Cave Story

With summer slowly but surely drawing to a close, many young gamers are no doubt scrambling to clear out as much of the backlog as possible before school resumes in fall. Unfortunately, Nicalis has just put on a sale on the eShop in North America, so that backlog could be in great danger of being lengthened even more.

The sale is in effect across the Wii U and 3DS eShops, though the 3DS has got a lot more going for it. The discounts will be available through the 29th and are as follows:

Wii U


All in all, a solid offering, and this should give you a chance to pick up one of those games you missed initially. Or Cave Story, if you don't already have a billion copies.

What do you think? Will you be getting anything? Drop us a comment in the section below.

Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip