Miis have been a part of Nintendo gaming for over a decade now, and the company will continue to support the digital avatar system on Switch - although it won't be compulsory for players to create one.
Speaking to Kotaku, Nintendo has confirmed that while Miiverse and StreetPass aren't part of its plans with Switch, the console will still have a Mii Maker application and users will be expected to share their Miis on "established" social networks:
While Miiverse will continue to be supported on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems, our approach with the Nintendo Switch system is to make greater use of other established, broadly used social platforms. For example, captured gameplay screenshots can be shared on popular social networks, and social features such as voice chat are possible with smart devices through our app.
There is a Mii Maker on Nintendo Switch. The software to create Mii characters is now located in System Settings, and no longer resides on the HOME menu as a standalone application. You can also create a Mii character from the Profile screen. Making Mii characters is similar to the method used on past systems.
Mii characters can be used to represent a user profile, but are not required. Users also have the option to choose a profile picture from an included library of Nintendo character images. Mii characters can still be used in games if developers choose to include them.
You can send/receive Mii characters through local wireless communication between Nintendo Switch systems, or use an amiibo figure to transfer Mii Characters from Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems.
Mii characters on the Nintendo Switch system are similar to past iterations, but they have some different options. More facial components and colors for hair and skin have been added, while the following attributes have been removed: creator's name, favorites, birthday, copying, and "public."
Do you see this as the beginning of the end for Miis? If they're not required, we imagine that many people will simply use another image for their avatar. What do you see yourself doing when you get your console on launch day? Will you stick with your existing Mii or do you fancy a fresh start?
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 85
I mean, it's not a necessity, but it's also nice to know they're not going away completely.
I'm fine with this, while it was initially fun to make Miis and try out different looks, the novelty wore off after a while. Streetpass was the thing I loved most about them... getting people's messages and puzzle pieces. Without Streetpass, Miis are just a mini game.
Also, Mii would have been a better name for the Wii... at least Mii doesn't sound like something Donald Trump allegedly pays prostitutes to do in Russian hotels.
I will miss using the Mii avatars on the Switch, it's because of Nintendo that I now use my Mii avatar everywhere now. It's a pity that Streetpass is going away, Miiverse, I didn't really like that as much as Streetpass.
You can use an amiibo figure to transfer Mii Characters from Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems.
...Like the Mii Fighter, Swordsman, and Gunner amiibo? Is that a confirmation for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch?!
I'm okay with Mii's losing their "being needed" on a system perspective, but I do hope nintendo won't stop messing around with them.
Games like Tomodachi Life were hilarious to play and their addition to Smash and Mario Kart, althought limited, allowed us to race and fight personally against some of the greatest characters of all time XD
@Stormy178 You still can. It's just that now you can choose between Miis and Nintendo-provided images.
I still really enjoy the Mii's, but I just wish they'd update some of the assets to give them a bit of a make over. Nothing too drastic, maybe just more option for facial features and hair cuts. Reggie mention in an interview recently that they'll be getting enhanced customisation options.
What do I see myself do with my console on launch day? Ehm ... play Zelda. Tbh, I will get a Nintendo icon to represent myself since I hate looking at my face, even in Mii form.
That's nice. I probably will make a mii for my profile.
I actually like the Miis, and I'm glad they're not totally being phased out.
I hate any picture of myself, but I don't mind using my Mii.
Probably not gonna happen, but I'd love it if we could upload our own profile picture to use rather than choosing from pre-existing ones or a Mii.
We got Mii's from the Wii's name.......so maybe we can name our characters after the Switch. How about Witches or the word beginning with B, a female dog? It's ridiculous how can't say some words around here that are in fact legitimate words.
Will we be able to use Miis in Mario Kart? I've always been driving as my Mii, if that becomes unavailable on Switch I would miss it a lot
This sounds better.
I use an avatar icon on PS and prefer this for Nintendo. I'll still make a Mii but Fire Emblem or Metroid or Monster Hunter icon will be my avatar
Maybe even Bomberman in honor of Bomberman R
I do hope we can still use them in Mario Kart. Mick Jagger has been my character of choice since I got it.On the Wii it was either John Lennon or Liam Gallagher. If the options still there on Switch I will go with Lou Reed.
Miis are invaluable for party games. Me and my friends got a lot of laughs from their expressions in Wii Party. Or in greatly under-appreciated Wii Music. Or just things like "Hey, look who's watching you play!" in Wii Sports, when you spot a familiar Mii in the audience, and having two completely ridiculously looking Miis made it even funnier.
I actually hope Nintendo would integrate the Switch with Miitomo somehow. Like, if my friend has Miitomo on his smartphone, he could import his Mii quickly into my Switch.
Glad that Miis aren't completely trashed.
I'm concerned about the "sharing" aspect of screenshots though. Is it possible to transfer screengrabs to a PC or upload them to the internet through a browser? I do not use social media but it would be fun to post my own screenshots to gaming forums or store them on PC.
@allav866 Every amiibo has a Mii attributed to them.
I still don't like the idea of social media integration - it was something Iwata clearly didn't want to do. - but I can see why they would want to do this
I think I'll use an avatar. I hope a Bayonetta avatar is available among the options.
Mii's were nice little features, but I don't think they'll have much use now that Miiverse is not included in the Switch. As for party games, they'll probably include generic ones for the game if they're truly needed.
"Mii has bored me, Mr. Trump."
"What about the position called Wii Sports then?"
"The number 23 on the Gamasutra?"
"But Mr. Trump, I can't do that!"
"You're fired."
@AlexSora89 Was that a "leaked" tape? Badum-tish!
We needed more options for the Mii's. It ironically felt limited whenever I wanted to make a new one.
@DanteSolaboood @AlexSora89 You both slayed me with that skit. Encore!
I'm rather attached to my Mii. I'll just keep using it.
Leaked tape no. 97, excerpt: "Could I just switch to another hooker?"
Since Miis are going to be optional, then does that mean an overhaul of My Nintendo is planned? Or maybe they will replace it and slap a new name on it yet again? Either way, I will still be using my Mii wherever it is available.
@Parkour_LMan Let me dream, man.
For some reason, this sits really well with me. They are trying to distance themselves from the reputation the Wii and Wii U have them, and Miis will always call the Wii to mind. So they've hidden them in a settings menu to make them still available but not front and center. Smart idea.
The best bit of the recording is towards the end of the tape:
"So now you're happy with your prostitute Mr. Trump, should they use the new bed or the one Obama slept in out back?"
A few moments later...
"I think if I'm going to make a switch, it had better be the ex-one, then we can cover it in Wii. My prostitutes have great Wii, the best Wii & I'll make America pay for it. Big leak! I mean league!"
More colors? Now I can finally make a realistic Trump Mii with orange skin!
I knew it!
Witches ?
Witches 5 from Sailor Moon S ? XD
Well... i'm relieved Mii still exist despite of being a minor part. But at least, Mii still can be used. Hopefully Nintendo willing to release Miitopia Switch version in HD, deep robust gameplay, more customize from voice until appearance and more challenges.
Yes. I'm thinking same way too. Question mark symbol was never exist on Mario Kart 8 Wii U. So, what is that Question mark for ? Random characters or Mii ?
I'll be sad when Miis are gone. Having your own personal avatar that sticks with you throughout the years (from Wii all the way to Switch) is a unique charm that only Nintendo can bring.
@GoldenGamer88 Haha, wow you sound exactly like me!
Only thing I'm dissapointed about is miiverse going away. That's a great feature that they should keep going.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Well, we're allowed to talk about this eshop game: https://www.nintendolife.com/games/wiiu-eshop/bombing_bastards
I guess we're allowed to use these kinds of words if we're actually using them for legitimate uses. But I doubt the word you're hinting at will ever need to be used for its non-swear meaning on this website, at least not until we get a new Nintendogs
I have to find and buy a Mii amiibo to keep my current Mii? May just make another new one then.
Miis were revolutionary when they first came out, but now I'm not too fussed about them. It's cool to still have them as an optional feature, but I won't be too disappointed if Nintendo ever gets rid of them.
I got bored with Mii's during the last few years of the Wii. So I won't miss them if Nintendo gets rid of em one day. I do like using Miiverse on 3DS though.
Sounds like Miis are ramping down. Bummer
If they're not really being used, I don't see a point for keeping them.
If Mii creation is now in System Settings, I wonder if there will be the ability to create Miis while in-game.
I do not see any reason for Nintendo to discontinue Miis as they are a favorite staple in Smash Bros and Mario Kart, not to mention that Miitomo is still being actively promoted and it was my understanding that Miitomo was an essential part of Nintendo's mobile platform as Miis and Nintendo accounts would be used by all mobile games.
I like Miis. My family has a lot more fun with them than makes sense. My kids have created some rather silly ones and they cheer whenever they show up in the crowd on party games and often will play as them in other Mii-enabled games as a gag.
Coolest and one of the only uses i liked at all was Super Smash Mii Fighters..... !
I won't miss them, but it is cool they are optional not required now.
Interesting choice really, especially considering that Switch is the proper "Wii2".
I will keep on using my mii. Character pics feel so impersonal.
While its not a deal breaker one way or the other if they go, I like the Miis. I just wish there were deeper customization for them. However, my daughter loves the Mii Maker app and like @Metroplex360, she loves making goofy looking ones. So at the very least, it'll still be available on the Wii U and 3DS for her to use
If it is like on xbox i don't mind. But i didn't like the Nintendo version somehow...was a bit annoyed
Wished the consoles made more use of them instead of just for minigame/party games. 3DS did Tomodachi Life and is releasing that....RPG sometime soon. (in Japan-only at the moment)
I need more hair color dyes.
And perhaps some more hair designs, but I'll settle for more colors on hair and shirt.
(how about a color picker?)
I was really hoping that since Nintendo was ditching Miiverse they would also be gettid rid of Miis altogether.
Encouraging play outside of the home, but eliminating Streetpass. That... is just stupid. Miis and Streetpass would be a perfect fit. Especially with a 'nearby' function that would let you know someone was packing a Switch and open to playing. What a short-sighted move and missed opportunity. And Miis could have been expanded even further and maybe even evolved a little. But let's just hide them instead.
Seriously, I love messing with creating Miis. And how awesome would it be... especially since they are big on making you use your phone... if an alert was sent from your Switch to your Gear or Apple watch that let you know someone was in the area, playing a game you want to play and wants to play.
New hair colors? Can I finally make a Mii with Blue, Green, Purple hair? I'm actually very hype to see what all got added. Miis have always been fun to make and play as in games. Definitely going to play around with the new creator a ton.
What do they mean by using an Amiibo to transfer between Wii U and 3DS? The Smash Mii amiibo? Why can't you just transfer them through wireless like Wii to U and 3DS?
@DBPirate To force Mii-lovers to migrate from their old 3DS to a new 3DS (or at least to buy this now uncommon external amiibo reader).
I always thought of Mii and Miicerse as two things Nintendo did that noone complained about and really liked. I hope the Miis keep popping up.
@DanteSolablood @AlexSora89
This story has already been debunked multiple times.
...This site is packed with stupid liberals...
I would like to stick with my current Mii as I really like it. I think they are a great addition to many games.
@iGen I'll not take lessons in what stories are "debunked" from anyone who supports the Birther in Chief. However, whether it's true or not, it's still something which is topical & open to humour. I'd hate to think one of the first things to die under a Trump administration is a sense of humour.
OMGS! Zero looks hilarious as a mii! X'D
I'll be sticking with my current Mii that I created on my 3DS back in 2013, as I've grown quite attached to it.
Yay, now we can finally get things like mohawks, green skin, blue hair, and so on! Those animé-based, Shrek, Yoda, and other fun character-based Miis are going to look so much better now!
It would be cool if we could have greater control over our Mii's expressions during cutscenes and stuff. I imagine my gothy Mii to be a lot more restrained in personality than the goofy poses the games give her. But that likely won't happen if they're being downplayed. I'm happy to have more customization options, though!
We're here to provide laughter and to cause spleen failure whenever possible.
The Trump Administration didn't kill humor, that's just me.
You'll get over it soon enough.
@iGen Haha, as tempted as I am to make some kind of political statement out of "you'll get over it", I'd prefer to be polite and take the acknowledgment of my existence as a positive. Thank you!
You're quite welcome, but you do realize Hillary would have implemented a no-fly zone, which would have began a war with Russia. You do realize they have the Satan II, right? It could be used in a war, and there would be ZERO survivors. She's not right in the head to be commander in chief. Not even counting all the other proven scandals.
Give me your own reasons why Trump would start a war and why he's a terrible choice going off of cold hard proven facts please. Not rumors and "leaks". I'm genuinely curious of what you have to say.
I don't have any energy in me today, I just want to have a civilized political discussion with you. Mods, let this one through just this once.
@iGen Well you've started off with the assertion that the no-fly zone would have just gone ahead with no international talks, diplomacy or process, which itself is giving Hillary a lot more credit than she deserves. I could make a cheap jibe about promises made in the campaign don't always turn out to be true... but I assume you have heard some of Trumps statements on the victory tour.
I don't particularly need to bring up reasons why Trump would start a war as that's quite a leap in a discussion, though if I were pushed I could bring up Trump's lack of experience in World politics, his antagonising China (another Nuclear power with missiles that can reach the US), the fact that Trump is at his heart a narcissist & they don't tend to get on with other narcissists such as Putin for long. Plus if Trump shows too much weakness to Russia we could easily see Russian hostilities in other parts of the World increase exponentially.
I understand in regards to energy, at present there is a discussion going on on YouTube where someone is stating Obama has literally no good deeds on his sheet from his eight years & rather than argue intelligently this person is now calling everyone hypocrites. Such fun.
But all Ronald Reagan came to the table with was his history in acting. Isn't it better to have a history in business rather than a history in acting? Meanwhile Ronald was regarded as arguably one of the best presidents ever. Imagine how much better Trump could come across with his past knowledge of managing money, rather than playing a fictional character in a movie.
I agree that he should be treating China better, it's not a good idea what he's doing. And I don't think Russia is a malicious force that is to be carefuled with. Sure, they are a separate part of the world and like other different country leaders speaking to one another, you have to use restraint, but I don't see them as that dangerous. Putin has been labeled the traitor of the NWO, and he has done many very smart moves and decisions concerning leading Russia. Trump is similar to his tactics and I think that is part of why they get along so well.
Ha. He might be on to something though, I can't name anything off the top of my head that Obama has done that has dearly benefitted this country.
I think a large problem of the political division that has been happening recently is a lack of true understanding on the other person's part. If we could get around that, we would all be a little better off.
(Even though Hillary is still kind of sick. Nothing is going to change that.)
Eh, it will all blow away in due time.
@iGen That's the one thing I have an issue with, people using Trump's experience in "business" or "managing money". I thought it was common knowledge that Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy four times & the one time a section of his taxes were leaked (this is confirmed information), it showed he lost $918 million on running casinos. Casinos, those things that are almost impossible to lose money on. The house always wins?
Also you fail to note that Ronald Reagan was a US Governor for eight years before he started his Presidency. By the time he took power he was an experienced politician with a track record. The character is not the fictional one here, it's Trump's political experience even compared to Ronald Reagan.
In regards to Russia & Putin, Russia (under direct orders from Putin) have assassinated civilians in both the UK & America, invaded other countries, shot down planes with civilians inside, suppressed homosexuality, controlled the media & had his enemies thrown in jail under false charges, stolen people's assets under false charges and allegedly rigged almost every election since he got into power... so maybe he & Trump will get along?
Well under Obama the GDP has grown faster than any other NATO country, unemployment is at it's lowest in decades, the stock market has soared, business has grown consistently longer than any president. Ever. Latino & Black life expectancy has increased (in the case of Latinos, longer than white people), the gap in Black & Latino graduations shrunk to it's smallest & the house has been the most DIVERSE ever. The Trump administration has announced NO Latinos. Not a single one.
I don't doubt your wrong about a failure of understanding, the issue is that in this modern age people choose to accept the information they like & ignore/deny what they don't agree with.
That "blow away in time"... just checking, but you're not talking about America's nuclear toasted carcass are you?
I love using my Mii whenever possible. I like having a fun caricature of myself racing or fighting alongside some of my favorite videogame characters!
Glad to see they're not going away.
So basically they're taking on the same role with Switch as the Xbox avatars take on for the XB1.
Nothing will ever replace my time racing online in MK8 as the Bob Ross mii, though...
"Unemployment is at it's lowest in decades, the stock market has soared, business has grown consistently longer than any president. Ever. Latino & Black life expectancy has increased."
No, it's not. No, it hasn't. No, it hasn't. How? Where the hell did that come from?
Okay, this is just reached a new level of stupid. And I have other things to do than to fight an uphill battle. You will be proven wrong anyway soon enough.
Cave Johnson, we're spontaneously done here.
@iGen Basically, this is all information which is researched & fact-checked, though I will have to admit that I should have said "following the 2008 crash", which adds some context to some of those details. My bad, it was around 2am here when posting.
These are some January 2016 details, please note that my "decades" should have been "nearly a decade" on unemployment. Again, 2am and busy..
It saddens me to see that the Mii's are suddenly no longer as big of a part of Nintendo as they once were. I love these characters, they just have so much charm ya know?
It doesn't both me, didn't really use them in any game besides Wii Sports and a little bit in Mario Kart anyways. But if they do stick around why can't Nintendo actually update them to look more like my so profile picture here. That is my xbox avatar that I am using they have way more customization when make a character.
Miis aren't going away, but seem to be tied more to the user rather than this quest to make a Mii of every celebrity you can think of.
Sounds like they realize that people might be a little sick of miis.
I still enjoy them, but the Wii U interface with the Wara Wara plaza certainly went overboard, and had them outstay their welcome.
And I might be a bit of a jerk for saying this, but I was glad to see the mii icon missing from the MK8 Deluxe roster. They push the cohesiveness of the art style a little more than I enjoyed. Hopefully there won't be any Mercedes Benz karts either.
I'll probably stick with my mii and mybe give ut a tuch up with the new options
That's kind of a shame to be honest. I know they can't be supported forever, but I really like the Miis. I hope Nintendo isn't on the way of abandoning them completely (secretly hoping for another Tomodachi game here)
Having them mandatory in so many games was a nice quirk at first, but it wasn't long before people lost interest in creating Miis for themselves to use, and would just use one created by someone else, so in those games it would have worked just as well to stick to using pre-made Nintendo characters instead.
They still work great for representing yourself on Miiverse, etc. and can work quite well in certain games if you would be interested in creating them, but I think it is reasonable for them to reduce the importance that had been placed upon them.
No Miis, no Miiverse, no free online play... I sure am glad the Switch doesn't interest me.
After playing games with glasses-free 3D, there's no going back. Luckily, I've got tons of games and a lot more that I want for the 3DS, so I'm at least set for 3 years.
Miis ftw
I like using my Mii’s on my 3Ds even though I miss the Wii and Miiverse, I’m glad that Mii’s are still around besides they should be in spotlight like every character from Nintendo to their chance to have more games, ads, tv shows and more
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