With Shantae and Story of Seasons filling XSEED's E3 booth with so much colour and cheer this year, there was one title that stood out starkly with its bloodstained logo and bleak look: Corpse Party on the 3DS. This inimitable Japanese indie horror game has been scaring people silly in various forms since 1996, and is now making it to Western 3DS players for the first time this Summer. Starring a group of high schoolers who enact a ritual called 'Sachiko Ever After' to seal their friendship, Corpse Party sees its cast transported across time and into Heavenly Host Elementary School, where a spate of murders haunts both the school's past and the party's future. Making it out alive is a matter of uncovering the truth, with dark, physical and psychological horrors standing between the group and their freedom.
This 3DS Corpse Party is an updated version of a PSP remake of the original, and in addition to all the content in that release it includes four additional chapters — these are substantial extras, lasting around 30 minutes each. It also marks the first time there's been a physical release of the original Corpse Party game in the West, and XSEED's put together a package with two amiibo-sized figurines and a massive soundtrack CD to celebrate. We rolled up our sleeves and steeled our nerves to go hands-on with the English version at E3, and after playing for nearly a half-hour, we can definitely see why it's worth celebrating; Corpse Party's particularly Japanese blend of bleak, hopeless horror won't be for everyone, but for players who are all in it will be intoxicating.
As we picked up the 3DS to take Corpse Party for a spin, XSEED Localization Specialist Thomas Lipschultz described the gameplay as a 'JRPG without battles', and that felt spot-on from what we played. Much more interactive than a visual novel, but much less mechanically demanding than a typical JRPG, our time in Corpse Party's weary world involved moving our characters around from an overhead perspective, talking to fellow classmates, inspecting corpses, finding clues, and solving simple environmental puzzles to advance. We explored battered corridors, heard terrifying noises, and learned the gruesome backstories to several deaths — one of the gameplay elements involves collecting name tags from corpses, which let you know when and how they died; a "morbid 'gotta catch 'em all'", as Tom so aptly put it.
Corpse Party is split into several discrete chapters, and while there are plenty of ways to get a 'Wrong End' — a Game Over of sorts culminating in the violent, often off-screen death of your character — these dead ends play out a bit like checkpoints tied to a chapter, and you can jump right back in afterwards to try for a different outcome. Once you get the 'True Ending' to that chapter you can move onto the next, which encourages a trial-and-error gameplay loop.
We tried out two different chapters to get a feel for the horrors of Heavenly Host and, more than anything, what stuck out was the masterful sound design. We put on a pair of over-ear headphones for our time with the game, and even with the noise and rowdiness of the E3 show floor it was clear how much audio makes the Corpse Party experience. The game's 3D sound — recorded binaurally — was a real highlight, and unrelentingly unsettling; in the opening chapter we heard dialogue (fully voiced with the original Japanese track) drifting in from both sides of our headphones, thunder breaking out unpredictably in the left or right ear as rain bucketed down, and footsteps moving across our audio field of vision as characters — and angry spirits — drew near.
Corpse Party's sound design is especially effective because, when it's at its most powerful, it isn't competing with any graphics at all. When Corpse Party gets into really gruesome territory — like when we triggered an extended 'Wrong End' death scene by looking directly into the eyes of a ghost — the screen goes black, and the audio is accompanied only by dialogue boxes and occasional full-screen flashes of red. In one unfortunate case, we heard our character being buried alive bit by bit in agonizing detail, and it was absolutely all the more terrifying for its lack of visuals; we were left to imagine the worst, and the stark black screen and encircling audio kept us glued to the 3DS until the end. It was genuinely jarring (and such a relief) to look up afterwards and see the bustling E3 floor, and we emerged true believers in the power of Corpse Party's less-is-more approach.
Of course, if you're doing things 'right', you'll spend more time watching characters walk around Heavenly Host than you will staring at the terrifyingly empty death screens, and Corpse Party has an interestingly unique approach to its graphics here as well. Characters are represented by smallish sprites, and backgrounds are simple; it looks more like a 16-bit RPG than anything else that's come out of the horror scene in recent years, but that's not a bad thing by any means. As with the lack of graphics in death scenes, the lo-fi look focuses players' attentions elsewhere: on the drippingly detailed audio, on the story and dialogue, and on the imagined worst-case scenarios laying in wait for our heroes. There are some really charming animations, as well — we loved seeing one character tumble onto their butt from a jump scare, with a toppled-over sprite to match, and another hop up onto a desk to talk to a classmate.
Over the PSP version, this 3DS port brings in redrawn sprites, limited use of stereoscopic 3D to lend depth to cutscene stills and interstitial art, and a few interface upgrades, like touchscreen menus, a character encyclopedia and message backlog. It's also worth noting that the translation is up to XSEED's high standards, and the dialogue is significantly more entertaining than we would have guessed; along with plenty of creepy conversations and vividly disturbing descriptions, moments of classic high-school anime humour popped up several times.
Corpse Party certainly won't be the feel-good game of the summer for everyone, but Japanese horror fans who know what they're getting into look to be in for a treat. While we wouldn't say we're exactly eager to jump back into Heavenly Host, given how terrifying our 'Wrong End' was even with a convention centre's worth of lighting turned on around us, we're definitely intrigued. If you've got the stomach for it, get ready to pop in some headphones and dim the lights for Corpse Party's Summer 2016 release in North America.
Comments 33
is this coming out in europe?
I hate this game. So creepy. Gonna buy it day one.
Already preordered
I'm not sure what to make of this game. It could be something that I'll think is fantastic, or it might just not be for me.
If if gets released for the EU, then I'll pay close attention to it close to release.
Any news about a Eu release? Might give this one a try if it releases
I'm just waiting for it to come to europe 😭
Although I already have the psp versions and steam, the vita sequel I just can't get enough of this game! This is horror as it should be. The audio in this game is terrifying especially in a dark room as it has a pseudo 3D effect (fly buzzing around your head, ghost whispering right behind your right ear) the story has lots of twists and turns! Truly a masterpiece, and the figures are a great bonus.
might as well picked this one up
The game is shockingly scary when you consider its visual style. As the article noted, it's mostly due to the game's mastery of sound design and narrative implications. Already have a digital copy on my Vita, but I have the physical version for 3DS on pre-order.
I have it on PSP, but not completed it, so I'll definitely look into this if it comes to Europe.
@Ralizah Narrative implications like the diary entry about two girls drawing lots, and what losing actually meant?
@Yrreiht I know exactly what you mean. Cannot wait to pull out my 3DS on a dark and stormy evening to enjoy this disturbing, gorey, and delectable game once again. This is the kind of game where you psych yourself out so much that it preys on your imagination to paint a decrepit and morbid picture to disturb you more than the actual content shown.
This sounds like an intriguing buy. Anyway to purchase it without the little figurines?
Gonna grab it!
@kamikazilucas I hope so, one less reason to buy a PS Vita
As it can't be mentioned enough... For the love of God, please let it come to europe.
@hoshinosammy Didn't we JUST get one of those?
Although I hate games and anime that involve japanese high school teens, I might give it a shot
Europe Europe Europe?
Without spoiling anything, the first chapter will probably be a bit hard to stomach since it has a fair amount of teen anime tropes. After that, it's solid horror to the end.
Played it on PSP a looooooooong time ago, enjoyed it. The movie is not bad also. I'm not sure if people in western countries would understand an eastern style ( Japanese style actually) of horror, but happy to see it coming on 3DS.
@Indielink But it was over so fast.
I played this game with headphones on and the lights off, which was not a wise decision. Do not be fooled, this game is surprisingly scary. It is not exactly full of jump scares, but rather an unsettling premise and atmosphere.
I agree, I think the figures are completely unnecessary and look like a couple of generic unoriginal sailor schoolgirls... but then again, I haven't played Corpse Party before and maybe my opinion will change afterwards.
Actually, part of me is dreading playing this game. Killing zombies is just A-okay for me, but ghost movies/games and witch/demonic possession themed stuff mess me up for weeks and sometimes years. I'm sort of questioning myself why I want to own this. I think it's partly due to the hype train.
I guess I could give it a try if it ever comes out in Europe. The comments here make it sound like it's an enjoyable game. The RPG Makerish look is something that I can't appreciate though.
Played the PSP game 3 years ago. Loved it, but it's not for everyone. It's quite gruesome.
Day one purchase for me if it comes to Europe, physically.
Hyped for this game big style.
I will be attending this party. This is my cup o tea. Bring on the corpses.
@Tsurii doubt they'll have a demo, the game isn't all that long to begin with
For those of you reading before 24/08/16 you can get the PSP version on PSN(Playable on Vita) for £2.99 also worth noting the second game is £2.99 too 😀
You know, I think I'll pick this one up after all.
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