The Nintendo Switch won't use Miiverse or StreetPass, it has been revealed.
Both services were introduced during the Wii U and 3DS cycle, and have proven to be a hit with fans. However, according to Nintendo of America's assistant manager of public relations David Young, they won't figure in plans for the new hybrid console:
I can answer that we're not going to be using Miiverse for Nintendo Switch.
For social media, it seems that the Switch will use other platforms like Twitter and Facebook, rather than Nintendo's own; although Young refused to confirm exactly which platforms, it's fair to assume all the big ones will be included. The "share" button will allow you to post images (and eventually video) to these accounts. Again, this is an understandable move; it's impossible to compete with these established networks when it comes to reach, so why bother? Sharing to these networks will also spread awareness of the Switch, rather than having gamers confined to a "walled garden" like Miiverse.
Young says the lack of StreetPass is down to the idea that Switch is a home console first and foremost - a common message coming out of Nintendo at the moment, despite the clear portable potential of the platform. With 3DS, StreetPass made sense because you were always carrying around your console with you; clearly, Nintendo doesn't want people to assume Switch is the same kind of deal - perhaps because having the unit on standby all day would run the battery down.
How do you feel about this news? Let us know with a comment.
[source, via]
Comments 185
I made a lot of good friends through using Miiverse back in the day, so it's sad to hear about it being dropped. That said, I completely understand their thinking. It'll be so much easier to get the word out by using existing social networks! Let's hope for a commercial success this time...
I don't care about StreetPass, but Miiverse? Why? I really like Miiverse and its little community.
Shame, I don't care very much for Miiverse, but Streetpass was always cool.
On a side note... Pokemon Sun/Moon has no Streetpass, so that explains that, if the Pokemon Stars rumors are true...
With how much trouble they had with Miiverse and what a PR nightmare fixing it, I can see why they don't want it coming back.
Speaking off things disappearing, I think I only saw 1 Mii
Thank god! Miiverse was more trouble than anything else
Thank god! Miiverse was pointless. Street pass was good though for the puzzle swap
Not sad for streetpass at all, that is honestly useless all the time unless you live somewhere where 3DS users are highly populated and there is higher chance to meet them daily - sadly not my case even though I live in capital city. Also the games which should have been free were kind of overpriced, but I quite enjoy them despite the price.
Miitopia on the other hand is a fun feature I will miss. I'm happy they will add SNS support, but I hope they will add their own unique feature like are/were Miis
Miiverse was cool at first, then I just stopped using it. Real social media is where it's at. As long as Switch has direct messaging then all is well. I'm liking the Share button right on the Joycon. Lots of screenshots will be taken on my end.
As for Streetpass, eh. I'm empathetic toward those who avidly used it, but me, I say good riddance. I couldn't stand those little green dots showing up on all my games and apps- every time I opened the system I felt compelled to open each one of them to clear the notification.
The thing works as a portable system, that's all I care about.
A loss in my book, both of them.
The only Miiverse related thing I liked was 'Bad Miiverse Posts' on Facebook. It was a pretty terrible thing that I never used personally and always hated when I accidentally pressed the button then had to wait ages whilst it loaded up.
I'd rather they implemented a Facebook and Twitter app where I can easily share screenshots and achievements and things.
@JaxonH "every time I opened the system I felt compelled to open each one of them to clear the notification."
Same here Today I feel as if our minds are connected lol XD
Lol OCD sucks
But will it have that TV-remote thing my WiiU have?! Otherwise it's a no buy for me.
Before hand i was pretty sure Miiverse would return and be expanded upon as i thought it had proven quite popular (i stopped using it after the novelty wore off though admittedly).
It seems Mii's themselves are going to be used a lot less by Nintendo, they appear to have been ditched in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe too.
I always liked the idea of using them for something like that 1 Vs 100 game Microsoft made for the 360 back in the day, but meh, i wouldn't be too bothered if they disappeared altogether lol
@JaxonH OCD? You mean that disorder? Don't tell me I have it now XD I hope you meant something else or I'm just not getting the joke haha XD
Aw I was quite fond of both actually! But I'll get over it. Onwards and upwards!
Thank the gods miiverse is gone. although i will miss streetpass, it was a simple thing yet satisfying as you collected others' miis. Nintendo Life can you do a article on the UI of the switch.
Miiverse was good until they removed the Smash series community.
i can understand why they eschewed street pass. they really want to HAMMER that this is a home console that can go on the road, not the other way around. there was no need to choose other social media over miiverse. they could easily coexist. i guess they also want to reinforce that this isn't cutesy or kiddie.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but... sounds like you're OCD-Positive
But relax 😀It's not a disease or anything. Some people are just more... how can I put this... obsessive about details than others
I loved Miiverse.
Bad news for those of us who aren't interested in being part of groups like Facebook or Twitter. I far preferred my time amongst like minded Nintendo fans. Miiverse will always be far more civilised than anything like mainstream social media, I can promise you that.
This is a big mark down for me.
Miiverse will be missed. It's Facebook for games. It was nice when you got stuck and could post a screenshot and question and in minutes, could get an answer. It could coexist...but I guess it's just dead like Wii U.
@JaxonH OCD doesn't need further trivialisation. Be considerate of those who actually suffer from it. Being intense about detail has nothing whatsoever to do with OCD. You might as well be throwing the the R word around.
@HappyMaskedGuy Agreed, I have OCD and my room is a ship-tip. It's one of those really frustrating stereotypes that can be really frustrating.
@JaxonH Well first I don't have OCD, I have a cancer that's a "bit" different. Second I was joking with the "minds connected" because you had almost identical opinion as me in a previous article, that is what I was refering to. If you misunderstood me then sorry, that was not my intention. Third I don't know why are you bringing up OCD at all, since it has nothing to do with my comment or the article above and now it seems you didn't meant it as a joke as I thought, but as... insult towards me?
If Nintendo made the Switch discord compatible, it would be amazing. Voice and text chats, plus they could make some 'official' discord servers that you could join for specific game series.
I've basically given up on the use of other social media now lole
Well...not really affecting me.
I never touching Miiverse, Streetpass also (Never been happened in my country, nobody play 3DS with Streetpass being On, except if I have two 3DS so I can Streetpass everyday anytime)
Looks like Nintendo is being serious this time.
I love Streetpass & will really miss having my existence confirmed by the presence of others. I'm guessing that there were too many complaints about people living too far away from each other. Never stopped Pokémon Go.
Aww. I've got 1400 followers for Four Horses on Miiverse, about 40 on Twitter.
No more Mii's! HOORAYYYYY!!!!!!
They were honestly the best things about last gen Nintendo's vision! I will miss them.
Not hugely surprised or bothered. I haven't used either in ages.
First bit of good news I've heard (still haven't gotten over the shocking price)
Nice to see Nintendo moving to the 21st century
No... why did they do that?
Does that mean we won't have friend codes and/or be able to share it with others without getting in trouble?
As a person who use Miiverse fairly regularly to have good discussions about news and topics, I can't help but feel a bit sad if there aren't any replacement for Miiverse that aren't Facebook or Twitter as I am not really too keen on those.
Sharing news to on Miiverse and then discuss the new are things I really enjoy, so hopefully there are a way I can still chat with people I have gotten to know.
In any case as long as Miiverse continue to exist I don't really care that much if Miiverse aren't on the Switch, as I use PC Miiverse anyway as it is easier to type there :+).
Wouldn't be surprised if Miiverse becomes an app for our phones.
I really enjoy Miiverse, so that stinks that it's not coming back.
And the fact he says Switch is a console system first will now make me hope the 4DS is still coming because the Switch I cannot trust to pick up in its first year. So Maybe Streetpass will be on 4DS.
Despite the fun drawings and hilarious messages Miiverse has provided, I'm not surprised. The service somehow became more restrictive and rather off-putting at times. I hope they can remedy that with something better though.
Never bothered much with StreetPass but I can see why others like it...
Has there been any confirmation of an achievement system like trophies, quite liked the miiverse stamps!
But will it at least tie the Nintendo Account to Miitomo? To show your avatar in games and stuff like that?
And how does the release of Miitomo figure in with seeming disappearance of the Miis? I hope it's just that they weren't used in the titles shown. I'd very much like Switch Party or something like that. Wii Party was played to death by me & my friends, and Miis and their expressions played a huge role in its appeal.
People still use Miiverse?
@XCWarrior He's just assistant manager of public relations though (and in NoA, not even NoJ). I don't want to belittle his position, but I wouldn't take him much seriously in whatever he thinks about Switch's main purpose. So far everything was indeed focused on the hardware rather than the games and handheld aspect, but I think we will get more news soon. It's been only a few days since the first official presentation, plenty of time to boost the handheld mode - unless Nintendo wants their next gen to be labeled as "another, less powerful console".
And as much as I love my 3DS and the handheld as a whole, I think Nintendo wants to move on from their previous ideas and don't want Switch to be connected with their previous devices like 3DS and Wii U, so I think there is very small chance of "4DS" ever happening. I think it will be another few years before we see a new console/handheld from Nintendo. I may be completely wrong though
Deal breaker right there.
That's a pity, street pass was probably my favourite part of 3ds
I got banned from Miiverse for abusive/bullying behavior. My wife was playing Animal Crossing and made a post asking what do people do with their 'oids. I said I rub cream on mine. Banned. So now Nintendo think I bully/abuse my wife. Taught me a lesson about social media.
No kidding. All day on standby runs even N3DS battery down (Vita ironically lives longer but then again, Vita doesn't do frequent area scanning for StreetPass/SpotPass purposes). This notion does make one hope Switch boots up promptly enough, though.
And I won't say obituaries about the features just yet - this seems like another way of reaffirming that Nintendo will be holding on to 3DS for a while more.
Understandable. Will swap them for an achievements system...
Liked Streetpass, was never fussed about Miiverse.
I'll really miss Streetpass, although Nintendo has stated as recently as yesterday that 3DS is still going to receive support through 2018, at least, so it'll still be around on there.
I loved Streetpass. I love the mini games and collecting Miis. I met a lot of awesome people in a couple Streetpass groups I belong to. I'm sad to see it eventually be phased out.
Never cared for either of them. RIP nonetheless.
Couldn't care less about Miiverse, but why Streetpass? That had a lot of potential, and they would've gotten a lot more mileage out of it with smartphone integration.
I understand why Streetpass is dropped, it's a shame but makes sense.
Miiverse I think is a real shame. I didn't much like the new structure that segmented everything and some boards were a bit of a mess but it could have been fixed and integrated with the other social medias. It was nice to have that Nintendo space where things were largely positive and lighthearted. The ability to leave sketches was fantastic and lead to some really fun implementation in the likes of Splatoon and the Smash Bros Miiverse stage.
But it does make sense. Maybe one day it'll come back in some form.
@JaxonH You know you could turn it off right?
It's a real shame that Miiverse is going with the Switch... I love being part of a Nintendo community where everyone can contribute and be noticed. Met some amazing friends on there too. I will continue to use my Wii U after I get a Switch, I just hope they don't abandon it.
Why get rid of Miiverse? It was amazing. Why not just adapt it? They could have it like the feed thing on Xbox.
Streetpass was FANTASTIC! ... but I don't want to carry my Switch around. It's too large.
Miiverse was a great idea in principal, but it was flooded with far too much gumph that was impossible to filter out, so I'm not going to be all that sad that it's going.
EDIT: Streetpass on Switch smartphone app or riot.
That's OK with me. I never use Miiverse (which is a terrible platform anyway), and although I do like StreetPass, it makes sense because the Switch is primarily a home console.
I love Miiverse and it is my favourite place to ask for help and tips and to see what the actual buyers think of the games.
I believe a lot of people totally misunderstood it - it is actually great once you build your own list of friends who are active, who play a lot of games and are interesting to read. And honestly I love being able to ask "Where is the last coin in this stage?!" and get replies that are actually helpful. Also, I was able to write anything I wanted and never had to deal with any kind of moderation, so it always surprises me to see so many people got banned. I don't understand why they are trying to destroy everything that was cool about the WiiU.
New console looking less and less appealing.
Definitely going to miss Miiverse. All those fun times of me posting those snapshots with comments. If Facebook is going to replace it, then I guess I wouldn't mind.
I hate to say this guys, but seeing as how "gamer" focused the Switch will be, I'd be very devastated if the Miis are going to meet the same fate. I want to be wrong, though.
I actually liked earning new puzzle pieces via StreetPass... we even had a little StreetPass community in our city, where we used to meet up every month, chat, play some 3DS games and generally have a good time. ;_;
@spizzamarozzi Agreed. Miiverse did plenty of things that more than just introduce me to newer friends, but help me in games as well. It is probably one of the most tame social sites I've ever been to.
Although I'm still getting the Switch, the fact that the system is missing out on Second-Screen Gaming like the Wii U Game Pad, as well as Miiverse, made me hurt within
... They didn't say the Switch won't have Streetpass.
They just said about Miiverse.
Miiverse is no big loss, but Switchpass was a legitimately great feature, and its removal is weird for a machine that Nintendo seems to be pushing as a very social gaming device.
@SanderEvers Never seen that, but thanks.
Miiverse? Good riddance.
Street pass? Build it into Miitomo via Bluetooth LE and Miitomo replies. I'd play that constantly.
Given the Switch doesn't really fill the 'dedicated portable' gap I can't help but wonder whether they have a successor to the 3DS in the wings. Unless their mobile strategy is a legitimate replacement for it, which I kind of hope it is. I'd pay £30 to play full fat Animal Crossing on my iPhone.
Thank god!!
Got no problem with losing both. Neat ideas, but it is time to move on and really separate NS from its predecessors.
You're on a roll Nintendo, now to get rid of those embarrassing Miis! Or at least modernize them.
I'm so glad Miiverse isn't going to be on the Switch. That service was just terrible and pure trash.
Makes sense. Miiverse isn't well-known unless you have a new 3ds or a Wii U, and even among owners of those systems I know from speaking to the few people I know who own them it's not a regularly-visited platform. Not too fussed about street pass. I enjoyed the free games for a bit, but I'm not bothered if I don't see them again. Clean slate is the best way to appeal to a new audience.
But what about the Miis? Any sign of them in MK8D? I always drove as my Mii.
Those Mario, Luigi and Daisy avatars on the menu make me think we could be going avatars only like PSN. PS4 never did have a Home follow-up so maybe people like avatars are over? I still haven't seen a camera, I really think ARMS should let us put our faces on the fighters.
If Miivesre is gone I do hope wara wara plaza is gone, that was useless, Quick Start all the way. I still can't believe after 4 whole years Wii U never got themes, just a big empty way to white plaza. Give us themes, make Miitomo a larger app space for when people choose to bring it up.
Did anybody think to ask the guy if MI I verse was going away b/c it was being replaced by an expanded Miitomo app on Switch?
Came as a gentle punch in gut at first, but I can't help feeling there's some sense in the decisions.
Miiverse was undoubtably a walled garden, and those walls only drew further in throughout the system's lifetime, but it was kind of nice to have this twee little space where you could get help on games and see lots of rather lovely Nintendo art.
But every post to Miiverse was a post not sent to a wider social Network, and so the only people who could see what you were doing in your console were people who owned the console; not great for advertising.
StreetPass was a great little feature for turning the whole world into a play space, and did a lot to get me outside with the system in the hope I'd snag some people. I stopped using it as much as time went on (and the new StreetPass features became paid-for), but I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun on the system without it.
Still, taxing the battery on a system which is already more strapped in that department is probably not a good idea. It'll be missed though.
They should have just integrated the street pass feature into one of the joycon controllers. It would have been easy to pop one off drop it in your pocket, messenger bag, or purse and pick up street passes while out and about. When you return home, you pop the the joycon back on and see how many tags you picked up. Include a pedometer for those play coins and you have a quality of life product already built into the system that is small, discreet, and easily portable.
Rarely used miiverse. I did have fun playing streetpass. I never use any social media except Twitter and that's rare. I don't use themes.
Just have the Switch boot fast and bring the games.
Interesting wording, we won't be using Miiverse... Possible new Nintendo account related network? If they are getting rid of miis then that would make a lot of sense really?
On a side note I do hope they create something similar because I don't want to be using Twitter or Facebook to post gaming stuff. It's one of the things I hate about the ps4 share button. Miiverse appealed to me because you were sharing information and fun stuff with like-minded people. Most people on your regular social network don't want to be spammed with gaming screenshots etc.
Liked both but life goes on.
The loss of Miiverse I understand even though it was nice. But streetpass was one of my favorite things about the 3DS. Sincerely hope it's not gone. If the switch succeeds as they hope maybe it's possible to patch it in later?
I can hardly express how disappointed I am that I will no longer be able to post on Miiverse. Hardly any of my Facebook friends are even gamers and won't care or even understand what I am posting so sharing screenshots is pretty much useless for me unless there are still game communities like on Xbox One. I liked having a place to share my moments with gamers who could appreciate my accomplishments and without that and so far no achievement system the Switch will be a hard sell for me. I am not worried though because it is up to Nintendo to convince me to get one, and right now it isn't looking to likely and that is coming from a guy who just a few years ago exclusively played Nintendo systems.
From a business standpoint, this totally makes sense. They can just use Facebook to do basically the same thing as Miiverse except for maybe the game integration, which I always turned off anyway. They can just create communities for every game on Facebook and moderate them there. It's clear that with Switch Nintendo is moving in a different direction.
an interesting thing i just thought of, when upgrading VC games from Wii to the Wii U, Nintendo said one of the reasons they still had to charge was for the creation of miiverse communities for each game, now that's gone i wonder what they'll say now ?
I'll miss Streetpass. Miiverse was okay. But I was never wedded or really attached to either idea. Though it would be nice if some of the features that were cool from each do show up in some form on the Switch. I liked seeing people's drawings on Miiverse. And the puzzle piece collecting for the game portraits was cool.
I remember reading prior to the launch of the Wii U that Iwata didn't want Facebook integration on the console because social media was so flash in the pan, so they wanted to harness the concept of social media instead and create their own platform.
Facebook seems to have survived what happened to the likes of Bebo and MySpace (anyone remember them?) but I still feel a little weirded out by the idea of Facebook integration on a Nintendo system.
That is a bummer. I don't use social media in general and miiverse was pretty much my equivalent. I guess I'll be hauling around my 3ds systems a little longer. I won't be getting a twitter account or using my non used facebook account with the NS. I like what little anonymity I can get online.
I like miiverse when it launched then they did an apple, and created lots of updates which ruined it.
I thought streetpass was switched off already
Just found this vid where Mii's are at least present in the menu's for MK 8 Deluxe -
So maybe they won't be scrapped completely
Only thing that irked me about Miiverse is the super strict moderation and censorship; if you so much as said one word that wasn't even a bad word, but they didn't agree with, they'd be on you like flies on a rotting corpse and suspend your account indefinitely. That and the post cool down time between making posts, the character limit, not being able to publicly share your NNID, etc. It was draconian.
I'm not going to fill my Facebook or Twitter accounts with a bunch of Nintendo posts that no one I know would care about. I want Miiverse. Even asking changes to Miitomo to make that a Miiverse replacement is ok.
If this is true I'm going to have to create new Faceboom and Twitter accounts for znintendo related stuff. What a stupid thing they are doing.
As for dropping Street Pass because this is a home console first, that just ,ales no sense whatsoever. This console is both. Nintendo need to let their customers decide if it is mobile or home first. Removing features to dictate which it is truely is a black eye on the company and product.
Good riddance to clutter and over-hyped useless apps.
I hope the Mii's get the ax as well...... or at least are highly dialed back.
So they'll get rid of the best feature of Nintendo network....
I am disappointed that Miiverse is not included but could care less about street pass. I carried my 3ds on me where ever I went for 3 days and didn't get one hit.
I only used Miverse in the beginning, StreetPass, is OK but it didn't really do much for me. I will post some games on social media so I can let my friends know which ones to get.
Considering i got banned from Miiverse for a very silly reason (wont bore with details unless asked) im not unhappy to see it go. I would rather switch be a fresh new start for Nintendo. And this time ensure that what ever we buy digitally is locked to our account, NOT our console.
@InternetBowser takes me 2secs to post u must have slow internet
@Marshi that is why I'm going physical for the switch. Went full downloads for the Wii u and 3ds.
@Dysnomia lol your making it harder on yourself because you don't want to post on your own account. Your fault not Nintendo besides miiverse is filled with a bunch of cry babies anyway.
Not sad about Miiverse, but kinda sad about StreetPass. I have a lot of fond memories of it. It will be a bittersweet day when I actually collect that last puzzle piece...
Of all the non-gaming apps that they've tried since consoles went connected/multimedia, etc. I think the only one I really loved was the Everybody Votes channel. Probably why I quite like Miitomo (though I still wish it had more of an Everybody Votes-style feature).
Aw, I really liked Miiverse. And I never plan on using Facebook or Twitter so I guess no more gaming posts for me!
On another note, I can't express how glad I am to see the Wii brand gone. It was with us for a whole decade. Even though I love the 3DS as well, I'm kind of glad to see the DS brand going too. Both brands were getting a bit stale, and I'm glad to see Nintendo making a new brand. Guess you could say I was ready for a switch.
And on that note, I think it was really smart of Nintendo to combine their handheld and home console markets. It should help them focus their development efforts I would think.
Makes perfect sense. Shame about the effort they wasted setting it up really. If they really thought Social Media was a flash in the pan then, like online gaming, that's another one they misjudged.
I have a great idea. Bring back Swapnote then at the highest of its popularity take it away and close it down blaming some pediphile or people for abusing Swapnote.
So Nintendo is throwing us to the elite pedophiles preferred choice of mainstream social medias. I'll stay away form them completely and avoid being spied on 24/7 and censored. The one thing Miiverse did for me was if there was a odd title released on e-shop that you couldnt find any info on anywhere, there was always Miiverse where you could click on the title and see what others were saying about it. I guess that will be another area now that they will lose money and more so alienating the indie devs. Streetpass was kind of cool sometimes. Mii's were a staplemark of modern big N so bye bye Tomagachi life sequels. Now I see Nintendo melting down into an App only company. After cell phone apps, they're totally throwing us in that direction.
What happens to MyNintendo now? I say bring back registration codes on games and reopen Nintendo rewards after all, MyNintendo has your Mii as an avatar and they have to rid the world of that
If Nintendo is pushing that the switch is a home console first, then maybe theres still hope for the successor to 3ds. Mii-DS maybe?
Nintnedo completely ruined Miiverse with it's daily posting limit and it angered me how they just ignored the backlash that occurred because of it.
Well, with Nintendo shutting down the majority of the relay points, I'm not suprised they didn't move it over to the Switch.
I didn't really care too much for Miiverse. I just got fed up seeing so many people whinging about the admins.
I'm certain my fb friends would get tired of my game-centric statuses/posts/photos/etc, as well as not even understand them. Miiverse has the advantage of being a game-centric community. For Nintendo, & their advertising/marketing, It has the disadvantage of being unto itself. I think this "share" button/feature is coyly for advertising. I do like to share, & be apart of a gamer community, but with gamers that I may share some gaming tastes, & thoughts with. Non-gamers, &/or specifically non-Nintendo gamers just aren't going to be interested in the gaming life of their Nintendo-gaming friends.
Thank God! I hated MIIverse
Whatevs... I don't thinks I'll miss them at all.
That's fine. A positive even, at least in my book.
Wow that sucks. I love Streetpass.
I can promise you that there will not be a 4DS.
The DS line is dead. And realistically, the 3DS has just been admitted to the hospital because it's doing really weakly and it's very hard for it to live normal life. A couple months from now, the doctor will tell good 'ol 3DS that it has months left to live.
Remember, it has been on the market for nearly 6 years. GameBoy Advance lived a good long 6 as well. Nearly 7, actually.
(Yes. I know that there are 2017 3DS games, but because the Switch will be out and because the 3DS is running on heavily dated technology by 2017 standards, nobody is going to buy one. And just because there is the presence of new games does not mean that the console is alive, well, and fully supported and paraded by Nintendo. Like it or not, it's on its last legs.)
I guess I'm on the other side of the wall (the less populated one) in that I didn't use Miiverse, but I love streetpass.
That said, it makes total sense that the Switch doesn't have Streetpass. It is not about taking it with you everywhere, it's a home console with portable capabilities.
Noooooooo…… NSABook is dangerous to use and Twitter is a big and scary place! I loved the walled garden of Miiverse! It was safe to use, minus the constantly posted genital pictures by 12 year olds, Nintendo maintained and monitored, and everybody else was like you! Aaaaaauuuugggghhhhhh!!!
I can understand no Streetpass, but no Miiverse? I don't really use it, but this is just idiotic. Nintendo loves going backwards.
Man some people can't take a joke
I hardly use miiverse but it was so cool to have in wind waker and Mario maker. I hope whatever they end up using will still allow functionality like the tingle bottles. I couldn't care less about streetpass though
@JaxonH It wasn't funny, that's why
I'll miss Streetpass. I still have a bunch of tiles to place. I hope N will fill in all the rest for me before they shut it all down. I wish I could get hits cause Im still killing that superghost.
Social media is nothing but SNITCHING!!! On yourself and your friends.
So all those people that say Sony copies off of nintendo, can now reverse it. Both companies are friends and follow each other pretty closely. Sony mimicked the Wii Remote with their own Move Wand...nintendo now doing something that is on the PS4. Hmm...more complaints, or something else?
Anyways, Miiverse started to grow old over time, and was too slow on the 3DS. The only thing that was fun to do was draw, so it's no big thing, because I'm sure nintendo will create Art Studio or Colors for the system. Other than that, I don't use Facebook or Twitter on PS4, so it's just something that I have no care for on Nintendo's Switch. I wonder if the Mii's will still be included, or if they'll be gone too? Streetpass was a nice addition to 3DS...shame it won't be on Switch, but I'm sure if the sales do well, there will be lots of other fun features on the system. I even miss Check Mii Out and Everybody Votes on Wii...they were also pretty fun (although got kind of old quick, but still fun). Who knows what nintendo will add throughout the console's life cycle...they do like to experiment! Does anyone know if the system will have some kind of trophy/achievement item...something I've been waiting on for a nintendo console for a long time and it's a good way to keep people replaying some of the games.
Definitely an understandable move. I rarely use Miiverse and have no use for Streetpass (the latter primarily because I live in the boonies), and Miiverse in particular can't compete with the massive social networks.
That said, I do have sympathy for those who both love and use these services.
@Priceless_Spork I know what you mean...seems like all I get is the same old pieces and I can barely even go anywhere and get a pass. McDonalds, Starbucks, Best Buy and even Gamestop used to do it constantly, but it seemed to die off 2 years ago. Shame.
I think both has ran its course but would have liked a new better revamped Miiverse tho.
Same here!
Wasn't expecting to see you here tho.
I think the thing about Miiverse is that you yourself has to be the one who make your own experience with Miiverse good, as in that you yourself have to create good/interesting posts and you will likely get comments from others.
I have made my own Miiverse experience good, but I do recognize that Miiverse do need some fixing to get optimal and not just being useable and working.
So hopefully we will get an official announcement on what Switch social features will be like soon :+).
Miiverse was a community overrun with trolls, cry babies, and unreasonable admins. I shall sleep better knowing it's gone for good.
You posted too many roleplay fantasies, which led to wang-doodles, which led to Miiverse bans, which led to the rise of WienerButt, which in turn led to more roleplay fantasies.
I kind of wonder how much money Nintendo spent on Miiverse police banning all those wangs and hacker posts? Maybe that's why Switch is going to have paid online in the fall--to recoup their losses for that pol-mii-ce-verse squad.
Not sure why, I joke about having OCD all the time nobody ever gets a square face over it. It's like joking about being a perfectionist
It's a shame, but understandable. I was hoping they would utilise StreetPass to give you an incentive to travel with the console. Otherwise most people would never have any reason to take the console out of the house.
Meh two useless features anyways, we all know Nintendo were quick to pull the plug on these the moment they created them. When it comes to social feature Nintendo is seriously lacking. Flipnote, Swapnote, PictoChat, Miiverse, etc., it seems they all were just create for hype only.
I think they are both unique features, what's the point of the screen share button any more . . . no one on facebook wants to see my games lol
I called it, pretty much. Expect a true 3DS successor system a in couple of years that does have streetpass, though. Just a total guess but so far, so good.
Miiverse, This app had untapped potental as I'm a regular in this app. I was hoping a major revamp since miiverse has been hacked, over-policed (unfair bans) and under-policed (the occasional hot-dog) at the same time, the complete REFUSAL to share friend-codes (How else would you visit towns in animal crossing?!) and mostly cluttered, they would post seamlessly without opening up a separate app so you can post videos and pictures with a quick text, suggest community changes to the people who run this place and bring back the activity feed to avoid the 4chan riff-raff that goes on in the New Super Luigi U community. And maybe it be a companion to facebook if you don't wanna use it? (just spitballing)
Thanks for not cutting off the service at the switch's launch at least.
@JaxonH yeah that's why I asked before if you meant it as joke and in the other comment included the question mark. At first I laughed, but then it seemed you meant it seriously (hence why I asked) and some people commented they have OCD so I thought they felt offended and that's why it stopped being funny. You weren't very clear, though it does not really matter now
Ya ok, wouldn't be the first time I made a joke that wasn't funny but just so long as you know it wasn't meant to be insidious or intentionally offensive.
My post got removed for drawing a beautiful turd. I never used the service since.
So, yet another step back from them. Good job Nintendo claps sarcastically
@hYdeks If you think they're stepping back your either young or not perceptive. They're already poised for success in first year. New Mario, updated splat on /Mario Kart, all dragon quests, Disgea!, Shin megami, Fire emblem, Pokémon title sometime this year, and still probably best launch title ever.
Online being paid is wise, already talking but VoIP, and lobbies! 3rd party support is killer! Nintendo killed it, aside from horrible translators.
Miiverse requires one to have a Nintendo Network ID to post on it. It seems like Nintendo are simply phasing out the NNID system in favour of Nintendo Account, which has a much varied eco-system considering it links to mobile apps and allows for cloud-saves on multiple devices. However, it doesn't mean they are shutting down Miiverse anytime soon considering it is still reasonably active, especially from Nintendo 3DS users.
@JaxonH Thanks for clearing the misunderstanding and I'm sorry for misunderstanding how you meant it
I dont care about miiverse. But streetpass is a huge loss. It was the most fun thing with the 3DS (besides hacking and emulation).
Far better to have Miiverse groups within Facebook than have Miiverse which was inferior in every way.
I noticed a bunch of my untouched panels just dissapeared. I pathetically used to go to starbucks and mcds and gamestop with my 3ds hoping to get hits but not even once man. I took my 3ds on a 1000 mile trip accross the US and just got 1 hit. Every once in a while someone from nintendo sends me a mii and I take on the ghost again. I'm almost there so they cant end it yet.
Good riddance to Miiverse
I will miss Streetpass though
I appreciated how Miiverse integrated right into many games and consisted of a community of Nintendo fans. It let you post screenshots and share drawings really easily. Also asking and answering questions right on the console itself without having to navigate to a website.
StreetPass really encouraged me to take my 3DS out with me and provided a unique feeling of connectedness to people around me who I didn't necessarily know, but I would StreetPass frequently. It's a cool kind of anonymous real-life interaction.
I'd miss both if there's no successor features that serve similar purposes.
I never really cared for either service, so I'm personally not bummed out at all.
Nintendo will use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms for capturing and sharing gameplay screenshots & footage, so that will "replace" Miiverse.
Not sure what will "replace" Streetpass. Maybe some smartphone app...?
It's upsetting that it seems like Nintendo doesn't even have plans to make a replacement for Miiverse. I really like it as silly as it may seem. There are some times that the community has genuinely helped me out with a game, and I've made some super cool friends on there. I'm hoping there might be some sort of place to upload the pictures and footage they were talking about in the presentation, but sadly they probably won't.
Man, looking through these comments and it's no wonder that Nintendo is closing down these services! Personally, it makes me sad to see both of them go. I don't use Miiverse as much as I did when I first got my Wii U, but I definitely feel like it's a better environment for talking about gaming than Facebook or Twitter. I'm sure my irl friends get tired of seeing what little gaming stuff I do post! Lol.
As for Streetpass, I do agree with a lot of you that say that you never get any hits anyway, but I feel like things got better once Nintendo introduced the relay stations. Also, with as many 3DS systems are actually in the wild these days, I feel like there should be more hits. I think the problem is that Nintendo hasn't provided any promotion for the Mii Plaza in the later versions of the system. I mean, I've met people who have a 3DS but have no idea what Streetpass even is!
@AlexOlney I'm totally with you on Streetpass as a mobile app! I was thinking how awesome that would be since (virtually) everyone has a cell phone and they always have it with them. The only downside is I don't know how they'd handle security. I mean, having your phone randomly pass information to another phone nearby seems like a great way to pass around malware...
Dropping Miiverse is a missed opportunity for Nintendo.
I didn't use it much but it was a nice place to hang around and discuss about a couple of games (usually Pokemon Shuffle and Steamworld Heist and so on).
Nintendo should wait a bit and see how people respond to it. They better consider the fact that no many people used it because of the really weak multiplaying on the Wii U and the 3DS.
I live in a society where people look a bit down on you if you are a regular gamer, so being someone else on Miiverse was a big plus for me. Don't use facebook much and don't have a Twitter nor an Instagram account.
End of an era with respect to the Streetpass is misleading because Reggie says 3DS will coexist so if you believe him this still should run... Now miiverse was available through all platforms and this is disappointing. I feel like miiverse is the coolest thing ever where people could come together and post all their cute drawings and experiences from the game...
Of course I don't know if they'll even ever release a capacitive stylus and all that... But yeah this is sad. It was something so special and unique... Again Wii U shutting down is almost tragic in terms of gaming... No more awesome experiences like Zombi U, like Arkham: AE and like Mass Effect SE. Sure, they were far and between but for me will always be remembered as the best gaming experiences EVER (together with the whole Wii remote as gun as demonstrated with titles like RE 4).
I don't have Facebook and Twitter accounts but I use forums a lot. It would be nice to be able to save screenshots to Sd card and upload them to a web browser.
Wii-U had limited screenshot capability by pausing game and upload shots to online. "Share" buttons are completely useless to me though if I'm not using social media. If the app allows me to save screenshots and upload them to any website or copy to my PC, I'll be happy.
@JaxonH you know you're totally wrong. OCD is a major mental disease and huge problem. Being obsessive about stuff is not necessarily OCD and it is a common misconception. Often times people mean OCPD in these forums but they think it's OCD and use the term casually.
@Donutman so true. Can't believe that stuff is over. Think how amazing it was with Shovel Knight. So sad but they have to be commercial and if they make money and sell units I'll be happy with that even without all the cool stuff. They look at the competition formulae...Same poo upgrade graphics a little let people shoot each other online and it sells not badly.
@JLPick wgat do you mean? what are they doing that's on the PS4? the subscriber bullpoo? miiverse? will I get my 30 platinum My Nintendo coins for signing in?.. ¯L(ツ)_/¯
I'll miss the streetpass service more then miiverse.
This is a real shame, because I have a ridiculous amount of fond memories of using Miiverse and I would vastly prefer for them to continue the service even with superior social media outlets out there. I just liked having a place to connect with Nintendo gamers. It sucks I won't have that anymore. Besides NintendoLife that is.
Strange. Does this also mean the end of Mii's?
Personally I didn't use Miiverse much, but it was fun that it was there.
If enough people protest, it may be back in a update.
@Mariotag I'm really sorry, but do I know you? I probably do, but the username isn't giving anything away...
@dumedum Facebook and Twitter, streaming your gameplay live, using screenshots and uploading them to other accounts....same thing that nintendo will be doing.
@Priceless_Spork I know. I even stopped taking the 3DS with me anywhere because I never got hits. The last time I did was when I went to New York to the nintendo store, where I still only got 5 hits, and that's nintendo world...I would have thought I would have gotten a bunch! Seems like it ended a few years ago, and I don't get why. It used to be that when I get a coffee at McDonalds or Starbucks, I'd put the system in my pocket and get a few hits...but not anymore. There's only 4 puzzle pieces I need out of all of them (of course the pink ones), and I have doubts of ever completing them.
I love StreetPass, I've always purchased the new games on there day one and try to score as many hits whenever I can. I hope with the 3DS having still a long life ahead of it StreetPass will continue to stay strong. Mabey as a compromise they could release a mobile app.
@iGen I know there is an 85% chance your are right. However, Nintendo these days is more likely to take the 3DS out back to the woodshed and stick a shotgun in its mouth.
However, if Switch does what I expect- huge first month and then sales tank in April like WiiU - they may have no choice but to keep 3DS alive longer until its succesor comes. Switch is not a portable. It's portable in your house, but you can't take that out and about. Japan is not going to adopt it.
3DS sold out on Black Friday. It's still the #1 or #2 seller in Japan each month. So no, sales aren't dead yet. I'd love to know how Switch preorders are going in the UK. My guess is not well, unless for some reason 12 Switch looks appealing because we've learned they don't really care about Mario or Zelda anymore.
I think your mostly right, but 3DS will have new games at least through holiday 2017. And if Switch is DOA, then it will have to be longer until they get new tech out in 2018.
I had a sneaking suspecion about this when the Mii icon was missing on the MK8 character select screen.
Miiverse never became what it could have been, but it was fun. I completely understand if Nintendo wish to distance the Switch from it. It's taxing in terms of infrastructure and management, and it really has become a joke in and of itself, that tarnishes their image with older players more so than creating the desired generational bridge.
Then I guess that app we'll have to use for voice chat will be the Miiverse replacement.
Good riddance to both Miiverse and Streetpass. I hope they took Miis and flushed them down a toilet as well.
@JLPick they already did the screenshots now it'll just move from miiverse (original beautiful idea) to Facebook (generic idea, unimaginative)
@XCWarrior if Switch fails they will just do Mobile. They won't be releasing other consoles.
@dumedum After the Super Mario Run flop I think they are going to reconsider mobile. Handheld only might be the way to survive since it will only have mobile as competition and its cheaper to make games for a handheld than a 4K device.
Complaints against the Miiverse admins is worth googling if you have a few minutes in the can.
People would get banned at the drop of a hat, and ban wars ensued. Good in theory, to keep things kid-friendly, but damn, try arguing with one of these guys about, "My drawing was NOT of a -----." Going down that road just got ridiculous, and perma-bans were not hard to get.
I'm Michael.
@dumedum I actually liked drawing through Miiverse...just didn't care to going on the game parts to it, as it got filled with items that weren't even related to the games themselves. I stay away from the PS4's side with this too, so it's not that big a deal for me, as long as nintendo has Art Academy or even Colors come out for it later on.
Good. I'd even enjoy no network connection until it's actually needed.
Streetpass will be seriously missed over here.
@XCWarrior flop? Seriously? Maybe compared to Pokemon GO but that's like comparing Olympic medalists with Michael Phelps. It is currently the number one free app in the country. Yes number one , you can't be serious.
They're all over Mobile going forward. Not neglecting the console but reconsidering where do you get that from..
Miiverse was a good effort, but it never took off with it's crazy restrictions.
@dumedum Um, using your link, you do realize the chart that involves Nintendo making money is the one on the right, the top grossing app? Nintendo doesn't make money when you download the game for free. They make money when you buy the game. It's currently sitting #19. That's one lower than that heart pounding, soul stealing "Heart of Vegas Slots Casino."
Last article I read Super Mario Run made about $32 million dollars. so 3.2 million bought the game (at that point).
In comparrison, a $60 game to make that much money would need to sell 533k copies. That's assuming of course there is no DLC or limited edition, then they could sell less. SMR doesn't have DLC or premium editions.
If you asked Nintendo if they wanted Super Mario Run after 1 month to be sitting lower on the chart than "Episode - Choose Your Story + Pretty Little Liars" in the grossing category, my bet is their answer would be no.
Even Pokemon Go is about to exit the top 10 grossing. Not good.
@XCWarrior you're totally ignoring the no 1 position. Yes grossing chart is different and No. 19 is extremely high. There are millions of games wanting to get there. You completely misundersrand what it means to have the no. 1 free app. It's a goldmine that they can exploit for ads if they choose that they can sell ...It's a huge bunch of users. That's as stupid as saying Twitter or Facebook users doesn't matter because it's free. This is how it works. Nintendo is out there with news all the time on its mobile games rather than the smaller bubble of videogames a market that was dying for them.
With every app on mobile their presence will be bigger and more dominant and more mainstream. You might think every app of theirs is supposed to top the charts but it doesn't work like that. A mobile game to develop is also so much easier and cheaper than console developing. Your calculations made no sense. Not a flop but a huge success.
Streetpass app on a phone would solve that. Links to your games etc, easy no? I've got over 100 000, all of them passed through the plaza. You have trolled me Nintendo, for there was no point. Whatsoever. I feel the need to get destabilising and maxing it out, just, ohh, what's the point? I'm an idiot for being taken in. Lesson learned, moving on. *grumbles <expletive of choice>
@Slim1999 not really, not at all. In fact I've already created a new account, it is Nin_Dysnomia. Kind of cool having all of my Nintendo news over there and all of my other interests on my main account. I am actually really excited about it now.
I'm a fan of Miiverse and it's art community. I like the integration with games like splatoon.
There's a petition to see Miiverse used in future consoles including the Switch
So THAT'S when they got word of that idiotic petition.
@JaxonH The problem with that is not everyone uses social media and even if you do, not all of your friends use it. It was a good way to meet other people.
It's not as ideal as direct requests, but probably the next best thing. Everyone I know who got a Switch immediately set up a separate gaming Twitter for friends and posting screenshots.
this is stupid , so there is no way to communicate to others or get help were wii u was great post pic in mii verse and ask for help , but here its just share stupid pics with friends on Facebook that 99% dont even own a switch and when xbox and ps4 have amazing communities from boards to activity feed Nintendo makes this system a pile of junk for MP , communicating and any form of a activity section or boards
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