Well, it happened, as predicted, Ubisoft announced Just Dance 2017 in its live press conference. It's coming to Wii U and is even coming to Wii, but Ubisoft also confirmed the game for Nintendo NX.
Here's the intriguing bit, in its press release for the game Ubisoft used the following description:
Just Dance 2017 will be available on all motion-control gaming platforms, including Nintendo's Wii™, Wii U™ and NX systems
Ubisoft is the first publisher at E3 to break cover and confirm a game for NX. What this does effectively confirm, not that there was much doubt, is that the NX will certainly have a core home console component. It'll apparently have motion control support too, which is fascinating in itself.
What do you make of this? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 73
I thought you could use smartphones as controllers instead of motion controls?
Motion control five!
It's not like the NX is completely motion at least, since the Wii U has motion but is not fully motion like the Wii.
Please Nintendo, give us info on the NX already!!!
so this means that there are some who already have the NX dev kits?
Honestly, Nintendo should wait until late 2017 to launch NX with all of the news from Sony and MS being confirmed. And no, this has nothing to do with Just Dance...
Now Ubisoft is giving us more NX info than Nintendo themselves. Shrug.
Drop the Wii/u name!
So the NX is the same as the WiiU and Wii. Great.
Don't laugh. This is actually really good for NX.
@Inkling knows what he's talking about...
@Inkling You can.
Notice how they've used a plural.
Is there more than one NX console????
There are 3 certainities in life: death, taxes and Just Dance on Nintendo consoles
@Blast I know what you're saying and I agree, but, no, just dance I feel it's the WiiU all over again in 3 years times.
I would seriously hope so. Considering the console is dropping in less than a year and good games take time. If the dev kits aren't out yet it would be a poor start for the NX.
The hardware is not the problem. It is the Nintendo OS that is vital to get to grips with, unless they only want ports.
@readyletsgo last time I checked NX sounded nothing like Wii
As for it being the same, does that mean every console that ever had a gamepad is the same?
@readyletsgo 1. Drop the language. 2. They already said they're leaving from the Wii/Wii U name. Let's just wait until we actually see what the NX is before getting upset.
I'd be surprised if Wiimotes were not compatible with NX - gotta get those Wii games on VC
if this is true then perhaps NX will be backwards compatible with Wii U, that seems like a good move.
Woohoo, NX news! Personally I'd love it if the NX was basically a Wii 2 with a couple new features in terms of it's functionality. I can never get enough of on-rails shooters and a return to the motion based controls of the Wii would pretty well ensure another round of quality on-rails games on the NX. =)
@NintendoFan990 "systems" is referring to the listed items in the sentence.
I'm more surprised that it comes to the Wii! That system has more longevity that its successor!
The Wii still lives! 10 years on and it's still getting what will probably be the best game of the year!
The news about JD2017 being on NX is interesting too.
If they wait until late 2017 to launch the NX what do they in the meantime? The Wii U is practically dead. It's sales have bottomed out. One more big title is due on it.
Nintendo is a business. Nintendo needs good profitable products on the market as soon as possible.
I do understand what you are saying but business sense and the required risk that goes with it dictates that the NX must be launched asap. Watching Sony and MS to see what they do next while your profits sink is not intelligent IMO.
@Mr_Zurkon Ah.
Confirmed - Return of the Power Glove for the NX.
The fact the controller still has motion in it saddens me. I like motion controls, but that fad is over Nintendo. We need a traditional controller for NX. TRADITIONAL.
Guys, it's "Just Dance."
If you're looking for something that's going to show what the NX is going to be about, what its strengths are, it ain't gonna be this game. It's going to look the same on Wii, Wii U, and NX.
If it was meant to be different, it would imply that Ubisoft gives a damn. And that's just not the case...
I kinda figured at a bare minimum it would support the Wii remote, if not an entirely new motion controller.
I think the bigger surprise is that the Wii's still getting games
@NintendoFan990 Wii system + Wii U system + NX system = 3 plural systems
Nintendo hadn't said anything.It's seems obvious that NX would allow you to play games from down loadable wii and wii u games.I hope it's not Wii U Disk compatible.I don't see point in Nintendo waiting till end of 2017 as NX is never goung to complet with Xbox scorpio.
Is this the first game ever to release on 3 different generations of home console?
I'm thinking FIFA might prove me wrong but I believe they stopped making the PS2 version just before the PS4 released.
By the way, look at the yellow poster on the wall on the left in the video.
I can read "EAD" and "niNty".
Whilst we know nothing of the NX, we can already guess it will be doa based on Microsoft's Project Scorpio....
Maybe my dreams of Red Steel 3 aren't quite dead yet.
Whoooooooo wii!
It doesn't mean necessarily that the NX's control is motion based, for PS4 and XONE you use your cellphone and a companion app as the controller for the game.
I hope we get a traditional control, thought. Something like the Pro controller
Yeah, like others have iterated, this is no ways a confirmation of motion controls considering the press release even mentioned the companion app
My big question is why is Ibisoft still making a game for the Wii?
It's really easy! The NX will be able to connect ALL Nintendo Motion controllers including the Wii Gamepad AND the Wii U Gamepad HD upgrade!
Nowadays, "traditional controller" = dual clickable analog + 4 shoulder buttons + 4 face buttons + gyrometer + accelerometer
So YA. Traditional now includes motion. Except for MS. Idk why they're so behind. $1 billion in research and it still takes batteries and no gyro
@JaxonH Hardly any PS4 games use motion controllers in a meaningful way. So 1 of the 2 has them, the other does not. That does not make it standard. Even the gamepad has worse motion controls than a wiimote plus.
@Luna_110 Exactly, pro controller I'm hopeful for.
Know Nintendo you can probably use Wii motes with the NX.
Ooooh, a game that spans 3 hardware generations. Let alone on Nintendo platforms. I mean it's Just Dance but it's still neat
Sony and Nintendo incorporate motion into their controllers. Not a "Wiimote" motion but a gyro motion. I'd say 2 out of 3 makes it more standard than not. I mean, Nintendo only used gyro for a handful of games too. But the tech is still there in the controller.
But I'm not sure if gyro works for Just Dance.
I really hope Wiimotes are not compatible. It's time to move on from that crap. It'll be 2 generations old at time of launch. Nintendo has GOT to let go of the Wii, Wiimote, and everything associated with it.
But I seriously doubt NX has a motion controller like Wii did. Even Nintendo knows that ship has sailed. So who knows what they're talking about. Maybe Wiimotes are compatible but only for the sake of Wii VC and Just Dance...
@NintendoFan64 sorry, been drinking and watching football all evening. Ignore me. Apologies.
Guys we gotta stop dancing or these game will keep being released.
@Romanian_Prince Because Just Dance still sells best on the Wii.
How quickly we forget that Nintendo already confirmed NX motion control support when it showed off a motion control-based scene in Zelda, the bow-and-arrow bit, and then confirmed it was coming to NX? I mean it's not a straight-up confirmation but if you ask me, it might as well be.
@readyletsgo It's alright.
@Pichuka97 That IS pretty neat. I mean, has this ever happened before (barring virtual console)?
So at least we know NX is a videogame now, not a toaster that plays Zelda as we wait or something.
Not one person said anything about what really matters. It means its not a handheld. IMO
Not confirmation of motion controls, but you're fooling yourself if you think the NX controller won't have a gyroscope + accelerometer. That should be standard by now.
Wiimote compatibility is also extremely likely, if only for Wii VC and Just Dance. I mean, the Wii U is compatible with the GameCube controller JUST for Smash Bros, and I'm sure it'll be compatible with NX too.
^ This guy gets it.
For those who are hanging onto a Wii mini, this one's for you.
The fact that they highlighted solely this game as being for the NX, to me at least, only indicates that they intend on giving limited support to Nintendo's systems in the form of party games or 'family friendly' games, and that they're not taking it as seriously as I would like.
I don't think Nintendo's third party problems have been solved... we'll see I guess.
I think the plural of systems just refers to the Wii, Wii U and NX as the consoles the games coming out on, not that the NX comprises multiple systems (though certainly it still could).
@Not_Soos NO! It's-a-conspir-a-cy by the Illuminati. (Sorry I had to.)
That's what I took out of this announcement as well, which concerns me regarding the NX's third party support in the future.
The 3DS has motion controller and it doesn´t have Just Dance on it.
This worries me. It implies that Ubisoft isn't bringing games like Watch Dogs 2 to NX
@Zach that was the Wii u version. Doesn't mean the nx will do the same. No one forgot about it, it just isn't relevant
@IronMan28 They already confirmed it's launching in 2017
@vegaphil I just don't think they'd make that footage so important if that part only worked on one system
I can't see playing mario galaxy 3 without a wii mote, maybe the new one would be same style but have x and y buttons.
@Zach the footage of them using the motion controlled aiming was shown at the end of 2014 months before the nx was even mentioned for the first time. It still doesn't have any connection with what the nx is as twilight princess was a GameCube game that had a new control scheme added to it when the Wii became a thing. The nx and Wii u versions of the new Zelda will almost certainly play differently in some way based on the unique features of each console.
@Vegaphil We'll see. But I don't think it's a 1:1 correlation. Anyway pretty soon we'll know for sure, but to my mind, motion control as a feature of the controller is all but guaranteed.
@chiefeagle02 Nobody should have a Wii Mini. They would also be missing out on the best part of Just Dance 2016 and presumably JD2017 - the World Dance Floor online mode, which is only available in the Wii version, not on Wii U!
@Mahe That's really interesting. When the GameSpy servers went down along with most existing online services for the Wii, I've never given much thought to future games being supported with online play. Cool to know that Nintendo's little white box still has some games that go online.
PS: I have a Wii Mini, mainly as a collector's item at this point.
@PorllM Later in 2017...
You can download an app for this game that turns your smartphone into a motion controller. At least, that's how it is for the Wii U/XB1/PS4 versions. Mystery possibly solved?
Basically means it is backward compatible. Was pretty obvious Nintendo wouldn't throw away motion controls if they actually made another console.
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