With summer slowly but surely drawing to a close, many young gamers are no doubt scrambling to clear out as much of the backlog as possible before school resumes in fall. Unfortunately, Nicalis has just put on a sale on the eShop in North America, so that backlog could be in great danger of being lengthened even more.
The sale is in effect across the Wii U and 3DS eShops, though the 3DS has got a lot more going for it. The discounts will be available through the 29th and are as follows:
Wii U
- 1001 Spikes - $9.99 (normally $14.99)
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - $9.99 (normally $14.99)
- 1001 Spikes – $9.99 (normally $14.99)
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth – $9.99 (normally $14.99)
- Cave Story – $6.99 (normally $9.99)
- Grinsia – $6.99 (normally $10.00)
- Ikachan – $3.99 (normally $4.99)
- NightSky – $6.99 (normally $9.99)
All in all, a solid offering, and this should give you a chance to pick up one of those games you missed initially. Or Cave Story, if you don't already have a billion copies.
What do you think? Will you be getting anything? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip
Comments 43
Solid recommendation for Cave Story and Binding of Isaac from me. Especially Binding of Isaac which I still pick up and play every so often!
@Hey-Cha-La I would raise NightSky as well. Surprsingly engaging game!
I purchased a few weeks ago, as I had just bought a new 3ds and wanted to get some exclusives.... Well the game didn't work, and I spent 2 hours on customer service until they eventually gave me a refund (
Don't waste your time get it on Wii U perhaps ^^
I've heard a lot of bug problems in many of those games.
@DarthNocturnal Wasn't it his first attempt at the Cave Story type game?
Sorry it doesn't work for you, but The Binding of Isaac works fine on my N3DS XL. The game used to freeze a lot, but things got a lot better after the patch was released.
@MitchVogel Pixel made that game to help him in the development of Cave Story
I am thinking Rebirth. I am not a big fan of the verauin of Binding of Issac I have on Steam but I have heard such good things about Rebirth, I might give it another shot... if I buy it on Wii U do I get it on 3DS for free?
@DarthNocturnal I never understood why they put Ikachan on the 3DS eshop, since the PC version is actually freeware.
I mean, the same could be said about Cave Story, but that at least FEELS like a full game and added extra content to justify a price tag.
I'm tempted to pick up the Binding of Isaac but unfortunately do the exchange rate Nintendo of Canada is charging an extra $5 for it
No, you don't.
I would strongly recommend 1001 Spikes on Wii U. I consider it one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.
But the 3DS version had significant cuts. I don't recommend it unless it's your only way to experience the game.
@Hey-Cha-La Dang. Should I get it for Wii U or 3DS?
NightSky is a really lovely game.
Where is weekly EU sale news?
I already purchased Cave Story at full price. The developer is a single person, and his efforts should be rewarded.
From that list, I'd like to try 1001 Spikes and Ikachan, but the latter is not available in Europe yet, which is wonderful.
@DefHalan wiiu. It runs way way better.
@Popful A Nicalis sale would be meaningless in PAL since Nicalis releases breadcrumbs over here. They suck at localising due to "inconsistent policies through distributors".
1001 Spikes is a great choice if you like challenging platformers with an 8-bit aesthetic.
i think spikes is 15.00, not 14.99
Everyone needs to play Cave Story. Such a great little beast of a game.
I am still waiting for Afterbirth on Wii U... Any news on that?
I only have Rebirth for the New 3DS and it runs fine. There are no slowdown or frame rate issues with the game itself, but it can and will freeze sometimes despite being patched. When that happens, it is annoying as you will need to restart your N3DS, but I'm glad to say that this is a very rare occurrence. Also, you start at the beginning of the level, not at the beginning of the game. However, you may be better off restarting when that happens as the same glitch may cause the game to freeze again. Before the patch, the game would freeze all the time and it was pretty much broken and impossible to recommend to anyone.
For games like The Binding of Isaac, where you can do quick play sessions for 10-15 minutes, I personally prefer to play them on the New 3DS over Wii U. Binding of Isaac is perfect for short bursts of playing.
I have read that the Wii U release also had freezing glitches and I'm not sure if it was ever patched.
Hmm... I already have Cave Story on my Wii and DSi, yet I'm tempted to buy it a 3rd time just for the sake of having it in 3D on my 3DS... hmm decisions, decisions...
I mean it is such a damn good game that it's kind of worth it...
Europe? Not the first time they've forgotten us.
Shame Cave Story 3D never got put on the eShop.
@PALgamer : I didn't mean Nicalis. Their Cave Story is actually on EU Shop btw. The article is wrong, but probably due to age.
Every monday, Nintendo Europe announces sales and releases.
That haven't happened this week.
@Ventilator I noticed later, was still asleep when I quoted you.
Delayed Nintendo Download update could just mean people at NoE have vacations, or that a Nintendo Direct is looming
NICALIS, where is the Wii U version of 90s Arcade Racer ???
NICALIS, where is the Wii U version of 90s Arcade Racer ???
NICALIS, where is the Wii U version of 90s Arcade Racer ???
NICALIS, where is the Wii U version of 90s Arcade Racer ???
@PALgamer : Yeah. I have checked other sites too, to be sure. Noone have the eShop new this week.
Recommend Ikachan.
I have:
cave stoy (wii ware)
Cave story (3ds)
Cave story 3d (3ds)
(And if it were on wii u i would buy that one too!)
@tuberbuba Never going to happen. Since Nicalis came in to mess the game's release, the original version was quietly removed and that was the Wii U version.
I'm so happy that I got the refund for the game in Kickstarter from the Greek dev. I heard not all have even received the promised refunds. Mine took also a few months. It really sucks as that game looked amazing.
I knew from the moment that Nicalis jumped in as the publisher that the game would go to dev hell.
I suppose I'll finally pick up cave story
I think I'll be getting Cave Story.
I don't want any of those games.
A billion copies of Cave Story, ha. I got it on WiiWare a few years ago. It's probably decent enough as a free game (and I suspect that, and the fact that it was originally made by one person, are major contributors to its popularity). It's not worth spending much money on, though.
@Dr_Corndog What you say is absurd, Cave Story is one of the best games of its kind as well as an important indie artifact. The fact that one man made it before indie developers had been widely accepted means it will always be a significant milestone for indie games, but that's because it is a superbly designed, truly timeless game that compares favorably to the very best of 2D with a ton of charm, atmosphere, passion, and, most of all, extremely tight gameplay.
I would even put it on a short list of must play 2D platformers, as I believe every gamer should play it once or twice in their lives.
Now theres something you like NEVER see. Nicalis offering a sale on its games. Better late than never I suppose. Im just ticked because I already bought them all full price. They have still been fun. I just love getting a good deal and Nicalis doesnt participate in sales that often. I really like NightSky and Grinsia both are fun and on sale worth it.
@Dr_Corndog I agree with you. It should at least be on sale more often than it is. One it would sell more and more copies at a lower price and 2 would probably get a chance for a new generation of gamer to try out. I just think Nicalis should consider multiple sales per yer instead of one. There comes a time when games flatline and dont sell. Well what you do is lower the price or have a sale to move them. Seems Nicalis would rather see them just collect dust than make money offering more sales.
@ACK Thanks for letting me know. I'll be more careful in the future not to say absurd things that contradict your opinion.
Nothing on Brazil which is basically always part of all NA sales.
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