...........I think they're running out of crossover ideas...
@trekkie001 @Ernest_The_Crab All fun and games until someone plays as a rathian and keeps flying to different parts of the map.
Tuxedo mask was legit, where's our tuxedo mask outfit?
Why is that name so cool? It's like, the most basic name ever but somehow sounds epic.
Let me guess...
Hello Kitty will be up next DLC. XD
Muscle men in sexy Sailor Moon outfits ?
Really excited to get into this series when it eventually evolves to the Switch. The DLC support for it has been incredible.
Recently got into the series with Generations being my first game (just started the level 2 quests), really enjoying it so far and I hope we either get double cross of they announce a MH game for the Switch.
@Xaessya Batman!? WUT!? XDDDD
Also, we don't have a release date for Monster Hunter Stories yet? I've been really looking forward to it along with Dragonball Fusions. Both were supposed to keep me busy until Switch came out. Why u do dis!?
Monster Hunter games always seem to elude me... I'm either too entrenched in another game to lose focus and split playtime between two titles or it seems there are too many entries being released at a normal clip and I just can't keep up (especially considering the time-sink the games are). I've tried a couple (4U and Generations) and never seem to get past the tutorial stage...
He he, that's cute.
Although, I'd really appreciate the 25th Anniversary a lot more if "Sailor Moon Crystal" were continued to cover the last two manga arcs...
Sailor Moon Crystal wasn't really hilarious as older Sailor Moon anime. My favorite Sailor Moon is Sailor Moon S, with enemy = Pharaoh 90, Mistress 9, Death Buster, Witches 5, Daimon, etc.
@Anti-Matter What do you mean? It wasn't that much of a comedy to begin with.
"Crystal" much more closely follows the plot of the original manga (and the original character designs) while closing the many adaptation-induced plotholes of the original animé and cutting out all the lame filler. If you like that third arc so much (it's my favorite arc, too), try watching the Crystal version and you'll appreciate it even more.
Yeah, I know if Crystal based on Original Sailor Moon manga. But who can't resist for the comedy inside older Sailor Moon anime ? Still remember Pink Sugar Heart Attack that "Spanking" Daimon Soiya or Daimon Ikasaman that tricks five sailor senshi or Hiding scene of Usagi+Makoto+Ami+Minako from Rei when she was at Cafe ? That was hilarious. XD
Also, for Sailor Moon S case, I Love Daimon design. That was looks like raw ideas for Lady Gaga costumes. So High Fashion, so unique, a bit sensual.
Oh, btw. The absurd ideas for Sailor Moon in my opinion is..... Sailor Stars. I mean.... um... you know....three gals... from another Galaxy.... disguise in Male body....(Ew...)...and become boobless guys (I mean they have Chest instead Breast). When transform into Sailor Star, they have boobs again (And Uterus). Ew.... looks like Transgender....XD. Right ?
Well, what do you know. It's a Monster Hunter game allowing you to play as an actual character instead of a Felyne dressed as that character. Surely a step up.
Now, next time Monster Hunter players get Mega Man content, what about letting them playing as Mega Man instead of the usual Felyne cosplay?
@Anti-Matter The whole gender transformation thing with the Sailor Starlights was only in the animé, and the original author hated the change. In the manga, they were actual girls who merely disguised themselves as boys. One of the biggest reasons I want "Crystal" to continue is so we can see the Starlights done right.
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