Just Dance 2017NEW.jpg

Well, it happened, as predicted, Ubisoft announced Just Dance 2017 in its live press conference. It's coming to Wii U and is even coming to Wii, but Ubisoft also confirmed the game for Nintendo NX.

Here's the intriguing bit, in its press release for the game Ubisoft used the following description:

Just Dance 2017 will be available on all motion-control gaming platforms, including Nintendo's Wii™, Wii U™ and NX systems

Ubisoft is the first publisher at E3 to break cover and confirm a game for NX. What this does effectively confirm, not that there was much doubt, is that the NX will certainly have a core home console component. It'll apparently have motion control support too, which is fascinating in itself.

What do you make of this? Let us know in the comments.