It's already been another strange week in The Great NX Mystery, which could be a '60s movie that portrays 2016 as a world of flying cars, laser guns and bizarre clothes. As always there are one or two interesting little details or hints at rumours, and there's plenty of utter nonsense. Two particular tales have been sent to us quite a lot, so we thought we'd give a take on them and prove we're not operating out of a cave with sketchy Wi-Fi.

The most recent and potentially the most relevant relates to Shigeru Miyamoto. Two separate posts on Reddit claim to have spotted him doing some filming and shaking of hands at Universal Studios Orlando. One thing that most seem to have missed is that the original post regarding this came a week ago, and a copycat on the NX subreddit posted yesterday but has deleted the content of their message, leaving only the headline.
So, let's assume that someone's eyes weren't deceiving them and that it's not the most random fib of recent times - is this interesting? Yes, in a sense. We already know that Nintendo is teaming up with Universal on theme park attractions in Japan and with plans to do so in Orlando, and we already knew that Miyamoto-san is at the heart of this project. Some interesting theories also wonder whether this could be part of plans for My Nintendo to offer rewards for visiting locations like Universal Studios in the future, an idea already shared by Nintendo in a presentation to shareholders.
Another interesting thought, though now it becomes a bit more of a stretch, is that Miyamoto-san was at least in the US, so logic dictates he will have visited relevant partners and also Nintendo of America's HQ. If so, then perhaps some filming was done for a certain reveal? Goodness, we certainly hope so...
That one's half interesting, but we think the other 'rumour' of the week is probably a big fake - below:

So to answer all of the tips on this. Yes, we've seen it. No, we don't think it's real.
We're not normally the types to say something is 100% fake, and will happily be surprised (and slightly concerned) if this turns out to be an actual leak, but right now we don't think it is. Randomly posted on the 2c forums in Japan, the logo itself is rather poor, and Nintendo's normally strong in this area. Also, why is 'nintendo' in lower case? This also got short-shrift from others through funny mock-ups and even got widely panned as baseless on NeoGAF. As this writer tweeted yesterday, don't put much stock in this just yet.
So there you go, some thoughts on these two 'rumours', neither of which have enough meat to be posted as 'News'; we're aware the term is relative in the world of video games. We have seen them, and this is what we think; as always we're genuinely appreciative of all the tips and are grateful to have them.
Let us know your thoughts on the Miyamoto sighting and 'Duo' below.
Comments 58
The Ninten Doduo?
Nintendo DUO... Yeah, although I wouldn't completely put it past them, I'm going to have to agree with you guys that this is probably fake.
As for the filming a Nintendo Direct or any kind of reveal footage: why not? The reveal must be getting real close now, and it's not like they can do such a thing live, and if there are already a bunch of finished games, then they will also need to make footage of those, so they'll need at least a month or so to put that all together into one neat presentation.
I'm expecting that reveal before the 26th, when they will have their next shareholder meeting, so here's hoping that happens. They'd be fools to delay it any longer, unless there's a method behind the madness...
The Nintendo Duo has already been confirmed as fake, thankfully.
I thought the guy who posted the Duo already said he faked it on Reddit or someplace about 12 hours ago?
And Miyamoto seems to travel a lot, there's a pic of him with Tim Cook making the rounds, not sure how old it is, so unless people think the NX is being revealed in Orlando, I don't get it. When he and Reggie show up in NY, then it's on.
About 12 days to the investor conference meeting thing, and since we are talking rumours, October 21 for an ND seems to be picking up steam, 5 year anniversary of the first Nintendo Direct.
Lots of rumours out there, these two seem kind of useless.
Sounds good. I like it but sadly won't be the name.
Nintendo duo premium bundle
"Nintendo Duo" was confirmed fake yesterday by the artist who created it (language warning)
Who knows about the universal sighting, but the rumor mill seems to be falling the rumors and amount of attention they are receiving......I'd say it is time for a reveal
I came here for straws, dagnabit. Somebody give me a straw!
The guy sitting in front of PhotoShop with his thumb up - I'm fairly sure he admits that he created the image in response to the original picture, a fake of a likely fake if you will, to prove that these sort of things can be so easily done. He did not make the original image which could still be real. Although I'm not saying it is.
I'm more dismayed as "follows" Pokemon anime series Sun & Moon, that otherwise rumor of NX, upsi...
He was at Universal Studios filming for the upcoming nintendo park that's opening up there. It's set to open at the end of 2017 early of 2018...and that's the sayings from my old-buddies that work there still (yes, I worked there in the past for 7 years).
Other than that, with all of the attention that nintendo's getting from not only the Phone apps (upcoming Mario Run), the theme park addition and the wait for the NX, nintendo's in pretty good hands and at a good standing point, but I do see why they won't reveal the NX right now...and we know that Microsoft and Sony will try to copy right away and get theirs out before nintendo even gets the launch date. It's a good idea, but I can see why people are complaining about it. No matter what, even if they DO reveal it, people will still complain about it and then the whole 'nintendo doomed' posts will continue...seems that nintendo can't do right at all in the eyes of others, but no matter what, I'll always have the love for them and they will always be known as the greatest game company!
Regardless of whether or not the Nintendo Duo leak is fake, I don't think people should be so quick to jump to the conclusion that it is the console itself... there will likely be all sorts of new names being introduced alongside the console.
For example... in this case it could be relating to the cross-buying of games... potentially a system to allow data to be shared between multiple systems on the same account... which they would definitely need to discuss with software partners.
I personally don't see anything wrong with the "duo" logo (why can't Nintendo be all lowercase?), however there's so much buzz over absolutely nothing at this point that I couldn't possibly believe a thing until we hear official word from Nintendo.
The first has nothing to do with NX (Detective Pikachu movie, perhaps?), the second is just a bad name (hopefully it isn't true).
Another day, another rumour. I do wish Nintendo would hurry up with the official reveal as I've £150 worth of gift vouchers that need to be spent before the end of October that I would have liked to use against a pre-order. I'll have to use them on something else, I think. Gift vouchers are a bit of a weird idea anyway. Pay money which is universally accepted as payment and exchange it for a gift card, which is accepted at limited stores and also has an expiration date. Hmm...First World problems.
Nintendo Duo...
I don't care what it's called at this point. Just freakin' reveal it!
I actually had a dream that it was called the Nintendo Emporium because it had cartridge slots for like, every Nintendo system from the past. Haha.
We know this is fake as the real name for the new Nintendo hybrid is Nintendo Wii U & mii
It is effectively twin wii U's taped together with detachable wiimotes that incorporate an analog stick.
The launch title will be Wii Music 2.
We have faith in you Nintendo! Don't let us down!
Can't be real.
I honestly think they don't know HOW to reveal it. They won't want to do a press conference following that awful Wii U reveal, and I seriously doubt Nintendo Direct is a substantial platform on which to parade new hardware. It doesn't feel right. Yeah maybe for upcoming software,but hardware, as in a new generation of hardware - I'm not so sure
I like how a lot of reporters nowadays don't always ask, "Hey, what's that censored/redacted/blurred info right there?" before completing the write ups. I guess the response is now so commonly assumed to be "Reporters don't do investigative journalism! You're not supposed to ask those kinds of questions! That's classified information!" that the censored info isn't necessarily questioned when it's right in front of you...
Miyamoto was probably in Orlando checking out concepts and proof of concepts for Mario, Zelda, and DK attractions.
Retro-Bit called dibs on "Duo" years ago with its wonderfully utilitarian Retro Duo system. So I'm relieved it is a confirmed fake. When you think about the last three console names, there is basically no point in guess at what the NX will be called . . . and at this point with so much rumor-fatigue, I think we'd all shrug our shoulders if it was just left at NX.
The TurboDuo has already been done so I doubt Nintendo would choose a name so close to another system's name even if the other system is no longer relevant.
I find the first piece of news interesting. Even if it has nothing to do with the NX, I still think news of Miyamoto visiting Universal Studios is exciting. I can't wait for the new Nintendo face lift at the Orlando parks. In fact, my wife has been suggesting taking our family back to Orlando soon and I told her we're waiting until Nintendo get's there first!
Nx will be called....Wii U N Mii
Despite all the recent indies and a new Paper Mario, it feels like everyone (fans and gaming sites that need a news cycle) is hunkering down hoping Nintendo will give their platform some more life.
I've been all over the place with the NX emotionally; Giddy excitement, curiosity, frustration, anger, and now just boredom. I'm bored of the supposition, I'm bored of the rumors, I'm bored by the silence.
Thanks to Nintendo's insistence to ignore the interest until they're good and ready, my energy around the NX has been steadyily petering out. At this point, I can't imagine an injection of actual news bringing it back.
As much as I never want a Nintendo product to fail, if too many people are in the same place I am, this whole... journey is shaping up to be the "what went wrong" when we look back on the impending train wreck of the NX actual reveal and marketing.
Now I'm wondering if that person who said maybe March was the reveal date, and that "release" was an unfortunate translation error, was right.
@MrHaggi Nintendo already said they're dropping the Wii brand.
So, to bottom-line these "news": NX still as elusive as ever.

In other news, grass continues to grow while paint's drying process seems not to be stopping anytime soon.
That would have been a horrible name to choose, worse than the Wii U. Good thing it's a fake.
@World If that was the case, Nintendo should have come out immediately with clarification.
Meanwhile, at NintendoLife headquarters
Reporter: Chief, I have another article about the NX ready to publish!
Chief Editor: Does it provide anything of actual substance, worth or journalistic integrity?
Reporter: Of course not, just more unverified rumors and speculation. In fact, I wrote it when I was half-asleep so there might even be some of my own dreams mixed in there.
Chief Editor: Well hot damn, that'll get the dummies talkin' and clickin'! Run it! Run it now!
@UmbreonsPapa Yeah, you make a good point. But this is Nintendo, so who even knows what they're thinking right now!
@FNL ...Isn't this article literally about how the latest NX rumors are unverified speculation and that people shouldn't be talkin' about and/or clickin' them?
The "NintendoGo" has had a delay for a chip upgrade to be at least as powerful as X1 and PS4 so 3rd parties would develop for them as the Scorpio and Pro would be out soon but would still have to develop for the older models.😱
Shouldn't they wait to announce NX until after the mini NES has a chance to sell like crazy for Christmas?
Seems like they wouldn't want to risk sabotaging NES sales because they encouraged people to save up for the NX.
Day 287: More mock-ups of the NX are released to troll to people desperately waiting for some kind of info. Nintendo still not sending out any information or any kind of relief on fans worries and wonders on the system. All hope for satisfaction seems to be lost.
Yup, just another day full of NX no show or no info, what else is new? Time to go back to playing Paper Mario...
Glad it's fake, but it wouldn't be the first time wii thought a bad name was a joke.
@JLPick I don't know that Sony and Microsoft of 2016 will try to copy a concept without measuring success. They both seem to have their own plans and paths, and I can't see them chasing Nintendo like this in this generation.
New Wii U
To be honest, I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but the people who basically had a DS or Wiic(out of hype at the time), never call them that they allways say something odd like "oh its a Nintendo" which I allways think to be a bit bizarre, so maybe just going back to their roots a little and giving the system a minimalist name rather than something funky, such as simply "The Nintendo" or if they really cant think of anything, to be honest "NX" does sound quite cool. And for the past year and a half every Nintendo fan has basically gotten used to calling it that, to be honest I will probably keep using that name even after i get the real one.
I'm betting Nintendo won't officially announce anything until January, since they still have products to sell this holiday season and they don't want customers looking past their end-of-year merchandise.
Hang tight, gang. We'll all be somewhat let down soon enough.
Let us all blame Nintendo once they announce the new system for not living up to the unrealistic expectations we've set thus far. I can't wait!
Lol. Don't worry about me, I am 110% prepared to be underwhelmed when the system is properly announced.
I don't think my expectations for the system are unrealistic, but then I remind myself this is Nintendo we are talking and reality kicks in.
I expect 4GB of ancient DDR3 RAM and USB 2.0 ports.
@IronMan28 Nintendo's not even living up to realistic expectations at this point.
Power is a nice step but that alone won't bring 3rd parties. The Gamecube was plenty powerful and many third parties skipped it.
It needs good games to draw consumers in.
@SuperToe How can they announce it in January if they plan to launch it in March?
Wii U had some of the best games Nintendo had ever released, where were the consumers?
GameCube had the power and great games yet could not even beat a debutant Xbox which was on the market for far less time.
Third parties go where they are best paid. Sony and MS pay for all sorts of perks.
Third parties know the vast majority of people that buy Nintendo consoles do so for Nintendo games, not theirs.
Well, I suppose, they've already "technically" announced it.
I probably should have said "unveiled".
Plenty of tech companies (smart phones, for example), wait until the last possible moment to unveil their new products before launch, even though we all know it's coming.
Waiting for the last minute to reveal a new phone is usually NOT deliberate. I know from my time in that market that every second counts and waiting til the very last minute gives you more of that precious time to get things right in a very competitive market with many players.
Every few months you are turning out a new phone.
A console is a far less urgent process where planning can take many years. Sony and MS choose to talk openly of their upcoming consoles. Nintendo not too.
There is nothing wrong with what you said, I am just pointing out that different products can have different approaches when it comes to revealing their products. In the case of gaming it is by choice.
Just anounce it already Nintendo..
@sketchturner Yeah it would probably be wise of them not to announce the NX until after the release of the Mini. Otherwise they'll get accused of confusing products again.
I heard a good theory on the reveal date being 20th or 21st of October, it's an anniversary date of the very first Nintendo Direct, 5 years I believe.
People saying it will be revealed this year is a no brainer.
Agree to disagree. Game preference is subjective but no Zelda and no Metroid were glaring omissions to me. Only Splatoon (a niche hit) and Nintendoland (mixed reviews) were new on the Wii U. The other content Nintendo came out was iterative and despite looking better (HD) most didn't see them as upgrades over the previous versions.
"We will announce what the NX will look like early October" have 2 more days.
@Hotfusion Jokes aside, people are getting a little crazy about this. Nintendo needs to blow us away, but acting like it will ultimately disappoint us is unfair at this juncture.
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