Just recently The Pokémon Company announced that there'd be weekly episodes of Pokémon Generations, a series of short animations working through the history of the main games. It seems Friday will be the day to watch these, as a double helping has been uploaded.
You can see Episode 1: The Adventure, and Episode 2: The Chase below:
So, what do you think? Are you keen to see more episodes next week?
Comments 43
Episode 2:
"Stay alert boys, there's an experienced Pokémon Trainer."
Guard throws out Poké Ball.
Viewers eagerly anticipate the arrival of a powerful Pokémon.
Magnemite appears.
360p, no thanks
Pikachu looks less 'perfect', but is somehow cuter..
I like that Pikachu's voice is more mouse-like and much less human sounding than it was.
@FengLong Agreed.
Oops guess we ruined their secret raid operation.
Can we scrap the original anime, and just have this turned into a full series?
This is fantastic, can't wait to see more.
I think these were rather great!
But I wonder why it's only 360p? Maybe they're not finished rendering..?
Bah, just another dumb anime with a bunch of gen 1 fanservice and no other regions and...
Gen 1 strikes again!
Can't wait for the next one. Kinda wish it was longer.
I love how Arcanine melts a wall and then it just stands there like saying "What now?"
@SM4SHshorts To be fair, that Megnemite was only meant to serve as a glorified electronic lock pick.
Anyway, this is pretty fun. Pikachu both looks and sounds a lot lamer now, but it'll be nice to see full animé productions of the major game plots, rather than the adapted versions in the main animé which while fun to watch in their own ways are forced to change quite a few things out of necessity.
@Freeon-Leon Yeah, was thinking the same lol.
On topic: Finally, pokemon which have animal like voices or in-game voices. This reminds me Stadium games.
And also: competent people doing competent things in pokemon, things that are way more logical than in the main anime.
The series is short but at least acts like its viewers have some intelligence Compare that to any Advance Generation episode, they are all hilarious and available on 3DS. Mind blowing too -deus ex and cheap plot exuses and fillers everywhere.
Honestly, why do they only do little things with their best ideas? This should be a full-fledged series. This and Origins are so much better than any of the other series/movies, and appeal to a much broader audience as well.
Yay, flying legendaries got some love in the first episode.
Much better than I was expecting! I hope this can run alongside the regular series. I was also very glad to see Pokémon from every generation in the first episode, some of my favourites too!
That's setting a bad example for pokemon trainers. That kid should have weakened the Pikachu first before capturing it.
Ecruteak City => Weather Institute
Wait, this series has the sheer audacity to imply cross-generation compatibility between Johto and Hoenn was possible?!
No... no. No. No!
The first episode was a thrilling throwback to the entire series, especially with the gameplay footage from Red and Blue in the first minute. The film noir style of the second episode was my favorite, especially the manner of which Looker was treated with his more serious tone.
In the First episode the 3 Pokemon in Red's Pokedex were Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.
What about the Japanse videos (uploaded yesterday) on the official Pokemon Japanese channel, I didn't understand what they were about, I think they were just saying to what happened to people after Ash left Kalos.
I am very much a fan of both.
I think Pikachu going out the Pokéball to fight Caterpie was brilliant. The brief second confusion on Pikachu's face.
The Film Noir feel of the second was ace, I do like that they use Pokémon in the SWAT team. Though not sure why they're annoyed at Team Rocket having Pokémon and not others.
I far prefer Pikachu's old voice, but thus proves to me that the Pokémon Anime would be great with a real story.
Ugh more Pikachu like we don't see him enough. But I'd rather have more of origins and generations. The story of Ash being an incompetent trainer, being heavily reliant on one pokemon, and never making it to the big dance is staler than the air in your grandparents basement
Very pleased to see Pikachu's lighting useless on Wooper. Looking forward to more of this.
Amazing, can't wait to see more of these!
This makes the Sun/Moon anime hurt even more.
Oh I was read to complain about the resolution, but c'mon guys this is so good that give me chills, what the hell, this is very very good! And I think that is clear that Red will be on Alola!
I have ZERO ISSUE with the resolution. I can't understand why people complain about such a stupid thing.
I enjoyed them. I'm game for multiple variations on the same property. It's why I look forward to the various takes on Batman or Spiderman.
@Aqueous So much this, if it was the normal anime, pikachu's electric attack would have been effective just because the woopers were in water or something....
Man I loved the second one. The first one was more a celebration of the series, but the story of the second was amazing. I'm also interested to see why they decided to make Giovanni saying that Team Rocket will never die. We might see them in future games?
@crimsontadpoles well, my first thought was "L10 vs L3? Ouch, I'd have to try and catch this one without attacking". Considering the encounter rate, it can be quite annoying to miss out because your whole current team is too buffed to deplete the target's HP without accidental KOs.
Although in Red/Blue/Yellow it's not as annoying as wasting a ball on a rare encounter only to learn that the current PC box is full.
@DarthNocturnal Actually not, this looks quite canon as the games are concerned. Team Rocket was kinda disbanded after the first gen games, on the second gen the admins reunite to restore Team Rocket and part of the plot of the games is them looking for Giovani who went missing since the end of Team Rocket. Just your common main anime series says Team Rocket is still kicking strong up to gen 7.
Hellz yeah! Now that is a pokemon show I could watch. Really like that darker mystery approach of episode two, and I liked the accuracy to the games in episode one. Very cool! I can't wait for more of this!
I sure hope so! Rocketand plasma were the only really great villain teams to date. I would love to see Rocket make a comeback.
Right? Lol! It's like a gaping hole lined with magma.
Have they changed Pikachu after all those years?! He has a rounder face now, and a different voice. However, he is much cuter now. But he reminds me a bit of Pichu, I think (the rounder face).
@J-Manix98 Yeah, Team Rocket is great, but I prefer Team Galactic over Plasma, to be honest.
I loved Pokemon Origins, I just don't like when people want Origins or Generations to replace the classic anime. The classic anime is meant to be separate from the games, however I'm glad Generations serves all regions instead of just Gen 1!
I'm sadly disappointed.
Mostly in Giovannis character. "All Pokémon exist solely for the use of Team Rocket" does not sound like a thing that a sophisticated master villain would say or think.
It's funny how something so small can ruin pretty much everything.
To have a motivation or belief like that really makes him just another stereotypical villain without a realistic personality.
I mean, money, power...but no, his belief is that he wants to control ALL Pokémon?
Does he think that he is going to steal all of them, and why would that even be of any importance?
It's like the most stereotypical BS villain ever.
It's something that works great in a sidescroller like Mario, but here I was hoping they would make this anime more aimed towards adults and instead they make the original anime seem way more appealing, at least in their depiction of Giovanni.
Sadly disappointed, really.
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