As we creep closer to its official release we get nearer peak rumour status, as reports around the NX of varying credibility do the rounds. Now, as your Saturday entertainment, there are some more to be considered.
Following our normal policy, we're trying to pick rumours with sources that we trust and/or those reporting details we've heard from more than one place. These examples fall under that category, but as always treat with a grain of salt.
This time around Emily Rogers has been tweeting, giving her perspective on various reports of recent times, albeit with the following proviso: "These are all rumors for now. Not facts. Just things that I've been hearing down the grapevine. Could be right, could be wrong. *shrugs*"
Rogers has had a solid recent track record, for example predicting Paper Mario: Color Splash shortly before it was revealed, and based on some checks of our own seems to have solid sources. With that out of the way, here's what she's said.
One detail that's reasonably new relates to potential NX screen size, along with a few other tidbits:
1) This article about NX's detachable controllers supporting force feedback and motion controls has truth.
2) NX prototype had a 6.2 inch 720p multi-touch touchscreen. Unknown if final product's screen size will be larger / smaller than prototype.
3) Prototype for dock station has USB ports. I heard 2 usb ports, but I don't know if this number will change in the final product.
4) MCV's report about GameFreak being involved with NX has some truth to it.
So there you have it, take them or leave them. Regardless, we are hopefully only weeks away from a potential reveal, expected in September or October. Some have claimed to know dates for the unveiling, but we'll see in good time.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 102
I'll be so glad when NX is finally revealed. No more rumours, no more articles on this Emily Rogers person, whoever she is.
it sounds great to me! bring it on I just can't wait tbh. both Nintendo handheld games and home console games in one console 👌
The NX needs a reveal date. I hope all these rumors dont have any kind of negative impact once the reveal does happen. Consumer expectations are starting to spread like wildfire and if allowed to continue much longer may muddle the excitement of any official news. C'mon Nintendo! The time is NOW.
Sure is cOLD in here. That's yesterday's rumor. I was expecting a new one.
Can we have an article profiling Emily Rogers please? She seems one down from Nintendo in the command line.
I'd be happy with 720p on a screen that size. Save on battery power as resolution doesn't matter at that size.
@plug313 I know! My dream come true since I was always more of a handheld gamer anyway. Breath of the Wild on the go? YES PLEASE!
She doesn't have a solid track record. She said there'd be female Link.
I'm not sure Nintendo even knows what the NX is for certain.
@Dezzy Let's not forget about Mother 3 for Wii U (same with Eurogamer)
A track record as solid as an ice cube in the Sahara
Hey remember female Link in Breath of the Wild and Mother 3 localization? Neither do I.
Why can't Emily Rogers make pouting selfies to get attention like other girls do? Why does she have to do this?
Emily Rogers has been wrong many times before. On other occasions she makes obvious and vague predictions that are bound to be right anyway.
Nevertheless, I WANT TO BELIEVE.

Emily Rogers has been right and wrong. So what? That's not reason no to listen to her or doubt her. She just reports rumors and must of them were right.
Stop being such crybabies. You look ridiculous.
Sounds plausible. Here's another thing I've heard, the controller is horseshoe shaped. Seems some part of the Wii "U" will live on.
Maybe Nintendo is afraid an NX announcement will cannibalize their 3DS and Pokemon S&M sales? No clue why they have held off this long for the official reveal, the console is only 6 months away for god's sake.
@UboaNoticedYou ...or is it? Dun dun duuuuuun
Ok, grown up joke.
I bet she get's a Tena every time she has a leak.
I can't wait to see the real information from Nintendo!! I think October would be too late, so I think the NX will be revealed sometime in September at least a week after Sony's conference.
I CAN see this having a screen size of 720p. Really hoping that it's a beautiful fluid 60FPS, though. Also, that screen size is almost like holding a Galaxy Note! It's HUGE!
Cool, a 6.2" screen... that's the same size as the Wii U Gamepad's screen. While I'd prefer something a little bigger (maybe we'll get an XL model?) at least this isn't absolutely tiny like the original 3DS screen.
@doctorzzim It could be blocked to 720p on the portable formfactor, but still able to output to 1080p on TV.
Wii U does have some games on 1080p, so NX should be capable of that at the very least.
Then we will have XXL screen. XD
As long the color on the screen not washed out or Too Yellow or Blue like Wii U did, it will be very accurate colorful experience.
@Anti-Matter The XXL version will be a 14' laptop!
720p is very great choice.
As long the battery inside...
Make it long lived battery.
Wii U default battery was very ridiculous short lived...
Oops... too big i think... XD
I follow Emily on Twitter. I understand she's not always right, but I enjoy the speculation. Let's face it, Ninty aren't exactly giving us much to talk about right now.
In regards to the NX, if it's a tablet I'm not much interested... I'll be waiting for the next DS... I much prefer that clamshell setup.
@Anti-Matter You just wait until the 27' NX All in One!
@UboaNoticedYou Assuming of course the NX isnt backwards compatible with 3DS games if it uses the same kind of card....
so basically the rumours are that the NX will be a mix of what made the Wii and Wii U unique, with the screen on the gamepad being upped from 480p to 720p and will be a portable, instead of just streamed to the pad Somehow, these rumours really don't feel right at all, let's just wait for Nintendo to say something at this point, cause I feel what the rumours are saying are way off from what Nintendo will reveal.
@Anti-Matter Yeah now that you mention it my Gamepad's screen has quite a yellow tint. Hopefully Nintendo use a better screen this time!
Battery life might not be too big an issue this time around. Even if the thing does eat up a lot of juice, charging blocks/banks have become more popular and common among phones and other devices.
I would not be surprised if Nintendo either came out with their own branded charging block/bank or struck a deal with a company that makes em...
"MCV's report about GameFreak being involved with NX has some truth to it."
What does "has some truth" even mean? Are they involved or not? Are they co-developing games or some VC stuff instead of actually developing new software for it?
Use ports for upgradable memory. There'll be no build in HDD.
In other news; the sky is blue...😉
720p would be good, considering the 480p on the 6.2" Wii U gamepad looks ok. I hope they include a pen for it, like an improved version of Direct Stylus 2 that the original NVIDIA Shield had.
That sounds like a good screen size. I'd like to see the controllers and wonder if there is an option for a TV only controller as well.
The only thing more sure than another NX rumor is that a certain segment of the NLife community will get unnecessarily worked up about it.
While the source isn't always right, the screen size and control feedback seem realistic. Unless they delay the NX until December, they better reveal it soon.
Truthfully I bet Nintendo is loving all the earned media, not paid media, attention that the NX is getting.
Its keeping people frothing at the mouth and talking about it. Yes, some people are put off, but they still take the time to comment how put off they are by the rumors.
I have an industry contact that tells me the NX will use electricity.
Enough with the rumours already, Nintendo you need to take the bull by the horns and reveal this thing already.
@GrailUK Resorting to sexism like that is really low. I'm dissapointed in you. If Emily Roger just so happened to be a guy called Elliot Rogers, I highly doubt you'd make a comment this vapid.
@AlphaJaguar Well, at least you twigged how worthless I feel rumour mongering is.
Hmm, I posted on this in the wireless story when a comment from @IceClimbers brought up this rumor. I guess I'll repost here where it's more appropriate:
@IceClimbers @rjejr
Th[ese] rumors are tantalizing. I'm an imaginative guy so any little piece of potential hooks me. It's sad.
Still, the 6.2" screen is just a bit bigger than my iPhone 6 Plus, so I can hold that and think about it physically. 720p is a huge upgrade from the (horrible) resolution of the 3DS, that iPhone has a 1080p display so text won't look great to my eye but it should be fine for playing smart phone games. Especially if it has multitouch as the rumor suggests. So... that theory of supporting Nintendo's own mobile apps at least would fit, @rjejr .
Multitouch in and of itself is a problem for backwards compatibility with 3DS games (fingers are much fatter than a stylus), but I don't think this rumor has any room for a two screen device so that is probably out anyway — unless some arrangement with the dock could work for virtual console gaming.
That size screen - "phablet" size I guess - seems a likely compromise. Any bigger you can't fit in any pockets.
Have to say I'd be pretty happy with those specs in a portable from Nintendo as I'm happy with my phone. Of course my phone with two controller clusters attached to the side... that gets real interesting.
I asked the lady at the front desk of NoA HQ about this rumor and she told me it was a closed campus and that I had to leave immediately. It really felt like they were to hide something. I took it as confirmation.
Also, now that the GameFreak rumor is included here, what about the potential of Pokemon GO and Pokemon Sun/Moon/Stars? playable on the same device and Pokemon on the TV for realsies for the first time.
... and Zelda.
If people can't see potential success in that, I can't help them.
But $$$
While I'm at it, 720p might seem high to some (especially on a Nintendo portable and battery drain from GPU), but for smart phones and VR it is low. So... right in the middle where Nintendo might very well find itself forced to go balancing all issues.
For those worried about 720p too low for TV play, it wouldn't be difficult to switch to 1080p out while plugged into an HDMI and power source (maybe active cooling in the dock). Nothing technical or expensive involved, while the 720 screen on the go means you can throttle the GPU a bit and save on heat and drain.
This is all predicated on the other rumors this is attached to, that this is the hybrid portable that you also dock and play on a TV when you want. Could be some other scenario, and without @ThanosReXXX chiming in, the whole world is going to believe it.
I hope to God they aren't sticking to 720p. I mean, really? 1080p and 4k and the one after 4k. Hope this is false.
@Grumblevolcano You are listing my broken dreams. Goodbye Mother 3....
@JibberX my tomato sauce tells me you're right.
@aaronsullivan If the detachable controls can attach on any side, then you could put the display on vertical and play it like a 2ds (or gamepad, but now with buttons too). In a vertical 6" display, the upper screen would be about the same size of the original 3ds'. Not ideal, but at least we could have BC on the go.
The only real problem would be the stylus and maybe architecture (IF Nintendo changes it and NX is not powerful enough to emulate 3ds, which I doubt, but...)
September can't get here soon enough and considering that month also holds my birthday I can't think of a better present from Nintendo than an NX reveal!
I am pretty sure it will be delayed. Nov 2017 here we come!
"Rogers has had a solid recent track record"

hahaha... you muppet, you just joined on here last week after coma?
"This is the same person who tried to say that Devil's Third was DEFINITELY being published by Xseed, only to have Nintendo and Itagaki come out and confirm otherwise a couple of hours later, and then tried to make it out to be some kind of elaborate conspiracy."
I guess you can call it the summer hole ... no real news... next time, just go out on the street and interview random people .. then publish it as rumours.
@JudgeMethos This goes along with the rumor set that NX will be a portable machine (replacement for 3DS) that will also dock and serve as the console (replacement for Wii U) the screen resolution is applying to the device itself that you can carry with you not a limitation on what it can output to the TV screen which I'm guess will be 1080p.
It's not a rumor that you will only see 720p on a TV hooked up to a home console, in other words.
I don't care if they decide to reveal it on February 28, then release it the next day, but they need to actually tell us when they are gonna unveil it. It doesn't have to be soon, but these rumors just need to subside. Having something resembling a official announcement would help.
@Dakt wouldn't that be 'Buck' of? I'll let myself out
Okay but what report of MCV? What does it say about Gamefreak's involvement with the NX? Also has Gamefreak been involved with development of new hardware in the past?
@Senpai_Bruh Breath of the Wild is not out yet or do you live in the future? Mother 3 has to be coming, it's just a matter of when. Chances are Nintendo has delayed it for NX VC.
@JudgeMethos 720p for the portable screen at 6.2 inches is more than enough.
There's a major problem with these rumors that nobody seems to be addressing.. If requires touchscreen input how can I do that if the handheld is in the dock across the room?! If the game is designed for motions controls how will I play the game on the bus with the NX in my hands and controllers attached?
It seems to me that if the NX has all these different modes of operation game developers will either have to design the game to support ALL of them or certain games will only be playable at home while docked and others only when handheld. The other option is that developers wont make use of the extra functions at all to avoid the problem all together.
No! I thought it ran on Steam Power!
"@JudgeMethos 720p for the portable screen at 6.2 inches is more than enough"
Exactly. The Vita was only qHD and looked fantastic. And 2160p (aka 4K) has such dense ppi that you need to be a certain distance from a certain size screen for the naked eye to even observe it. Not even remotely an issue for a handheld.
And for a 6" screen, 1080p only starts to become an apparent benefit over 720p when you're holding it closer than a foot away. And the average person holds a handheld unit or tablet around a foot away. So even if you held it 6" away, for example, those few inches are not going to make enough of a difference for it to be worth the extra cost. We are talking negligible difference here, and that's if you held the thing directly in front of your face.
@GrailUK Displaying a tight grasp on the concept of "other women" there.
@Maxz Less of a tight grasp and more a vague generalisation equating hear say with the gratuitousness of a selfie lol.
And then the NX was the mini-NES all along.
Spin around in circles til I'm very very dizzy!rumourelly rumourelly Rumour really!
The NX is supposed to be a handheld console you can play on T.V. with detachable controllers. The NES Mini is a console that can fit in the palm of your hand, that you can play on T.V. that features detachable controllers. NX = NES Mini
With 720p the target I can't imagine the specs in the NX are gonna be decent enough to output to a 1080p screen. With the new systems coming with even better specs I find it odd that Nintendo is trying to find a market for themselves that no one seems to care about. Either make the most powerful handheld system yet or make a solid home console, this bizarre hybrid isn't going to be getting meaningful third party supports as they gimped on the specs yet again. I'm honestly convinced Nintendo has no idea how to make consoles anymore. Innovation is nice but so is learning from your mistakes to make a better product. Crap that Wii U didn't sell well because of marketing. No. It was underpowered has a bad online infrastructure and had no effing games for months at a time. NX needed to be something amazing to put Nintendo back on the map, instead we're getting a love child no one is going to want.
honestly, when will Nintendo reveal the REAL NX? Personally, I'm seriously considering just getting Zelda BOTW on the Wii U...
In the meantime I'll play with my N3DS for now. ....
Emily Rogers?...hmmmm...She wouldn't by any chance be related to...Mr. Rogers?
@Dakt She had Miiverse 3DS pinned down the day before it arrived.
@samuelvictor name me one game on mobile that outputs at 1080p with the graphical fluidity of the new Zelda game..
Name me one FPS on mobile/tablet that outputs at 1080p and looks better then kill zone on vita?
The NX is a handheld games console, 720p or even 540p will be fine.
@GrailUK That still doesn't validate sexism. You can express your hatred without resorting to sexism.
@brandon9271 #68
Agreed completely! Controlling which games are ought to be played in which mode will get confusing. It would be a convoluted mess before long.
What i do not understand si people blaming about motion controls. Essentially it could be a Ds4 CUT in a half. So we can have a serious motion setup for fps's (and other games) and you cavemen can play the "good old way"; remember that the majority of the so called hardcore gamerZ still do not understand how a analog stick work.
Yeesh, some people dont understand how rumors work.
"Could be right, could be wrong shrug"
OMG let's freak out over these grains of salt! She was wrong about female Links!!
::looks at Linkle and wonders why everyone is acting like that didnt happen::
@AlphaJaguar You are quite right. My comment was unfair and unreasonable to any person that does not pout during a selfie. Glad we got that one resolved Mr/Mz Jaguar.
@Moon I don't think the DS line will continue after NX.
@Minotaurgamer if you spout vague nonsense all the time, eventually you're going to get something right...
Wow! A lot of weird hostility here :-/ True or not this sounds good to me
I was thinking: What if its a tablet-controller with buttons on both sides....that you can just snap in half so that both players have their own screen and buttons. It would be utterly simple, and falls in line with Nintendo's philosophy!
Docking stations and detachables?
This sounds as entirely un-Nintendo as it gets.
But they keep surprising, so I'll wait and see.
@TheDavyStar Only after someone leaked the same information before she did. her average of being wrong is 90%. Go back and google Emily Rodgers "leaks" and add them all up and average them. You will see what I am saying is true. She should never be counted as a source or even take what she says seriously.
@Dakt comment #: 1Exactly. She has no technical knowledge whatsoever, so she doesn't even comprehend half of the info she is getting.
Basically, all she is doing is going by hear-say and besides that, this latest series of tweets from her hand clearly shows that she doesn't even has the capability to write a saying/figure of speech in a correct manner, (down the grapevine instead of through) which could be seen as a nice measure for her general IQ level...
And as for her having a "solid" track record recently like the article claims: quite the opposite. She may have had the new Paper Mario game right, sort of, but a lot of believers seem to forget that she also had a lot of things wrong: full voice acting in Breath of the Wild, Link gender selection in Breath of the Wild and NX revealed at E3 2016.
And there were also a few other things she had either completely or partially wrong, but I'm not going to dig for them, that would be too much trouble for this a-technical attention w....
@Dpishere My Bday is in September too!! =D
Detachable controllers mean motion control! And I don't want more shiggy motion control sh*t! I had it with his cr*p!
@SeaSalty Nice! It IS the coolest month to be born in after all!
Some really interesting NX Designs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-DoWnUw6q0
@SeaSalty Hey mine too! Come on Nintendo, the three of us here in the comments are waiting for a birthday present!
@samuelvictor like I said, find me a PS4 level game outputting on 1080p on mobile/tablet. scratch that, even try a mid PS3/xbox title.
anyone expecting 1080p on a handheld are living in some fantasy land. how long do you expect the battery to last if the machine is running 1080p Wii U level/xbox one level games.
this is a games machine. a crisp 720p screen is perfectly fine. yeah people will notice the screen isnt as sharp as there mobile or tablet but like I said it is a handheld games machine.
this argument that people wont buy it because the screen isnt as good as mobile/tablet doesnt stand up.
if that was the case how the hell has nintendo shifted 60m+ 3DS machines.
gamers buy machines because of software first and foremost. a 720p handheld is not gonna look outdated when it has visual quality of AAA titles.
as for nintendo targeting mobile game users. that was the personal opinion of the MCV editor. I personally think the NX will support mobile games and will have its own mobile shop.
so yeah the colours wont be as sharp as as the latest samsung galaxy phone but people are not gonna say "dude forget the NX because dead trigger looks sharper on my samsung phone"
I enjoy the rumor mill, it's fun to imagine what if. It's not a big deal if she is right or wrong, it is just fun to speculate, and her sources are better then mine so I will read the rumors and have fun thinking about what forms they may take.
Hmm really hoping it comes with HDMI ports.
@GrailUK That's..... surprisingly sexist.
@JibberX I'm willing to be cautiously skeptical at most of this one.
@dakt ...that changes nothing. It's still a bunch of people wigging out over mouse farts.
She could say she heard it from Obama, I still wouldnt be as upset about it as most of these comments.
We are getting a Nintendo 3DSHDXL
I'm amazed that NintendoLife has still not done an article comparing the NX rumours to the Sheikah Slate in BotW... Nintendo have made a habit out of modelling in-game items on their systems/controllers, and the Sheikah Slate may well be another example of this.
Both are tablet-like devices, and the handle structure on the left of the Shekah Slate could represent one of the NX's removable controllers.
@Moon Me too, the clam shell idea makes the console a lot more portable.
Please not another tablet controller, it clearly didn't work the first time so why do another?
Everybody is forgetting about the additional computation in the dock patent that just went through last week. We're only hearing about the specs on the handheld part of the system. We still need to see what it's like when it's sharing power with the dock. There's numerous possibilities on enhancing graphical and computational power with a supplementary device.
Welp, turns out this rumor was true. Boy were we wrong to doubt it!
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