Family Gamer TV's Andy Robertson has been doing the rounds at E3 and has been lucky enough to get hands on with the Wave 6 mini-figures for LEGO Dimensions, which we have to say are looking pretty darn lovely.
LEGO Dimensions co-director Arthur Parsons shares how the different franchises all come together in the upcoming content. The popular Hire a Hero feature will be coming back also, so players can try out characters before stumping up the cash for the mini-figures.
The video shows the new figures from Ghostbusters, Adventure Time, Harry Potter, Ghostbusters and Mission Impossible along with footage from the upcoming expansion packs. Be sure to take a look and let us know if you are pumped for these new franchises with a comment below.
Comments 23
I love how this is aimed at the consumer that actually has money to spend. Keep the great properties coming and ill keep spending!
The downside is the consumer who doesn't, though...
As long as they NEVER EVER even consider Buck Rogers then all is well!
Buck Rogers LEGO would be awesome, I'd buy it.
Anyways, I'll be getting all the LD sets, there are too many unique figures not to.
The sheer amount of sets this game has makes me glad I'm not inclined to spend hundreds to collect em all. (Plus, I have amiibo to buy!)
@shaneoh Yeah, I use to love Buck Rodgers when I was younger but then when I watched it some 10 years ago I was laughing at just how bad it really was.
@Spoony_Tech What you talkin' bout Spoony?
@rjejr lol, I forgot about that.
@rjejr In the words of Luke, Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!
Why is Ghostbusters twice? Is it a typo or are they going with reboot and classic ones?
Not interested in any of these, though.
@sinalefa yeah, the new ghostbuster figs are from the reboot and the new story pack is actually reboot-themed. It comes with a new piece of scenery for the toypad.
@rjejr The real Buck...
@LegendOfPokemon I just get the ones that I actually want. From year 2, I am getting Harry Potter, Mission Impossible, Fantastic Beasts, Lego City and Sonic.
Adventure Time!
Give it a mention!
Because it's in Lego - clicks - Dimensions!
With Jake the Dog,
Batman and Gandalf
The fun never ends it's
Adventure Time!
@Spoony_Tech @Mr_Zurkon So how old would somebody have to be to get that, 30? 40? NL is the land of old men. Old enough to know Duck Dodgers, well that makes sense. I'm old enough to own 1 of these, yet young enough to keep it on my dresser..

Decided to watch the vid since I was back, forgot before, and it's too bad I'm really not interested in Wave 6, just B.A. Adventure Time world does look beautiful though, like the cell shading. We don't watch that show but I'll read the reviews on Amazon for that set, looks like fun. And maybe Fantastic Beasts will be our story, I'm kind of sad there's no new overarching story mode like the first game had.
@rjejr Classic! Oh and I think 35 is the cut off age and that's a stretch.
@rjejr I feel so old now! Lol
@rjejr Check your Twitter for a little surprise pic!
@Spoony_Tech You know, it's always a bit unnerving when Dr. Jekyll asks you to go check in on Mr. Hyde.
Is it anything like this?
@rjejr Nothing like that at all but thanks for the Erin Gray pics. She was the best thing about that show! 😍
@Spoony_Tech Well then we're even, James was the best thing about this site. Guy got out at the right time I think. Still don't understand how he went to work for Ntinedo and we never got any good inside leaks. Boy scout.
First watched it about 8 years ago. It can be a bit cheesy but I loved it.
@shaneoh It was too much cheese for me lol. Plus I didn't realize it's run was so short. I thought it ran for like 3 to 4 seasons.
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