We don't often know the detailed background of how games are made or who creates them, but sometimes a developer's story can have as much impact as their game. This has been the case with Tom Happ, creator of the brilliant Axiom Verge.
Earlier this year Happ shared details on his young son Alastair - he suffers from Kernicterus, a bilirubin-induced brain dysfunction which is caused when newborn jaundice isn't treated in a timely manner. He explained the damage caused, including reduced motor control, and shared his blog in the hope of raising awareness of the condition and to generate support for the Kernicterus Research Fund at the Kernicterus Center, at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
Now, one of the world's top Axiom Verge players is running a No Reset 'Metroidvaniathon' this weekend to raise money for the cause. Dimitrios Lianopoulos is the driving force behind it, and has kicked off a 48 hour stream that will run until 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern on 27th November.
You should have a read of Tom Happ's latest blog post to get more details on how to donate, while the No Reset marathon is being livestreamed here; the schedule is full of fantastic games over the next two days.
We'd encourage everyone to check it out; it's a chance to enjoy some quality speedrunning and to support a good cause.
[source twitch.tv, via axiomverge.com]
Comments 18
Ironic neither Metroid or Castlevania haven't been doing the Metroidvania for a while now.
@Xaessya In a way, they both got axed by their respective developers, though Castlevania sure got the worst part.
@Xaessya It really has been 6 years since Other M hasn't it. Wow.
I didn't read that previous article but whoa... recently played Axiom Verge and it seemed to center around brain damage, I guess that's why... I hope this raises a lot of money.
I believe based on the blog high bilirubin wasn't check/diagnosed while his son was born in the hospital which is why it was a tragic event.. but hey i'm not a MD.
I just bought a copy.
Dimitrios Lianopoulos... Sounds like the name of a "good guy" mirror version of Milo Yiannopoulos.
Oh, so that's what it is... Never expected to also learn why a certain restroom activity involves the color brown, though...
Anyways, jaundice can potentially be detected just by examining someone's eyes and skin. Abnormal yellowing may be caused by excess unconjugated bilirubin, which is able to pass into the bloodstream. This would be especially apparent for newborns, since they have not yet developed the blood regulation barriers to vital organs that older children and adults have. Strange that the child wasn't tested, if jaundice should be so obvious to detect just by looking at them closely...
Aw man I wish I could be a part of this. Can't say I'm a speed runner, and we are very low on funds, but I will highly recommend Axiom Verge to those who haven't got it yet. i picked it up a couple of months ago and was very impressed. Definitely worth it.
Hospital staff make mistakes a lot.
@Clownshoes I really dislike the manner in which you make a gross and frankly disgusting conclusion to insinuate that Tom Happ is at fault for his son's illness when you present absolutely no facts to indicate that what you're saying is true.
Your argument sucks (and is borderline slander), and so does your attitude. Your comments is generally malicious and completely unprovoked and unwarranted. The article above discusses a tragedy and what can be done to help for crying out loud.
Just so you know the facts, His son was tragically not diagnosed with any issue. Infant jaundice and newborn health are not necessarily easy things to manage whether-or-not mistakes are made. This man and his family are suffering and you're behaving like a know-it-all armchair professional.
Good luck to you pal.
This article misleads us into thinking that all the games are being played by the same person.
Also, why are they calling this a Metroidvania marathon? I wouldn't call it that unless I was, I don't know. Playing Metroidvania games. Several of these games aren't even 2D, and hardly any of them are part of the Metroid or Castlevania series.
Although regardless of all that, I do think it's great what they are doing.
@Clownshoes This situation seems to be a match for unconjugated bilirubin flowing from the bloodstream into the brain, which is normally only possible for infants and very young children. Maybe jaundice wasn't as noticeable as it normally would have been in this child's case, although I think that's still neglect on the hospital's end, rather than the parent's. Most people don't know anything about this... I didn't either, until yesterday.
@Clownshoes You obviously haven't read the whole story but seriously man...
@ALinkttPresent We added some games we dubbed "almostroidvania". Since the event is held in a bar Conker Bad Fur Day seemed like a no-brainer ^^
Also, GVirus here (No Reset organizer). I want to thank you for the coverage and let everyone know the Axiom Verge run will be held around 8PM ET! twitch.tv/noresetmarathon.
My heart and thoughts go to Tom Happ and his son.
@Clownshoes As gamers, the last game we should play is the Blame Game.
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