Mighty No. 9 may have created waves upon its release, but they probably weren't the waves Comcept were hoping for. In order to better illustrate why fans of its spiritual predecessor Mega Man feel a bit let down, we might have 9 mighty reasons why this mighty title may not be so mighty and might have failed to prove its mighty might.
Random: Here's 9 Mighty Reasons Mighty No. 9 Is Only Just Better than Nothing
Not our words
Comments 58
Would have been better with Marth, then it could be called "Marthy Number Nine", and it would have Marth in it, and that would be a good thing because Marth is very pretty. On all systems.
@Maxz Do you really want to taint Fire Emblem's good name with this mess though?
Better than nothing. Like when you pay to have your whole house painted and they paint one side.
Just loading the options menu costs 20+ seconds? That is just stupid.
@Snargledon Hmm... Probably not. I was just trying to think of solutions to the game not looking "pretty enough". Whenever something doesn't look pretty enough, I usually solve that problem by just pretending the thing in question is Marth, or at least features Marth in some way... Or I print out a picture of Marth, and stick it over the top. Maybe I should just stick a picture of Marth to my TV screen, to ensure that all games looks unquestionably immaculate.
Anyway, it's a solution of sorts, but perhaps it's not fair on Marth. He's not a tool to be used for the prettification of the wider world, but a human being. Sort of. Or maybe not. Maybe that's exactly what he is...
Mighty No. 9! A little bit of cheaps deaths end my life! A little bit of blandness by my side! Chuggy framerate's all I need!...
@Arctic_Nights Or going for a life saving operation but only getting the anaesthetic.
Like, tomato, tomatoe.
Ouch, those load times really are terrible. I definitely won't be considering this until I hear that the load times are patched up. Sonic Boom already pushes my tolerance for load times a bit too much.
@MagicEmperor I thought of Cocker first but it isn't good. What is the reference?
@A01 donkey kong country tropical freeze looks way better just saying
@CreamyDream you just said nothing is greater then Mighty No 9. Lol
Had they stuck to the 2D cell shaded art style during concept, it would have been amazing. If not, then a modern scroller should how every other Nintendo scroller looks; beautiful and elegant. Batter than nothing ? I have buyers regret with this one
@hieveryone A better example would be Freedom Planet, Shovel Knight, or Shantae and the Pirates Curse.
@liljmoore which are all bloody amazing and addictive
The 3DS version can be better, it's really got a chance if it ever happens!
@Maxz True, Marth is rather pretty....
The 1 reason why this game is better then nothing is because of those Sonic Tweets.
I literally fell asleep waiting for the options menu to load.
"In order to better illustrate why fans of its spiritual predecessor Mega Man"
There's a missing verb, @Alex_Olney. Eh, all feedback is good feedback!
I took a mighty number 2 earlier today and the unload times were at least half of what this game took.
@A01 Have a look at this video, it's pretty short, and it perfectly illustrates why people are irritated with the game's graphics: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yPdptKliXvA
The concept video shown here took 7 days to make, with no kickstarter backing at all. The fact that they made a short and unrefined game with 4 million dollars (they spoke in dollars because the kick-started money was done in dollars btw) and 3 years worth of time, only for it to look FAR worse than the 7 day unpaid concept is just awful in my opinion.
Ya, this game just wasn't the great MegaMan sequel I wanted.
I actually had my expectations so low, that the little enjoyment it brought me actually surprised me. It's a decent game, I thought. Not horrible.
Then I remembered, "not horrible" is not what I've been waiting 20 years for.
I am so happy I didn't back this. It's a shame, too, as I thought the idea around this game and the early concept art looked incredible. But then they gave us... this.
The game isn't awful. It's just not good. It's exactly what you said: mediocre. It doesn't capture the spirit of Mega Man, there are no challenging platforming sections, there are too many cheap and unfair ways to die, the enemy variety is abysmal, and the load times are laughable. I don't understand how a game with a FOUR MILLION dollar budget can end up this way. I mean, look at pretty much every popular indie game out there. Shovel Knight apparently only had a 1.2 million dollar budget and the employees were getting paid an average of only a little over $30,000 a year... and they gave us a game ten times the quality of this.
Hopefully Yooka-Laylee doesn't disappoint (I'm sure it won't).
@BranJ0 it only illustrates people inability to read and think, and instead jumping on the hype gaming sites created like lemmings off the cliff.
Kamiya was right, so was everyone sh#tting on this kickstarter from day one.
But, to Inafune credit, I agree it's better than nothing. There were some serious KS scams and this one is not near being the worst one. Maybe more like top10.
"Specifically, a dog with one leg."
"I can make it on my own!"
Oh my god that loading screen .... That's pretty rough. Seems like 4 billion dumped into a budget title. Oh wait... It kind of make sense now.
I will/would buy this for $8 on 3DS — same as an SNES virtual console title.
@Zach777 you sir or ma'm are amazing for this. Let's be friends.
@A01 The pound isn't a reliable currency right now. Give it some time to rebound.
I can't beleive Alex made me sit thru all of those loading screens and didn't have any out takes at the end. Isn't there some rule where all of Alex's videos' end w/ Alex flubs? At least give us a shot of Alex in his bathing suit. Something. 2 minutes of loading screens for nothing.
@Zach777 I'm torn between admiration and disgust towards you because of that comment.
it did make me laugh though. (^_^ )
Since when is $4 million a lot to make a game with? Not to mention, after kick starters cut, and backer rewards, and administrative fees and taxes, they probably only get to put a fraction of that toward the actual game. Also, keep in mind with those delays, man hours are freakin expensive. The longer it takes, the more it costs, and after that initial funding, they weren't seeing a lot of new sources of revenue.
He main problem was that they just bit off more than they could chew. 10 SKUs at launch? That's insane! No wonder their resources got stretched thin.
What happens when a Nintendo game gets delayed? The development team takes more time to finish, polish, and debug the game while Nintendo foots the bill. The devs either get paid by the hour, or a salary, and the publisher takes on that extra expense.
What happens when an indie game gets delayed? Some devs work one job, and code the game in their spare time, not getting paid until it's released. It tends to stretch their limited resources to their limits, and beyond. If they had an initial surge of funding like from Kickstarter, it's tough to go back to the crowd saying you need more money. Especially if they already exceeded the amount initially believed to be required to make the game in the first place. They may have to look at other publishers to help fund the game, as had happened with Mighty #9. At this point, there is no hope of releasing a polished masterpiece, the best they can hope for is a working product that ticks all the boxes that were promised to be included, so at least they can say "even if it's not what you or we hoped it would be, we still delivered on our promises, and gave you the game".
What tends to happen with Kickstarters is that developer pitches grand vision for game. Backers go above and beyond what dev asks for to fund game. Dev promises to add features since has "extra money". Backers expect grander vision of game relative to $ above initial ask. Dev stretches self thin trying to do too much with too little (stretch goals are usually at arbitrary amounts, and almost invariably underestimated in terms of cost/time/effort to produce). Game gets delayed. Backers get annoyed. Game either gets cancelled, or game finally releases, and under delivers. Backers get angry. And finally, backers call entire Kickstarter a scam.
@wiggleronacid Two words: Ten platforms.
They stretched themselves way too thin, and ran out of resources.
@AlexSora89 yes, they're missing a word or two in that sentence, but what could they be?
Honestly I have no idea what the writer was trying to say. Who edits there articles?
Here's nine reasons why Mighty No 9 is barely better than nothing:
1. PC (Windows AND Linux)
2. Mac
3. Playstation 3
4. Playstation 4
5. Xbox 360
6. Xbox One
7. Wii U
8. 3DS
9. Vita
...On second thought, maybe nothing actually would have been better than what MN9 became.
@rjejr What about Alex in speedo?
@Discostew OMG, the Mortal Kombat reference is applicable in more ways than one!
@PlywoodStick The Running Man, actually.
@masterLEON LOL oops, wrong Subzero... XD
So... this game takes about a third of a minute to load the options menu, while Xenoblade Chronicles X takes about as long to load at least one fifth of a world about five times the size of Japan, complete with huge monsters and giant robot mechs.
....that totally makes sense, right?
@liljmoore yes in terms of creativity they were far more superior than this crap
@Rei I think it's a Mambo Number 5 reference
@MagicEmperor Ha, you just reminded me of this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vy4hpXh7aI
I don't hate the game even though I have more reason to (let's just say my backer amount just tipped into the triple digits). In my old eyes I can see more Mega Man in there than others can. The Mighty No.s have nice patterns and at least one more form of attack than classic Mega Man bosses. There are tricky platforming parts, but not in every level (Pyrogen's moving platforms, Battalion's conveyor belts, and Brandish's moving cars come to mind). There seems to be more enemies per level on average than any single Mega Man stage I can think of, and Metal Man's stage doesn't count. Bat has over 80 enemies and Dyna has over 90 from what I've seen so far from the game. Heck, a lot of classic Mega Man stages are pretty barren if you think about it. And if you're the (Masochistic) type to try to go for A or S ranks, like me, you'll see there's enough of a challenge to maintain that combo, go for the technical bonuses, go fast, and don't die. And you'll come back repeatedly until you get that "Perfect Run". That payoff feeling you get when you succeed is the reason I still game! (I also love bullet-hell shmups, there's definitely a correlation here) I play for score, I play for speed. I don't just try to stumble through action games just to get an ending and move on, I try to beat games into submission! So when I say "I'm done" with a game, I really am done. Sadly, I don't see that mentality in a lot of today's generation of gamers. There were a lot more gamers like me back in the 80's and perhaps the 90's. However, the speed runners are kind of like a resurgence of that kind of mentality in the younger generation, but they're still a relatively small group.
At a pure technology level, this game is a mess on the WiiU. It's a poorly optimized port on a game engine, Unreal Engine, that demands a lot of power to begin with. I really hope an optimization patch would come down the pipe, but I'm not sure at this point. Maybe after the handheld ports are finished? The soundtrack is kinda meh. It would be better if the soundtrack was brought to the front, y'know like classic MM. The 8-bit version could have been better if they used different instruments and more low-freqency instruments and sound FX. Graphics? Darker! The one reason, IMO, the test footage looked awesome was because how dark it was! If there's one option you need to wait 30 seconds to change, it's the Gamma setting. Turn that down to 15-20% and you'll have a better looking game! (the second option to change would be the English dub to Japanese) Not to shamelessly plug here, but I will, compare Seismic's stage footage from Alex's video starting at 1:19 to my Seismic video: https://youtu.be/HU5_bQ27V1c The original presentation has so little contrast, it's washed out and bland. There are also lots of little light sources everywhere, but the low contrast and high brightness make them imperceivable. Let them do a bit of work under the cover of darkness, drop that gamma!
Anyway, graphics and drama aside, I'm still having a good time with the game. It's been giving me a bit of a workout after 7 months of straight XCX. I felt a bit of platforming was what I needed to refresh myself, and I was right.
I'd rather have nothing than this miserable pile of wasted potential.
HAHAHA, brilliiant!!!
I am done with Beck and only played one level as Ray - despite the framerate issues (final boss and mega drill) - I had a great time playing that game. The "cheap" death traps are not different than the traps in Mega Man games. I also like the graphics but not the cutscenes. They should have gotten rid of them and told the story with drawn pictures or in comic book style like they did with the Ray DLC.
All in all, I definitely do not regret buying that game
@Dave24 You do know that Kamiya latter clarified that it was a comment? But people love taking it out of context.
Also, how ON EARTH does MN9 qualify as a scam? Disappointing, maybe.
But the product that was promised was delivered.
They stretched themselves too thin.
@Snargledon FE's already done a good job of tainting it's name on it's own, if you ask me.
@CrazedCavalier I would agree, but it's not nearly as bad as the whole MN9 thing.
The good thing that came out of this is Mighty Gunvolt, which is better than this OR Azure Striker Gunvolt. Mainly by being Literally More Mega Man.
Disclosure: Oh yes, I admit to having backed this.
I am sure the Wii U version of this game was not a priority for the team. Are the other console versions also poor?
I wasn't even logged in, but I had to JUST so I could tell you Zach777 have effin' funny that was. You got me and my co-workers dying lol, and thank you!
You know what would make a great Mega Man sequel? A MEGA MAN SEQUEL.
A drop kick to the nads-
Still better than nothing.
@earthboundlink Thing is, the guy pitching this was actually just the cleaner in the office block of the Megaman development team. One lie leads to another- before you know it, he dreamt up the entire concept of the franchise!
@RatKing64 Pretty much all console versions were remarkably poorly done :x they were a bit better on PS4/X1 but only marginally.
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